ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXVll.—Number 50. Local Club Women Are Presented With State Certificate Local Group Cited For Achievement In Pre servation of Antiqui ties In Edenton A Certificate of Achievement awarded by the North Carolina Society for the Preservation of Antiquities was presented to the Edenton Woman's Club at the December meeting of the club. Mrs. Wesley Chesson, Jr., and Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt attend ed the recent meeting of the Antiquities Society in Raleigh by invitation of the society to receive the award, the first to be presented to a North Carolina Federated Woman’s Club. The certificate and a check for SSO is given annually to a North Carolina Woman’s Club for out-| standing achievement in the preservation of antiquities. The' Edenton Club received the award I for the planned improvements to! the Court House Green and thej area at the foot of Broad Street, I as well as for other historical \ work. i i It was also announced at the meeting that the club had won first place for the club float in the annual Christmas parade and had been presented a cheek for $25.00. The club is sponsoring an out door Christmas decorating con test in order to make Edenton more attractive during the holi days. A prize of sls will be av/arded for the best decorations and $lO to the next best. Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Schedule Os Hours For Edenton Stores Everyone has high praise for the town’s Broad Street Christ mas decorations this year. They are even more beautiful when viewed at night with their hun dreds of electric lights glowing.; Beginning next Monday, De- 1 cember 19, the merchants of Edenton will be observing store! hours from 9 A. M., until 9 P. M., each night until Christmas.! They will also be open this com-j ing Saturday night, December 17.] until 9 o’clock. These hours will | give everyone an opportunity to, v-iew the Christmas decorations! with all their lighting and com-] plete the shopping for everyone on the Christmas list. According to the Merchants Committee of the Edenton' Chamber of Commerce, the wide 1 selection of practical gifts in every store have never been more diverse in variety, and of, such quality as to appeal to j price conscious shoppers. Stores in Edenton will be, closed Monday, December 26 and also Monday, January 2. 20 Years Ago A* Found in tho FUos of Tho Chowan Herald V, j A memorial tablet was unveil ed in St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in memory of the Rev. Robert Brent Drane. D.D.. for 56 years rector of the church. C. L. McCullers, director of the high school band, reported that an order had been placed for new band uniforms. N. K. Rowell, Chowan County firm agent, died at his home following an illness of over a year. Richard D. Dixon. Julian Continued on t'age K—Section I J. A. Webb, Jr. Elected Chowan Soil Conservation Supervisor December 5-10 was soil con servation district election week in Chowan County. The voters in the county have chosen J. A. Webb, Jr., for a three year term to begin January 1, 1961. The response from the eligible voters in the county was ■ quite grati fying to the supervisors, and they wish to express apprecia tion to all who participated. Soil Conservation District su pervisors occupy a position of public office and public trust. As ft member of the local board. Mr. Webb will assist in program planning, policy making aw* the carrying out of a soil and water THE CHOWAN HERALD [" Population ] According to final population' counts of the 1960 census, the I official population count of North Carolina as of April 1. 1960. was 4,556.155. This is a gain of 494,226. or 12.2 per cent over the 4.061,929 inhabitants of the state in 1950. j According to the census re port. Chowan County's romila tion stands at 11,729, of which 4,458 is urban or 38% and rural population 7,271. i Broken down the population , in *he county is as follows: First Township, which includes Eden- • ton, 7.294; Second Township, 2,- • 224; Third Township, 1.449, and • Fourth Township. 