\oi4 l nrw&aper pußum |p in ICUOWAN COUNTY grxXVllf-Number 1. FjMowne On Queen line’s Creek” Will fee On TV Saturday Willi Be Seen Frrtli 2 To'2:so On Chfitel 7 From Washington Station . "Ye Tpwne on Queen jirme's . Creek." Edenton and (Jpowan historical and ftomo- film will be shown on television for the first W ini 'tjhis area Saturday afternoon, j January 7, from 2 to 2:30 o’clock: Over WITN-TV, channel 7, Wash-1 iagton.jN. C. Already released to 50 televis-j iOn stations, the film will be t shown: on WNCT-TV Greenville,! i WRAL-TV Raleigh, WBCT-TV 1 Wibniigton and WBTV Char- Ilotte during January. The film on Edenton and Cho wan (fcounty covers the recrea tional i and historical aspects of the county. Members of the Edenton Tea Party Chapter, DAR, re-enact the Edenton Tea Party in the film and ladies dressed in colonial costumes ap pear at some of the historic homes and buildings. '<s The film, sponsored by the. * Edenton Tea Party Chapter. 1 DAR, and the James Iredell His torical Association, is available* in color free of charge to civic groups and organizations, ac cording to Mrs. John Kramer, re gent. Most of the historic homes and buildings in the film will: be open to the public during the! Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside April 14-16. * HD Activities [ For New Year lowing are Chowan County Home Demonstration Clubs’ de.n-1 onstrations for 1961, workshops* * Home Demonstration Club mem-j 3 bers will ligve an opportunity! to attend and special interest meetings wjii,ch will beheld dur ing thtKyeajfr ’ Drffconstrahons B Januify M~' Know Your Year I Book. ; 1“ 1 Februaryi! New Furniture I From Qld. B March — , New Sewing Tecli || niques and Gadget.,. pj April—Pattern Direction (darts II and gtiidp sheets). if May -» Improve Your Person-! If ality. 9 If June-JBing A Song of Salads. [ July W- One Skillet Meals. Continuad on Page 2— Section 1 ( HOtARIANS MEET TODAY j Edenton Rotarians will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 *t o’clock in the Parish House. M President Elton Forehand urges I a 100 per cent attendance. I • FIREMEN MEET TONIGHT X Mentbers of the Edenton Fire Department will hold their | monthly dinner meeting tonight (Thursday) at 7 o’clock at the fire station. Fire Chief W. J.! Es Yates expects every fireman to, £ be present Norfolk Southern Sound Bridge! Reopened After Donna Damage; But Another Accident Saturday; Thursday of last week a train | passed over the Norfolk. Southern: bridge across the Albemarle! Sound for the first time since i Hurricane Donna tore away a portion of the bridge last Sep "fJUber. One and three-quarter i4|||es of the trestle was dam by the hurricane and to re- Kfe- the damage it was neces |Kv to drive 3 875 piles The I|K of repairing the bridge is es- to be about $200,000. L yt train of 90 freight cars Wggved over the repaired bridge -Sflkirsday afternoon at 12:30 . *'clock tad on it were a group Los Norfolk Southern officials. ■Wfcnry Oetjen, president, said he Kwlshes $6 convey to local resi- Sbents his thanks for bearing with ■ft, -j>lr«p| during*the time the SKy-lge hip been out of service. K if». » THE CHOWAN HERALD \ Get Tough! J Greatly concerned about de [ linquenl taxes on the county's i books, Chowan County Commis sions on Monday adopted a tough policy. Tax Attorney John Shackel ford was authorized hereafter to execute forecloture proceedings on all real estate taxes which are as much as four years :~i arrears. Heretofore 5 t w-s ne cessary for the Commissioners to authorize foreclosure proceedings on individual delinouenis. bcalNfigroesJoin hi Empty Stocking Fund For First Time t Group Contributes to Fund to Help Spread Christmas Cheer In Needy Families For many years the St. Paul Episcopal Church has sponsored The Empty Stocking Fund. The proceeds have been used to spread Christmas cheer to the! needy people of this area. The| pastor, the Rev. George Holmes,' has shown much interest in this, organization. Perhaps through | his leadership, a new meaning, has been given to the interpre tation of what Jesus meant by saying that the poor will be with us always. Continued on Page 6. Section 1 atershed Landowners Will Meet Friday Afternoon, Jan. 6 A meeting of the Pollock Swamp Watershed landowners has been called by Wallace; Goodwin, chairman of the water- ! shed landowners