SECTION TWO Br WILBORNE HARRELL A J wrote my Roundup so hurri edly last week, I omitted one line which I fully intended to use. But it is never too late to correct an error; so, belatedly, I’ll start this column off with last week’s missing line: HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYBODY! Phil Osopher says, Learn to fvhat you get, and don’t get too many wants. You’ll be happier. ! 1 ' I Our most immediate serious problem is Castro and Cuba. Castro is irresponsible and un predictable. If, at any time. WW HI should be launched, Cuba WITH THE FARM WOMI.A By MAIDRED MORRIS HD Women Make Home Safely Inventory i Lenoir County Home Demon stration Club members are co operating with the Lenoir Coun- i ty Safety Council in making a home safety inventory. The safety leaders realize the per-i centage of home accidents and fatalities is too high. By par-i ticipating in such a cooperative' program they hope to stimulate or crehte greater interest in | prevention of home accidents. . Miss Marie Penuel, home eco-' r^ I|B .**- f » f*T £; ‘ ■.) INSURE YOUR CAR WITH NATIONWIDE. ANDSMIt 10%-15% Even 25% : That’s right—compare the quality coverage in Nationwide’s auto policy with most other policies, and you’ll find that you’d pay less for Nationwide —in some cases as much as 25%! It’s understandable—Nationwide does a volume business—insuring over 2 million car owners. And claims service is great, too. It’s a fact that over 50% of all Nationwide auto claims are paid within just 24 hours after proof of loss. Check our low rates for your car. Just call your man from Nationwide, America’s most progressive • % insurance organization—or contact your nearest Nationwide office. ■hmhh| Heard about SECURANCE? Nation «HHH| wide’s new concept to help you plan your family's aBJPPjHHR - security, securance means a choice of I 29 insur- ImHBP ancc financing assistance through your agent for home and car. Choose our Auto ln\ur j M. Thonxl will most certainly be a base of operation for the enemy. And; with Cuba just about 90 miles; i off our coast, that is indeed very serious. ! I i Here is an idea—but one which I don’t think will be very popu-t lar. School and college is a job, and a business, and very import-' ant. So why not make it a, year-round business, with a 2- week vacation and holidays off as any other business or job. .Look at the same saved, id i-.e appreciably shortening of the school term. Graduation would come earlier, and a young man or woman would be launched earlier in a profitable career. nomics agent, says the inven j tory survey she. - i d iiclo indicate 1 the specific areas that need more attention. Pouch Freezing Home Demonstration Club wo men in Chatham County have i found a wav of preparing meals for family members on a diet, | for ones living alone, for elder I couples, and for emergency meals. 1 Mrs. Annabel Powers, assist- I ant home economics agent, says ' the women learned how to THE CHOWAN HERALD Any mode of warfare is out dated and outmoded in the next war. It has always been so. The Revolutionary War and Civil War tactics were outdated by the Spanish-American War, and that war in turn by WW I. and WW 11. Even Korea gave us new techniques of warfare. And for that reason. I believe the aircraft carrier is obsolete and on the way out. However, il and when the next war is fought, you may rest assured it will not be fought with weapons and tac tics of the past. The urgencies and dire necessities engendered by war always develop better v\ capons and techniques. I o compromise with communism! J f ,'eze individual servings of I food in small plastic “pouch | h gs which can later be drop- j i> d in boilng water until it is , hot and ready to serve. Landscaping Serves As Community Project Brasstown Home Demonstra tion Club members are proud to have a new post office in their community and have de eded to landscape the building as a community service pro ject Mrs, Justine Rozier, home eco nomics agent m Clay County, says that Mrs. Frank during-1 hell' is chairman of the project. Club members are donating shrubs and other plants and the Boys mud Girls CRH T»I mini H» KIHIK TIE >ll« ■%/ / WW*. / i+JL—*** Urf******. ■ r FOR YOUR PROTECTION, REMEMBER TO: • T*i tom lift* fra* strapra • An* fart ud letwiy streets • Retoe rtfes etterei bj strainers • Mew jeer local poteema ' * 'TP * —' . \ V# »m<h J fcnw W hwdle^be men are going to do the "d%.