762. Requests Already Coming For Edentoirs Promotional Film j The educational and promo itional film “Ye Towne on Queen Anne’s Creek,” sponsored by the Edenton Tea Party Chapter, DAR, and the James Iredell His torical Association, has been shown to many organizations in the town and county in the last week. Two copies of the film, in color and with narration and music background, are available to organizations- for programs. One copy of the film will be re served for the Edenton Woman’s Club to use in helping publicize the Pilgrimage of Colonial Ed enton and Countryside which will be held in April, 1961 for a month preceding the tour. I Mrs. John Kramer, chairman of the film committee, reports that requests for thQAftttn have been received from many to\vns in North Carolina, Virginia and other states. Jack McGowan, president of Guided Tours Productions, who made the film, has given the Christmas Dance Monday, Dec. 26 Annual Affair Will Be Held In Edenton Armory Sponsored by the Edenton Varsity Club, the annual Christ mas dance will be held in the Edenton armory Monday night, December 26. The dance will begin at 9 o’clock and continue until 1 o’clock. Music for this year's dance will be furnished by Ray Aber nethy and his orchestra. Mr. Abernethy is no stranger in Edenton, having appeared in Edenton on a number of oc casions, most recently for the Thanksgiving dance sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Com merce. Aces And Acelets Will Tangle With Hertford Tonight By BILL GOODWIN The Edenton Aces and Acelets will dip into Albemarle Confer ence basketball activity tonight (Thursday) when they meet Hertford in the final game be- Continued on Page 8. Section 1 conservation program for Cho-, 'wan County and the Albemarle j Soil Conservation District. Mem-, bers of the county and district' | boards will meet regularly with | agricultural agency representa i tives and others interested in j I this important program. Dis | trict supervisors are non-salaried j officials, serving the district, l state and nation in this import | ant role' largely at their own expense and without compensa ; tion in the form of salary. The Soil Conservation District 'is a subdivision of the N. C. State government, organized un- Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, December 15, 1960. Paradiseßb ins Top Award, AHO Progress Ct¥u Challenge Is Pr s ed By Assistant Ne-j gro Home Economics Agent of Greensboro Throughout the • awards pro gram held at White Oak Con solidated School, Monday night, December i?, that climaxed the Community Progress Contest for 1960, the point emphasized most was the idea of working to gether as an organized commun ity group to help make each community a better place to live, work and provide opportu nities where youth may have a chance to develop into worth while citizens and leaders sor 1 the years to come. For the in- • lerest and efforts of making this i point of emphasizing a reality, j Continued on Page 3, Section 1 j sponsoring organizations the in-, formation that immediately fol- j lowing the first of the new year, - •the film will be released to 20 television stations from Charles-1 ton, S. C„ up the eastern coast. , and then a little later to other* stations all over the country un-j ; til at least 227 television sta jtions have the film, which will , be shown as a public service, j Mr. McGowan will release the I definite dates and scheduled 1 times for showings on the tele j vision stations that are in the ■receiving area for Edenton and | the vicinity within a week or two so that the public can be. notified by newspapers and ra-1 idio in order to have an oppor- 1 tunity to tune in at these times. | | ’ The sponsoring organizations tare hopeful that donations will,) be forthcoming to help pay for the remaining funds that are 1 needed to complete the cost -if making the film which is said to be the best advertising Eden ton has ever had. Road Block Will Be In Operation Friday Purpose to Emphasize Importance of Care ful Driving Members of the Edonton Junior Chamber of Commerce, in co operation with State Highway patrolmen, will sponsor a road block in the interest of safe driving during the Christmas holidays. The road block will be in op eration on U. S. 17 south in the vicinity of the American Legion building Friday, December 16, between the hours of 2 and 4 P. M. All cars will be stopped -and free refreshments served. Mo torists will also be presented some literature concerning safe driving as well as pamphlets about Edenton. The idea is to impress upon motorists the importance of driving carefully during the Christmas holidays in order to reduce the slaughter on the high ways. Contributions Needed For Stocking Fund Alex Kehayes. president of the 'Young Churchmen of St. Paul’s j Episcopal Church, requests con- Itributions to the annual Empty 1 Stocking Fund. I This fund is aimed at provid ing Christmas for underprivileg ed but worthy boys and girls , where such a Christmas would ' not be otherwise provided. This 'year the group sponsoring the endeavor is carefully compiling jin the town and county under 12 : its own Jist of names and at present has more names than it, can properly accommodate with current funds or the toys now being repaired at the .fire sta tion by the local firemen. I Please send contributions to Alex Kehayes. 