and L. C. Bunch, chairman of the Albe marle Soil Conservation District for Friday afternoon, January 6, 1961 at 2:30 o'clock at the Cho wan Court House. Purpose of the meeting is to, hear a report of the Soil Con- j servation Service Watershed! Planning Party, decide on cul-, verts, farm roads, and where 41 JAILED IN DECEMBER j Jailer Bertram Byrum reports that during December, 41 per-J sons were placed in the Chowan! County jail, with confinements 1 ranging from one to 31 days, i The expense amounted to $292.08 which includes jail and turnkey fees. TAX COLLECTIONS Sheriff Earl Goodwin reports; that 1960 taxes collected during j December amounted to $43,-! 818.14. The levy for the year, is $247,921.98. | good, if not better service than j they have had in the past. The i past three months have been try- I ing and expensive times for us. We realize that the primary con cern lies in having adequate rail service to local business firms. We have endeavored to give that service, but if we have failed in any way to provide good service, you may rest as- 1 sured that it was not inten tional.” Though the damaged portion of the bridge was adequately ! repaired tHe.giilroqd^experienced j another mishap Saturday when i an engine and 17 cars of a south- I bound freight train were derail ;ed on the bridge. It was report ;ed that the derailment occurred • when the second engine of a two-engine train struck a Switch ing point The tracks were spread, but none of the cars overturned, so that the wreck ; was cleared up by Saturday nirht ***■>*»*» Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, January 5, 1961. Edenton’sFiri ;s $32.89 Per t fti During Year Per Capita Fire In Rural Section Is Estimated Somewhat Higher at $4.17 Fire Chief W. J. Yates Re ports the year 196 C Edenton firemen answered a to al of 70 fire alarms, of which 6 were in Edenton and 34 out of town. For the Edenton fires the fire ■nen were out 28 hours and 20 ninutes, while for the out of own fires they were out 35 lours and 25 minutes. In Eden ton the firemen were on the air live minutes and 45 seconds and cut of town six minutes and 40 seconds. For the Edenton fires the,firemen traveled 30 miles as against .488 miles out of town. A total Os 8.847 feet of hose was laid in Edenton and 7,400 feet out of town. Ladders were rais ed 142 feet for Edenton fires and 130 feet out of town, i For the Edenton fires 599 vol- I unteers responded and 682 for 1 cut of town fires.„ Property involved in the Edenton fires amounted to $508,- 000 and $212,400 out of town. Damage in Edenton W'as esti mated at $164.4.\Q and $52,131 out 1 of town. Insurarioe in Edenton | was $203,000 and $79,350 out of I town. The firemen held 14 fire drills during the year, answered 39 I still alarms, refilled 45 fire ex i tinguishers, pumped out base- j [ ments 20 1 ■> hours, stood by four times for lot burning, painted 112 fire hydrants and worked 101 j hours on Christmas toys. Mr. Yates alsqi reported that j the per capita loss in Edenton, ( based on 5,000 population, was j $32.89. In the county, based on a population of 12.500, the pcr[ capita loss was figured at $4.17. , to place the spoil or dirt from the canals during construction. Both Mr. Bunch and Mr. Good win emphasize the importance of this meeting to all the land owners. They hope that every body in the watershed project will attend. The SCS Watershed Planning Party has about completed the field survey according to Aubrey Williams of the planning party. They will be moving to the Gum Neck Watershed in Tyrrell Coun ty within a few days. LIONS MEET MONDAY Edenton's Lions Club will | meet Monday night, January 9, !at 7 o’clov/J. The club called off its meeting this week due !o i the New Year holiday, and Presi dent James Griffin requests a 100 per cent meeting to begin the new year. [ AUXILIARY DINNER MEETING [ j • The VFW Auxiliary will hold ; its monthly dinner meeting ' Tuesday night, January 10, at •;7:30 o’clock. The meeting will be held in the post home and Mrs. Doris Toler, president, is very anxious to have a full at ' tendance. 