PAGE TWO h-ttCTKUV TWO SENATOR A A SAM ERVIN WLA n SAYS *• ' V r—— Washington There is a tre mendous interest in the inau- i gural of President-Elect Ken nedy. A large delegation from North Carolina will attend the ceremonies which surround this great event. Inauguration lnauguration ceremonies are, according to cus tom, conducted on a specially constructed platform over the central stairway of the east front of the Capitol. Workmen daily are putting the finishing touch es to the construction of this platform. Upon it the Nation’s Chief Justice, Earl Warren, will administer the oath of office in the present of the President-! Elect’s family, Cabinet members, Senators, Representatives, Gov ernors, Diplomatic Corps, and thousands of spectators. Immediately upon taking the oath of office, President Ken nedy will deliver his inaugural address and then will lead the ■most colorful of all parades in America down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House. CHOW^> News By HARRY VENTERS Assistant County Agent Now is the time to begin work on your 4-H projects, especially crop and garden projects, home grounds beautification and oth ers. No matter what you are plan ning to grow—corn, cotton, pea nuts, vegetables, or flowers and shrubs, a soil sample report will help you. Many times we wait too late to take our soil samples and we do not get the report back in time to take advantage of the fertilizer recommendations. You can avoid this easily by sending in your samples now. Then you will have ■plenty of time to plan your crop needs. Just as you cannot develop strong, healthy bodies without proper food, neither can a plant grow and develop properly un less it is properly fed. A soil test will tell you what foods you need to add to the soil for a properly balanced diet for your crop. It is very important to take a soil sample properly. Unless the soil you send in truly rep resents a field, then the report will not be correct. If you don't know how to take a sample, call me at 3128 and I’ll be happy to show you how. Soil sample boxes and mailing cartons are available at our office in the Post Office building. Another project that you should be working on is your 4-H Health Improvement project. For some reason, perhaps be cause all 4-H’ers are asked to take part in this project, many of you do not take this project seriously. Let me assure you i that no project you take can! mean more to you. Os course,! you have to work at it to bene-| fit, just as is the case in so 1 many other things. Why don’t you get out your record book' and Health Improvement Guide! right now and start making some j plans for this project. Os STRAIGHT WHISKEY W^Ewjgr^lf'nlriiT^Hra^ New Administration Presi dent-elect Kennedy may not have a Rooseveltian mandate, but he has a working knowledge of both the Senate and the House. He has a reservoir of good will to carry with him in many of the matters that he has proposed. I do not know what exact forms legislation will take in specific areas since the new administra tion has not submitted its pro gram to the Congress. Thus far the President-elect has been leery of ushering in his admini stration with a stormy note on the majority vote amendment to the Senate Rules on cloture. 1 Hodges lt was a delight to me to see President-elect Ken nedy give North Carolina recog nition in the selection of former Govetrnor Luther H. Hodges to be his Secretary of Commerce. Luthier Hodges will bring a good approach to the problems that confront every Secretary of Com meTco. I shall urge his confir mation for this important post win?™ the matter somes to the Senate for its approval. l course, everyone, boys and girls, men xind women, want to be I healthy. We forget that in order I to be. (we have to do our part. Your Health Improvement rec ord bo t k is divided into three sections 4 It suggests that you ! make a ’ list of the things needed to improve your own personal ■ health, yaur family’s health, and the health of yoor community. This third part particularly may require some help from others. Maybe several of you in the same neighborhood can work on a project together, such as fly or rat control, oar just removing some hazards that may rause accidents or making people more safety conscious. Whatever yottr project is, you should become .familiar with the requirements so you. can stay ahead. Keep your record book j up to date at all times and you ■, will not have any trouble com- I j pleting it before it is due to be ■ |turned in. I — — ' f 1 Lunch Room Menu 1 *i Menus at John A. Holmes High I I School lunch room for the week • 1 of January 23-27 will be as fol lows: H Weiners, pork and beans, pic !ikle relish, block chocolate cake, '! wciner rolls, cole, slaw, mustard milk. [ Tuesday: Mean loaf with gra ‘;vy, creamed potatoes, hot bis ! cuits, garden peas, apple sauce milk. Wednesday: Beef soup, pi mento cheese sandwiches, salted 1 1 crackers, peanut butter sand | wiches, cup cakes, milk. : Thursday: Stew - beef with po tatoes and onions, green string beans, apple pie, hot biscuits, butter, milk. Friday: Chicken salad on let tuce, salted crackers, pineapple upside cake, succotash, milk. Don’t Lag—Buy Olag ' dentists say "wonderful" . « _ j "best Fva ever used" ... 