pvßusnmiN CHOWAN CWNTY Valume XxVIH.-Number 4, Local Officials Con ft a With •S ?■ « Stream Sanitation L%\ders for Sewage Disposal B Hant Likely Town Will Be 1 Requested to Sign a Consent Order With Two Year Limit For Sewage Disposal Mayor John Mitchener, A1 ?*Mlips, George A. Byrum and it* C. Byrum, Jr., representing Town Council and the Board of Public Works, went to Raleigh Wednesday of last week in con ' flection with the proposed sew age disposal plant. Present at the meeting were Messrs. Hub bard, Long and Turnage, repre senting the State Stream Sani tation Commission. ~ ti Mr. Hubbard stated that he tfras glad that the city officials had asked for the meeting. At the last meeting of the Stream Sanitation Committee the chair man, Senator Whitfield, had in structed the Attorney General to check into the procedure by which a public hearing could be called for the officials of Eden ton to report the cause and rea son as to why the sewage dis posal plant had not been put into Operation as requested. The At torney General was to report Qiis information to the commit tee meeting on January 27. The Outcome of this public hearing would probably be an order from the.JStream Sanitatiy-- Commit tee for the Town of Edenton to issue revenue bonds to con struct these sewage facilities. The temporary permit for the Continued on Pago 7—Section I Story Hour On Friday ~ Afternoon At Library Friday afternoon, January .27, a, story hour will be held at the Sihepard-Prudep Memorial, Li ' brary. The program will bemeld' from 3:30 to 4:30 o’clock ini charge Os Mrs. Tom Shepard and! Will be for children between five and ten years of age. The story hours held during December were very popular, so that a large .group is expected Friday afternoon to hear Mrs. 20 Years Ago As Found in the Files of j r; The Chowan Herald i L i Following a connection with the J. H. Holmes Company and lliter with the Elliott Companyj for a period of 23 years, A. S. Hollowell began operating the| stare formerly owned by J. C. PaiJ at the corner of Church and Oakum Streets. | A petition was being circulat ed* by Town Councilman Leroy Jfnskett requesting Town Council to appoint a police commissioner) and fire commissioner which was 1 not -provided for in the present tbwh charter. Mr. Haskett stal ed'emphatically that be was not seeking authority as police com-| misaioner, but threw out hints that he possibly would be a can-! didate for Mayor. ContihiMad an Page 6—Section > I Arranging For Mother’s March »- y 7. "• ; m - . li> ■ -: r# . s *- Af4 THE CHOWAN HERALD j Planning For 1961 Pilgrimage J LJm*- 'Jar Wt\ k I w£bg : \ Here is pictured a quartet of Ede.ilon Woman's Club members who are considering plans for the 1961 Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside which will be held April 14-16. Viewing pictures, left to right, are Mrs. J. D. Elliott, president: Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt, special events chairman; Mrs. J. P. Ricks, Jr., vice chairman and Mrs. R. J. Boyce, general chairman. —(Photo by J. P. Ricks, Jr.) Mrs. Edna Reaves Plans Course For Adults To Teach Clothing Mrs. Edna Reaves, home eco nomics teacher at John A. Holmes High School has an nounced that she will begin a class, “Clothing Construction for Beginners,” Tuesday night, Jan uary 31. The class is for adults and will begin at 8 o’clock in the home economics department of the rschool. , ,Mrs. j Reaves, states , that shfc will teach tfte class each Tues day night for at least six weeks. Savings Bonds Sales In Chowan Amount To $98,708 During ’6O Richard S. Atkinson, Chowan County volunteer chairman for; sale of U. S. Savings Bonds, 1 reports that sales in Chowan ( County for the past yearj amounted to $98,708.85, which is; 87.8% of the county’s yearly quota. Chowan’s quota for 1960 was $112,420. The sales in De cember amounted to $5,520.60. | Total sales of savings bonds, for the calendar year 1960 amounted to $46,646,566 in North Carolina. This is over 91% of the state’s 1961 sales quota of I $51,100,000. ( Through the first 10 months of th£ year .(January-October), North Carolina sales were ap-l proximately 2% ahead of the VWWW POCAHONTAS MEETING Chowanoke Council. No. 54, Degree of Pocahontas, will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. ! Mrs. Benrice Brooks, Pocahon [ tas. urges all members to at tend. