PAGE SIX MUWItAM — Know TOUR SOCIAL SECURITY I t John T. Grooms, representative of the Social Security j Administration, is in Edenlon every Thursday at the North I Carolina Employment Security Commission office in the Citizens Bank Buildng. Do you know how much you will receive from social securi ty when you retire? Do you know how much your family will receive in case of your death? These are questions of vital im portance to everyone but many people do not know the answers, according to John T. Grooms, Field Representative of the Nor folk district office. Social security benefits par tially replace the loss of in come due to retirement, disabili ty or death of the worker in j the family. Since this is true, the amount of the benefit is bas ed on the worker’s average earn ings in jobs covered by social; security. In order to estimate; your average earnings you mustj know the period that will be, used in figuring your average. For the people who were un der 21 years of age in 1951 when many people were first covered under the law, the whole work ing history is used from age 211 to the date of death, disability or reaching retirement. Since many people were well over 21 1 before the social security law was passed, beginning dates had to be set up for them. The social security law first went into effect January 1. 1937, so this date is used as a possi-l ble starting date for figuring average earnings. Many more people were first covered by social security be ginning with January 1, 1951, so this is another starting date for figuring average earnings. The Social Security Administra tion is required to use the start ing date that gives vr>u the highest benefits. The ending date for the pe riod used is when ti e worker dies, becomes disabled or reach Plagued Day And Nightwithßladder Discomfort? Unwise eating nr drinking may he a source of mild, but annoying bladder irritations making you foci restless, >nse, and uncomfortable. And .f rest >r* g nights, with nagging backache, headache or muscular aches and pains due to over-exertion, strain or emotional upset, are adding to your misery don't wait—try Doan’s Pills. Doan’s Pills act 3 ways for speedy .••elief. I—They have a soothing effect >n bladder irritations. 2 A fa. t. pain relieving action on nagging backache, headache-, muscular aches and pains. 3 A wonderfully mild diuretic action thru the kidneys, tending to increase the output of the 15 miles of kidney tubes. So. get the same happy relief millions have enjoyed for over Go years. New, large economy sfse saves money. Get Doan’s today ! R Doan s Pills FOR SALE Two-Story, Ten-Room House with two hallis. Central Heal: two-ear garage. Lot 110 x 110. Immediate Possession Financing Can Be Arranged 88,000.00 Twiddy Insurance & Real Estate, Inc. 103 E. King Street PHONE 2163 Edenton. N. C. STRAIGHT 1. BOURBON WHISKEY 0§&/ fha w# prooc Tjf JAMES WALSH A CO, INC. lAWREMCEBUMV J '■ -a---': • es retirement age depending on which happens first. Many people became covered under social security after 1951 and many people lose a year now and then when they receive very little or no social security coverage. In order to give these people . more realistic average earnings, five years of the low est earnings between the start ing date and the ending date are not used in arriving at the average earnings in all cases. If you wish to know more about how much your benefit will be, get in touch with your Social. Security District Office at 220 W. Brambleton Avenue, Norfolk 10, Virginia. Ask for Booklet OASI-30, entitled “How To Estimate Your Social Security! Payment.” COMPLETES TRAINING Marine Pvt. Lewis A. Good win, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill R. Kinnamon of Edenton, com pleted recruit training January 12 at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, S. C. Relatives and friends of many of the new Marines were on hand to witness the graduation ceremonies. The 12-week training schedule included drill, bayonet training, physical conditioning, parades and ceremonies, and other mili tary subjects. Three weeks were spent on the rifle range where the re cruits fired the M-l rifle and received instruction in basic Ma rine infantry weapons. This recruit training prepares young Leathernecks for further specialized infantry training at Camp Lejeune, N. C. Dislike what deserves it, but never hate, for that is of the na ture of malice, which is applied to persons, not to things. —William Penn. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE ROUNDUP EVERY SUNDAY Do you own stock? Looking to buy stock? Or just interested in the vacillations of the stock market. Every Sunday get the full week’s activity and the yearly averages of the complete New York Stock Market in the Baltimore Sunday America via the ultra-modern electronic tele typesettes. Don’t miss the bet ter-than-ever financial pages of THE BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN on sale at your local newsdealer THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, IMI. Average 2,451 Deaths Caused By Accidents Accidents are the cause of an, average of 2,451 deaths annual- 1 ly in North Carolina, according; to statistics based on a five-year; average for the years 1951-55; released recently by the State! Board of Health. “Accidents” as such is the; number 4 killer, being exceeded j only by diseases of the heart, \ vascular