20 Years Ago Ac Found la the File* of The Chowan Herald Edenton High School Band re ceived an invitation from Adju-' lani General J. Van B. Metis, at the request of Governor-elect J. ( M. Broughton to take part in the inaugural ceremonies at Ra leigh. The invitation was ac cepted and was the first appear ance of the band in their new uniforms. In compliance with Governor Clyde R. Hoey'a authorisation permitting 35 North Carolina cities to establish Home Guard; .ynits to jreplage National Guard troops called into regular army camps for a year's training. A mass 'meeting of Edenton citixens was called at the Court House to consider organisation. Mrs. Evelyn Garnett Ashley, wife of the Rev. C. A. Ashley, rector of St Paul's Episcopal Church, passed away at her home following am attack of Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary ralji Pj| i ’ - * w * jlsS- W’ ■ : f-'* ■ ’ Mr. and ivirs.. uaiey I. vani»n, piciurea u-o.e, ce.euia.eu men' golden wedding anniversary at their home Sunday, December 25. Mr. and Mrs. Parrish were married December 25, 1910, in the Bap tist parsonage in Hertford by the Rev. A. A. Butler. They have four sons, Ralph, Frank, Yates and Jimmie and 12 grandchildren, all of whom were present to help celebrate the occasion.—(Photo by J. P. Ricks. Jr.) GSA Assigns 32 Acres Os Land To Edenton For Land Fill To Replace Present Trash Disposal In a telegram Tuesday from Congressman Herbert Bonner, The Herald was informed that the administrator of the General Services Administration has au thorized ihe assigned of 32 acres of the U. S. Naval Auxi.’iary Air Station property near Edenton to the Secretary of Health, Educa tion and Welfare for conveyance to the city of Edenton for health purposes. Edenton officials some time Jaycees Begin Search To Find 1960 DSA Winner In Edenton James PAtv, president of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce, this week, announced the ap pointment of Dick Dixon as chairman of a committee to seek the outstanding man of the yea: - in Edenton. The committee headed by Mr. Dixon is actively canvassing churches, businesses, clubs and various organizations to deter mine which young man in Edenton between the ages of 21 through 35 has contributed the most to the community during the year. Mr. Dixon states that nomi nation blanks will % be available New March of Dimes Poster Girl Pretty and merry today, Linda Gail Breese four, of Colum bus, Ohio, was not expected to live when born with birth de fects of an open spine and excess fluid on the brain. Now she is the nation's New March ot Dimes Poster Child who sym bofises what National Foundation research and patient aid seeks to do for victims of crippling diseases. The National Foundation also is attacking birth defects and arthritis and is continuing work on polio. The drive in Chowan County ta back made a request for the "-rooerty which lier back of the former C. Y. Parrish home for use as a sanitary land lib area lo replace the existing burning operation located within the city, limits. The present city dump has reached the stage that it is almost impossible to deposit gar bage and trash, so that as soon' as possible now the town will 'irake preparation to use ihe base property as a land fill area for disposing of garbage and trash. ; at Mitchi tier's Pharmacy and Hollo'vell’s Drug Store. The nomination blanks must be re turned to Mr. Dixon before Jan uary 20. Tlie distinguished se r vice award will be presented in con junction with the Javcee seventh annual Bosses’ Night and Ladies’ Night banouet 1 which will be held at the Masonic Temple Wednesday night. January 25, at 7:30 o'clock. The distinguished service award winner from Edenton will be entered in the North Caro lina Javcee Contest and the state Continued on Page 6—Section * Road Improvement Topic At Meeting Os Commissioners Trio of Highway Of-1 ficials Attend Meet ing Held on - Tuesday! Morning Chowan County Commission-j ers in short order disposed of . outine business at their meet ing Tuesday morning, but were held in session until almost 11 i o’clock. ] The major portion of the time 1 was devoted to consideration of | road and bridge improvements I and present at. t.he meeting were! ' W. N, Spruill, division engineer; j W. F. Sessoms, district engineer and D. M. Bridgernari, mainten ance supervisor. The principal discussion cen tered about improvements to the -oad leading to the DAR Cor poration at. Greenfield. With the business of this concern rap i idly increasing, George and ; Benbery Wood, pointed out that I due to a narrow road and a load limit on a narrow bridge a hard ship is experienced in using trucks to haul in supplies as \ well as send out the finished product of various types of farm, machinery. I It was pointed out. that to ! build a new road would cost j more money than could be sc- j I cured, and Mr. Spruill pointed! Continued on Page 6—Section i 1 Lifeline Planne First March O The first special event of the ) New March <>f Dimes drive in I Chowan County will be a Life- Mine Saturday downtown in Eden ton, it was announced by J. J. Miley. Jr., 1961 director. The local drive, sponsored by the Edenton Junioi Chu'mlx.