- ging.” Dried F.o'.ver Workshop Mrs. M. A. Horner. New Bern. Rl. 3, is a leader in the Nouse River Home Demonstration Club iin Craven County. She has re- , [ce fitly turned her dining room into a workshop for the Women in her community. She is teach - | ing them to use grasses, weeds. | seed pods, dried tlowers, and: leaves in dried arrangements for home use or as gifts. Miss Rebecca Colwell, homej economics agent, says Mrs. Horn er learned the skill of arranging dried materials at the Home Demonstration craft camp this past summer. Ccmmunity Development Hiddenito community was win ner in the small town group competition in the community: development activities this year! in Alexander County. Mrs. Agnes Watts, home eco nomics a ,v cnt, says one of the, outstanding achievements of this community was the project of the Home Demonstration Club. They sponsored the fly spray program. They raised S3OO to pay for getting their area spray ed once a week from May to •September. Streamline Dishwashing Do you know how to wash. dishes the "streamline” way?: Miss Rebecca Leonard, assistant home economics agent in Anson County, recently presented a demonstration to her 4-H girls on hints to observe when wash ing dishes. A She explained some principles to use in the dishwashing pro cess such as washing dishes from right to left, always using as few motions as possible, and otli-, er slops to conserve energy. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Importance of understanding the spiritual meaning of the Eucharist and of truly commem orating the life of Christ Jesus will be emphasized at the semi annual communion service at Christian Science churches this Sunday. Highlighting the Lesson-Ser- 1 nion entitled "Sacrament” is the Go'den Text from I Corinthians (5:31 "Let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wick edness; but with the unleavened bn-ad of sincerity and truth.” Selections to be road from “Science and Health with Key to tile Scriptures" by Mary Bak er Eddy include the following: "The baptism of Spirit, washing the body of all the impurities of flesh, signifies that the pure in heart see God and are approach ing spiritual Life and its dem onstration” (241:271. Also included in the Lesson WAKE UP PARIN' TO GO Without Nagging Harkarhk Now I You can rn. the fast relief yoa need from namting hackach*'. headache I and n»w*rul»r aches ami twins that often » - aviso restless nights and miserable tired out fwKnps, When these dkco«furhi come on with overexert*** or stress and strain—you want relief—want it fast I Another disturbance may he mild bladder irritation following wrong food and | drink--often aettinir up a restless un comfortable feeling. (hum's r»Ha awrk fast in 3 separate ways: l. by sjealy twin-relieving action to ease torment of nagging hackachn lieatlaches. muscular aches and twins. 3* by soothing effect on bladder irrita tion. 3. by tat hi dietetic action tending to increase output of the IS miles of , kidney tubes* a vend night's sleet' and the | at happy relief million* have for over t to years. New* lane aiaa aavee money. » Get Duan> PilU today I * \ Doaits Pills > Sermon is this passage: lhe eup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which wo break, is it not the: communion of the body of I Christ?” .1 Cor. 10:1(51. | For Tlir People 1 ; itv w. uovi.v: ; ruhlir Information OllUvr J | North t'arolina Stale Hoard of J I‘WMi* Wellare *! ' 'i Why is public welfare necessary in such times ot prosperity? | There are many reasons. One | is the "population explosion”— the increase in births since j World War 11. There are in- [ croasingly more homes broken! by divorce, desertion and other absences from the home of the father. Most of the mothers of) these children are not able to! leave the home and work, and are financially unable to sup port their children. Wo have an increasing number of old people. There are in North Carolina ovei 3U0.00U peo ple over (>5 years of age. Peo ple are living longer, due to ad vances in medical science. >-*•; i many of these old people are not able to work to support them selves: many have no families to care for them: many of them wore not able, because of lack of training and education, to hold jobs during their working years which paid enough for them to save for their old age. Another reason manv people need help is that it is increas-j ingly difficult for the untrained. \ unskilled person to get gainful! employment that pays sufficient) wages t>> take care of his needs rwmmmpmum i JOB -------- - - - - - -. , A wcll ttpuppf'tl \ rttoin siallctl liv tiuin<*«l pci ,\tMiiict »\ CNM to inmiciu J Nlll)|tl >. lust MUI. 17* , 111 .ill lllui* 1 low niilim i ilh*i> a«l iiutlol to \oill» (aiolma J liMNpitaU wm‘ Mutual tuM‘> j icvpinmg the use ot an ( loom. f 'lvpual Toi o|H*iatitig | VtMHn lot majtu Miigciv an* I loi ihe liisi lioni .md v|'» i for rath additional hour. I I h«*M* tliarpt'S do not iiu Imlc I .oicMhcNia. I i 9 f •V ' * >f ,iu /IM” 11 HttH IV on< of i J / 1 bade ho\fatal | , Mrtm that ate I Will #.