PAGE EIGHT ' —BECTIOW TWO Chow9ss } News By CATHERINE AMAN Assistant Home Economics Agent ! In the school 4-H Club meet ings this week 4-H’ers have been how to acquire good planners anti learning to be like able. In this article I will be «sing excerpts from YOUTH COMES OF AGE. V: Did you ever begin with this friendly greeting, "Fine day, Isn’t it?”—only to get an an swer similar to this, "Yeh, but you never can tell what it'll be night.” It has been said there are no short cuts In learn ing to be likeable, and one of the first things to be learned Is to “be governed by your likes rather than by your dislikes." It is hard sometimes —but always good to be ready to “give at tention to the agreeable happen-' ings; ignore the disagreeable.” It takes time and practice to j build up this positive attitude, toward life. “There is no secret about the' way to become such a person . . . We become more likeable persons by forming habits of friendly living with others. Per- | sonality has been defined as the sum total of our habits. You 1 have probably noticed that the persons you admire for their ( likeable ways seem to do the right thing without thinking. Good cheer, friendliness, and considerateness are habitual with them.” I think these are good points] for all of us to ponder on and then put into action. In the community clubs this y STRAIGHT 11 BOURBON lymj, * fc JAMES WAtSH A CO . IHC. LAWREHCEBURG. (NO. < 3 - Day Specials FREE -SET OF 6 STEAK KNIVES with the purchase of any appliance of $123 or more! Thursday-FridaySaturday JANUARY 12th-13th. 14th 17.1 cu. ft. Chest Freezer, was 8244.95 . . . NOW 16.8 cu. ft. Upright Freezer, was 8244.95.. NOW s]99^ 11.9 cu. ft. 2-dr. Refrigerator was 8239.95 NOW 30-in. Electric Range, was §189.95 NOW §146-65 And A W ide Selection of 1961 TV, Specials Only $5.00 Down > - 9 % fuawvt&ut rrii\f 325 south broad street JtAKj - , month the demonstration is “How To Make A Lamp.” This demonstration, is being used as an introduction to an electrical workshop which will be held in the near future. It is also a good way for 4-H’ers to supplement an electric project. The North Carolina 4-H Club Electric Awards Program is open to any boy or girl con ducting an electric project in the 4-H Club. All records should be completed and submitted to the County Extension Agents notj later than June 25, 1961. These I i records include the project book | and standard report form. The. county awards include a two-day, all-expense trip to the 4-H Electric Congress for the j winning boy and girl. Four gold-filled medals of honor for Blue Award group (two boys, tw'o girls) will be awarded in each county by the Westinghouse Educational Foundation. On a territorial basis, at the 4-H Electric Congress each spon soring! power company will award* to winners from its terri-| . tory two first prizes, each to be | a SIOO scholarship, and two sec ond prizes, each to be an en graved gold watch. 1 The state winner will be | awarded an all-expense trip to ; the National 4-H Club Congress j in Chicago during the fall. I Any 4-H boy or girl may en roll and participate in the elec trict workshop regardless of whether an electric project is be- 1 ing carried or not. This is a I ! good W'ay to get started and! 1 might interest 4-H’ers to enroll j in the electric project next year. | SUNDAY SCHOOL ] LESSON \ j Cont'd. from Page 7—Section 2 , backgrounds and different ap-| proaches to any given set of cir-! cumstances. Bearing this in! THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. JANUARY », 1961. y*r** w *** j . *** • . ........ MEDICAL CARE PROGRAM 60ft . ' ’ L - Fund-Raising Research Expense program 13ft > 117° Community Services Administration 4ft - 4ft Education Program Bft . . PREVENT CRIPPLING DISEASES mind, there are still some fun damental steps along the way of spiritual rebirth which all Chris tians can follow. First, one must have a sincere sense of need. Lacking this, there can be no significant spir itual growth. There is little hope for the complacent, or the self-satisfied person. Second, we need to have a clear and sharp vision of the new life God brings through Christ. One comes to an aware ness of a possibility he had nev er sensed before. Third, we must know sincere repentance. Thus does not ne cessarily mean self-rejection; it merely means sincere regret fori having made so little of life] heretofore, or having lived on lower levels. In the light of the 1 new and finer vision one looks to the past saying, "I shall doj something better, and be some thing better.” And, lastly, one must have a sense of responsible decision. 