- of Commerce, got officially under way January 2. The month of i January has been proclaimed ' New March of Dimes Month by Mayor John A. Mitchener. Jr. During the first week of the drive special gifts will be so licited bv a committee compos ed of George Alma Byrum. chairman. Johnny Woolard, Joe , Stone, James Perry and Richard Dixon. Jr. Tom Shepard, chairman of the schools committee, announced that dime cards would be»dis tributed during the week to i school children. In addition to 1 the chairman, members of the ( committee are Paul Stanton. Bill j Busey, Ray Bailey and Bob j Weintraub. i Dean Copeland Wins j Rhodes Scholarship I Edenton friends will be in terested to learn that Dean Copeland of Jackson. Miss., grandson of Mrs. X. E Cope -1 iand. was one of four college | students selected for Rhodes j Scholarships in interviews held i recently at New Orleans. 1 Young Copeland, son of Mr.' i and Mrs. C. X. Copeland, is a j 1957 graduate of Murrah High * School at, Jackson, is now a sen j ior at the University of Missis ' sippi, and was one of two stu j dents chosen by the state selec i tion committee. Copeland is • presently majoring in history at ! Ole Miss. He received a num ber of scholastic awards at Mur rah High. The scholarships are granted I for a minimum of two years 1 study at Oxford, England. A third y r ear of study may be ap j prgved by Rhodes trustees in i England. The scholarships are , for $2,000 a year. If civic calendar! 1 . ? I 1 Sunday, January 8, has been j proclaimed a day of prayer in | connection with the opening of Chowan County's commemora tion of the 100th anniversary of the American Civil War. " y e T< iwne On Queen Anne's! Creek" atßl be seen an televis ion Safv'day afternoon, Janu . ary 7, from 2:30 o'clock on channel 1. Washington. Pollock Swamp watershed lahdowners will meet Friday af ternoon. January 6. at 2:30 o'clock at the Court House. The 1961 New March of Dimes i Continued on Page 6. Section I - $2.50 Per Year In North Caroiinjp I jMore Members Pu| On Chowan Countji Centennial Grouil n John M. Elliott Is | New Marketer For Sinclair Products Purchase Interest of , W. J. Yates, Who De cides to Retire Due To His Age i. Etffocfive early this week, a j .change in ownership of one of Edenton's business concerns took place when John M. Elliott be came the owner and operator of the Edenton agency for the Sin clair Refining Company. Mr. Elliott purchased the in terest from W. .J. Yates, who has decided to retire from busi-' ness due to his age. Mr. Yates; has been connected with the 1 Sinclair Refining Company for 23 years, and in selling out to. .Mi. Elliott, he solicits those who i Itayd been his customers to con tinue to patronize Mr. Elliott. Mi. Elliott has been associated i with the By rum Hardware Com [ pany for 27 years and only re- I Continued on Page 4—Section 1 d Saturday As I f Dimes Feature Other scheduled events for the month include a Peanut Sale on Saturday. January 14: Crutch Day Saturday. January 21: Cof fee Day Monday. January 23; Roadblock Sunday. January 24. and the Mother's March Tu°s d .y, J'-muarv 31. , * addition to flic sped..' gif:. - ’ solicitations ilvr " eek. "business es. and industry will be solicited the third week of January and the rural area the last week of the drive. "The New March of Dimes al-' ready has made a substantial beginning in its expanded pro- 1 gram of seeking to prevent birth defects and arthritis in addition j to continuing to seek total con-j trol of paralytic polio," MiieV said.