PAGE SIX one SOCIETY NEWS Norfolk Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Sid Cobb of Norfolk were 'the week-end .guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Saunders. o •’ Hero From Durham Mr. and Mrs. Graham Robbins had as their guests over the week-end their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Morgan of Durham. Guest of Parents Miss Mary Ann Elliott of Richmond, Va., spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mi's. J. M. Elliott. Week-end Guests Miss Betsy Ross and school mate, Miss Esther Bunch of Vanceboro were week-end guests of Betsy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ross. Visit Parents Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bunch of Augusta, Ga., spent several days last week as guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Bunch and Mr. and Mrs. Shel ton Roger Son. Plymouth Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Sam Alexander of Plymouth were Sunday guests of Mrs. Henry Hassell and family. Visits Parents Mrs. Cecil Fry spent a few days last week with her parents in Raleigh. Guest of Mother Mrs. Maurice Bunch had as her guests last week, her daugh ter, Mrs. Carlton Webb and lit tle grandson of South Norfolk. O Returns To Edenton Mrs. Julien Wood, who has been a patient for some time I ih the Lane Nursing Home, re turned and is now rooming at the home of Mrs. E. W. Bond. Week-end Guest Ronnie Alligood of Washing ton, N. C„ spent the week-end with Bud Skiles. Florida Visitor Mrs. H. Otis Carlton of Belle Glade, Florida, returned to her home Sunday after spending a i few days as guest of her mo ther, Mrs. John Harrell. Week-end In Norfolk Mrs. John Harrell, Mr. and j Mrs. Kenneth rioars and son, Johnnie and Mrs, H. Otis Carl ton spent the week-end in Nor folk as guests of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Harrell, Jr. O At Scout Meeting Those who attended the Dis trict Scout meeting and ban quet in Elizabeth City Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Goodwin, Jean and Bill Good win, Mr. and Mrs. John Gra ham, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Over man and Philip McMullan. Monday In Raleigh Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt and Mrs. West Byrum, Sr., spent Monday| in Raleigh. Charlotte Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Graham Law rence of Charlotte spent the j week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J.. A. Curran. Here From Bladen boro Mr. and Mrs. West Byrum j 'had as theirs guest over the | week-end, Mrs. Byrum’s parents, i Mr. and Mrs. June Singletary of Bladenboro. Visit In Clinton Mr. and Mrs. H O. West andj son, Brian, visited relatives in Clinton over the week-end. o Visit In Plymouth Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Spires j were Sunday guests of their son in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Al Stanton in Plymouth. Visiting In Conway Mrs. E. L. Ward is spending 'this week in Conway with heri son and daughter-in-law, Mr. j and Mrs. Linwood Ward. Week-end At Jacksonville Miss Catherine Aman spent j the week-end at her home in j Jacksonville. B MARIGOLDS Moumk Hi _ i the popular I '• dwarf Pygmy type that blooms ■ from early aummer until frost. ■ Get these lovely border flower ■ aeeda now at our well itocked ■ aeed headquarter*. | E. L. Pearce S •• • •* Clinton Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caldwell of Clinton were the week-end guests of her mother, Mrs. Ira Parker at the home of Mrs. J. C. Leary. Week-end Guest Airman Jerry McLaughlin spent the week-end with his wife, Ann, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gumie Hobbs. o Visits Brother Tom Parker spent Saturday in Raleigh, where he visited his' brother, Bud Parker. Attends Funeral Leroy Harrell spent Tuesday 1 in Gastonia, where he 'attended! the funeral of Joe Smith, Great Sachem of Red Men in North Carolina. Mr. Smith died sud denly Sunday. O ; Washington Visitors Col. and Mrs. David C. Burke 1 of Washington, D. C,, spent sev-| eral days in Edenton last week' visiting Mrs. Burke’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Letcher. Masquerade Ball By Cotillion Club Members of the Edenton Co tillion Club and guests attend ed a masquerade ball Saturday evening at the American Legion Building. Decorations were in the Mardi Gras theme with music by the Highlighters of Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Thorud, were chairmen of the arrange-1 ments committee. Others on the' committee were Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Hassell, Col. and Mrs. W. B. Rosevear, Dr. and Mrs. Richard Hardin, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Conger, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Potter. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Conger, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Nixon, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. By rum, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Easterling, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Atkinson and Benbry Wood. Tyner Sends Large ; Crowd To Banquet Troop 154, sponsored by the Center Hill Home Demonstra tion Club sent one of the largest delegations to the annual ban quet of the Albemarle District in the Tidewater Council, it is reported by C. Alden Baker, Dis trict Chairman. A total of 29 attended. Emmett Jones received the Seouters Training Award and Chowan County became the first county in the Tidewater Coun cil with a recipient of the train ing award or Key. Other re cipients are Charlie Overman, Jack Habit, Troop 156, and O. C. Long, Jr., Troop 169. Troop 154 has done an out standing job in recruiting boys to the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. Going were Jim my Turner, Emmett Jones, Jr., Tim White, Jackie Ray Ward. RED MEN MEETING Chowan Tribe No. 12, Improv-* ed Order of Red Men, will meet i Monday night, February 20, at 7:30 o’clock. Bill Harris, sa chem, urges a large attendance. 1 k (iktk ti-'- ...wA. . • *v - ...... AM.. . * .. . filong about now ... it means so much to bring the freshness of spring into your life. And an easy, flowers ... a cat) of soft chiffon blossoms that hugs vour head. Silk organza flowers flutter on Y«j4 mm? an airv frame of fine straw: and the whole frames vour face. Beautiful blend of flowers, veil- J irw. straw creates this wonder- \ ful little hat: many hues. 11 a Garland of flowers encircles this 1 9 straw toque: finishing touch of 1 J ' glamour is the veil ' \ |/I , Flowers, fruit and leaves rest ... lightlv on a turban Shaped of TT . • flexible strawcloth. I THE -CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 16. IM|. Two Local Students Scholarship Finalists Two seniors at John A. Holmes High School have been named finalists in the 1960-61 National Merit Scholarship Program com petition and have been awarded certificates of merit. Principal Hiram J. Mayo an nounced that the following stu dents have received the certifi cates which attest to their high academic promise: Jimmy A. Rogerson and Alex Kehayes. The seniors attained finalist status by their distinguished per jformance on two tests and upon endorsement by their high school. | About six-tenths of one • per cent |of the seniors in each state re- I ceived the awards. Approxi mately 9,800 students' in the 50 states and in United States ter ritories were honored. | The merit scholars, to be an nounced April 27, 1961, will be selected from the finalist group. They will receive scholarships 'from the resources of the Na- Itional Merit Scholarship Corpora- I tion and from sponsoring corpor ations, foundations', associations, and individuals. In 1959-60, 115 sponsors participated in the mer it program. Merit Scholarships are four year awards, and carry stipends that range from SIOO a year to SISOO a year. Each stipend is individually determined on the basis of need. The amount is based upon family resources, summer etarnings, and college costs, all of which vary for each winner. Most Merit Scholarships also are accompanied by grants to the colleges. Each student chooses his college and course of study. Gaining admission to the college is the responsibility of the stu dent. Clothes ought to be our re membrances of our lost inno- i cency. —Thomas Fuller, i Leary’s Beauty Shop SPECIALS y MONDAY, TUESDAY y* AND WEDNESDAY Budget Wave....... $6.00 ESKAS from $2.00 to $5.00 off Only one U. S. Patent (U. S. Pat. No. 2,540,494) has been granted for the process “of Protein Fusion into hair during a Permanent Wave.” This process is used only in ESKA PROTEIN WAVE. I)o not be misled by un founded claims of Protein benefits to hair. We are the only franchised shop in Edenton to give ESKA. Three licensed operators to serve you. Tuesday and Thursday Evenings by Appointment LEARY’S BEAUTY SHOP 715 N. Broad St. Telephone 3383 I Elementary School I Lunch Room Menu Menus at the Edenton Ele mentary School lunch room for the week of February 20-24 will be as follows: Monday: Spanish rice with beef, buttered peas, beets, com bread, grapefruit, butter, milk. Tuesday: California dried beans, smoked sausage, candied yams, school baked rolls, milk, peach pie, butter. Wednesday: Beef vegetable soup, crackers, block cake, toast ed cheese sandwiches, milk. Thursday: Hamburgers, gravy, creamed potatoes, turnip greens, school baked rolls, dhery pie. Friday: Fish sticks, cole slaw, cocaanut pudding, butter, black eye peas, com bread, milk. ' "F ' Episcopalians Begin Lenten Preaching Members eff Saint Paul’s Epis copal Church will begin their Lenten series of guest preachers Tuesday by hearing the Rev. Claude Charles Vache, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Ports mouth, Va. The speaker is a native of North Carolina whose father is also an Episcopal clergyman. He was educated in Greensboro and at the Valley Forge Military Academy. He received his bachelor's degree from the Uni versity of North Carolina and his theological degree from Sea bury-Western Theological Sem inary, Evanston, Illinois. Following seminary days his first cure was as rector of Saint Michael’s Episcopal Church, Bon, Air, Virginia, before leaving to become chaplain of Saint Chris topher’s School for Boys, Rich mond, Va. The ladies of the parish will serve lunch beginning at 12:01 P. M., and the benediction is planned each Tuesday at 12:55. Ham And Collards Supper At Advance Next Tuesday night, February 21, the Advance Home Demon stration Club will bold its an nual ham and collards benefit supper. The supper will be held in the Advance Community Building beginning at 6:30 o’clock. Tickets for the supper may be secured by contacting Mrs. J. C. Skinner, phone 3013. 