103 Pembroke Circle, "Edenton, or take toys to the fire station now to be re paired. ______ • Edenton Woman’s Club Honored -iSjp' & w|BflHߧ| j In above picture Mrs. Wesley Chesson, Jr., is presenting Mrs. J. D. Elliott, president of the Edenton Woman's Club, a certificate of achievement from the North Carolina Society for the Preserva tion of Antiquities. It is the first such certificate awarded to a North Carolina Federated Woman's Club and was presented at the December meeting of the Edenton Club. Mrs. Chesson received the certificate for the c’ub at a recent meeting of the society in Raleigh for the outstanding achievement by the club in the pre servation of antiouities.—(Photo by J. P. Rick.;, Jr.) Band Will Present Annual Christmas Concert Dec. 16th Program Will Be Pre sented In School Au ditorium Beginning At 8 O’clock The John A. Holmes High School Band will present its an nual Christmas concert on Fri day night. December 16, at 8 o’clock. To be held in the high school auditorium, the program fea tures music for all ages. In cluded will be some little known and seldom heard songs. Typical of these are three arranged by Clara Grunde man into a medley which he calls “A Quiet Christmas." "In a Clock Store” features the percussion section employing all of the sound effects heard when all sizes and styles, of clocks get together. One for the kids (young and Continued on Page V. Section 1 Local Club Women Praise Decorations Mayor John Mitchener last week received a letter from the Edenton Woman’s Club express ing the club’s appreciation for this year’s beautiful Christmas decorations on Broad Street. The letter, from Mrs. Wen dell Copeland, corresponding sec retary, had this to say: “Dear Mayor Mitchener: The members of the Edenton Wo man’s Club wish to express their delight with the Christinas dec orations. We believe they are the prettiest in many a year. The Councilmen and their de partments should be commend ed for a very nice job. Miss Mildred Miindeii Is Chosen As Clubwoman For Year 1960 By EVELYN G. LEARY i Muss Mildred Munden was i |named “Clubwoman of the Year, [ for 1960” by the Edenton Busi- j ! ness and Professional Women's I Club at its annual Christmas' party held Tuesday night at the' , Edenton Restaurant. | ' Mrs. Lala Smith, president of Ihe club, who made the an nouncement, presented the hon-! oree with a rotating silver bowl. and a dozen red roses. This is • j a merit award given to the club ; woman who has shown out- j standing qualities as a Business and Professional Club member, j It has oeen in existence only, two years. Names, already en-; graved on the bowl are Lena Leary, 1958, and Lala Smith, I 1959. \ The Clubwoman of the Year' is judged by the following quali fications: Versatility, love for j others, business or professional merit, community service, char acter and club service. Miss Munden is a very- versa tile person whose interests are wide and varied. She has genu-i ine love for her fellowmen. She I is particularly interested in her. [ Long Holiday! ] Governor Lu'her Hodges has declared Saturdav, December 24. a tanking holiday, so that the Peoples Bank & Trus* Company will be closed on that dav. The bank will also be closed Mon day, December 26. in connection with the observance of Christ mas. The bank will be open as usual Friday. December 23 and will reopen from 4 to 7 P. M. Billy Gi ’egory i C? J Retires Dee. 16 Master Sergeant William Greg ory of the. Fourth Army G-4 Sec tion at Fort Sam Houston. Texas, will retire from the Army De cember 16 with the rank of Lieu tenant Colonel, after more than 20 years of service, A native of Edenton. he enter ed the Army from there and Was assigned with the 105th Engineer Regiment. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Gregory, live at ’O3 W. Queen St.. Edenton. After graduating from Offi cers Candidate School in 1943, he was assigned with the 351st Engineer Regiment as supply of ficer. He served in five cam paigns with the regiment In Europe (luring World War 11. Among his decorations are the Bronze Star medal. Upon retirement Gregory will reside at 459 Maplewood Lane. San Antonio, Texas, with his wife, Margaret, anil children. Billie Jean, 17, William, 12 and Douglas 6. i home, its furnishings and most iof all. her family. One of her ! greatest interests is antiques and i her chief hobby is her vegetable and flower garden. Miss Munden's love for people !is deep and she always finds time Ito visit the sick and bring cheer to those that are shut in. Her thoughtfulness is always shown ,by a flower arrangement from . her garden or a card. She is outstanding in her pro fession and has been recognized | many times for her dedication and efficiency as an interviewer I for the Edenton Employment Service. i The honoree has contributed time and work in service in her ; community. She participates in civic activities that make the town a better place in which to live. j Miss Munden definitely has character and spiritual maturity of the highest quality. For many years she has been a mem ber of the Edenton Baptist Church and has been affiliated j with many of its organizations 'and activities. Her particular . Continued on Pago 7, Section 1 {Two Programs Os Christmas Music At Baptist Church Various Choirs of the Church Will Sing on December 18 and De cember 91 Two programs of music are scheduled to be held at the Edenton Baptist Church during tlie Christmas season. Next Sunday afternoon, December 16, at 5 o’clock the Concord Choir and the Adult Choir will present a program of carols and an thems. The numbers for this service will include: "O Little Town of Bethlehem." "Silent Night. Holy Night.” "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" by the congrega tion. Numbers to be presented by the choirs include: "Praise Ye tile Lord," Saint-Saens; "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear," Wilson: "Glory and Praise,” Beery: Deep Is the Silence," Polish Carol: "What Child Is This?" Greensleeves; “Convent r> Carol," arranged by Lynn: "What Wondrous Love Is This," Appa lachian Carol: "O Come, All Ye Faithful," arranged by Heller. On Wednesday night. Decem ber 21, at 7:30 o’clock the Cherub, Carol and Crusader choirs will present a program of Christmas carols. Edenton Javcees Refill Seareli To Find Outstanding Farmer Who is this community’s most outstanding young farmer? . . Thai's the question raised by the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce, according to Jam* s Perry. Jaycee president. Very soon a community-wide stand* wiH—tv gm with ihe pub lic asked to nominate any'farm er aged 21 throu-.-h 35 who is making outstanding progress in his agriculture career, is prac ticing soil and natural resource conservation and who maintains a consistent contributory role in community improvement and as- Post Office Open i Longer Saturday Christmas Mail Now Nearing Peak at Edenton Office Postmaster J. L. Chestnutt an nounced Monday that the Eden ton Post Office will be on-.-n j ! Saturday from 8:30 A. M . until! 5 P. M., fur the convenience of, local patrons. With the Christmas mail load 1 iiitting its peak within the next! , few days, Mr. Chestnutt express - j es his appreciation foi the coop eration on his annual "Mail Early For Christmas’’ campaign. "While it’s too late to talk j about early mailing of Christmas ! gifts and cards," the Postmaster i said, "you can avoid disappoint - 1 ing your friends and loved ones on Christmas Day by using Air j Mail. There's still time for lo cal deliveries, hut be sure to jsend all Christmas cards by first ! class mail, and do include your j return address on all Christmas 1 card envelopes and package i labels.” Postal employees are digging in for the final drive to get j everything delivered by Christ mas Eve. f civic calendar] V P John A. Holmes High School Band will present its annual Christmas concert in the school auditorium Friday night. Decem ber 16, at 8 o'clock. A road block in the interest of careful driving will be in op eration on U. S. 17 south near : the American Legion Building Friday afternoon. December 16. from 2 to 4 o’clock. The 4-H County Council will meet tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o'clock at the Chowan Com munify Building. The Concord Choir