• The. campaign director asks the residents of Chowan County to please sav yes to the 1961 New March of Dimes, s-> that the Na-I tional Foundation can obtain funds to continue Ihe attack > against crippling birth defects, arthritis and polio. AUXILIARY MEETS The Ladies’ Auxiliary of Ed Bond Post No. 40; of the Ameri can Legion will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock at the i home of Mrs. Paul Holoman on North Broad Street. Mrs. Mack. Rogerson, president, requests ali members to attend. DAR MEETS JAN. 11 Edenton Tea Party Chapter j of the DAR will meet. Wednes day afternoon. January 11. at 3:30 o'clock at the Iredell house. I Mrs. John Kramer, regent, urges! all members to attend. Project Leaders And Committee Chairmen Named For Countv Home Demonstration Council The executive board of the I County Council of Chowan Coun ty Home Demonstration Clubs met recently with Miss Pauline Calloway, home economics agent, to appoint county project lead-; ers and county committee chair men. Those appointed will serve’ for a two-year period as mem bers of the County Council, j Members of the executive board who made the appointments were Mrs. B. P. Monds presi- \ dent: Mrs. M. T. Barrington, vice; president and Mrs. O. C. Long. Jr., secretary-treasurer. County project leaders ap pointed included the following: Foods and Nutrition M>>. George Smith. | Home Food Supply—Mrs. Gil j ’ bert Harrell. | Food Conservation Mi's. Woodrow Lowe ! House and House Furnishings —Mrs. E. N. Elliott ■nr A FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK jW. E. Bond Proclamation PalflH For Day of PrflH Sunday, January«HH - Mrs. Raymond Carr, j of Chowan County’s Confederate I Centennial Committee, appeared |at the County ommissioners’ I meeting Tuesday morning in be ! naif of the national four-year commemoration ol the war years ■if 1861-1865. ! Mrs. .Carr stated that the -ele- , 1 brat ion was of such magnitude.' ' and importance that she deemed j it necessary to appreciably ens | large the local committee in or»- i dei; to properly celebrate the oe | easion on a counts’ level, j The Commissioners ' Mrs Cairs reojest aided 'in following to Cho^jfl M'-tliir. Bee .Mis. Da\ Mr- Richard Vii ii flr.l’fin. M-.-s L< aty. Si. Mr R. • HhHH • pIV Fred B. Drane. E. \V Sidniy S Campen, Tlirrhas' C. Byruni. Jr.. Mrs. Henry Jordan. Mi- J. 1.. Hassell. Mrs. Warner Evans. Mrs. Claude Small. Jr., Mis. O. C. Long. Jr.. Mrs. Belle \\ Parker. Mrs Cameron Boyce [and Mrs. T. 1,. Ward. | Mrs. Cavr also advanced the idea of sitting aside a shc.f n the Sh< pard-Pniden Memorial Library so,- assembling material in conm-ction with tile war pe riod. Mrs. Carr informed the Com missioners that the purpose of th.- Chowan County Civil War Centennial Committee w ill be to present a program covering the foor-yc.tr period which will tell t t!a tlorw ol v»i years film j '•"61 k al 0 !', 5 !. fins program, she said, shook! uc gnize Tvortb , Carolina's important at the county level as much as I possible and to cay tribute to- ) the dedication and. courage ex- Continued on Paae i —Section l New Assistant Manager For S 8 Howard A Davison has d, en appointed assistant manager of the Norfolk office of tip S-- ’ Security ’ Administration it announced by J. A. Mo-t r district manager. Mi - . Davison comes to Norfolk from Roanoke Va.. where he was assisuin: manager the past yeai Pino to coming stateside hr- red 21 '1 yt ars m Puerto Rico v ■ ••r. he was associated with th urroii r Federal Security Agt-ne • the IT S. Dept, of Labor and ti e Peer' Rican Dept, of Labor. His jear of service with the B u-eau bBH Rico included manager ■- r Census District Office for fivcH years. I Mr Davison will assist .r thefß administration of the distjr'ic 1 * fice which serves Tidewater Vir- • i gima and northeastern! Norflij Carolina. The prime function pf Continued on Page f»—Section l k Home Management—Mrs. C3uy Hobbs Family Life—-Mrs. Van Smali. Home Beautification —, Mrs Nurney Chappell. Clothing Mrs. McCoy SLaM m Cra i - Mr.-. L. F. FergusonJM County committee chairnajflH appointed were: ■ Community Service M f> w Levy Nixon. Health—Mrs. Eugene Jordan. Safety—Mrs. E. L. Belch. Education —Mrs. Lois Ashley Citizenship—Mrs. Lester Cope- / land. International Relations Mi.-.] Wallace Goodwin. Jr. j Music —Mrs. Johni Privott J Public Relation*—AM rs Rolan jl Evans. s Recreation HfelElbei Loan Funds—Mr*. J. L. iHB nau. T*f - 4-H Leadei-s tjfag. aHH -i’.D Mrs Jack Le&ilflflH j I M. i ll

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