'best tooth paste on the market THE CHOWAH HERALD. EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. JANUARY !«. IMI. Educators In Favor Regular Homework Assignment In Ele mentary Grades Pro duce Higher Achieve ment Later Required homework, which in recent years has been out of favor among some educational groups, is back in favor, accord ing to Changing Times, the Kip linger Magazine. ’ An item in the Schools and Colleges column of the current issue of the magazine reports a shift of opinion among educa tors, who recently have asserted that homework contributes little to academic achievement, espe cially for children in the ele mentary grades. Now, according to the column, an exhaustive re view reports these findings; Experiments show that regu larly assigned homework does, favor higher academic achieve ment. And homework in ele-| mentary grades affects high ■ school performance, for study techniques and attitudes are set very early in a child’s school career. Arguments that homework may have bad psychological effects are not supported by research. In fact, children “may feel more secure and better oriented in the classroom when they are doing regular homework.” Research indicates that requir ed homework should be rein stated in the elementary schools and should be smoothly graduat ed from a token five-minute or so assignment in the first grade to about two or three hours a night in high school. Parents should be expected to provide good conditions for home study, and their general interest and supervision (but not specific help) should be welcomed. New Superintendent For Peanut Research Station At Lewiston M. B. Wright, assistant county agent in Jones County, has been appointed to succeed Furney W. Brittain as superintendent of the Peanut Beit Research Station near Lewiston. Announcement of the appoint ment by Agriculture Commis sioner L. Y. Ballentine and Cecil D. Thomas, director of the di fision of research stations of 'the N. C. Department of Agriculture, said the change-over will take place on February 1, when Brit tain leaves to accept a position in private industry. The Lewiston station, one of nine owned by the Department of Agriculture, was purchased in 1952 to serve as the major locale for peanut research conducted by the North Carolina Experiment Station. M mBU ■ lj| f f pure gasolines have set 244 certified performance records* for power, mileage and economy Get PURE*PREMIUM |S§ ...It’s super premium now fl|w^ •Cvtvu.«3 NaSCA* AAa OSaC •>•• SCC4 J# W Hf(| WimW Qa C°mpM.y'^|"~- CHOWAN CLUB MEETS Chowan Home Demonstration Club met January 9, 1961. “On ward, Ever Onward,” was sung j by the group. Mrs. C. J. Hollo well gave the devotional. John 3:16 was repeated in unison. Miss Calloway gave the demon stration, “Know Your Year Book.” The new year books were given out. The club will contribute $5.00 to the Martfli of Dimes. A note of thanks was read from Miss Calloway. The club received a new mem ber, Mrs. T O. Asbell. There will be a joint club meeting and community meet ing January 31 at 6:30 at the club house. Each club member' is asked to bring a picnic lunch. ■ Mrs. E. N. Elliott was hostess for the meeting. New officers, are: President, Mrs. C. J. Hollo-1 well; vice president, Mrs. Her-1 bert Dale; secretary, Mrs. Min nie Corprew and treasurer, Mrs. E. N. Elliott. COLERAIN RESIDENT DIE S James Robert Cale, 82, died at his home in Colerain Sun-; day morning at 6:52 o’clock after a five months illness. A native of Bertie County, he was the l son of William and Mary Out ' law Cale. Surviving are three sons, Hez zie Cale, Odie Cale and Darden! Cale, all of Colerain; a daugh ter, Mrs. Jesse Mizelle of Cole rain, and a brother, William C. Cale of Edenton. He was a member of the Beth any Baptist Church, where fun eral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The Rev. Charles Hodges officiated and burial was in the family ceme tery in Bertie County. CONVENTION CLOSES Jehovah’s Witnesses of Circuit 26 held a very successful Circuit Meeting at Virginia Beach, Va., last week-end when 578 were present for the opening session Friday. There were 690 present for Saturday’s session and 25 were baptized. The climax of the convention came Sunday at 3:00 P. M., when 930 packed Convention Center to hear H. L. Brissett deliver the keynote address on the sub ject: “Is God Interested In The Affairs Os Men?” Legal Notices EXECUTOR’S NOTICE j Having qualified as Executor “of the estate of Rufus Nollie j Eason, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is I to notify all persons having I claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 19th day of January. 