\ ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBUSHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXVlll.—Number 9. Lewis Evans Wins In ’6l 4-H Peanut Growing Contest Contestants and 'Their ' Fathers Guests of Rotarians at Banquet Thursday Night At a banquet held Thursday night in the Parish House, Lewis Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mar i'*' vin Evans, was declared winner of the 4-H Club peanut grow ing contest. The four top win ners were announced at a ban quet of the Rotary Club, spon sors of the contest, held in the Parish House. While Young Evans did not produce the greatest yield per, acre, he gained more points ac-1 cording to the rules of the con-: test which includes, besides yield, quality, following recom-| mended practices, proper stack ing 'of crop and project record,! Second place was won by | Richard White, who had the greatest yield per acre. Third! was Jack Perry and fourth Car-! roll Tynch. There were 12 boys in the contest who, with their piarents’ name and yields follow: Richard White, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. White, 2,657 pounds. | Lewis Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Evans, 2,440 pounds. I Continued on Page 7—Section i PTA Meeting Now Set For March 21 Due to the death of John A. Holmes, the Edenton Parent- Teacher Association called off its meeting Tuesday of last week. The meeting is now scheduled | to be held Tuesday night, March' 21, at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium. As previously planned, a fea ture of the meeting will be a panel discussion on “Teenage' Code of Ethics.” Adults participating in 'the discussion will be Joe Thorud, moderator, Cecil Fry, Mrs. P. C. Ashley, Mrs. C. A. Phillips and Mrs. Charles Wood, Jr. Stu dents participating will be Jim my Rqgerson, Mack Wright, Sally Privott and Mary Ann Hare. 20 Years Ago As Found |n Iho File* of Tho Chowan Herald Representative J. G. Campen introduced a bill in the General { Assembly providing for an ex tra term of Chowan Superior Court in order to dispose of an atcummulation of civil cases. Churches in Edenton joined in a national Observance of World Day of Prayer held in St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Miss Margaret White Byrum, daughter of Mrs. Carroll Byrum, v was elected May Queen at Louis burg College. Lester Jordan, star mounds man for the Mooresville base ball team in the North Carolina State League and William Cay ton, who played with the Poco- Continued on Page 4 —Section 1 t> New Sears Manager | b , j '.jw .litj ■vs T ~ M ■ JK • S's Charles prr.ix THE CHOWAN HERALD " Offering Help | 1 ? James Johnston, local repre sentative of the N. C. Depart ment of Revenue, announces that his office will be open April 4 through April 15 from 9 A. M„ to 5 P. M. Mr. Johnston will be in his office for the purpose of assisting those taxpayers who wish assistance in filing their 'income tax returns. The office is on the second floor of the Citizens Bank Build ing. > Jaycees Sponsor Hypnotist Ornoff Proceeds of Show to Go To Edenton Fire Department Edenton’s Jaycees announce that Ornoff, the phenomenal mentalist-hynotist, has been se cured for a one-night -engage ment on Friday evening, March 31, at 8 o’clock in the Edenton Elementary School auditorium. The show will provide an evening of entertainment for the entire family. It will be a scin tillating, educational, informa tive and dramatic exposition of hypnosis by one of the world’s most renowned hypnotists— Ornoff. Nathan Owens has been named chairman for the Jaycees. Tic kets can be purchased from any member of the Jaycees. Pro ceeds from the show will be giv en to the local -Fire Department for" purchase of rescue equip ment! Revival Services Will Be Held At Baptist Church Next Week The annual spring revival will open at the Edenton Baptist Church with the morning ser vice Sunday, March 5, and will continue through the evening service on the following Sun day, March 12. Evangelistic messages for the week are to be brought by the visiting minis ter, the Rev. M. O. Owens, Jr., of Gastonia, N. C. Mr. Owens has previously been the guest preacher for evange listic services some few years ago and will be remembered by his straight-forward and forceful messages. He is well known and very active in both the State and Fat Stock Show And Sale March 29 Jaycees Already Set ting Up Plans For Seventh Show • Eden ton’s Junior Chamber of Commerce is now making pre liminary plans for the seventh annual Fat Stock Show and Sale. The affair will again be held on the American Legion grounds on Wednesday, March 29. Judges have not yet been named but they will be special ists from State College in Ra leigh. , Various committees who will have charge of this year’s event will be appointed in the very near future. The show and sale will begin at 9:30 o’clock, when the ani mals will be judged. The sale will begin at 3 o’clock. Inglis Fletcher Speaker For DAR ! Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR will meet Wednesday of next week, March 8. The meeting will be held at the Edenton Restaurant at 1 o’clock when a feature will be an ad- Fletcher will speak about Afri- * Identon. Chowan County. North Carolina, Thursday, March 2, 1961. # : * Y { Korean Air Force Officers Visit Edenton l |g r ; **4 lilt fwll Ifv Jm . mm jol Mm! «af| Kil MB y ii l*, .'i. 'V A? - --*•*■. - A group of Edenton people mei at the Court House Saturday to greet three South Korean Air Force officers, who were accompanied by Mayor Scott B. Berkeley of Goldsboro and two officers from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base at Golds boro. Front row, left to right. Mayor John Milch ener, Mrs. J. D. Elliott. Mrs. R. J. Boyce, the three Koreans. Col. Sung Tae Chang. Col. Yang Myong Lee and LI. Col. Chong In Ma and Mayor Berkeley. Second row. State Senator Emmett Winslow of Hertford. West Byrum. Jr., Geofge A. Byrum, J. Edwin Bufflap, Capt. Hansel W. Turley, Eugene Price, editor of the Goldsboro News-Argus and Richard Atkinson. Back row, E. W. Spires. William Gardner. James Robinson and Major Wilson G. Hail of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base.