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, January 26, 1961. There will be no charge for the course, but those who partici pate will be expected to pur chase their own supplies. Because of the limited facili ! ties at the school, Mrs. Reaves 'says that there will necessarily have to be a limit to the num-j ber who take the course. Anyone interested in enrolling) fo,r the course is requested to . meet ‘A-toP Apartment 'Tuesday night, Janu- | 1 ary 31, not later than 8 o’clock. ! comparable months of the pre- I vious year. A sharp decline in i November and December result ed in a decrease of 12% for the i year as compared with 1959. I Twenty-two North Caroline ■ counties achieved 100% or more l of their 1960 quotas. They are Alleghany, 187.0%; Jones 164.0%; Swain, 128.5%; Alexan der, 127.0%; Franklin, 124.5%; Henderson, 121.8%; Pamlico ' 121.5%; Clay, 117.8%; Hyde, ' 116.1%; Carteret, 114.3%0; Crav en, 113.9%; Washington, 113.4% Hokes, 112.2%; Durham, 112.1%: | Moore, 110.8%; Haywood 110.3% ; Greene, 109.4%; Bladen 108.6%; Lee, 106.3%; Caldwell |103.9%; Forsyth, 103.5%; anc Wayne, 100.0%. John H. Pruden PromotedToHigh Shipbuilding Job Assistant Superinten-| dent of Machinery Division at Newport News Shipyard Edenton relatives and friends will be interested to learn that John H. Pruden of Newport News, a former Edenton boy, has | been promoted from foreman of the machinery installatiton de partment to assistant superinten dent of the entire machinery division of Newport News Ship building and Dry Dock Com ,»ny. Pruden. who has been foreman of the division’s ma chinery installation department since 1949, assumed his new duties on January 1. Mr. Pruden was reared in Edenton and graduated from Edenton High School in 1931. He went to Newport News for the first time that summer to sail from the shipyard on the Dollar Lines’ President Hoover on her maiden voyage, after she had been completed at the yard. After three yean at sea, he Continued on P*f* l Section 1 Group Committee Chairmen Named For IN Pilgrimage * Mrs. R. J. Boyce, Gen eral Chairman Ap points Complete List To Serve Committee chairmen for the 1961 Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside on April 14, 15 and 16, sponsored by the Edenton Woman’s Club, have been named by Mrs. R. J. Boyce, general chairman. The appointments follow: Mrs. J. P. Ricks. Jr., vice chairman. Mrs. R. Elton Forehand, Jr., treasurer. Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt, spe cial events. Mrs. James M. Bond and Mrs. Cecil W. Fry, co-chairmen of hostesses. Mrs. William M. Cozart, cor respondence. Mrs. Wesley Chcsson, Jr., tic-' kets. Co-chairmen of registration are Mrs. Ralph W. Fowlkes, Jr., and Mrs. Elwood Nixon. Signs, Mi's. R. S. Atkinson, Jr., and Mrs. J. L. Harrell. Antique Show, Mrs. Robert B. Smith and Mrs. C. A. Phillips. Flowers, Mrs. George W. Lew is, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Richard Hines and Mrs. Ralph Parrish. Other chairmen are: Radio, Mrs. R. W. Schuman. Television, Mrs. W. E. Bond, Jr. Foldet, Mrs. John E. Shackel ford. Advertising, Mrs. W. H. Hollo well, Jr. Costumes, Mrs. A. F. Downum. Souvenirs, Mrs. Wendell H. Copeland. Guides, Mrs. J. M. Thorud and j Mrs. N. J. George, co-chairmen. Window displays, Mrs. Edward ' Bond, chairman,, assisted by Mrs. j Joe Thorud and Mrs. Gilliam , W*xi. —•» *— Students On Honor Roil Announced At local High School __ i i 1 49 For First Semester j And 52 On List Forj i School’s Third Six- Week Period Hiram Mayo, principal of John I A. Holmes High School, on Wed -1 nesday of this week released the honor roll for the first semes ter as well as for the third six weeks pet iod. Forty-nine students were in cluded on the tL-si semester hon oi roll and 51 were included on the third six weeks list. First semester honor roll stu-> dents are as follows: Grade 7—Joe Conger, Norfleet Pru ien, Dianthia Sexton, Yvonne! Stillman, Barbara Wallace and! Vivian Whiteman. Grade B—Claire8 —Claire Belch, Nancy O’Neal, Sandra Overton, Elaine Parks, Brenda Stallings, Lula Stroud, Wayne Brabble, Hiram i Mayo, Charles Overton, George Wilkins and Joe Harrell. ( I Grade 9—Sandra Bunch, Jean * Goodwin, Nancy Jordan, Mary . Thorud, Jimmy Cordon, Neal Hobbs, Tom Phillips and Doug in Twiddv. Grade 10 Carolyn Griffin, Gail Hare, Jo Anne Leary, Nelia Lowe, Ann Wells, Annie Laurie Whiteman and John Marshall. Grade 11—Herbert Adams. Joe i Continued on Pago 7—-Section 1 Minstrel At Rocky Hock February 2nd The Rocky Hock Orioles base ball club will present “The Ori ole Minstrel - ’ Thursday night, February 2, at the Rocky Hock auditorium at 8 o’clock. The show will be a 3-act comedy I featuring plenty of good music, fun and comedy for the entire