n-SECTION two PAGE TWO THE FARMS ■ IjgjllN CHOWAN COUNTY { By c w. OVERMAN. Chowan County An«nt ! I * __ ..s. + Treating Sweet Potatoes To Pre vent Rot following Packaging: For years shippers and receivers have had trouble with sweet po tatoes rotting in transit or in the market. Most of this is caused by soft rot and black rot that develops on the roots after washing, gi'ading and packaging for shipment to market. Most of these losses can now be pre vented by the proper application of sodium o-pheny lphenate (SOPP) during grading. The recommended procedure is; as follows: 'Wash potatoes, sort! out the culls, trim or otherwise; shape the roots by snapping the! ends, treat with SOPP, grade and package. Do not injure po tatoes after they are treated be cause such injured spots re main untreated and are open for, infection of rot diseases. Cured] potatoes should be treated with j a one percent solution of SOPPj and the concentration should he maintained at that level for ef fectiveness. To properly inform growers and packers relative to treating sweet potatoes with SOPP, a special meeting is scheduled to be held at the County Agent’s Office in Goldsboro, corner of George and Chestnut streets on Thursday, December 15, this Thursday at 7:30 P. M. Growers and packers in Chowan County j who plan to attend this meet ing might contact my office and we can arrange to travel to gether. Nickels For Know How: Recent ly I received the following let ter from Dr. Roy L. Lovvorn, Director of Agricultural Research in North Carolina, which I think is a compliment to all of you who voted in the referendum on September 30. “All of us are exceedingly pleased with the results of the Nickels For Krhow How Referen dum that was held on Septem-i be 30. The total vote and the percentage voting affirmatively; was most reassuring. For the I part that each of you played in "Getting Out The Vote” in your county, I humbly and gratefully say “Thank You.” I hope that this single copy may be read by all Extension personnel in your county. As you know, a portion of these funds is allocat ed for research purposes. We pledge to you our very best in FOR Contract •' AND Repair Work CALL Twiddy Insurance & Real Estate* Inc. PHONE 2163 EDENTON *15,000 00 ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE! ' J Stock Os E.R. Johnson j ( \ Currituck, North Carolina 1 ’ SOLD AT AUCTION , in old Post Office Building in Hertford Sat., Dec. 17th-10:30 A. M. Articles will be on display daily from 10 A. M., to 4 P. M., starting Saturday, December 10 until day of sale. -. r & ’ ■ * • DON’T MISS THIS AUCTION SALE! COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS :: - ■ our research efforts toward building a reservoir of agricul tural knowledge that may be useful to all.” Let's Live And Let Live: I no ticed in an article a few days ago that there were 29 fatal au tomobile tccidents last Decern- , her. The writer was pleading . with the public to be safety \ conscious this December in or der that we might live and let live. Wouldn’t it be wonderful ( if during the month of Decem ber, this year we could go] through without having a single fatal accident leaving a vacant chair any where in any home, ] especially your home. Accidents are caused by care lessness on the part of drivers. Most of these are young drivers. We not only have to be cautious of our own driving but we must , also be cautious of the other fel low’s driving. We may have the , right-of-way, we may be within our perfect legal rights, but if the other fellow infringes on cur rights and we don't yield to him it is too late. Parents might do much by talking seriously with their boys and girls who drive the car. Impress upon them the necessity of not speeding, not taking a chance, and employing all safe driving practices. If a youth fails to observe safe driving rules, then do something to make the safe driving rules become impressed upon him. Many of youth’s accidents may be the fault of the parents. Parents who turn the family car over to a son or daughter without strict instructions as to safe driving and not checking to see that those instructions are car-, ried out. Let’s Live and Let Live this happy Christmas Sea-1 son. GENERATOR AND STARTER SERVICE \ \ We Have Most Parts For All 1 Make Trucks And Tractors | See Us For Complete \J \ Repair Service • I * 1 All Work Guaranteed 4 1 ❖ EDENTON AUTO PARTS W. Queen St. Phone. 3410 TBZ HERALD. EP2WTOH. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER IS, i 960. Frankly Speaking By Fruur iVteti .w This is the busy season. Also the happiest season of the year. Also the time when we’re ad monished to remember some thing too many of us are lia ble to forget—the real reason behind Christmas. By the way, we’ve got some very fine, in spirational programs for you on Christmas Day over WCTty. On that subject I was talking last Saturday to the gents at the Post Office who wanted to re mind one and all about mailing early. First television loss of this season is the Friday night thrill er, Dan Raven. By the way, remember all the sensationalist publicity the newspapers gave the firing of William Talman as district attorney on the Perry Mason Show? Well, minus any noise and publicity, he’s back ort the job, mainly due to public sentiment. The actors who took his place were merely carbon copies of the character Talman created on the excellent Perry Mason program. Santa Claus gets some inter esting mail from the Edenton area. From all over the world,, actually. One little girl in New Jersey requested roller skates plus 24 additional items, includ ing an electric organ, a swim ming pool and lots of real money. A boy in Sussex, Eng CONSULT THI TIIIPHONt CIXICTORY FOR THI OMIN OFFICI NIARIIT TOM. mi iwhctw land, wanted binoculars and mic ron cope. In Manhattan, a boy) I wanted Santa to brgig a special gift fqr hi? father: a bottle of* gin- There’s a tragic thought of; our time. Another boy said h# hgd nothing particular to say toiSignta, just hoped Santa would answer Ms letter.' One of the briefest q it the letters read sim ply*:' Dear Santa: could I have yoor telephone number? ft waS fun judging for the Perquimans beauty contest. The winner this year was a fresh man. First time that’s happen ed in a long, long time. If you don’t think WCDJ gets around, stop by and check our files. We have proof, in the form of letters, from listeners in New York City; New Zealand (about 5,000 miles-away);.’Palo Alto, California; Charleston, Il linois; (Mingo Judcttjin,:V Ohio; Schuylvkill Haven,; Pennsylvania; Belleville, New Jersey; Dubuque, Iowa; Brooklyn (2 from there); Syracuse, New York; Mehdola, Illinois; Burlington, Vermont; Walnutport, Pennsylvania;' Qak hurst, New Jersey; <3yimsley, Tennessee; York, Pennsylvania; Proctorville, Ohio; Idwa ' City, Iowa; Cleveland; Baltimore; To ronto, Ontario, Canada; 1 ; Staten Island, New York; Valier, Penn sylvania; Bradford, Massachu setts; Suttgart, 'Arkansas; Me tuchen, New Jersey; Venice, 1 J ■ I m A M FILL YOURS IN FRIENDLY NORFOLK ■+' s ?v- ■ ■ : - - r ;‘ v . <.v '■• v J ' . ■ # . ; . y ‘ - There is o wider selection in Norfolk's attractive iterai. There are more than 200 apparel stores, 150 furniture stores, more than 2,000 retail establishments offering a variety that will COME BY BUS! s enable you to find exactly what yog want to give for Christmas. Ifulorfy Khaduled Trailway* bums Norfolk You can select the right gifts for everyone on your shopping end rttum homt in tha fetfromthebig variety and Wide selection in Norfolk stores. DRIVE! ZmpSS SHOPPING INFORMATION* •nd^ T morT > i|Mw| W an 1 Attendants on duty until Christmas at the Shopping Information SjTiu Booth ,n Trai,wa y ,f Terminal will provide all the helpful few t» (hop thar* " shopping information they ran. /»•'-*. - * * . *■ ‘ r . f • '•■'/ , * , llAßrni I# SHOP IN FIPHY NORFOLK I Florida; ShUlington, Pennsyl f vania; Bristol, Connecticut; Bel mar, New Jersey; Paterson, New jersey; Amelia, Ohio; Newark, New Jersey; Allentown, Penn sylvania) Berwyn, Illinois; Phil adelphia. WCDj really gets around, and folks the world over really get around to tuning in to WCDJ. Latest issue of Argosy maga zine has a picture and a few kind words about Nick George’s brother, written by Charlie Con erly. Closing thought: To be per fectly just is an attribute of the divine nature; to be so to the utmost of our abilities is the glory of man. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE “Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved.by Atomic Force?” will be the subject of the Les son-Sermon. at Christian Science church services Sunday. . Seripttiral selections will in clude Christ Jesus’ striking re sponse to his disciples’ call for help during the tempest at sea: “And bis disciples came to him, arid awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea: and there was a great calm” (Matthew 8:25, 26). A correlative citation to be read from “Science and Realth' with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy states: “The belief that the universe, includ ing man, is governed in general wsm- *|i ngM ft* *l+5 1 Jjj MISS UKRICA Youth and beauty art captured to tkto 17 Jewel watch with beautifully matched expansion bracelet 115.71 souToa The executive leoh - tap level to pep* lormanct but not to price. 17 lewvla, ehock-res latent. 111.71 ROSS JEWELERS Phone 3525 Edenton jby material laws, but that oc casionally Spirit sets aside these laws—-this belief belittles ompip- • > -. w *’l Pi s@oo fsr jnnl J TS FHOIFVI \m sop coitPAtnc m*aS3S&~M I Ml BUruUd Wkuktj **- Mj >O% ttraiykx wkitltf 6 atari old otent wisdom, and gives to mat ter' the precedence over Spirit” (82:16).