ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXVIII.—NumbeFIT John Holmes Dies After 38 Years As City School Supt. Passed Away Sunday In N. C. Memorial Hospital at Chapel Hill | John A. Holmes, 71, died day morning in N. C. Memorial Hospital at Chapel Hill follow ing an illness of three weeks.' He served as superintendent of Edenton City Schools for 38 years, coming to Edenton in 1923 to succeed Joe Nixon. A native of Davidson County, Mr. Holmes was a son of Mrs. Mary Forest Holmes of Graham and the late Rev. George W. Holmes. Before coming to Eden ton he was principal and foot ball coach in Raleigh. Mr. Holmes was very promi nent in educational, civic and religious affairs and his death cast a pall of sorrow over the entire community. He was a charter member of the Edenton Rotary Club and was a past district governor; hej was a member of the National Education Association of the United States; the North Caro lina Society of the Sons of the American Revolution; a member' and past district commander of the American Legion; the Divis ion Superintendents of the NCEA; the American Association! of Schools; a member of the Continued on Page 7. Section 1 large Crowd At CHS Homecoming Miss Celia Rae Elliott Crowned As “Miss Chowan High” Chowan High School’s gym nasium was filled to capacity Friday night When the senior class observed homecoming. The festivities were preceded by basketball games between the Chowan boys and girls and the Camden outfits. Camden won both games, the boys by a 80-67 score and the Chowan girls came off the court on the short end of a 50-37 score. Following the games and in a very impressive ceremony Miss Celia Rae Elliott was crowned “Miss Chowan High” by R. H. Continued on Pago 3—Section i BAND^PARENTS MEETING Edenton’s Band Parents Asso ciation will meet Wednesday night of next week, March 1, at 8 o’clock. The meeting will be held in the band room and all members are requested by Henry Quinn, president, to attend. * 20 Years Ago As Found in the FDm of The Chowan Herald >» W. J. Taylor reported that Chowan County ranked sixth in the state in the number of quarts of vegetables canned per acre under WPA supervision. Edenion Rotary Club celebrat ed its 15th anniversary at which J. Edwin Bufflap, president, paid tribute to the only three surviv ing charter members, who were Charles H. Wood. C. E. Kramer and John A. Holmes. Old residents in Eden ton com mented on the great number of sea gulls which were flying over this, aection so early in the year. , Continued on Page *—3eetion > Hospital Auxiliary To Purchase New Equipment; New Officer! The Chowan Hospital Auxili-f ary held its February meeting on Friday, the 17th, in the nurs es’ home wither, Ed^Bond^giv brought out . , J THE CHOWAN HERALD { Passes Away ! 1 ; p ** 1 §■■■ A pH; . vs; - v* ■ ' ji j Ba ■ Jfl-" Bl m JOHN A. HOLMES After an illness of about three weeks, John A. Holmes, superin tendent of Edenton schools for 38 years, died Sunday morning in N. C. Memorial Hospital at Chapel Hill. Annual Art Show Scheduled To 8e Held March 25-28 Any Who Desire to Participate Asked to Contact Mrs. Edward G. Bond The annual Art Show, spon sored by the Edenton Woman's Club, will be held at the Barker house Saturday and Sunday, March 25 and 26. Hostesses will be on hand to greet art patrons and parents of Edenton and Cho wan County school children be tween the hours of 10 A. M., and 6 P. M., on Saturday and 2 P. M., to 5 P. M., on Sunday. A prominent judge will be announced at a later df»te. Rib bons will awarded for first, sec ond and honorable mention, and twelve cash prizes of one dollar each will be given to school, children whose work is deemed, the most outstanding. A hobby corner , agts and crafts—will be set up to display unclassified entries such as ce ramics, photographs, needlecraft, handicrafts, etc. Anyone wish ing to participate in this cate gory, or to submit art work in any field, is asked to contact Mrs. Edward G. Bond, phone 3736 for further particulars. District Scholarship Contest Scheduled To Be Held Mareh 7 Mrs. R. J. Boyce, Sixteenth: District Education Chairman for the North Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs, announces that the District Contest for a SSOO scholarship will be held at Chowan College in Murfrees boro March 7th at 10:30 A. M. All contestants from the Six