SECTION TWO The Roundup By WILBORNE HARRELL A Have you ever given a thought to your paper-boy who delivers your paper at your door, in freezing weather, or your milk man who is right on time with your milk for your cereal? Rain or shine, hail or blow, hot or cold, we are serviced every day by carriers and truckers, and delivery of all kinds of , merchandise. These are the un-i sung heroes we take for granted. Our modern life is so geared to smooth efficiency in keeping us' supplied with our wants and ouri necessities, we never give a thought or pay any heed to the men whose duty it is to keep this efficiency up to scratch. I OVERHEARD—This fellow said,' SPORTSMANSHIP By A/2c FLETCHER G. PERRY Malmstrom Air Force Base. Montana Webster’s dictionary describes the word sportsmanship very vaguely. It implies that this word has a rigid set of limits pertaining to its meaning. But like most descriptions in. a dic tionary, where because of space, it has to be concise. In other words, their description is some thing like a summary of a book, a speech, or a movie. As a re sult I’m sure all of you realize j that your comprehension of a 1 book is a lot greater after you have read the entire book than what it was after reading the summary. Because of this there are a lot of people, maybe you are one of them, who have a rather confused idea of the meaning of this rather important word. You notice I used the descriptive word “important” in describing this word sportsman ship. If this is your opinion, I'm sure you will profit by read ing this article. First of all, what’s your des cription of sportsmanship? Is it, something which has a rigid i set of limits which pertains only to sports? Or is it something with ho set of limits at all? In other words, are you to do good to everyone and in all ob . jectives. I’m not saying that sportsman-' ship doesn’t concern sports. If I did so I would be only trying, to deceive you. My objective is to show you, or I should say try to show you, that sports-, manship goes much farther. In thinking of sportsmanship most people think of it in a negative viewpoint rather than a positive one. In sports this negative viewpoint is sometimes IN PICTORIAL REVIEW \ There’s entertaining reading for every member of the fami ly in the Baltimore American Pictorial Review section. This colorful, lively section features columns by famous writers, car toons, comics enjoyable to every-! one. Don’t miss the bright Pic torial Review section with the BALTIMORE AMERICAN I on sale at your local newsdealer Chateaux GRAPE FLAVORED VODKA y^J y 'v"-' * Qt Cl •a- 03 B H “Pint fl II HO Jy ™ E * . there are two things I never ; look at: a watch and a calendar. Maybe he has a point, for these ; two things constantly remind us ■ that time is slipping by—and it, 1 is probably later than you think. ' The realistic way to look at it, | ' though, is to grasp time by thei I forelock and make hay while ■ the sun shines. Make the most! i of each day, forget the past and' ' optimistically face the future. | I : i What a whale of a difference a little sunshine makes. When , skies are clear and sunny, even though the temperature is low,, Iwe notice the cold less. All life, depends on sunshine for its con-| ,' tinuation, and that goes for the 1 very apparent. Ye‘. its positive viewpoint is considered a rarity. I For example, how many of you] have been guilty of, or seen] someone else guilty of rough, play in a basketball game, or! seen someone else get very mad 1 when a call is against him. If you would stop to think of the bad sportsmanship you have committed and gotten away with in comparison with the number of times you have been caught, your show of bad sportsmanship wouldn’t come to pass. You may] say, well I’ve never done any, of these things so I’m not guilty, j But wait, sportsmanship doesn’t stop there by any means. Be fore that important game, how ] many of you have said a prayer, i Did you just pray for your sue-' cess? If so, here is where your bad sportsmanship lies. 1 like wise was guilty of that mistake in my high school days. I’m afraid my praying ability, show ed its results. I was well into my senior year before I came I Through two thousand years of wars, oppressions and changing times... man kind’s continuing faith has always begun at this door. It is from within this door OPQOfIIVQ that the simple teachings of the Prince of Peace are nurtured and passed to each U"DHU Ull U succeeding generation. P n P PTI 11 P 0 A» once again we celebrate His birth, we extend to you our best wishes with the .bnuullllbu hope that the spirit of Peace and Love be yours today and in all the days to come. x* * * Albemarle Electric Membership Carp. 