lesions affecting the i central nervous system, and ma- j lignant neoplasms. Motor vehicle accidents is a’■ cause for an average of 1,148 deaths annually, whereas 1,303 j accidents are due to other caus- j es. More than half (691) of motor vehicle accidents occur among those persons who are from 15 to 44 years of age. T,pqal Notices NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina,. Chowan County. In The Superior Court SPECIAL PROCEEDING O. E. Spivey and his wife, Alethia Spivey, W. H. Spivey, Jr., and his wife, Marjorie Spi vey. Adolph M. Spivey and his wife. Irene C. Spivey, Sarah Privott Spivey, widow of Mal vern R. Spivey, Sarah Dorothy SpiVey Burnham and her hus band, W. R. Burnham, Mary Alice Spivey Tucker and her husband, Robert B. Tucker and Jean Privott Spivey Hagler and her husband, William N. Hagler, Petitioners, vs. W. R. Burnham, Jr., Randell H. Burnham, Kimberly S. Burn ham, William G. Hagler and Cameron S. Hagler, minors, grandchildren of Malvern R. Spivey, deceased, natural child ren (of the blood) of Sarah Dor othy Spivey Burnham, Mary Alice Spivey Tucker and Jean Privott Spivey Hagitr, now in esse, and any, all and every na tural child (of the blood) of Sarah Dorothy Burnham, Mary Alice Spivey Tucker and Jean Privott Spivey Hagler, not now in esse but who may hereafter be born. To William G. Hagler and Cameron S. Hagler, minors. Take .notice: That a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled Special Proceed ing. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: The partition by sale of the William H. Spivey land at or near Rvland in Third Township. Chowan County, North Carolina. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than the 13th day of March. 1961, and upon your failure to : do so, the parties seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the telief sought, i This the 31st cwy of January, 1961. Assistant Clerk Superior Court, (s) LENA M. LEARY, Chowan Countv, North Carolina. Keb2,9.16,23 \ \ Once-a-Year vs 20% SALE ihc(/vaAA4 nylons | Here again-your big opportunity for real savings on your favorite nylons. The latest, loveliest shades—now yw-proofed at top and toe! Hurry-buy today* at die low, low sale price!, "The stocking with H— —'«•£> the arrowF BELK-TYLER’S North Carolina, Chowan County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust executed by John Janes, Sr., and wife, Lou Jones, to J. N. Pruden, Trustee, dated the 11th day of May, 1954, and recorded in Book 67, Page 232, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County; and under and by virtue of the auth ority vested in the undersigned as substituted Trustee by an in strument of writing, dated Janu ary 17, 1961, and recorded in Book 15, Page 596, in the office of Register of Deeds of Chowan County; default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured and the said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to fore closure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured, having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satis fying said indebtedness, the un dersigned substituted Trustee will offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Edenton, North Carolina, at 12 o’clock noon on the 2nd day of March, 1961, the land conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the same being in the Town of Edenton, • Chowan County, North Carolina, [and more particularly described I as follows: That piece or parcel of land situated in Chowan County, State of North Carolina, bounded as follows: The house and lot on •Oakum Street at comer of Jeffry Horton’s lot, then North along Oakum Street 30 feet to the Timothy White - Francis Bond lot, which lot now belongs to Mrs. H. C. Privott; then East along the line of said lot parallel with Church Street 130 feet to Noah Bess’ line, then South parallel with Oakum Street 30 feet to Jeffry Horton’s line, then West parallel with Church Street 130 feet to place of beginning and being same property con veyed by Luther Shelden and wife to Martha G. Parker. For better description, see Deed in Book E, page 204 and same made a part hereof. Being the same real estate conveyed to John Jones by Martha G. Parker and ! husband, John W. Parker, by ! Deed dated October 4, 1914, and j recorded in Deed Book N, page 375, in the office of the Register lof Deeds of Chowan County, North Carolina. This 30th day of January, 1961. JOHN W. GRAHAM. Substituted Trustee. Feb 2.9,16,23 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor lof the estate of Rufus Nollie ! Eason, deceased, late of Chowan 1 County. North Carolina, this is Don’t Lag—Boy Olay dentists say "wonderful" . . 'best I've ever used" ... "best tooth paste on the market <SZSL M 3 deceased to oresent them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 19th day of January. 1961. WALTER M. HOLLOWELL. HobhsviUe, N. C.. Executor of Rufus Nollie Eason. Jan 19,26,Feb2.9,16.23 c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Sarah F. Wil son, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 28th day of January. 1961. . DAVID E. WILSON. Administrator of Sarah F. Wil son. jan26Feb2,9,16,23Mar2 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE” Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of George S. Harrell, deceased, late of Cho wan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to thej undersigned within one year; from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 26th day of January. 