teenth District are urged to be on time. The purpose ot the scholar ship is to help a deserving sen ior girl to further her education though handicapped financially. The contest will be held under the direction of Mrs. Julian Por ter Os evem, N. C., president; of the Sixteenth District. This is *in addition to the 1 j* secretary, and Mrs. Herbert Hoi lowell, treasurer. The chairmen for the tees are listed as follows: House—Mrs. George A. Byrun Finance—Mrs. Ed Bond. Hostreg—Mrs. Warren Twidd, Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, February 23, 1961. j ||)RTION OF BASE TRANSFERRED TO TOWN OF EDENTON || -p ■-I) ** I MM ■ . - "~ T' " ” 1 ' ~j| ... -**-•7 — '*■ *•••'"' / r *i, HpQBBBBiBiAfISBBiHKSi *- "*** Bk' ::% """ - C Aerial view of Edenton municipal airport property covering 812 acres received through a federal granl February 7, 1961. Sixteen aeTial photographs of the former Marine Air Base have been turned over to the Edenton Chamber of Commerce by J. P. Ricks, Jr., proprietor of Ricks Laundry. The aerial pix will be a distinct asset to the Chamber's permanent photograph tile and are of special value at this time to the Chamber's Industrial Develop ment Committee, according lo Bruce F. Jones, Jr., president of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce, in their present negotiations w th industrial prospects who are being contacted for plant location Chowan Farmers Seek More Cotton | Than Is Released; Very Interesting Fig ures Regarding Sit uation In Chowan Reported By ASC \ - With cotton farmers required to ' decide whethey they will plant or j release their cotton acreage this week, the local ASC Office has released some interesting figures, relative to re'ease and reappor-. tionment of cotton allotment in I Chowan County. ( According to the figures releas-' ed, in 1960, 343.9 acres of county j allotment was released by farm-1 ers that did not wish to plant. | This allotment was reapportioned j to farmers that made requests for j additional acreage. 158 farmers received reapportionment. Chowan received 447.2 acres from the State Office that was Continued on Page 4—Section 1 SI,OOO scholarship awarded by the Federation which is con tinued until the winner of that scholarship .graduates. Both of these scholarships are adminis tered through The Greater Uni versity of North fcarolina. These scholarships are made possible by the “Dollars for Scholars” campaign in the Fed eration, whereby each 'clubwo man pays SI.OO per year. This is another effort upon the part of N. C. Clubwdmen to educate its youth. ' Miss Sally Privott, daughter of Mrs. John Privott, is being sponsored by the Edenton Wo "man’s Club. Continued on Page 4—-Section I Rotarians Hosts To j 4-H Peanut Growers At Banquet Tonight Edenton Rotarians will be hosts to Chowan 4-H Club mem bers who participated in this year’s peanut growing contest tonight (Thursday)?' The 4-H peanut banquet will be held inj the Parish House beginning at 7. o’clock. > ;.tjs The program will be in charge of Hgrry Venters, assistant coun ty agent and C. W, Overman, county agent President Elton Forehand is EDWARD WARREN BEY Surgeon-General of N. C. Troops Submitted by Marqarcl S. Davis In the Interest of Chowan County Centennial Committee Dr. Edward Warren was one lof Edenton’s 'most citizens’and one of the Confed eracy's most able servants. He became, surgeon-general of North Carolina troops during the War Between the States. Besides this he held the following titles: M.D., C M.. LL.D., Bey to Kite dival Firman, surgeon-in-chief of the War Deiwrtment of Egypt, Commander of the Order of Os manich of Turkey, Knight of the Order of Isabella the Catholic of Spain, Chevalier of the Legion Milton E. Bass Is Reassigned To EOS Office In Raleigh Scheduled For Special Assignment as Occu pational Analyst In North Carolina Milton E. Bass, manager of the' Edenton Office of the Employ ment Security Commission, has! been reassigned to Raleigh and will report there on March 6th. A successo • is expected to be named within a short time. Bass Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Four Aces Awarded Athletic Scholarships | The quartet of Edenton Aces pictured above have received full athletic College scholarships and will enter college in September. At left is Bubbe Hopkins, who wes granted a scholarship at the University