'ih S* . '» *k p r T fVf .”***? V* 'T.I *■• t THE CHOWAN HERALD spirit of ma:i as well as for the i physical growth and sustenance |of mankind and the earth. No! 1 truer words were ever written, I than the words of this old song: j “Let a Little Sunshine In”. i ! I WEATHER REPORT—I should hibernate in the winter, like ; the bears do, for cold weather 'completely demoralizes me, and] j I am qo good to myself or any-1 , one else. > Phil Osopher says: There’s a vast difference between .an edu ; cated person and one who has ■ jvst been to college. I : Merry Christmas, everyone! | to realize that 1 should pray not |to victory but that I must do n y best and that my opponent would do likewise. If this pray in' were answered, there could [ be no worry as to pictory. be cause at the end its position | would rest in the hands of the 1 best players. I have found that | there was soreness in victory , because of someone else’s mis (fortune. Now maybe you realize where sportsmanship ventures far be yond sports events. In almost everything you do sportsman ship has a guiding hand. For example, how many of you hope for a raise at someone else’s ex pense? When vou know in your | heart he deserves it more so. j How many of you go to the | store with the hoDe of getting ] more than your money’s worth? How many of you bank your I mind to a decision which you personally don’t like, but vou 'realize it is for the good of the majority of those around you. How many of you students of learning go through school hop ing for grades when you know your self well enough to get them. These are very posing ques- BIRD LlFE— France advances the cause of wildlife conser vation with this 30-centime stamp. It depicts Arctic “sea parrots" in a game refuge. tions, aren’t they? How many of you can now say nis life is now a good example of sports manship? I could go on with unnumbered questions but what's the use; it all leads to one con-i elusion: almost everyone at one time or another is guilty of bad sportsmanship. You may say, sure I’m guilty of some of these things, but so is everyone, why then should I \ TOTS & TEENS be an exception. I ask you I why nut be an exception if what you are doing is right? ' Are you afraid lo do something just because you stand alone? ■ Jon’t you feel better to stand alone with a clear conscience than to stand witli the crowd j and to deceive yev.r true life. If you are a coward, all right, admit it, but don't pretend to be something you aren't because then someone else is encouraged to do likewise. Here again you may ask yourself, what has this got to do with sportsmanship? Friends, you should be able to realize that not being able to foresee reality and going through j life deceiving yourself as well as others is one of the worst j forms of sportsmanship there is. I know not many of you think of sportsmanship in so much de-! tail. But don't you agree that your life would be better if you did so? One of the best ways i to mold your life to include 1 sportsmanship is to fulfi'l God’s words, “Do unto others as you WAKE UP PARIN' TO €0 Without Nagging Backaeiit Now ! Yo»* can ce. uie fast, relief y»*o need from nagging backache, headache and muscular aches ami pains that often cause restless nights and miserable tired out feelings. When these discomforts come on with over-exertion or stress and train—you want relief—want it fast * Another disturbance may be mild bladder irritation following wrong food and drink—often setting up a restless un comfortable feeling. Doan’s Pills work fast, ir 3 separate ways: 1. by speedy pain-relieving action ♦*' ease torment of nagging hack ache, headaches, muscular aches and pains. 2. by soothing effect on bladder irrita tion. 3. by mild diuretic action tending to increase output of the 15 miles of kidney tubes. > Injoy a good night’s sleep and the *.,ine happy relief millions have For over fift years. New. large size saves money. Get Doun’.s Pills today 1 Doan s Pills GOVERNMENT SURPLUS SALES NO’V anyone can buy DIRECT .'i . U. S. GOVERNMENT SUR PLUS DEPOTS, by mail lor your self or for resale. Cameras, -binocu lars. cars, jeeps, trucks, boats, hardware, office machines an d equlpm nt. tents, tools and tens-ot- Lh usands of other Items at a frac tion of their original cost. Many item* brand new. For list of hun ireds of U. S. 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