PAGE SIX S~«ECTKm TWO KNOW YOlffi SDCIAL SECURITY £ John T. Grooms, representative of the Social Security r Administration, is in Edenton every Thursday at the North i Carolina Employment Security Commission office in the I Citizens Bank Buildng. § Many times recently we have tpard the statement, “I didn’t make enough to file an income tax return," but after further Questioning it was found that l the man had a net income from 1 his business of over $400.00. Paying an income tax, a self employment Social Security tax, and reporting earned income to the Social Security Payment Center are three different mat ters, according to' John T. Grooms, Field Representative of the Norfolk Social Security of-' fice. He explained the three as follows: j 1. Income tax, he says, is a tax paid into the general fund Os our Fede-'l Government. This money is Jsed to pay the cost of operating our Govern ment. Most everyone who had a' gross income of S6OO or more is required to file an income tax form. Many must file re-j turns who will not have to pay; an income tax. For example, a man and his wife who are| both past age 65 will be al lowed a family income of $2400 before income tax is required ] to be paid. 2. Payment of a self-employ-, ment tax (often called Social Se curity tax) is required of all! Negro Home Demonstration News j By MBS. ON.NIK 8. CHARLTON, County Negro Home Economic* Agent ] The County Council of Negro Home Demonstration Clubs met Friday with nine of our eleven I clubs represented. Mrs. Mabie 1 B. Jordan, president, presided. A general summary of accom plishments made in 1960 was given bv the secretary. Mrs. Pattie Fayton. Goals and activities on plan of work for 1961 were discussed. January HD—ls You'- Family Well Fed? 4-H—Steps to Easier Bed Mak-, ing. YMW-—Duties of County Offi cials. r ebruary H.D.—Producing Adequate' Quality Vegetables. 1 -4-H—V e g e t a b 1 e Preparation l Demonstration. fWM—Wills, Deeds, Mortgag es, etc. March HD—lnsect-Disease Control in Vegetable Garden. 4-H—Dairy Foods Demonstra-’ tion. YMW—How to Get Along Weil With Others. April HD —Canning Green and Yel-, low Vegetables. 4-H—.Demonstration Teams —! Club Eliminations. YMW—Choosing Colors for the. Home. May NOTICE! This is to notify the shareholders J and members of the Edcnton Sav ings and Loan Association that the annual shareholders* meeting will he held Monday evening, February 6,1961, at 8:00 o'clock-in the Chowan County Court House, Eden ton, .IN. R. E. LEARY Executive \ iee President BE SURE AND LIST YOUR PROPERTY IN JANUARY Only 8 More Penalty Free Days To List Your Property All Property Not Listed By February 3rd Will Carry A 10% Penalty , w ho have net earnings from j their business of S4OO or more. f A man who nets S4OO or more I from his business must file in- 1 1 ccme tax papers and pay his self-employment tax even though he has not made as much as S6OO for income tax filing. This money goes into a special fund to pay Social Security benefits to retired old people, disabled people, widows and children. 3. Any person drawing Social Security payments who is under age 72, and who has earned in come of more than SI2OO will lose one or more checks depend ing on the amount of his earn ings. That person is required to make a report to his Social j Security payment center so that’ a determination can be made as' to how many checks he was due. j This report is separate from in come tax returns and from self employment tax returns. All tax returns and the report of earnings to the Social Se curity payment center are due before April 15. Information about tax matters should come from the Internal Revenue Ser vice and about Social Security from your Social Security rep resentative. HD—Green Beans Dressed Up. 4-H—Farm and Home Safety. YMW—Good Citizenship. June HD—Salads-Fruits and Vege tables As A Source of Vi tamin A. 4-H—Present Vegetable Dem onstration to Groups. YMW—Social Etiquette. July HD—Good Vegetable Dinners. 4-H—Project Activity. YMW—Annual Cook Out. August Planned Family Recreation by! All Groups. September HD—(Joint men and women)! Credit—A Friend In Need. 4-H—Reorganization Project Selection. YMW—Wise Us of Credit. October HD—Floor Finishes. 