Happy New Year ONLY NEWSPAPER PVBLIsnED IN CHOWAN COUNTY yohjirne XaVII . —Number 52. Machinery Set Up For Listing Taxes In Chowan County K r ’ K '.' v ld~ ■ - .%£ i (W ' A ■ jn i ERWIN GRIFFIN. JR. Congressman Herber* C. Bon ner hes notified Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Griffin *hat he has placed in nomination their son. Erwin Griffin. Jr., as one of the candi dates to take the competitive examination for entrance to the Air Force Academy in 1961. Eastern Star Honors Organists Os District Edenton Chapter No. 302. Or-| der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, January 2, at 8 o'clock. At this meeting, organists in the district will be honored, so that Mrs. Margaret; Bell, worthy matron, urges all! members to be present. Band Parents Will I Meet January 4th J j Edenton Band Parents Asso-i ciation will meet Wednesday! night, January 4. at 8 o’clock. | The meeting will be held in the; band room and Henry Quinn, . president, urges all members to attend. BANKS CLOSE JAN. 2 Peoples Bank & Trust Com-1 pany and the Consumer's Credit j Branch of the bank will be clos- 1 ed Monday, January 2, in ob-| servance of the New Year holi day. Important banking busi ness should, therefore, be trans acted accordingly. OFFICES CLOSE JAN. 2 (founty and town offices will be.closed all day next Monday, January 2, in observance of New Year’s Day. The offices will be I open as usual Tuesday morning. ■■■■■■l fr mik RONNIE ROUNTREE who were selected are cornetists Bob Powell and John Bunch, clarinetist Bud Skiles and trom bonist Ronnie Rountree. The fifth student, baritonist Ronnie Sawyer, scored highest in his field and will play first chair baritone in the band. Bob Powell is a senior and has been a member of the band since 1956. He plays first cornet in ! the band. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Powell of iWestover Heights. Bud Skiles is the son of Mrs. Aces And Acelets Will Play Chowan HighTuesday Night Girls Remain Unde feated In Three Con tests Played Thus Far f This Season By BILL GOODWIN The Edenton Aces and unde feated Acelets return to cage warfare in the John A. Holmes High School gymnasium next Tuesday night, January 3. wh >n they entertain the Chowan Bull dogs in a county scrap. The game will be a rematch of the pre-hoilday meeting of the two schools. The Aces will en ter battle with only one practice session since before Christmas. They turned back the Bulldogs 38-36 in overtime two days af ter they had won the State Class 2-A football title earlier in the month. i The Acelets, with a poweriul aggregation set to out-perform last year's Albemarle Confer ence championship squad, will be decided favorites to win their fourth straight game of the sea son. The local girls have staged several practice meets during the past week. The Aces rebounded from a 65-39 drubbing at the hands of Knapp’s Knights to wreck the Perquimans Indians 57-41 in the Edenton gymnasium while the Acelets poured it on the Squaws to the tune of 65-32 in the final j i Continued on Page 3—Section I . 1 . j Christmas Decorations t Winners Announced 1 ] The Woman's Club is pleas-! led to announce the winners of! the out-door Christmas decora-j tions. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Par-; rish won first place and Mr. ■ and Mrs. Frank Twiddy second 1 place. There were several. | homes which received honorable; ; mention. Mi-s. Bruce Jones, fine arts, chairman, wishes to express her| I thanks to the judges and the j ’people of Edenton who tried to make the Yuletide Season more | i beautiful. i "There were many homes i j decorated very beautifully,” says, j Mrs. Jones, “and we hope even ] | more will participate next year.” 1 Red Men Tribe Will Elect Officers Chowan Tribe No. 12, Improv ed Order of Red Men. will meet Monday night, January 2, at 7:30 o’clock. At this meeting new I officers will be elected and in , ■ stalled, so that Alton Shaw. I sachem, requests a large attend (l ance to take pert in this im portant item of business. ■' obqk RONN.E SAWYER : Kathleen Skiles of East King , Street. He is a senior and has been playing in the band for ■ seven years. He plans to enter East Carolina College next year, where he will major in music. This is his fourth appearance in • the all state band. He plays first clarinet in the band. Ronnie Sawyer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sawyer of Route 2. Edenton. He is a fresh man and has been playing since 1956. He plays first, baritone in the band and placed first in his ; Plans Are Now Progressing For J Four-Year Commemoration Os j 100th Anniversary Os Civil War ’J The following article was sub mitted by the Chowan County Confederate Centennial Commit tee in the interest of the ap-‘ ’!preaching commemoration of the .one hundredth anniversary of the War Between the Stales, or •the Civil War. as it is often i cal led by historians. I Norman Larson, executive sec retary of tho North Carolina Con federate Centennial, has this to say: On January 8. 