1961. WALTER M. HOLLOWELL, Hobbsville. N. C., Executor of Rufus Nollie Eason. Jan19,26.Feb2,9,16.23c NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION SPEDIC FOOD PRODUCTS INCORPORATED Notice is hereby given that Spedic Food Products. Incorpor ated has filed ARTICLES OF DISSOLUTION with the Secre tary of State of North Carolina. All creditors of Spedic Food , Products, Incorporated are here by notified to present their claims to the undersigned. This 12th day of January, 1961. SPEDIC FOOD PRODUCTS, INCORPORATED By W. P. Jones. President. Jan19,26,Feb.2.9c ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of Louis L. Nixon, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make ■ immediate payment. This 22nd day of December, 1960. | MRS. ELSIE B. NIXON, I Administratrix of Louis L. Nixon. J Dec22,29Jan5,12,19,26 ’ NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Chowan County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in cer tain mortgages executed by H. .H. Collins and wife, John Col lins and Henry Harrell and Wife, dated January 15, 1953-February 4, 1959-December 1, 1958 and February 9, 1950, and recorded in Book DT 61, page 22; DT pook 75, page 77 and 78; Book 65, page 126 and Book 73, page ! 591 in the office of the Register of Deeds, Chowan County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured, and said mortgages being by the terms thereof subject to fore closure, the undersigned mortga gee will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Chowan County, North Carolina at Pub lic Auction at 11 A. M., on February 9, 1961, the property conveyed in said mortgages, the same lying and being in Yeo pim Township, Chowan County, North Carolina and more fully ' described as follows: Tract number one: 1 That lot of Jordan Land, des ignated as lot No. 10 in the ' plat of Jordan and Brinkley Lands, which is registered in ! Book N. page 378 and is the , same land conveyed to Samuel . & Henry Collins by C. S. Vann . and Wife dated November 1, 1920, containing 48 acres more or less. ? Tract number two: That lot of Brinkley Lands 1 designated as lot No. 5, formerly owned by M. C. Brinkley, Perry Speight and C. S. Vann, and known as the Brinkley-Vann Land and plat of which is reg istered in Book N. page 378, \ Chowan County Registry, and ! containing 44.5 acres more or J less and is the old home place i of Henry Collins and where John . Collins now resides. A deposit of 10% on the first ■ v 1,000.00 bid and 5% on the bal ance will be required of the I successful bidder at time of sale, f and will be subject to raised bid within 10 days from date sold. Deed will be delivered to pur chaser in fee simple and all tax es and assessments thereon will be paid if legally in order. J. C. BLANCHARD & CO., INC„ Holder of Mortgages. G. A. WHITE, Trustee, t Dated and posted this January • 9, 1961. Jan12,19,26,Feb2e North Carolina, Chowan County. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale Contained in that certain deed of trust executed by E. B. White, Jr., and wife, Helen T. White, to the under-1 signed trustee, dated March 28,; 1958, and recorded in Book 73, j page 407 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County, North Carolina, default having been made in the pay-| ment of the indebtedness there- 1 by secured, and at the request, of the holder thereof, the under-! signed trustee will offer for sale! at public auction to the highest i bidder for cash at the courthouse' door in Edenton, North Carolina, at twelve o’clock noon, on the 31st day of January, 1961, the property conveyed in said deed of trust described as follows: All of my undivided interest in and to those certain three tracts of land situate in Second Township, Chowan County, North Carolina, described as fol lows: First Tract: Known as the E. B. White Home Place, containing 100 acres, more or less, and being the same land described in that certain deed from Joseph A. Byrum to E. B. White which is recorded in Book J, at page 408 of the Cho wan County Public Registry, ref erence to which deed is hereby made for a more complete des cription. Second Tract: Known as the Blue Land containing 600 acres, more or less, and being the same lands described in deed from O. E. Lane to E. B. White which is recorded in Book O, page 477 of >the Chowan County Public Registry, refer ence to which is made for a more complete description. Third Tract: Known as the Dil lard Land containing 287 acres, more or less and being the same land allotted Elizabeth Lane White in the division of the W. H Lane lands and known as Lot No. 2 of the old Bear Swamp land, and described in division Deed which is recorded in Book L, page 483 of the Chowan County Registry, reference to which deed is hereby made for a more complete description. This 28th day of December, 1960. R. L. COBURN, Trustee Williamston, N. C. Jan5,12,19,26c North Carolina, Chowan County. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Lloyd Alvin Twine and wife, Katherine Twine, to Kenneth G. Cumming, Trustee, dated May 10, 1955, and recorded in Book 69, pages 135 and 136, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County; and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned Sub 1 PER CENT TAX INTEREST ' N ~ t - * * 1 Will Be Added To All 1960 Chowan County Taxes Which Are Not Paid Before February 1, 1961 h Interest will increase every month your tax es remain unpaid after February Ist. This is required by state law. Pay Now and Save AVOID THE INCREASED INTEREST ANY TAXPAYER WHO CANNOT PAY HIS OR HER TAXES IN ONE PAYMENT CAN MAKE PARTIAL PAYMENTS UNTIL PAID. YOUR CO OPERATION WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. Hf _ Bm* ij | W W mjfc/ B IVI *■ • t' bis b a b b b ■ Cl /“xt? 'FHii v|7 {\j j.