\ MI I. by Blue I (.maw certificates. J Vppiovrtl lo h«»s|>itals ami I itiHloiN. Him* Citisv mvrs \<»u I the lerlivtic luiaiuial help | 1 \ou nrrtl when lu*|>itali/a« I fivrn or Mirgual van* is r r- . j | vpiiml. #/ vom family dor* I not have Blur ( >uyv fnotec* * flow, u'htr or tall today. DURHAM. N. C. Wm. B. Gardner 9. O. B«x 548 —Edanton. N. C. TELEPHONE >4tO and those of his family. Also, the cost of living con- j tinues to rise. Any increase hurts the very poor more than, those in comfortable circum-; stances. Aren't most of the illegitimate childre: in N. C. getting help from public welfare? ! No! Only 9 per cent of th< j illegitimate child:--n ieceive any financial as istance from public welfare in North Carolina. Over 90 per cent, therefore, are being cared for by relatives or other persons responsible for them. < But aren't more and more i.legit imate children getting public welfare payments? ' No. The proportion of fami lies with illegitimate children iti I the cases of county departments of public welfare has . declined ) considerably, The percentage I dropped from tibout one-fifth «if I the families in 1956 to about 1(5 per cent in 1953. while the na ! tional average stands at 20 per j cent of the families. Aren't many women having ille gitimate children so they can collect more public welfare money? No. An additional child would mean, on the average, an in crease of less than $lO per month in the payment. It would be ridiculous to assume that this would be an incentive to a wo-, man to continue to have illegiti mate children. Why aren't all illegitimate chil- I Don’t Lag—L>uy Olag dentists say "wonderful" . , . 'best I've ever used” . . . "best tooth paste on the market V iH mm YOU CAN T SEE THE BANK IN THIS PICTURE | ... BUT ITS THfRfJ 3 Many a local famih can tell vou of a ' silent partner* who steadih con tributes to better and happier living the hank. It may be through a savings account where thrift builds character, protection, home ownership; through a checking account for conven ience and economy; through a loan to meet an emergence, finance a car, repair and improve the home; or through plain financial advice and guidance. Do you need such a partner.' Then come in. Let us put this hank in jour picture. eopte make tite cti/J-MMCe at B iHnaL P Sa/tk(utd'JhMteompam\ EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA 3% Interest Paid On Savings Accounts MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION DEPOSITS INSURED TO SIO,OOO Thursday, January 5, 1961. Edenton, North Carolina dren cut off public welfare 1 rolls? The citizens of North Carolina 1 would not permit the neglect and hunger of so many children. Ours is a society which does not believe a child should be penaliz ed because of the condition of its , birth. If such action were tak-! en, there might be a sharp re-, duction in immediate expendi tures, but there would be an unthinkable cost in terms of ex- 1 penditure for crime, juvenile de- : linquency. and medical costs ,f these children were allowed ,to grow up in poverty, neglect and squalor. Why can't mothers cf illegili N m: pint’ mate children be sterilised so they cannot have more children? They can only be sterilized, under North Carolina law. if mental!) ill. mentally retarded, or epileptic. Otherwise, sterili* zation would be unconstitutional. Who sleepeth with dogs shall rise v .th fleas. —John Florin. DON'T GET UP NIGHTS II juM :• n«! I*2 hours to «t«rt r«*lief~.»r your luick; at an> drug store. \\ lieu tmietiomtl kidne> d»s »rd»*rs cause getting up nights, scant.\ flow, •fiiruiiu;, hat karhe, leg pains, li/./iness take surprising It I KhITS 4- ilav treatment. \rts las’ t » increase inil regulate passage. NOW at MITCH EN E R'S PHARMACY

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