4-H—Sing A Song of Health. YMW—Floor Care. November HD—Floor Care. 4-H—Postures on Parade. YMW—Annual Banquet. December IlD—Strengthening Family Ties. 4-H—This, Is Christmas. YMW—Strengthening Family /Ties. Various tours, campaigns and xhibits will be carried out to laid in attaining goals. | Workshops: Hat Making; Re, finishing Picture Frames; Out door Meals. During the year leader train ing and participation will be j stressed. Achievement Certificates w..l be given for book reading anu reports, .attendance, and out | standing accomplishments, j Clubs will be u ted each month toward the most outstanding club of the year. The Council will send dele gates to the State Council Meet ing, March 22, in Raleigh and the Farmers and Homemakers Conference June 13-16, at A. and T. College, Greensboro. Committees were appointed to plan: Observance of National HD Week. HD Educational Tour. HD Achievement Day. Council members attending were: Mrs. Minnie Summers, Paradise Road; Mrs. Vashti Twine, Mrs. Lillian Parks, Hud son Grove; Mrs. Roxie Bonner, St. John; Mrs. Rosa Overton, Warren Grove; Mrs. Cleo White, Green Hall; Mrs. Beatrice Gil- ; liam, Ryans Grove; Mrs. Mag gie Riddick, Mrs. Mattie Jordan, Mrs. Lucy Willis, Center Hill; Cisco; Mrs. Mable Jordan, Mrs. Clara B. Simons, Mrs. Jessie Badhams, Mrs. Catherine Lewis, Edenton: Mrs. Mary Askew and Mrs. Pattie Fayton, Virginia Fork. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Conl'd. from Page s—Section 2 I life. From the point of view of the gospel, Jesus is truly the : authority for those who believe in him as the Christ—the reve lation of God and the giver of life. It is in man's believing re sponse that Jesus comes to exer cise his authority in his life. It is the authority of a life bring ing life. Behind all the many theories .ever devispd about Jesus is the | central point that he lived, and Jin his living he exercised trans | forming power in the experience ; of those who responded to him jin trust and loyalty. He turned DRUGS ■I rJ| Recent advances in antibi-\ otic drugs and chemotherapy * snake the pharmacy one o£ • the most important depart* J inents in the hospital. Almost ■ all patients today requite J some kind of drugs. I.ast year, the average cost of | drugs per admission to N. C. i « hospitals was 522.21. , HUB- Dmgs are one of I J tj/Mt basic hospital serv- I ices that are PAID I /.V PULL by Blue I Cross comprehensive certih * cates. I I Approved by hospitals and I doctors. Blue Cross gives you J | the realistic ttnancial help j I you need when hospitalira. ( | tion or surgical care is re> 1 | quired. // your family doet | not have Blue Cross protec • \ lion, write or call today. ——*o HOSPITAL CARE ASSOCIATION DURHAM, N. C. Win. B. Gardner P. O. Box 548—Edenton. N. C. TELEPHONE 6490 Tlte CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. JANUARY *7. INI. * men’s thoughts to God, and gave them a new understanding «f . God, led them into a deeper in sight of themselves, released transforming power, lifted up a [ great goal—the Kingdom of God , —and inspired a commitment of Lie. And this is not just an cient history; it is a present fact and experience. Throughout nineteen centuries there have been those who have responded to him in trust and loyalty, and through the work ing of his living Spirit have been made into new beings. His is, indeed, the authority of a God-j centered life bringing niwneys of life to those who respond, with tru-t and loyalty. J When we thus respond to; Jesus, we see the implications of this authority reaching into all < of life. Here is an authority that touches our decisions, our choices of values, our responses to loss and suffering, the way l we handle our resources, our I lives at home and in the com-j munity—indeed, wherever we go. There are none among us who can go through life without some sense of authority to guide us—a hand to cling to in time -of trou ble, help in making difficult de-; cisions in perplexing times, com-! passion, understanding. Where; else