1961. LAURA E. HARRELL. Administratrix of GEORGE S. HARRELL. Jan26.Feb2.9,16.23.Mar2c ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE" Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of George Washington Smith, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 26th day of January. 1961. GLADYS M. SMITH. Administratrix of George Washington Smith Estate. Jan26,Feb2,9,16,23,Mar2c Hurry, be an EARLY TRADER Earn a bonus at Y’’ r. Ors OSo on any >r IH tractor or equipment purchase of S SOO or more Trade now and earn a bo- Here’s your chance to collect a double bonus! You 11 nus at 6% until just before get toda y s best farm machinery buy and a handful the season of usel °* “greenbacks” besides! You can collect a cash bonus at the rate of 6% on your down payment and/or trade in from the purchase time until a date j ust prior to the, $ Trade for any machine or normal season of use. any combination of machines Pocket this bonus whether you finance your purchase' ' worth more than SSOO for through the IH Income Purchase Plan or pay cash, an Early Trader's Bonus! You’ll be fully protected against price increases-get . the machine you want... equipped the way you want , it..» delivered when you want it! $We li trade for any iFarm Stop in soon and look over the toprquality IH machine ... liko forliko Figure all your machinery needs for ’61... we’ll show, trades are not necessary* you how big your cash bonus can r - Let us figure your deal now... » 4PW k ** the sooner youtrade the more yon save I IB ■ l j , ■«-«. » ..' - , , 4ir' v .-T -• v. - . fc .',IL •• 'iy YT *4 tm ... . „1 1 ft » J _ tVr/VjUlf jTjf, of the estate of Martha R. Small, deceased, late of Chowan Coun ty. North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of .said de ceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This ? :th day of January. 1961. GRACE H. GRIFFIN, eORENNE E. BASS. Executors of Martha R. Small Estate. Jan.26,Feb2,9.16,23,Mar2c NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION SPEDIC FOOD PRODUCTS INCORPORATED Notice is hereby given that Spedic Food Products, Incorpor ated has filed ARTICLES QF DISSOLUTION with the Secre tary of State of North Carolina All creditors of Spedic Food Products, Incorporated are here by notified to present their claims to the undersigned. This 12th day of January. 1961. SPEDIC FOOD PRODUCTS. INCORPORATED Bv W. P. Jones, President Jan19,26,Feb.2.9c SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON —******^~^*An/in Conf'd. from Page s — Section 2 modem science gives us not only more new approaches to joy, it also gives us new opportunities to bring about disaster. Truly, if the messages about the Wine of Life, the Water of Life, and the Bread of Life were needed all those centuries ago, they are I# HELPFUL INVESTMENT SERVICES APPRAISALS....QUOTATIONS.... SECURITIES ANALYSIS....FRIENDLY GUIDANCE I Coll ©ur Representative in this Area S I Edenton, N. C. CorporatUM 206 W. Eden St. I for Security PHONE 2466 & Members Midwest Stoclc Exchgrfje CHAtLOTTI • RALEIGH • NIWTOtKCITV span, we are beset by hungers; we hunger for food, from the cradle to the grave. No food no life. We hunger for love; we hunger for recognition- John does not analyze our hungers. He gathers them all together into one all-absorbing need. The need for Christ. If one utterly absorbs the Spirit, of the crucified Christ, j his hungers are satisfied, and he is nourished into eternal life. So ( John brings to us the words of Jesus: “I am the living bread which came down from heaven; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world in my flesh.” In Chapter 6, verse 63, John says: “It is the spirit that gives i life.” The true believer must • accept the life of sacrificial love, keep company in spirit with the crucified Lord, and live, himself, as nearly as is possible, the kind of life Jesus lived. If he does this, an inexhaust ible spiritual life is his for the asking. Inner hungers vanish, life becomes an outgoing service that is untainted by the thought of self. Play becomes a joyful relaxation from duties done in gratitude to God. The urge to belong, which is inherent in every one of us, is channeled DON'T GET UP NIGHTS It take* jut 50c and 12 honra to atart relief or yonr money bark; at any drug ■tore. When functional kidney din orders cause getting np nights, scanty flow, burning, backache. leg pains, diuiness, take surprising BURETS 4- day treatment. Acts fast to increase and regulate passage. NOW at MITCHENER'S PHARMACY auw. . clear in these verses. ThewnH| no way of mistaking John’s ap peal—that if we believe, we may have life in Christy name. Darf we turn a deaf ear? ' Sunday School Lesions, copy righted by rc ttw^lntaTMtional _ TaJtoiTKr EDENTON, N. C. Thursday and Friday, February 2-3 Diane Baker and Lee Phillip# in "TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY" Cinemascope and Color •*-, 1 ’ Saturday, February 4 DOUBLE FEATURE John Hudson in "VALLEY OF THE REDWOODS" —and— "THE KETTLES ON OLD MacDONALD'S FARM" Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, February 5-6-7 Susan Hayward, James Mason and Julie Nevnpar in "THE MARRIAGE GO-ROUND" Cinemascope and Color Coining, February 8-9-10— Alan Ladd and 3 Sidney Poirier in I ' ALL THE YOUNG MEN"

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