PAGE TWO MHBCTIOHTWO The National Outlook i Kennedy’s Program For Helping Recovery Jtty Ralph Rout President Kennedy’s Inaugural | Address was excellent. His State i of the Union message appeared ' to be a continuation of the cam- : paign, and by many was thought to be unfortunate. Even so this was better than the first of his i special messages which was on ! ways to help recovery, and at- I complish many reforms which in j his judgment are desirable and can be afforded regardless of the present level of business. : The list of items upon which he makes recommendations is extra- < ordinarily long and will be the subject of discussion for many : weeks and months. So much publicity has been given to the , proposals that they do not need < further summarization, but some general comments are in order. It is a basic thesis of the President that the full power of the federal .government should be used to assure the maximum growth rate of the economy, with production at capacity rates, full employment, and pro tection at liberal levels of all ( our elder citizens. This is to] be done without inflation and without adding to our interna-, tional deficit, which would mean continued loss of gold. It also ! is to be accomplished without raising tax rates except for so-i cial security. At one other point there will 1 be increased tax payments al- j though the rate will remain the: j same. This is for the extension ! of unemployment compensation, j The larger payments will be; caused by basing the tax on * $4,800 of income per employee,! as compared with the present $3,000. It is promised that leg islation to bring about this in crease of payments will be sub mitted to the Congress by the end of March, but there would be no such delay in extending the period of benefits. That Ls called for immediately—the ex-i tension to be to 39 weeks and funds for this are to be taken, out of the general balances of; the government. Can the President accomplish this program as a whole? The easy answer is no. But that merely leads’ to the further ques tion of why not? One reason is that while some! of the can be initiat-; ed by executive action, and’ those orders have been issued, many of others will require ac tion by the Congress, and diffi-1 culties will be encountered at' that point. There probably will! be an extension of unemploy ment benefits, some increase of! the minimum wage, and an aid I to depressed areas bill, some en largement of aid to education, but it is doubtful if the Con gress will go alon,g with most of the other suggestions—at least without a long and bitter argu ment. I Another reason why the pro-1 Feeling Low? • If you are “feeling low,” when you should be “hitting on high,” then by all means do something about the matter. The first step is to have a talk with your Doctor. Let him diagnose your condition and prescribe for you. Then, bring his prescriptions to us for prompt compoundine bv our experts. HOLLOW ELL’S ■ijiMJirn REXALL DRUG STORE Prompt Service Dial 2127 J a APPLIANCES IN JL general electric refrigerator-freezer I gram as a whole cannot be ac-J eomplished ifc that most of it in volves increased government spending. No one can be cer tain what full implementation would cost, but it would run into the billions of dollars. Some of this could be covered f by cutting waste out of present government spending, but Presi dent Kennedy has shown no in terest in this approach. He speaks of closing tax loopholes. There is no such sum of in creased revenue available from tax loopholes. The only other sources are higher taxes, which the President says he opposes, and deficits. Some of the Presi dent’s advisors favor deficits for* times such as we have today,, but they have a definite in flationary impact, and that is something Mr. Kennedy does not want. One final comment needs to be made. Our economic system is not in nearly as unfavorable a position as Fresident Kennedy , believes. We h?ve some seri ous problems, and certain gov ; eminent actions are desirable, : but this is not the time to press the panic button, and that ap i pears to be what the President was basically doing in this mes i sage. j County saws 1 i By MRS. ROLAND EVANsJ The Boy Scouts and Explorers * 1 of Rocky Hock Troop 169 as well j as their leaders were recognized at the Rocky Hock Church last Sunday. Sitting as a group were the following: Scoutmas ter, Billy G. Leary; Scouts, Billy Nixon, Gene Harrell, Ray Smith, Billy Spruill, J. D. Peele, Jr., Clyde Spruill, Freddie Tunstall, Johnny Gosser, Charlie West | brook and Walter Hussey; Ex plorer Advisor, Sherlon C. Lay j ton; Explorers, Scott Ober, Don- I aid Jackson, Danny Long, Ar lyn Bunch, Lynwood Pearce and' Thomas Peele. The troop is' sponsored by the Brotherhood of, Rocky Hock Baptist Church. The program was as follows: Scripture reading, Scout Gena j Harrell; prayer. Explorer Scout j Ober; the youth choir filled the * j choir loft, a girls’ sextet, con sisting of Annie Ruth Nixon, ; Becki Harrell, Loretta Bunch, I Mary Alice Perry, Ester Layton | and Nancy Spivey, rendered a beautiful selection, accompanied at the organ by Beulah Evans. Extension members for the I week at Rocky Hock are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Byrum. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haste have returned from the hospital. Jack Nixon will be discharged from the hospital this week. I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evans are i the proud parents of a new son. life 07 ROBERTS Whe PERSON GOD USES A man stood on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by an angry ’ mob. Th e mob was throwing stones* screaming, and hurling abuses at him. He had been condemned! to death by the Jewish council and sen tenced to execution by stoning. Why was this' man, whose name was Stepfcen, being stoned? He had robbed no banks; he had murdered no one. He had committed no crimes. Instead, he had been praying for the healing of the sick— performing miracles of deliver ance among the needy people of his day. He was not a minister but a layman. However, the Bible says he was full of faith. He was \villing to do anything he could through the Spirit of God. There was nothing too big or too little for him to do. Stephen had felt the call of the Lord and had gone out to help people. But as he minis tered to them, a groat host of the Jewish leaders became jealous of him and made up lies about him. They said that Stephen had blasphemed God, which was a capital crime under Jewish law. Even as the mob testified against him, Stephen testified to them of his love for God. They became so incensed toward him that they fell upon him ar.d be gan to stone him. But Stephen Sympathy goes out to the Eli ja Boyce family of Tyner, who lost a loved one. A group of young people from Rocky Hock visited David All red recently at Wake Forest Mr. Allred was ill. Mrs. Evans and Beulah visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Roland Evans on Tuesday evening. Mark Bunch is on the sick list. Audrey Gordon Circle met with Mre. Thomas Leary Mon day night at 7:30 o’clock. YWA’s of Rocky Hock and Counselor Mrs. Lois Ashley at tended the Associational YWA banquet at Camden School on Monday night at 7 o’clock. Mrs. Merritt Hooper, Jr., of Elizabeth City and Stanford Per ry and Miss Mary Vaughan Nix- ■|HHHHI«lltMIIIIHIHIHII>.»IHmHMMMIIIt«llllll»tlMim»IIMIIIHHml»IIHWHI»HIHHimnillllllHIIMMIWIItMIIIIIHMIIIIIt | OPENING SOON | W. J. BURDEN, JR. Accounting Office j 1 AUDITING AND I I ALL KINDS OF TAX PREPARATIONS j | : 212 Citizens Bank Building | Date To Be Announced Later | j | THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CARpMHA, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY HL lttl. did not become filled with hats; instead, he fumed his eyes heavenward. He was so full of the love of God that he was able to look up as stones were driving him to the ground. And as he looked up, he cried out, “I see Jesus, standing on the right hand of the Father.” Just before the stones of his accusers beat out Stephen’s life, he cried, “Lord, lay not this sin to their charge.” This is the kind of person God uses: the person who is able to help meet the needs of those around him by the power of God. A person who has faith, who has a shining face, who is able to look up and see Christ, is a person God can use. Many people were to die for Christ after Stephen, but he was the first. The first martyr was not an apostle or a preacher, but a layman. Many people feel that because they are not ministers they can do nothing for God. But this is untrue. The Bible teaches that God will use any person who will live for Him and display a love for people. Everybody has some thing to say and do for God. When you come to Jesus and begin to work for Him, He will give you the power to help other people experience the abundant life you enjoy. You are a person Cod can use. on visited their mother Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sey mour of Elizabeth City were in Edenton Sunday night where they attended the program of music at Edenton Baptist Church presented by the Chowan Col lege Choir, of which their son, George Marvin is a member. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Leary of New Bern spent the week end with Mrs. Annie Leary. The Rocky Hock Baseball Club’s minstrel will be repeat ed on February 23 at the Eden ton Elementary School. Pro ceeds will go to the baseball club and the John A. Holmes High School Band. The Chowan College Chou presented a musical program at the Edenton Baptist Church on Sunday evening. It was well attended. Week of Prayer will be ob served during the period March 6-12. School of Missions will be ob served in the various churches of the Chowan Association Feb ruary 26-March 3. Different missionaries will rotate among the churches. Chowan High School Home coming will be observed Friday night at the school gymnasium. There will be a ball game and crowning of Homecoming Queen Miss Celia Ray Elliott. A Mission Study Institute was held at the Reynoldson Baptist Negro Home Demonstration News [ B j MBS. ONNIE 8. CHARLTON, Court? Negro Horn* Eeoeomlee Agert J Gardening and canning pro ject leaders will present the demonstration, “Producing Ade quate Quality Vegetables” in Home Demonstration Club meet ings this month. A training meeting Was held for these leaders Friday, con ducted by Fletcher F. Lassiter, County Negro Agricultural Agent. Members and non-mem bers are asked to be present to get this valuable information which is on our objective, to have all families where practi cable, to produce and conserve enough food for their families. Those attending the training meeting were: Canaan Temple— Mrs. Charlotte Wills, Mrs. Ethel Littlejohn, Mrs. L. B. Coston; Edentqn—Mrs. Clara Simons, Mrs. G. E. Tillett; Paradise Road —Mrs. Mildred White, Mrs. Min nie Summers; St. John—Mrs. Katy Granby; Virginia Fork— Mrs. Martha Johnson, Mrs. Mary Askew; Warren Grove —Mrs. Cleo Bonner, Mrs. Eletta Mc- Clenney; Green Hall—Mrs. Hat tie Horton, Mrs. Louvenia Val entine; Center Hill—Mrs. Mamie Felton, Mrs. Maggie Riddick; Ryans Grove—Mrs. Addie Morn ing and Mrs. Tamar White. Eight volunteer 4-H Club lead ers will attend a training school Seagrams JL Croum GUfc 1 ... i.; . .... Seven Croum _________ AMERICAN ItENDED WHISKEY Hflf $3.95 IHa *ittiunijHiiiiiiMH*(>'** 4/5 QL Mmmmrnd $0.50 ■HHH M Pint MGBAII - DISTIU.EKS COUPMY. HEW YORK CITY. iLEHOEC IffllMF. SB MOOT. Bt% GUI (Ell I UAL SPIRITS. Church last Wednesday affcer noon at 1 o’clock. The Rocky Hock WMU general meeting was held last Thursday night at the church. The Albemarle and Tidewater Boy Scout banquet was held at Elizabeth City Saturday night at 7 o’clock. Mission Rally for everybody will be held at Hertford Baptist Church March 1 at 10,00 A. M. Pastors’ Conference was held February 13 at Creswell at 10,30 A. M. An Associational Brotherhood meeting will be held February 20 at the Hertford Baptist Church at 7:30 P. M. at the Singer Sewing Center in Elizabeth City, today and to morrow, for training on “Getting The Most Out of Your Sewing Machine.” Leaders then will train 4-H Club girls. Leaders attending this school are: Mrs. Rosa Roberts, Green Hall; Mrs. Maggie Riddick, Center Hill; Mrs. Pattie Fayton, Virginia Fork; Mrs. Olivia Wiggins, St. John; Mrs. Rosa Overton, War ren Grove; Mrs. Gertrude White, Hudson Grove; Mrs. Clara B. Simons, Edenton, and Mrs. Helen Wills, Canaan Temple. We completed this week, the 4-H Club schedules at the schools for the month of Feb ruary. In preparation for 4-H team demonstrations on crop production and vegetable prep- FOR Contract Am Repair Work CALL Twiddy Insurance & Real Estate. Inc. PHONE 2163 EDENTON .• If .i . . j boys and girls were in these areas. Four-H members were given their project record books and manuals. We encourage parents to check with your 4-H Club boys and girls, know the requirements they must do to complete ’their project, then guide and help them to complete 1 the work required. They learn by doing. .Many and beautiful are the gifts of spring, not the least of ! which is the silent suggestion of the omnipotence of life. i —Sam Campbell. Early to Marketjg extra'profit i "SO” HOG CONCENTRATE Hgll makes hogmen money! ... because it such fast /t -SN low-cost gains. Balances your / grain with all needed proteins, /JygjjgSgSi/f'M minerals, vitamins plus anti biotics and B-12. T R E?»> cts Y Every bag replaces 12H to J 1(\Cl \VjS. f 13 bu. of com and gives your hogs a better ration at the same time. Try it! ipj NORTtHSTERN MILLING CO. PHONE 2210 EDENTON Here Is The Wav That •/ Modern Families Solve Their Hot Water Problems I % THERE’S PLENTY WATER WITH YOUR PERMAGLAS Glass-Lined Automatic Gas Water Heater Here's rears of dependable, trouble-free service . . . backed by A. O. Smith's reputation for fine.products ... in a value packed water heater that any family cast afford. The PGCA, featuring conventional design. Is available in four capacities from 20 to 50 gallons. Where height is a factor, choose the compact PGCL ... a 30-gallon model that's less than 4Vi feet tall. 20-gallon size NOW was $109.95 $79» 95 QA 11 ' NOW “ $84.95 Amfoged at a slbw-moving mo torist,' tJ* bus driver leaned on his horn until his passengers’ ears Sang. A l|)-year-old boy seated behind hinj glared wither ingly at the driver and piped: “What else did you get for Christmas”? TIRED KIDNEYS Ti GOT YOU DOWN? Oive them a (fentla lift with, this well-balanced formal*. Help rid Kidneys of nrlc waste that may caaae retting up nights, scanty bMk “ MITCHENER’S PHARMACY

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