could we find such guidance! than in the concepts of Chris- j tianity? In Christian commit-1 ment we come to know the “ser-| vice which is perfect freedom.” IThese comments are based on outlines of 11: o Internationa] Sunday School Lessons, copy righted by the International Council of Religious Education, and used by permission’.. Don’t Lag—Buy Ola, denlists say "wonderful** . • . "best Tv# ever used" ... "best tooth paste on the market i Legal Notices ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra- i tor of the estete of Sarah F. Wil- j son, deceased, late of Chowan I County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having j claims against the estate of said ! deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their 1 recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make, immediate payment. This 26th day ot January, 1961. ! DAVID E. WILSON, I Administrator of Sarah F. Wil- 1 son. jdn26Feb2,9,16,23Mar2 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of George S. Harrell, deceased, late of Cho wan County, North Carolina, this' is to notify all persons having. claims against the estate of said' deceased to present them to the undersigned within one veari from date of this notice or same: will be pleaded in bar of their: recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 26th day of January.l 1961. LAURA E. HARRELL, Administratrix of GEORGE S. HARRELL. Jan26,Feb2.9.16.23.Mar2c ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of George l Washington Smith, deceased, late 1 of Chowan County, North Caro lina. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them! to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or j same will be pleaded in bar of! their recovery. All persons in-; debted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 26th day of January. 1961. GLADYS M. SMITH. Administratrix of George Washington Smith Estate. Jan26.Feb2,9.16.23.Mar2c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ’ Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Martha R. Small, deceased, late of Chowan Coun- ty. North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 2oth day of January, 1961. GRACE H. GRIFFIN, CORINNE E. BASS. Executors of Martha R. Small Estate. ! Jan.26,Feb2,9.16.23,Mar2c NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION SPEDIC FOOD PRODUCTS INCORPORATED j Notice is hereby given that I FooH Products. Incorpor ated has filed ARTICLES OF v.oobt.oTiui> won Lac* oec.c tarv of State of North Carolina. All creditors of Spedic Food Products, Incorporated are here by notified to present their claims to the undersigned. This 12th dav of January, 1961. SPEDIC FOOD PRODUCTS.: INCORPORATED By W. P. Jones. President. Jan 19.26.Feb.2.9c NOTICE OF SALE 1 North Carolina, Chowan County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in cer tain mortgages executed by H. H. Collins and wife, John Col lins and Henry Harrell and Wife, dated January 15, 1953-February 4, 1959-December 1, 1958 and February 9, 1950, and recorded in Book DT 61, page 22; DT I pook 75, page 77 and 78; Book [ 65, page 126 and Book 73, page 591 in the office of the Register of Deeds, Chowan County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured, and said mortgages being by the terms thereof subject to fore closure, the undersigned mortga gee will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Chowan County, North Carolina at Pub lic Auction at 11 A. M., on February 9, 1961, the property conveyed in said mortgages, the. same lying and being in Yeo-, pirn Township, Chowan County, North Carolina and more fully] described as follows: Tract number one: That lot of Jordan Land, des-i ignated as lot No. 10 in the plat of Jordan and Brinkley Lands, which is registered in Book N. page 378 and is the same land conveyed to Samuel & Henry Collins by C. S. Vann and Wife dated November J, 1920, containing 48 acres more or less. Tract number two: That lot of Brinkley Lands designated as lot No. 5, formerly owned by M. C. Brinkley. Perry Speight and C. S. Vann, and; known as the Brinkley-Vann, ( Taylor Theatre I