of North Carolina. Next is Jimmy White, Jerry Tolley beve awarded^ athletic scholarships sues on this surnius government property. Ricks, whose major hobbv is pholograDhv, snapped these aerial shots from a height or 3.00 U feet above Albemarle Sound and the resulting ohotog: ap’ns pinpoint the location of the six and a half miles of roadways, the ru‘.ways and the various useable and per manent type buildings and facilities that ara of interest to indus trial en'dr. ers and cosrsu.tants. The a r rial photographs given to the Chamber by Ricks would have cost mote than the Chamber could have afforded to pay for a promotional aerial photograph service, Jones said. : of Honor of France, Medical In . speclor of the Army of Virginia artel f'rtinder'amf' , pinfess ii of the ■' College of Physicians of Balti more. The honorary degree of ■ Doctor of Laws conferred in 1384 ;! fin absentia) bv the university ! of his native North Carolina gra tified him more than all the for eign honors combined. Edward Warren’s adventurous life as told in his autobiography j called “A Doctor's Experiences In Three Continents” is the cx -1 Continued on Page 3. Section 1 Lions And Rotary To Play Basketball i Game February 11 Coaches Now Lining Up Teams; Offering Taken at Half Time For Heart Fund What should be an evening of entertainment deluxe is sched uled to lake place in the John A. Holmes High School gymnas ium Monday night, February 27, when Edenton Rotarians are scheduled to lock horns in a bas- Continued on Page 4—Section 1 Heart Sunday Will Be Observed In Edenton Feb. 26th Group of Canvassers. Will Tour Residen tial Section to Secure Contributions Heart Fund volunteers will: tour the residential sections of Edenton next Sunday,, February 26, to distribute health-saving in formation about the heart diseas es and to collect Heart Sunday contributions with which the American Heart Association canj help speed the light against the nation's Number 1 health enemy.; The pamphlet to be distribut ed by volunteers tells how to 1 protect children against rheu matic fever, forerunner of rheu-j mafic heart disease, and deals; with the latest knowledge about high blood pressure, heart at- i tacks and strokes. Contribu tions collected by volunteers will ; Continued on Page 4—Section 1 National Guard Muster Day Is Observed At School Program With February 22 declared as; National Guard Muster Day, the; local National Guard Unit con ducted a program at the John A. Holmes High School at 10:50 A. M. Visiting speaker was Ma jor Morton S. Modlin, from, Headquarters, 2nd Battle Group, 119th Infantry, Rocky Mount.; North Carolina. The local National Guard unit had an outstanding record dur ing 1960. The unit received the Commander’s Trophy as the most outstanding unit in its bat- j tie group during summer en-1 Mission Study At Macedonia Church The Woman’s Missionary So ciety of the 'Macedonia Baptist Church will sponsor a mission study course at the church Mon day and Tuesday, February 27 and 28. The study will begin at 7:30 o’clock each nigh’t and; the public is invited to attend. 1 The subject of the study will be “The Dreamer Cometh,” and will be taught by the pastor, • the Rev. Gordon Shaw. RED MEN MEETING Chowan Tribe No. 12, Improv ed Order of Red Men, will meet i Monday night, February 27, at 7:30 o’clock. Bill Harris .sachem,! ; is very anxious to have a large 1 turn-out of members. $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina William B. Gardner Named Town Clerk At Special Meeting J In Gastonia ii 1 .; ■ mcm ...v Wilt:'; -n Stoke.y Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. El*. Dll of Edenlcn. is enror"d in the two year-civil technology course at ‘he Gaston Technical Institute in Gastonia. Gaston Tech is a di vision of the N. C. State College School of Engineering, conduct ed by the College Extension Di virion. Edenton Jayvees Hang Up Enviable Record For Year Youngsters Have Won 14 Games and Lost Only One Contest to Windsor Edenton's Jayvee’ basketball team, under Coach Billy Hardi | son, his an enviable record thus 'far this season and now sport a record of 14 victories to only one defeat. The defeat was at the hands of Windsor by a 32-30, score. Teams which fell victim to the F,denton aggregation are: Hert-; ford 43-25 and 43-32; Chowan! 38-18 and 55-15; Plymouth 42-28! .and 46-26; Windsor 36-34. 