10,000 Folders Printed For 1961 Pilgrimage Continued from Page 1, Section 1 lonial lady and gentleman de signed by Mrs. John E. Shackel ford. Pictures include an inter ior scene at the Barker house and exterior views of the Cho wan Court House and Bandon. Information lists a calendar of events and descriptions of each of the 21 houses or buildings open for the tour. Mrs. W. H. Hollowed, Jr., was in charge of securing ads for the folder. Advertisers are DAR Snack Bar at the Iredell House, the Triangle Restaurant, Hollo well’s Rexall Drug Store, Colon ial Motor Court and Restaurant, By rum Gift Shop, Bridge-Turn Servicecenter, Phthisic Super Market, Inc., The Betty Shoppe, If IZfr'ZL 1 ■TBPkVS -and m m A m WM J always ISAvW' l m mL m k otx* courteous '-mg Va iTfl service §§ A shop here and SAVE on food jfrfl BUY PLENTY-SAVE PLENTY at your friendly jjg22§ PHTHISIC’S SUPER MARKET Armour’s Star or Swift’s Premium - Aged To Perfection round , „„ tffeVV ...gratoJD sirloin CTF zMTM, T-BONE G1 gc Pork Steaks BACON ib. 43c it. Pints Richfood 19-oz. Swansdown Yellow 25 Lbs. Self-Rising Cream Salad Dressing Cake Mix FLOUR jar 25 c * 29 c bag $1.97 1-Lb. Gill’s Hotel Special 18 02 KRAFrs pArpri y-i Strawberry and Pineapple tUr r h*ha n t £wm Preserves ” 0# C Q Cheddar Cheese &*» starkist chunk lb. 55c Tuna* 33 c eS&Shrmri Pillsbury, Puffin, Ballard ul 1* j |P 7 super market RTQri /I i 0 7, Crackers! 3U Oranges Beef and Turkey Morton’s Chicken, Hudson 80’s - 9 Pot Pies Table Napkins Grapefruit P 8 ■ ■ I I I nNidtrkct HI I ■ \nSrrj-_. «r. b b ~■ —• B H B VI B B B B : " ■ ■ I 11 I WsSr fl ■ ■ !■ firfirP! 1 , — I I m § EL til 7:00 Fnday- : < '■ '- , The Jill Shoppe, Edenton Ice Company, BPW Snack Bar at 1 the Hotel Joseph Hewes, St. Paul’s Parish House lunch, Eden ton Restaurant, Mitchener Phar macy, Eden Motel, Triangle Mo tel, Bunch’s Gulf Sirvice, P&Q Super Market, Inc„ Belk-Tyler Company and Yeopim Home Demonstration Club lunch at Yeopim Church. Mrs. William Oozart is chair man of mailing the folders and will be assisted with the ad dressing by members of the Edenton Woman’s Club living in Morris Circle. NORTHEASTERN DRAMA FESTIVAL FEBRUARY 22 The North Carolina High School Drama Association will present its northeastern regional dramatic festival at the Edenton colored high school on Wednes day, February 22. There will be three sessions beginning at 10 A. M., 12:45 P. M. and 8 P. M. Some of the participating schools are: P. W. Moore High School, Elizabeth City; Central High School, Gatesville; C. G. White High. School, Powellsville; Bethel Union School, Bethel; Marion Anderson, Belcross; Cur rituck Union, Currituck; R. L. Vann, Ahoskie and Washington County Union, Roper and Eden ton High School. John F. Britton Dies At Woodville John F. Britton, 86, died Mon day night at 11:30 o’clock at the Lane Nyrsing Home at Wood ville after being in ill health for 20 years. A native of Mar tin County, he was the son of the late Jim Britton and Mary Hollowday Britton, Surviving are two sons, S. A. Britton of Edenton and Hubert L. Britton of Plymouth; two daughters, Mrs. Ella Mae Ro mano of Burgaw, N. C., and Mrs. Gracie Hardison of Plymouth; a brother, Luther Britton of Martin County; two sisters, Mrs. Ada Manning of Williamston and Mrs. Della Rawls of Raleigh; 14 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock at Williford’s Funeral Home. The Rev. R. N. Carroll, pastor of the Edenton Baptist Church, officiated and burial was in Beaver Hill Cemetery. FRED KEETER OOMPLETES LUMBER TRAINING COURSE Fred Keeter has returned to Edenton after graduating from the Inspection Training School of the National Hardwood Lum ber Association February 7. He received his certificate from the director of the internationally' known school in Memphis, Tenn., after five months of intensive classroom study and long prac tice sessions in the grading and measuring of a wide variety of hardwoods. The Inspection Training School which Mr. Keeter attended is the only one of its kind and is maintained by the association for the benefit of the industry, drawing students from many foreign; countries as well as the United^.States and Canada. Mr. Keeter is employed by the Richard P. Baer & Company at Edenton. — M IMPORTANT MEETING OF EASTERN STAR MONDAY Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, February 20, at 8 o’clock. A feature of the meeting will be to pay tribute to national representatives, one of whom is Mrs. Maude The principal speaker for the oc-f „ casion will be Mrs. Blanche Twi foi'd of Elizabeth City, a past worthy 'grand matron. A covered dish supper will be served at 6:30 o’clock and Mrs. Margaret Bell, worthy matron, says this will be a formal meet ing. She urges all members of the chapter tc attend. TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED

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