EDENTON, N. C. Thursday and Friday. January 26-27 nOLBI.K FKATIRK John Aahley in "HIGH SCHOOL CAESAR" | —and— Gary Clark in "DATE BAIT" Saturday. January 28— DOt BLK FKATI'BE Stave Cochran in j "QUANTRILL'S RAIDERS" j Cinemascope and Color —and— James Brown in { "POLICE DOG STORY" I I ~ : j Sunday. Monday, Tuesday and I I Wad., Jan. 29-30-31-Feb. 1— | Elvis Presley in "FLAMING STAR" with Barbara Eden Cinemascope and Color j Coming February 5-6-7 Susan Hayward in | "MARRIAGE GO-ROUND" I -| Land and plat of which is reg istered in Book N. page 3TB, ! Chowan County Registry, and ; containing 44.5 acres more or ] less and is the old home place ; of Henry Collins and where John Collins now resides. | A deposit of 10% on the first v 1,000.00 bid and 5% on the bal ance will be required of the successful bidder at time of sale, and will be subject to raised bidj within 10 days from date sold. Deed will be delivered to pur-' chaser in fee simple and all tax es and assessments thereon will be paid if legally in order. J. C. BLANCHARD 8t CO„ INC. Holder of Mortgages. G. A. WHITE, Trustee. Dated and posted this January 9 1961. ’ Jan12,19,26,Feb2e ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of Louis L.J Nixon, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said; deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 22nd day of December, 1960. MRS. ELSIE B. NIXON. Administratrix of Louis L. Nixon. EXECUTOR'S - NOTICE ~ Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Rufus Nollie Eason, deceased, late of Chowan County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 19th dav of January. 1961. WALTER M. HOLLOWELL. Hobbsville. N. C.. Executor of Rufus Nollie Eason. Jan19,26.Feb2.9.16.23c North Carolina. Chowan Countv. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by E. B. White, Jr., and wife, Helen T. White, to the under signed trustee, dated March 28, 1958, and recorded in Book 73, page 407 in the office of the Register of Deeds of' Chowan County, North Carolina, default FOR Contract AND Repair Work CALL Twiddy Insurance & Real Estate. Inc. PHONE 2163 EDENTON NOTICE! TOWN VEHICLE LICENSE PLATES ARE NOW ON SALE AT THE TOWN OFFICE. PLATES MUST BE PUR CHASED AND DISPLAYED BY FEB RUARY 16lh, 1961. TOWN Os EDENTON CELIA SPIVEY, ASSISTANT CLERK HMIUC 441 u *v P"/ ■ of the holder thereof, the under* < signed trustee will offer for sale st public auction to the highest | bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Edenton, North Carolina, j at twelve o’clock noon, on the] 31st day of January, 1961, the' property conveyed in said deed iof trust described as follows: All of my undivided interest l in and to those certain three tracts of land situate in Second Township, Chowan County, North Carolina, described as fol lows: First Tract: Known as the E. B. White Home Place, ■ containing 100 acres, more orj less, and being the same land' described in that certain deed | from Joseph A. Byrum to E. B. j White which is recorded in 1 Book J, at page 408 of the Cho wan County Public Registry, ref erence to which deed is hereby 1 made for a more complete des cription. Second Tract: Known as the Blue Land containing 600 acres, more or less, and being the same lands described in deed from O. E. Lane to E. B. If You Have A House For Rent Need Collection Rental Service CONTACT H. S. Small Phone 2657. Edenton STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY lipw 2s W K mm pint JAMES WALSH * CO. INC. LAWRENCEBUML INO. j v/j *' I ox tli6 <unowan ence to. which is made for a f more complete description, f Third Tract: Known as the Dil lard Land containing 287 acres, more or less and being the same land allotted Elizabeth Lane i White in the division of the W. H. Lane lands and known as Lot No. 2 of the old Bear Swamp land, and described in division Deed which is recorded in Book L, page 483 of the Chowan County Registry, reference to which deed is hereby made for a more complete description. This 28th day of December, 1960. R. L. COBURN, Trustee Williamsion, N. C. Jan5,12,19,26c *iyniv>Aii

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