PAGE FOUR t-SETOdU GK2 I AROUND THE FARMS j •:«2§§in qiowan county ( | By C. W. OVERMAN, Chowan County Agent j Peanut and Grain Drying and; Storage Meeting: On Tuesday | night of next week, January 24, at 7:30 o’clock a*, the Chowan i Community B hiding we will hold a farmers’ meeting on ‘"Pea-! nut and Grain Drying and Stor-; age Facilities.” Anyone inter-1 ested is invited to attend. E. S. Coates, Extension Agri-. cultural Engineering Specialist! from State College, will assist! me with the meeting. Mr. Coates 1 has the technical information and j has had considerable experience with crop drying and storage | equipment and facilities. He is j an expert in this field, so if you! are at all interested come get the information and ask your; questions. Swine School To Be Held: A! school for hog growers will be| held next Wednesday night, Jan-, uary 25, at 7:30 o’clock. Hogj growers, feed dealers and any j others interested are invited toi Nu-Curl Beauty Shop f|Rgjj|gl FEBRUARY SPECIAL Xs T Breck-Beautifu! S2O Permanent Wave For $12.50 Starting Monday, January 23rd llirou JOE THORUD 204 Bank of Edaoton Bids. P. O. Box 504 PHONE 2420 ||ATIOWWIH j BU| 1 [ Plan For Methodist School 1 Pictured above are members of the board of directors of the Chowan-Perquimans Christian Workers School who met in Hert-1 ford on Sunday afternoon. January 15 to complete plans for the forthcoming school which will be held in the First Methodist Church in Hertford January 29-February 2. Back row. left to right, the Rev. J. A. Auman, F. A. McGoogan, Hertford; Ralph Harrell, Woodland: Robert S. Marsh. Edenton: Aubrey Ownley, Cedar Grove: Steve Perry, New Hope and the Rev. Dan Meadows. New Hope-Woodland. Front row. Savage Joliff, Bethany; the Rev. Ralph Fowlkes, Edenton, the Rev. A. M. Gore, Jr., WinialL and George Jackson, Oak Grove. the House of Representatives. Jim Tatum, director of fresh men athletics at the University of North Carolina, was principal! speaker when Roiarians enter- j lained the Edenton High School i football team. He emphasized j the importance of an athlete 1 making good grades, which he 1 THE FOLLOWING BUSINESSES WILL I WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON We, the undersigned merchants in Edenton, in due consideration for our employees, will close Wednesday afternoons until further notice. j ' v Byruin Gift Shop Elliott Company J Quinn Furniture Co. Sanitary Cleaners 1 * The Betty Shoppe The Jill Shoppe ' , t i , d T„ c . Western Gas Service Jackson s Kadio-1V Service Tots & Teens * f Western Auto Associate Store Rose’s 5-10 & 25c Store Campen’s Jewelers Malone’s 5 & 10c Store Phthisic’s Super Market ' , „ . , Us . Sears Catalog Sales l>iiice Frank R. Jones & Son Ralph E. Parrish, Ine. P&Q Super Market Colonial Furniture Co. / Edenton Furniture Co. A & P Food Store J. J. Ross Jeweler Edenton OfficejSupply j said, are equally as important as athletic ability.