PAGE FOUR L—SECTION TWO | AROUND THE FARMS fSgIN CHOWAN COUNTY By C. W. OVERMAN. Cbowaa Cauahr Agent Cotton Mooting Friday Nights Friday night, February 17, 7:30 o’clock at the Chowan Com munity Building we will hold an information meeting for cot ton growers and others interest ed In cotton. All cotton grow ers are- invited, so come. ' Some new ccrtton varieties are available. Proper fertilization, row spacing and plant popula tion ace very important. A new schedule of insect control is be ing recommended. Growing cot ton for mechanical harvesting is important where mechanical har vesting is possible. These are some of the subjects to be dis cussed. Chowan County still considers cotton one of our good cash crops. The desire for more acre age is strong. This will also be discussed. So, join us Fri day night if you are interested in cotton. . Joint Community Meetings,: I are writing this at 9:30 Monday night. I have just come from the Yeopim joint meeting. I was really inspired by this oc casion. Seventeen of the eigh teen young home demonstration club members and their hus bands were present. I under stand the eighteenth member is sick and couldn’t make it a hun dred percent. This club is composed very largely of young married wo men. Their husbands are young farmers and others, many of which are members of the Jun ior Chamber of Commerce and other organizations for young News By CATHERINE AMAN Assistant Home Economics Agent Our nation’s pantry is also its nursery. Over 47% of all U. S. children are born on farms or in rural communities. Only half of the country-born young people stay -there, however, so the in fluence of rural life, culture and education is felt everywhere in America today. For more than a third of a century the 4-H clubs have been recognized as a leading educa tional and character-building or ganization for boys and girls 10 to 21 years of age. They belong to the community and arc guid ed by 284,000 volunteer adult leaders. County Extension Agents advise and help with their or ganization problems and educa tional programs. The State Land-Grant Colleges and the United States Department of Ag ■ multure charter the local 4-H Club as an educational outlet for scientific information on agricul ture and home economics at the local level. The 4-H Clubs use the follow ing ten national guideposts in outlining their programs. (1) Developing talents for greater usefulness; (2) Joining with friends for work, fun and fellow ship; (3) Learning to live in a changing world; (4) Choosing a way to earn a living; (5) Pro ducing food and fiber for home and market; (6) Resources for security and happiness; (8) Build ing health for a strong America; (9) Sharing responsibilities for community improvement; (10) Serving as citizens in maintain ing world peace. The 4-H Club pledge exempli fies its ideals and gives the or ganization its name—l pledge: My head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living, for my club, my community and my country. The ways that the 4-H Club program has of accomplishing these goals are many and varied. Project- work is a basic part of the program: It is in this phase' I MR. FARMER: We are now making repair parts I for the HOLLOWELL STALK CUT- I TER, and building DRAIN PLOWS I for any model tractor. I SEE US FOR YOUR NEEDS I CB. Ward Welding Shop . | PHONE 6056 HERTFORD, N. C. I 1 at old Southern Cotton OH Plant ‘ adults. They are the young peo ple getting into harness to take the places of many of us older people. They have vim, vigor and vitality to keep the ball rolling. I hope we can have more young groups ike this or ganize for action. Wednesday night, the Byrd group meets. Wards meets on Thursday night. Enterprise meets bn Monday night of next week. Tuesday night, Center Hil meets. “Making New Fur niture from Old” appears to be finding considerable interest. 4-H Peanut Contest Banquet: The Edenton Rotary Club will hold a banquet for the 1960 4-H peanut contestants and their dads on Thursday night of next week, Parish House at 6:30. The! 1960 scores will be announced; and awards presented to the winners. I believe this will mars the sixthteenth year the Edenton Rotary Club has sponsored the 4-H peanut contest. It is one of Rotary’s means of bringing town and country together. We congratulate the Rotary Club on the fine job being done. Let’s Have Fruit At Home: A good home grown fruit supply just can’t be beat and there are many things that need to be ■ done now. Prune and dormant spray fruit trees. Repair dam- I aged grapevine scaffords and prune vines. Fertilize fruit trees;. out under the tips of the limbs, | | one pound of fertilizer for each i year of age or each inch the | tree is in diameter. I that the boys and girls are brought the technical training and information necessary to carry on and complete their par ticular project. Other activities which are set up to serve the needs of the young people in clude: 4-H camp. Boys and girls who attend a 4-H encamp ment are building for a greater future. The 4-H Club Camp is a small democracy in action, in which each camper helps to make . the camp a success. The objec tives of the 4-H Camp are: (1) ! To broaden the horizon of young people and to provide training experiences in leadership, citi i zenship, spiritual values and physical development; (2) To rec ognize the achievements of 4-H Club members; (3) To stimulate ! more interest in the 4-H Club program; (4) To provide inspir j ation, information and whole some recreation; (5) To discover, train and use leadership ability; (6) to explore subject matter such as nature