39-211 'and 30-23; Ahoskie 29-26 and i 38-34; Williamston 41-23 and 35- 3ontinueH on Page 3—Section I i LOCAL WOMAN'S CLUB TO i MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY Edenton Woman’s C|ub will meet on Wednesday afternoon, March 1, at 1 o’clock at the Edenton Restaurant. Mrs. J. D. Elliott, president, urges all members to be present. jcampment at Fort Bragg, N. C. The unit received a superior rat ing from annual audit conduct-1 ed during July 1960, a superior rating on its annual inspection conducted during November 1960. ,! First Sergeant Johnnie Asbell , will be available at any time to discuss each individual’s military obligation, and the outstanding method which the National ■ Guard offers for fulfilling same. • i “Operation Muster 1961” finds' i National Guard at the highest! Continued on Page 7—Section I E. L, Pearce Again Sponsoring Pumpkin Contest In Chowan Harry Venters, assistant county; agricultural agent, announces that a pumpkin growing contest: will be sponsored by E. L. Pearce, seedsman distributor for | Cornell Seed Company. All boys a.nd girls in Chowan County between the ages of 6 and 15 are invited by Mr. Pearce to en ter the contest. Entry forms mayy be secured from county agricultural and home eco nomics agents, vocational agri cultural and home economics • teachers and from Mr. Pearce. |Seeds will be given to ail that enter the contest Prizes for the largest pump* FIGHT CANCER l| WITH'A CHECKUP I AND CHECK Plans To Fill Vacancy Which Existed Since November Ist on or About March 15th Meeting in special session Tuesday night, Town Council men finally appointed a town clerk, a position which has been vacant since the resignation of Ernest Ward, Jr., which went into effect November 1. William B. Gardner was ap pointed to the position follow ing a recommendation of a com mittee which since Mr. Ward’s resignation has been receiving applications and screening the | list of applicants. A considcr- I able amount of time has been | consumed by the Councilmen in j selecting a town clerk and in Mr. | Gardner’s appointment the gen ieral opinion prevailed that he will make an efficient and satis factory employee of the Town of Edenton. Mr. Gardner, a young man of 2G years of age, was educated in the Edenton schools, after which he graduated from the University of North Carolina Continued on Page 3. Section 1 Hardin President Os Varsity Club New Officers Chosen At Meeting of Club Monday Night At a meeting of the Varsity ! Club held Monday night at John A. Holmes High School, officers 'were elected and will take over ilieir duties immediately. Dr. Richard Hardin was elect ed president of the club and will succeed A1 Phillips. The other officers elected were: George Lewis, vice president; A. B. Harless, Jr., treasurer, and Hiram J. Mayo, secretary. Committees were also appoint ed for the Varsity Club ban quet which will be held the last week in April. These are: Door Committee George Lewis, Mcdlin Belch and Bill Easterling. Speaker Committee Hiram J. Mayo. Banquet Hall Committee—Dr. Louis Ferguson. Publicity Committee Nick George. Awards Committee—Joe Thor ud and Bill Cozart. Ticket Committee—Jess Har rell. Gifts Committee—Al Phillips and A. B. Harless, Jr. j! CIVIC CALENDAR i —..— j The 1961 Pilgrimage of Colo nial Edenton and Countryside will be held April 14. 15 and 16. Edenton’s Rotary Club will be hosts to the 4-H Club peanut ■I growing contestants at a banquet tonight (Thursday) in *he Parish House at 7 o'clock. Annual art show sponsored by the Edenton Woman's Club will be held in the Penelope Barker 1 house Saturday and Sunday, March 25 and 26. Family Night will be observ ed at the Edenton Methodist Church Sunday, February 26, 1 with a covered dish supper be ginning at 6 P. M. Continued on Page 7 Section 1 ; kins grown in this contest will be: First, $5.00 and blue ribbon; second, $3.00 and red ribbon; ! third, $2.00 and white ribbon, and next seven prizes, SI.OO each and green ribbons. Awards for the largest and best pumpkins will be presented at the Chowan County Fair. All boys and girls entering the contest are required to enter their best pumpkin in the fair this falL The rules for the contest are as follows: I. This contest is opeh to any Chowan boy or girl between the

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