1 The new birth is marked by the exercise of the power to APPLIANCE REPAIRS FOR ALL MAKE MACHINES Refrigerators Dryers Washers Stoves Call 3337 Kenneth Float's EDENTON, N. C. I choose. Orie chooses to respond with all his being to God. To live liV in the light of the high est that one has come to know about God is the sincere purpose. of the Christian. 1 After these initial steps have; been taken, there is still ample’, room for growth. 1 However, having taken these steps, one has a new direction | for his life, and a new dedication iin that life. He has been bom on a new level of experience. It has been the experience of countless numbers among us that coming to know Jesus as the Christ has led them to this new birth we seek. He has re- I vealed people to themselves, in | spiring in them a sense of need, j He has revealed to them a vision l of what life might be. He has I inspired repentance, and deepest j dedication and purpose. He has given “life in His name!” IThese comments are based on 1 outlines of the Internationa* SINCLAIR Refining Company Is Pleased To Announce That ‘SINCLAIR PRODUCTS’ Will, NOW BE MARKETED IN THE EDENTON AREA John M. Elliott SS/nclairj Mr. W. J. Yates, due to age, i 8 retiring from business and urges all of his customers to continue doing business with “SINCLAIR* 1 and JOHN M. ELLIOTT OPERATING AS F th fine t' Pt 1 P l ' ‘l. d m| ued Indty School Loosens, copy rigMM by the International Council of Religious Education, and used by permission). j Commissioners’ l Proceedings On account of the first Mon day in January falling on a holiday the. Board of County Commissioners met Tuesday,! January 3, 1961, at 9 o’clock A. M., with' all members pres ent including Chairman W. E. Bond and Commissioners C. J. Hollowell, Dallas Jethro, Jr., J. Gilliam .Wood and C. M. Evans. The minutes of the previous meetings, were read and approv ed and the following bills order ed paid: Chamber of Commerce, ap propriation, $500.00; Orthopedic' Clinic, appropriation, $15.00; H.j S. Small, rent, $25.00; J. A. j Mitchener, rent, $60.00; District j Health Dept, appropriation and j vital statistics, $1,020.45; General j County Fund, repayment of tern- 1 porary loan, $1,215.00; Peoples Bank & Trust Co., $6.00: John! E. Shackelford, postage, $10.00; j A. P. and N. L. Bateman, j $64.65; R. C. Helmkamp, blankets for jail, $36.00; Peoples Bank & Trust Co., withholding tax dept., $581.27; W. E. Bond, expenses attending meeting, $4.60; Dallas Jethro, Jr., expenses attending meeting, $11.62; George Chevro let Co., payment of fire truck, $2,631.00; Fire District, temporary loan, $400.00; Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., repairs, $13.50; H. S. Small, rent, $55.00; William Mayo, janitor, $2.50; Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., ser vices • for Welfare Dept., $15.15; GENERATOR AND STARTER SERVICE We Have Most Parts For All Make Trucks And 'Praetors See Us For Complete Repair Service ❖ All Work Guaranteed ❖ EDENTON AUTO PARTS W. Queen St. Phone 3410 itMteaiMeeeMfeeeemiweeemewMUMMMinimnumiHininwmMMtuiuMiisMa ••itnMiMiiiiMtteiieeeiuiHiiiittiwi Mrs. Carolyn C. McMullan, trav el, $3.23; Mrs. Hazel S. Elliott, travel, $10.36; United States Postmaster, postage, $12.00; R. J. Boyce, services, $31.47; Bond’s Grocery, $18.00; Mrs. Bertha B. ! Bunch, services, $34.00; Bertram i Byrum, $31.25; Bertram Byrum, care of prisoners, $288.83; Pau line Calloway,' telephone services and supplies, $28.70; Onnie S. Charlton. P. O. Box rent, $2.25; Carolina Trailways, $14.74;' Caro lina Overall Co., $3.20; The Cho wan Herald, $79.50; Chowan Hos pital, Inc., for indigent patients, $518.82; Coastal Office Eruip ment Co., $1.30; Commercial Printing Co., $15.98; Cuthrell’s Dept. Store, $13.36; Davis Type writer Service, $29.02; Eastern N. C. Sanatorium, $52.80; Eden ton Ice Co., $359.83; Eden ton In surance Agency, $350.00; Edenton Office Supply, $12.80; Edwards & Broughton Printing Co., $8.18; N. C. State Board of Health, Chowan County rat program, $125.68; Earl Goodwin, Sheriff, services and bills, $120.40; Ha'r rell Gas & Coal Co., $11.63; Gravely Sanatorium. $4.80; Hill Mfg. Co., $26.73; Hughes-Parker Hardware Co, $4.05; Walter B. Jones, supplies. $90.88; W. H. King Drug Co., $62.36; Isaac Cor nelious, $14.00: R. T. Mills, Plbg. & Heating, Mar ket Reports, Inc., $43.75; N. C. Association of County Commis sions. $109.00; Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., services for countv offices: County jail $14.77, Sheriff $27.23, U. S. Govt. Soil Conservation Service $10.35, Reg i ister of Deeds $7.65, Clerk Su- I perior Court $12.70, County At- I countant $9.25, Tax Supervisor $7.00, Fletcher Lassiter $9.85; The Office Supply Store. $54.65; iC. W. Overman, telephone ser vices and supplies, $25.00; H. R. Pfttele, $5.00; Ricks Laundiy,, $6.20; Rowson A Blair Funeral! Home, $25.00; Tom H. Shepard,! services, $83.70; Sheler Publish-' ing Co, Inc, $7.00; Smith-Co rona, $15.48; Town of Edenton, 1 E & W Dept, $90.07; «. Wayne Stevens, law books, $7.00; N. C.j Dept, of Conservation Sc Devel-i opment, $167.21; State Associa-| tion of County Accountants of North Carolina’, $5.00; Twiddy Sign Williams, coroner’s fee, $5.00; ■ general salaries for month of. December, $4,703.78. * On motion made by Dallas Jethro, Jr, seconded by C. J. Hollowell and unanimously car ried, upon request of Mrs. Josie, Ruth Carr, chairman of The Con- 1 federate Centennial Committee, the following additional members are added to the Chowan County Confederate Centennial Commit-1 tee: Mrs. Medlin Belch, Mrs. J.j W. Davis, Mrs. Richard Dixon,; Sr, Mrs. Lloyd Griffin, Miss Minnie Hollowell, Mrs. J. Clar-! ence Leary, Sr, Mrs. Robert Marsh, Mrs. Granbery Tucker, The Rev. Fred B. Drane, E. W. Spires, Sidney S. Campen, Thomas C. Byrum, Jr, Mrs. Hen ry Jordan, Mrs. J. L. Hassell, Mrs. Warner Evans, Mrs. Claude Small, Jr„ Mrs. O. C. Long, Jr, Mrs. Belle W. Parker, Mrs. Cameron Boyce, Mrs. T. L Ward. On motion made by J. Gil liam Wood, seconded by C. M. Evans and unanimously carried that the county attorney be au thorized to institute foreclosure proceedings on all real property located in the county where the county taxes are delinquent for a period of four years or more, and that he follow the form pre scribed in G. 5.105-392 where the OH, MY ACHING BACK Now! You can get the fast relief you need from nagging backache, headache and muscular aches and pains that often cause refitless nights and miserable out feelings. When these discomfort# come on with over-exertion or stress and •train —you want relief —want it fast! Another disturbance may be mild Madder irritation following wrong food and drink—often setting up a restless un comfortable feeling. Doan's Pills work fast in 3 separate ways: 1. by speedy pain-relieving aetior. 10 ease torment of tugging backache, headaches, muscular aches and pains. 2. by soothing effect on bladder irrita tion. 3. by mild diuretic action tending to increase output of the 15 miies of kidney tubes. > 'Snjoy a good night’s sleep end the tame happy relief millions have for over GO years. New. large size saves money. oet Doan's Pills today 1 f Doan s Pius TRY A beat ALU iLASSiKIKIi FOR Clear, Sharp TELEVISION RECEPTION INSTALL AlO ELEMENT ~ VAGI ANTENNA *6.95 Plua Installation RECEPTION GUARANTEED FOR CHANNELS 7 A 9 OR MONEY FOR INSTALLATION .AND ANTENNA REFUNDED. - . 9 Byrum Hardware Company, Inc. - daemon rurniturc tiiißnaitv* inr * n Jackson R&dio & TT " X I .V t SifirU to aU "other! | caseS use the procedure pre scribed under GJS.IOS-391. i A notice to apply to the N. C. i Alcohol to Beverage Control' Board for a permit to sell beer i . presented by Arthur Riddick Chappell, trade name the Pick ] wick Billiards, was approved. 1 The following reports were ac cepted and ordered filed: Coun ty Welfare Dept.; Edenton Fire Dept.; Sheriff; C. W. Overman, 1 County Agent; Pauline Calloway, j home economics agerjt; Catherine Am an, assistant home economics agent; Fletcher Lassited, Negro county agent; Onnie S. Charlton, Negro home economics agent. ; | There being no further busi* ness, the meeting was adjourned. I W. E. BOND, Chairman ! BERTHA B. BUNCH, Clerk. Taylor Theatre EDENTON, N. C. ~T Wednesday and Thursday, January 11-12 Dick Bogarde In "SONG WITHOUT END” Cinemascope and Color STORY OF FRANZ LISZT Friday and Saturday, January 13-14 Jerry Lewis in "CINDERFELLA" Technicorur Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, January 15-16-17 Elizabeth Taylor, Laurence Harvey and Eddie Fisher to "BUTTERFIELD 8" CinrmaStopf and Color Wednesday, January 18— UOI’BLK FKATVRK "CALTIKA, THE IMMORTAL MONSTER" —and— "SERENGETI, SHALL NOT DIE" Color

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