study, handicraft, music and program planning: (7) To meet the necessity for taking responsibility; (8) To meet and j learn to live and get along with other young people. | . Other activities include the' | demonstration program. This is j where the 4-H’ers not only learn themselves a technical skill but infoim and show other people how. And something that is fore most in our minds now is the 10th national guidepost: “Serving as citizens in maintaining world peace.” The International Farm Youth Exchange Program gives young people a chance to be ac itual ambassadois for peace. Now in its fifth year of opera tion, this program gives actual working and living experiences to several hundred young people from the United States in ex change with rural youth from 40 to 45 other countries. It is de veloping an alert well informer! corps of young rural leaders in problems of world peace and un derstanding. The International Farm Youth Exchange is a two-way road to understanding. Through IF YE. rural young people work towird two objectives which guns and bombs have failed to achieve—a better understanding and a wholesome, lasting peace. The program in North Caro lina follows the objectives set up under the national program. As the delegates are sent from North Carolina and the United TW CHOW** HBUU,, OSMTC*. CM&UMK THTOBDAT, /TMUABT 1., .«■ States to live in a foreign coun try, the foreign delegates came here to live and work. These “grass-roots ambassadors” each live, work and play directly with farm families in one adopted country for four to six months. They study farm prac tices and home life. But more important, they learn about peo ple the hopes, dreams and problems of other citizens in a rapidly shrinking world. There are many other activi ties and projects which accom pany the 4-H Club program. I have told you of only a few in detail. These opportunities through the 4-H 'program are available to every boy and girl between the ages of 10 and 21. And there is a place in the 4-H program for adults. You are needed to help carry these op portunities to the boys and girls in your community, f hope that I have helped to answer some of the questions you have had eon ’cerning 4-H Club work, what it is. who belongs, and how the program operates. BURIAL ASSOCIATION MEETS Albemarle Mutual Burial As -1 sociation will hold its annual ■ meeting Monday afternoon, Feb ! ruary 20, at the Williford Fun ■ eral Home. The meeting will begin promptly at 2 o’clock. ON CHOWAN COMMITTEE Terry Jones, son of Mr. and ■ Mrs. Haywood Jones, of Route 2, Edenton, is serving as a mem • ber of the important Program Commimttee in preparation for 1 the annual Religious Emphasis : Week at Chowan College which , I is set for March 6-10. ~ : Let thy attire be comely, but I not costly. —John Lyly. , IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my hus band, Clayton Ward, who pass , ed away a year ago, February | 12, 1960, and daughter, Miss Ed na Earl Ward, who passed away , 10 years ago, February 17, 1951. ' —MRS. LESSIE WARD. PLaSPpOST POSITION GAME ' TO WIN BIG CASH i i ‘ You may win SSOO, SI,OOO or • ven more at Bowie Track odds 1 in the fabulous Baltimore News- I Post & American Post Position 1 Game. It costs nothing and you don’t need to know anything l about racing. [ See complete rules, instruc ; tions and entry blanks in 1 BALTIMORE NEWS-POST & AMERICAN on sale at your local newsdealer Have Yours or Your : Child’s Picture TINTED At A Very Reasonable Cost i Samples At Home. v- Mrs. Pearl Griffin 716 Johnston Street EDENTON, N. C. WAKE UP RARIN' TO GO Without Nagging Backache Now ! You can ge», the fast relief yon need from nagging backache, headache and muscular aches and pains that often cause restless nights and miserable tired i out feelings. When these discomforts come on with over-exertion or stress and ’ ..train—you want relief—want it fast 1 Another disturbance may be mild bladder •rritation following wrong food and drink —often setting up a restless un ! comfortable feeling. Doan's Pills work fast in 3 separate ways: 1. by speedy pain-relieving action , to ease torment of nagging backache, headaches, muscular aches, and pains. 2. by soothing effect on bladder irrita tion. 3. by mild diuretic action tending to increase output of the 15 miles of kidney tubes. jEnjoy a good night’s sleep and the same happy relief millions have for over 60 years. New, large size saves money. Get Doan's Pills today 1 » Doan s Pills Legal Notices North Carolina, In The Chowan County Superior Court NOTICE OF SERVICE OE PROCESS BY PUBLICATION Beatrice Midgett, Plaintiff, vs. George L. Midgett. Defendant. To George L, Midgett:- Take notice that a Complaint ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having Qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of George Washington Smith, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from or r MAI I GLADYS M SMITH 1 of G^ors^ seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the re lief being sought is as follows: That judgment of absolute di vorce be rendered in favor of plaintiff and against the defend ant on the grounds of two years separation. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than April 1, 1961, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you (plaintiff) will apply to the Court for the relief sought This 2nd day of February 1961. S/LENA M. LEARY. Asst. Clerk Superior Court Feb9,16.23,Mar2c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor •f the estate of Martha R. Small, deceased, late of Chowan Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the 'estate of said de ceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same, will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This ?6th day of January, 1961. GRACE H. GRIFFIN, CORINNE E. BASS, Executors of Martha R. Small Estate. Jan.26,Feb2.9,16,23,Mar2c ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of George S. Harrell, deceased, late of Cho wan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 26th day of January, 1961. LAURA E. HARRELL. ' Administratrix of GEORGE S. HARRELL. Jan26,Feb2.9,16,23.Mar2c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Rufus Nollie Eason, deceased, late of Chowan | v ', * ' -Jr's 1 Iff ' ' ■ >£?'{_!*’; *."■■'■■.- C, ’ V?/ : v ■-'. ' rt 'v?»', PURE gasolines“hold more *'/•»..- ' >j " fjj records for performance PURE gasolines Have sparked 38 different make* and models of can to oy« /SKailflt 240 certified performance records. Records for acceleration, power. /cp||or ml) mileage and economy. | ****\Wjf And now Pure-Premium has been boosted in octane... boosted into the viper- premium class. It delivers more anti-knock power than ever before. So drive into any Pure Oil station and got Pure-Premium. It’s sutler Quality ... ready to give record road performance in your car. If x *C trtiflmd b NASCAR (National Auociaio* for Stock Cara) - _ IB jvv m mm ■ ■ ■■§ mm mm mm sb ■■ ■mg mjg tli _ _ ■ ■BBH #jjr " P * fit/' HH■ IH .Bk wErln .. ~ »■ • \* ** > -^R ■ - — — i ' •, ' i WW 9 V TA T #%.•*'■./. - . O W' Ww ,WW . A ,r. m.-» «A ,^,M Isis ■ I ■ ■ ■ mils ■ ■ ■ K H n BBUf ■ Bpidr I ByE «r mii i <~ii i Jppdi * ■ 4»*F3R «Ki . County, North Carolina, this is to notify ail persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 19th day of January. 1961. WALTER M. HOLLOWELL, Hobhsville. N. C.. Executor of Rufus Nollie Eason. Jan19.26.Feb2,9.16,23c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Sarah F. Wil son, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the I undersigned within one year' from date of this notice or same ■ will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 26th dav of January, 1961. DAVID E. WILSON, Administrator - of Sarah F. Wil son. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina,. Chowan County. In The Superior Court SPECIAL PROCEEDING O. E. Spivey and his wife, Alethia Spivey, W. H. Spivey, Jr., and his wife, Marjorie Spi vey, Adolph M. Spivey and his wife, Irene C. Spivey, Sarah Privott Spivey, widow of Mal vern R. Spivey, Sarah Dorothy Spivey Burnham and her hus -1 band, W. R. Burnham, Mary Alice Spivey Tucker and her 1 husband, Robert B. Tucker and Jean Privott Spivey Hagler and .her husband, William N. Hagler, ! Petitioners. vs. i W. R. Burnham, Jr., Randell H. Burnham, Kimberly S. Burn ham, William G. Hagler and Cameron S. Hagler, minors, grandchildren of Malvern R. .Spivey, deceased, natural child iren (of the blood) of Sarah Dor othy Spivey Burnham, Mary i Alice Spivey Tucker and Jean thivott Spivey Hagler, now in j esse, and any, all and every na tural child (of the blood), of Sarah Dorothy Burnham, Mary' Alice Spivey Tucker ' and Jean Privott Spivey Hagler, not new in esse but who may hereafter be born. To William G. Hagler and Cameron S. Hagler, minors. Take notice: That a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled Special Proceed ing. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: The partition by sale of the William H. Spivey land at or near Ryland in Third Township, Chowan County. North Carolina. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than the 13th day of March. 1961, and upon your failure to do so, the parties seeking service against you. will the Court for the relief sought; I;• sy This the 31st day of January,- 1961. ,• ** •'■e J- Assistant Clerk Superior Court, (s)' LENA M. LEARYv ; . Chowan County,' North Carolina. Feb 2,9,18,23 • . ; ; . V , 1 NOTICE! North Carolina, . Chowan County. , ' v ' Under and by virtue of. the power of sale contained in,a cer tain Deed of Trust executed by: John Jones, Sr., and wife, Lou Jones, to J. N. Pruden, Trustee, dated the 11th day of May, 1954, and recorded in Book 67, Page 232, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County; and under and by virtue of the auth ority vested in the undersigned as substituted Trustee by an in strument of writing, dated Janu ary 17, 1961, and recorded in Book 15, Page 596, in the office of Register of Deeds of Chowan County; default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured and the said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to fore closure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured, having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satis fying said indebtedness, the un dersigned substituted Trustee will offer for sale at public' auc tion to the highest bidder for feeing:-in the Town of Edentom described or parcel of land situated in Chowan County, State of North Carolina, bounded as follows; The house and lot on Oakum Street at corn *r of Jeffry Horton s lot, then North alohg Oakum Street 30 feet to the Timothy White - Francis Band lot, which lot now belongs to Mrs. H. C. Privott; then East along the line,of said lot parallel with 'Cfiureh Street ISO 1 feet to Noah Bess’ line, -then South ■ m » II ............ — 1 ‘ ■ ■ — Jiujp flwyßi •jbl \wy Ski«IIXSs! 111(1 ill AWlfMill !Si IS! ISr JAMES WAtSM* C*. MB _ LAWREMCEMMB MB / I husbaip, John W. Packer, ■< ’Deed dated October 4, TBit aSI recorded in Deed Book N, page 375, ip the office of the Register of Deeds ol Chowan Count? North Carolina. * r% M^16,23 SUbSti *' U^^P^t ® <? '

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