1961. President Dwight D. Eisenhower will offi cially begin the four year com memoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the American Civil War by the issuing of a proclamation and the establish ment of a National Day of Prayer. North Caiolina will join the President—-and the rest of the nations—in thus paying tribute to one of the most exacting and j exciting period-: in the history of our country—arid to an intang ible thing—a spirit as it were— which is truly American in na ture—and which has yet to see its equal. i I believe that it is entirely fitting and just that this tribute be paid, for out of that tragic era has risen a more perfect and en during nation—indeed the great est, the mightiest, the most | Woman’s Club Meets ] Wednesday, Jan. 4 | Edenton Woman’s Club will j meet Wednesday afternoon. Jan-, J uary 4, at 1 o’clock. The meet I ing will be held at the Edenton, i Restaurant and Mrs. J. D. El j liott, president, urges every I member to attend. New March Os Dimes Month 1 w&mk iiw Ajnat rj At right above Mayor John Milchener is holding a proclamation .'he issued last week designating the month of January as New March of Dimes month. In the proclamation he urges all citisens ’ of this community to volunteer their fullest financial and spiritual ~ | support to *hi« worthiest of causes in combatting birth defects. ■ arthritis and polio. At loft is Tony MUey, chairman far the Mew I March of Dimes in Chowan County,—(Photo by J. P. Ricks, JrO $2.50 Per Year In North Caroling gpOl i | JCHN BUNCH instrument field in auditions for i the all state band. John Bunch is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Bunch. Route 2. Edenton. He plays assistant first cornet with the band. He is a freshman and has been a member of the bund since 1956. Ronnie Rountree is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hallet Rountree of Edenton, He plays assistant first trombone with the band. He is •a freshman and has been playing with the band since 1958. unified—nation in the history of the world. The purpose of the Centennial then is not to revive bitterness and hatreds engineered by that horrible conflict between North and South, but rather to com emorate the greatness demon strated by both sides in that mo mentous struggle —a greatness i which is reflected in the great ness of our nation of this 20th century. Our nation saw. I believe, its] conception in our early colonial period—in Boston, in Philadel-j phia. in Hartford and here at home in Bath. Edenton and New Bern—when a group of dedicated individuals literally hewed out of the wilderness a place to live and to grow. Our .country experienced its birth with the fighting of the American Revolution and the es tablishment of a new nation—] and as the midyears of the 19th ' century approached, it found it self floundering in a mire of adolescence. As is so often the case with youth, a resounding "whack on the backside" was called for and was provided by the great war. j Indeed, it was a powerful pun ishment. When the din of battle , had subsided. approximately j , Continued on Page 2—Section t i Commissioners Will 1 Meet January 3rd! i Chowan County Commission-] j crs will meet Tuesday morning., j January 3. at 9 o'clock,. The ] meeting has been postponed a l day due to the New Year’s holi day falling on the first Monday ' of the month. FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK HD County Council Scheduled To Meet Wednesday, Jan. 4 I Newly Installed Os- I fieers Will Assume | Office; Mrs. B. P. Monds, President I The Chowan County Home Demonstration Council will hold its first meeting for 1961 Wed nesday, January 4. at 2:30 P. M. in tlie ball room of the Joseph Hewes Hotel, according tii Miss Pauline Calloway, home ' economics agent. .! Newly installed County Coun cil officers will assume office 1 and include: President, Mrs. B. P. Monds: e-ice president. Mrs. I M. T Barrington; secretary treasurer, Mrs. O. C. Long. Jr County project leaders and county committee chairmen will be named in addition to a num ber of other important items of bu.sj ness. Mrs. Wallace Goodwin, Jr., past delegate to United Nations, will present a program on the United Nations. ’ All local club officers, project i leaders and county committee chairmen arc uiged to attend. The Colonial Home Demonstra , tion Club will be hostess. Regarding the United Nations. Mrs. Goodwin has this to say: The United Nations is now m its 15th session at permanent headquarters in New York. This year the UN has been Continued on Paae 3—Section « Miss Ida Campen Sponsor For Ball Affair Will Be Held j In Raleigh Wednes day. January 4 Friends will be pleased to iearn that Miss Ida Campen, t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Campen. has been invited to be a sponsor at the ball which will be held in honor of Governor .and Mrs.'Terre Sanford and the j Council of State. The ball will be held in the Raleigh Memorial auditorium i Wednesday evening, January 1. the evening before the inaugura tion. It will officially op