family. It will feature solos, duets, quartets and songs by the ; entire chorus. There will be solos by Sammy Morris, Sammy Byrum and Wallace .Evans. It will also feature the “Honey 'Hams From Hoey Hollow” and the clod dancers from Tim-Buc- Tu. Furnishing music for the Wreath In Honor Os Gen. Lee’s Birthday r • • - • -—• • i 't « . ■ " ' V.;. J He.uted above is the Rev. Fred B. Drane placing a wreath at the Chowan County Confederate monument on the Court House Graan Friday to commemorate the birthday of General Robert E. Lea, who was born January 19, 1807. Mr. Drane is the grandson of Major T, L. Skinner ot the Confederate forces, who followed General Lee in battle. The wreath placing was a part of the pro gram of commemoration by the Chowan County Confederate Cen tennial Committee, of whicn Mrs. Raymond S. Carr is chairman.— (Photo by J. P. Ricks. Jr.) Sheriff Earl Goodwin Recovers Edenton Feed & Livestock Co. Truck; Found In South Norfolk Sheriff Earl Goodwin on Wed nesday of last week Recovered i truck which, among other things, was stolen from the Edenton Feed & Livestock Com pany on December 22. The truck was found parked on a side street in South Nor folk and in connection with its recovery James Clarence Hall, colored, was arrested and charg-i ed with breaking and entering and grand larceny. He was placed in the Norfolk City jail and is also charged with grand larceny in connection with a car Guest Speaker At February Meeting Os Woman’s Club John Myrace of Raleigh, rep resentative of the Brickell In stitute of Leadership Training of Greensboro, N. C.. will be the guest speaker at the luncheon meeting of the Edenton Woman’s Club to be held Wednesday af ternoon. February 1, at 1 o’clock at the Edenton Restaurant. The Brickell Institute holds the franchise in North and part of South Carolina for the “Dale Carnegie Course”, a nationally known institution to promote trained leadership to those w-ho complete this course. Mr. My race is in Edenton under the aus pices of the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. J. D. Elliott urges that every member be present for this important meeting. Cub Scouts Will Organize Tonight Elbert Copeland, recently ap pointed chairman of the Cub Scouts, has called a meeting to be held in the Parish House to night (Thursday) at 7:30 o’clock. The purpose of this meeting is to organize a Cub Scout Pack, so that all eligible boys and their parents are urgently re quested to attend this meeting. A1 Sharpe Speaker At Rotary Meeting Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon > at 1 o’clock in the Parish House; I The principal speaker will be A1 i Sharpe of Lumberton, president lof the North Carolina Jaycees.. A very interesting program is as j sured, so that President Elton (Forehand urges • 100 per cent stolen in Norfolk. Hall is a former Chowan Qpunty boy now living in Sout f Norfolk. Sheriff Goodwin also recovered some of the merchandise stolen in Edenton at the same time, but the SIOO in cash was not recovered. Sheriff Goodwin stat ed that Hall had made a full confession of the Edenton rob bery. Assisting Sheriff Goodwin, wfyo was in Norfolk two days last week, in apprehending Hall and the stolen truck were F. E. Epps, North Carolina SBI agent and the Detective Bureau of Norfolk. ! CIVIC calendar) The 1961 Pilgrimage of Colo nial Edenton and Countryside will be held April 14, IS and 16. Edenton Jaycees will sponsor a 14-v.eeks Dale Carnegie course beginning with a free demon stration course to be held at the Penelope Barker house Tuesday night, February 7, at 7:30 o'clock. Edenton Woman's Club will meat at the Edentcn Restaurant Wednesday afternoon. February 1, at 1 o'clock. i A Cub Scout meeting will be held in the Parish House tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o'clock. Continued on Page 6—Section l r 7 S Quartet Os Edenton Aces Guests At All-East Banquet In Raleigh 1 | ■: * m(k IJ A J i 'XI hHiM wjpy v ' Four members of the 1960 Edenton Aces. End Fred Britton. Tackle Warns THiksr and Beds Jerry Tolley and Bubba Hopkins, left to right, and their coach. Bill Billings, huddle sift Duka CsQch Bill Murray at the All-East banquet of The News and Observer held at Becky night. The boys were accompanied by their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Britton. Baku, Mr. «M Mn. S. R. Talley v 4 Mi, *ad Mrs, Tw Heytonfc (Theta gawtaey fUßW^QbtaceeO* $2.50 Per Year In North Carolirn ]' Plans Put In Motion To Commemorate War’s Anniversary Time Short! ] j Attention 'is called to the fact that property