§fii | |\j T i stitute Trustee by instrument dated November 18, 1960, and recorded in said Public Regis try; default having been made in the payment of the indebt ness thereby secured, at the di rection of the holder of said in debtedness, the undersigned Sub stitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the? courthouse door in North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon, on the 30th day of January, 1961, the property described in said deed of trust as follows, viz: That certain lot located on thei west side of the Center Hill Road leading from Center Hill to Cisco Station, and being also on the west side of the old right-of-way of the Suffolk and Carolina Railroad Company and beginning in the western edge of said right-of-way at the com er of the A. L. and Bertha L. Twine and C. F. Coston property, thence westwardly and along the C. F. Coston property line one hundred eleven (111) yards to a point in the said C. F. Cos ton property line; thence north wardly forty-four (44) yards to a point; thence eastwardly and keeping exactly forty-four (44) yards between this call and the first call described above one hundred eleven (111) yards to the western edge of the afore said right-of-way; thence south wardly and along the western edge of said right-of-way forty four (44) yards to the place of beginning, and containing about one (1) acre, and being the same property conveyed unto the par ties of the first part by deed of A. L. Twine and wife, dated April 2, 1955, and recorded in Deed Book 11, page 268, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of 'Chowan County. This the 6th day of December, 1960. N. E. AYDLETT, Substitute Trustee. Jan5,12,19,26c NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the j power and authority conferred upon the undersigned by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chowan County in an order I dated December 19, 1960, in a special proceeding entitled, J. E. j Charlton, Administrator of the (estate of Benjamin J. Leary, de ceased, vs. Anna M. Howard and Maggie Hexstall, I will offer for sale at the Court House door in Edenton, North Carolina, at 11:00 A. M. on Friday, January 20. 1961, the following described real property located in the First Township, Chowan County, North Carolina, and more par ticularly described as follows: All the rights, title and interest of Benjamin J. Leary in and to that land lying on the North side of Virginia Road and be ginning at a stage on said road, 35 feet Eastwardly from the lot heretofore conveyed to Weldon Skinner; thence along the said !road Eastwardly 35 feet to an $ .. 4 <* V;-.- W, other stake, 'fronting on said road, and running back North wardly between parallel lines perpendicular to said road to the canal ditch; bounded on the North by canal ditch; on the East by lot conveyed to Isaac Roberson, on the South by Vir finia' Road, and on West by esse Bailey, being a part of the lands convened to Jesse Bailey by Dr. Richard Dillard and be ing the same lands conveyed to Bertha Jernigan by Jesse Bailey and wife, Annie Bailey, and reg istered in Book P, page 184, Chowan County Register of Deeds office, reference to said deeds being made for more par ticular description and chain of title. A deposit of 10% shall be re quired of the successful bidder on the day of the sale and the remainder on delivery of deed. This the 19th day of Decem ber, 1960. JOHN E. SHACKELFORD, Dec29Jan5,12,19 Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By virtue of the authority vested and conferred upon the undersigned, the undersigned will offer for sale at public bid dings, for cash, to the highest bidder on the premises at A Small’s Cross Roads, Chowan t County, North Carolina, at 11:00 o’clock A. M.,' on Saturday, January 21, 1961, the real estate in Second Township, Chowan County, North Carolina, to wit: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the intersection of Ferry Road with N. C. Highway No. 32, running thence along said Ferry Road South 80 deg. East 46.61 chains to a gutn; thence South 2 deg. West 10.40 chains; thence South 5 deg. East 20.92 chains to an oak; thence in a Westerly direction along a ditch, its various courses, 60.93 chains to a bridge on N. C. High way No. 32; thence along said highway North 12 deg. East'36.B4 chains; thence along said hi«- way North 5 deg. East 18 chains to the point of beginning, beiitg bounded by Ferry Road, N. C. Highway No. 32, and the lands of A. S. Bush, H. Welch and Copeland, containing 158.91 acres, more or less. Courses and distances in the above tract taken from Plat of subject property prepared by David Cox, Surveyor, December 13, 1921, N. C. Highway No. 32 and Virginia Road are different i names for the same highway. Prospective allotments of crops for the year 1961: Cotton 7 acres Tobacco 1.75 acres Peanuts 17.6 acres A deposit of ten per cent of the purchase price will be re quired of the successful bidder or bidders at the sale. The re maining balance of said purchase price shall be payable upon de livery of Deed, said Deed to be delivered not later than Febru ary 1, 1961. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all bids made on said prop i I?ated and posted this 20th I day of December, 1960. WELDON A. HOLLOWELL, • Dec29Jan5,12,19 Attorney.

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