and Adult Choir of the Edenton Baptist. Church will present a program Continued on Page 3 Section 1 $2.50 Per Year In North Carotin? E. J. Hobbs, Jr. Is Appointed AsT own Clerk For Edenton Time Short! j —' As in previous years, Edenton firemen are repairing discarded toys to be distributed as Christ mas rdf's among the less fortun ate children ot the community. Time is short to do this work, ar tha* anv toys which might be donated should be taken to the station at once. 4-H County Council Will Meet Tonight Tile 4-H County Council will meet tonight (Thursday) at the Chowan. Community Building :it 7:30 o’clock: There will be an inter* sting Chris Unas program and also some business items : > discuss. All Countv , Council members and adult leaders are urged to attend. ROTARY MEETS TODAY | Edenton Rotarians will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 1 ■o’clock in the Parish House. The program will be in charge of : Hiram Mayo and President Elton i Forehand is especially anxious to ! register a 10*' per rent meet ing. tail s. The purpose of tile search, ac cording to Mr. Perry, is to in crease public -understanding of tin- farmer and his problems-- and to (rente, through example, more youth interest in farming as i protirabltx and satisfying career. Bobby Bunch has been ap pointed as chairman of com mittee which win organize a community search to find and honor this area's most outstand ing young farmer in the 21-35 age group. Turkey Shoots Are Planned For Band i . Popular Affairs Spon sored By Band Par ents Association The Edenton Band Parents Association will sponsor another turkey shoot, which will be held at the American Legion grounds | Saturday. December 17: Mon : day. December 19. and Tuesday, December 20. ! The Saturday shoot will be in ’ progress from 1 until 11 P. M.. while the Monday and Tuesday - shoots w ill be hidd from 7 until ] 11 P. M. These shoots arc repeals of those held the latter part of No vember at which a record num ber of 643 participants enjoyed themselves. Tickets will not be sold, but they may be purchased at the school. Free coffee will be serv ed to all shooters. i EASTERN STAR MEETING Edenton Chapter No. 302, Gr ider of the Eastern Star, will : meet Monday night. December ] 19. at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Margaret | Bell, worthy matron, especially ! urges ail members to attend. Large Number Brave Rain To Hear Christmas Concert Sunday Despite a continuous down l pour of rain Sunday evening, ! the John A. Holmes High School auditorium was practically filled by people to hear the annual j Christmas concert. The pro gram. which was very well te j ceived. was in charge of Miss I Suzanne Hardison, public music teacher. The numbers presented by the junior and senior choruses and i the Treble Clef Club were as . follows: Junior Chorus O Come All Ye Faithful, Tra dition*!. FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK Will Succeed Ernest J. Ward, Jr.; Scheduled To Begin New Duties January 15 ! in a lengthy meeting of Town I Council held Tuesday night E. J. Hobbs, Jr., was appointed Town * Clerk to succeed Ernest J. Ward, Jr., who resigned November J !to accept a position as finance ; officer of Rocky Mount. There were 11 applications for Min- position and several special meetings were previously held to isere* 11 and consider the appli cants. Mr, Hobbs is. scheduled to begin his new duties Janu ary 15m. Mr. Hobbs graduated from IJobbsviJle High School in Lt.Jf: and was previously emplti-.-ed hy . the 8.8. ff. Motor Company. At present he is employed b> the 'Atlantic Discount Corporation at j Elizabeth City! He is als n• v i serving as veterans service oL’i 1 vcr for Chowan County. He a member of the American Le gion and Veterans of Foreh-u Warn. At Tuesday nignt V meeting the Councilmen agreed to pay lawn employees 20 per ecu' of Continued on Page 6, Section 1 White Christmas At Baptist Church Th.e annual observance of White Christmas will be observ ed at the Edenton Baptist Church Sunday, December It: Each person attending Sunday School is asked to bring a pa: k age of food which will be u.-e.l to till basket., for neeoy fami lies for Christmas. Mrs. Jo*. Thorud mid T.iom r By rum are ■co-chairmen of the vommitlee to be respon, oh- for distributing the baskets; A sisting them will b- I uthi r Parks. Lewis Leary. Joe Thorud. Scott Harrell, je-se 11.; -e l. West Byrum. Thurston Sir :m-.