in Chowan County must be listed during January for the purpose of taxation. Those who fail to list during the time allowed by law will be I obliged to pay a penalty. | Tax listers are sitting to list taxes and tax authorities urge i that this duty be attended to at I once. Those who fail to list their taxes will be reported to the Grand Jury, so that further expense and embarrassment will result. Special Activities ! Climax Drive hi i March Os Dimes i —1 j Telethon, a Mother’s 1 March and Roadblock | Scheduled to Help In j Fund Raising Three events Will climax the New March of Dimes drive in! Chowan County and J. J. Miley, ] Jr., 1961 director, says he hopes the public will generously sup- 1 port these e’/ents in order to put the drive over the top. A telethon will again this year jbe held at radio station WCDJ I beginning at 1 P. M. Sunday. Members of the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce, spon sors of the drive, will be at the station to accept contributions: by telephone. Last year the j telethon netted over, $250 At 1.30 T iM. Sd'fday ’(.Nvce cf will form q roadblock in front of the Post Office to collect Continued on Page 5. Section ) i Edenton Jaycees Will Sponsor 14-Week Dale Carnegie Course The Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce will sponsor a tourteen week Dale Carnegie Course beginning with a free Demonstration Course to be held at the Penelope Barker house on Tuesday night, February 7, at 7:30 o’clock. This course will help people to develop courage and self-confidence, to speak with ease before business con-: fertnees, clubs, and church meet-; ings, to win friends and influ- 1 ence people, to become a more ef fective leader in business through ability to speak, to increase in- ( come through ability to handle, people, to become a better sales man, to improve memory forj names, faces, and facts, quickly; and easily, to beome a betieiy executive, and to enrich life with! new interests and new goals. Jaycee President. James Per ry, said that people in this gen-1 oral area are invited to attend j the free demonstration course FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK Committee Meets and Chairmen Os Various Events In Celebra tion Are Appointed j The Chowan County Confed erate Centennial Committee, ap pointed by the County Commis sioners, to commemorate the 100th anniversary, of the War Between The States, held a [ meeting at the Court House Wed j nesday, January 18. Mrs. Ray mond Carr presided as chairman of the committee. | The feature part of the meet | ing was the commemoration of the birthday (January 19, 1807) of General Robert E. Lee, com mander-in-chief of the forces of the Confederate States of Ameri ca. The commemoration was in the form of -a reading, “Life of General Robert E. Lee,’’ by Minnie Hollowell, and the plac ing of a memorial wreath c r J the Chowan County Confer!era: j Monument on the Court Hou Green. The Rev. Fred B. Drar. , a grandson of a Chowan Coun.y Confederate soldier, Major Tris trim Lowther Skinner, who fol . lowed General Lee in battle, placed the wreath on the monu ment. At the conclusion of the memorial service, he spoke a prayer for the great men of yesterday and those of, today. During the business part of the meeting, Mrs. Emmett El liott, secretary, read and ex plained the proposed plans or projects of the Confederate Cen tennial Committee. The follow ing committees were then ap pointed to seek to carry- out the projects; Collection of Documents and Continued on Page 7, Section 1 LIONS MELT MONDAY Ls ten ton’s Lions Club will tn< of Monday night, Januajy 30, at '/ o’clock. President James Griffin requests every- member of the club to be present. under no obligation whatsoever. The course will be explained in detail at this meeting. For more information, contact -West By rum, Bill Gardner,, Rudolph Da:e, Carlton Jackson or Tom Shep ard, w r ho have been appointed to handle the details of the pro ject. Reports on the well known Dale Carnegie Course show that more than 750.000 men and wo -1 men have graduated from it. The course will be held on Tues day nights throughout the four , teen weeks period at the Penel , ope Barker house. The first session is scheduled for Tues j day night. February 14. President Perry said his or ; ganization is glad to bring this j course to Edenton as a public service and will welcome every i man and woman of the area to I attend the free demonstration } course on February 7 at 7:30 P. ML

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