— (Photo by J. P. Ricks, Jr.) < "V I Superintendent j v <> ■ 1 y - V-. HIRAM MAYO Edenton school trustees at a meeting held last week appoint ed Hiram Mayo superintendent of Edenion schools. Mr. Mayo succeeds John A. Holmes and his appointment is for the re mainder of the school term. Southern Baptist prqgrams and has only in recent months trans ferred from his pastorate in Le noir, N. C., to Gastonia. During the week services will be held at 7:30 o’clock each evening Monday through Friday, but there is to be no service on Saturday. The church nursery will be open for each service to take of children through five years of age. The public is cordially invit ed to attend these services and also the remaining two nights of the Mission School now in progress tonight (Thursday) and Friday at 7:30 o’clock. Farm Bureau To Meets March 29 Dutch Supper Served At Center Hill Com munity Building .Woodrow Lowe, president of the Chowan County Farm Bu reau, announces that a member ship meeting will be held at the Center Hill Community Build ing Tuesday night, March 14, at 7 o’clock. A dutch supper will be serv ed and the principal speaker will be Alonza Edwards of Hookerton, former executive sec retary of the State Farm Bu reau. Mr. Lowe especially urges all Farm Bureau members to at tend. Centennial Group In Monthly Meeting The Chowan County Confed erate Centennial Committee held its monthly meeting at the Jo seph Hewes Hotel, February 20, with Mis. Raymond Carr, chair man,, presiding. Mrs. Carr open ed the meeting with a request for a moment of silent prayer in memory of a departed educator and historian, Superintendent John A. Holmes, to be followed by a closing prayer byttießev. ROSTER OF COMPANY A First Regiment, N. C. Volunteers From Chowan County, 1861 ( EDITOR’S NOTE: In response to many requests that the Centennial Committee publish the names of the soldiers who went out irom Chowan | County in 1861, the following is copied from Moore's Roster of N. C. | Troops in the Civil War. (Submitted in the interest of the Centennial Committee l»y the Rev. Fred B. I>rane). T. L. Skinner, Captain, later promoted to Major. Killed June 26, 1862, at Ellyson’s Mill. J. A. Benbury, First Lieuten-! ant. Promoted to Captain. Killed at Malvern Hill. F. W. Bond, promoted to Cap tain. Permanently disabled at Malvern Hill. T. L. Johnston. Promoted to Captain. John L. Bratton, Lieutenant. John H. Morgan, Lieutenant, Perquimans County. A. R. Stamer, Lieutenant, Per quimans County. J. D. Williams, Lieutenant. T. L. Jones, Lieutenaint. Continued o* page 4—Section 1 | Terry Jones Is Given License To Preach By Macedonia Church Macedonia Baptist Church, in regular conference Wednesday, February 15, voted unanimously to present “Certificate of Li cense” to Terry Haywood Jones, that he might further practice his gift as a minister of the Gospel. This came after the church on several occasions had heard Mr. Jones preach, and the deacons and pastor had recom mended that the church take this action, which will help open Unique Window Displays Are Planned For 1961 Pilgrimage The Pilgrimage Committee of! to clean up your yards,” says the Edenton Woman’s Club is j the committee. “We want you to appealing to Edenton citizens to do that again but aiso clean out clean up their attics or storage your attics with us in mind.” rooms in an effort to uncover Some merchants have offered various items which will form their windows for the Piigrim an interesting display for visit- age April 14-16 and it is plan ors who attend the Pilgrimage ned to fill these windows with of Edenton and Countryside in interesting items of old Eden- April. ton. “Two years :ago we asked you Continued on Page 6—Section 1 4-H Peanut Growing Contest Winners ) ... , j rAn * f r Flanked by Elton Forehand, president of the Edenton Rotary Club, on left, and Harry Venters, assistant county agent on right, appear three of the four top winners in the Chowan County 4-H peanut growing contest. In center is Lewis Evans, first piece winner, holding a trophy. Next to Mr. Forehand is Richard White, second piece and next to Mr. Venter* is Carroll Tynch. fourth piece winner. Jack Perry, who won third place, left a Rotary banquet / | 1»"'A 'JL - .. i 'wvwwwvws^Vwwwwwvwwwv doors to him in the practice of his calling. Mr. Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Jones, is a native of Edenton, where he attended school and is a graduate of John A. Holmes High School, class of 1960. At the present time he is a freshman at Chowan College, Murfreesboro, and is held in high esteem by his fellow classmen. He is secretary of the Minister- Continued on Page 6, Section 1 94 Pints Os Blood Given Last Week At BtoodmobHe Dr. Archie Walker Is Well Pleased With Response to Appeal For Blood Dr. Archie Walker, Chairman -of the Chowan County Red Cross blood program, reports that at last week’s visit of the Red Cross bloodmobile 94 pints of blood were donated. The countyls quota was 105 pints. Dr. Walker reports that 107 per-1 sons volunteered tq donate a pint of blood, but of that num ber 13 were rejected for vari | ous reasons. I Dr. Walker is especially pleas-1 ed with the response to the ap-| peal for blood donations. He! stated that he was especially! pleased with the increased num- l ber of rural people who volun teered. This number was far in excess of previous visits of the bloodmobile. Some reason | for this is attributed to rnem-j bers of the Rocky Hock 4-H I Club, members of which distri- i buted pamphlets setting out the need for donating blood. Dr. Walker extends his sin cere appreciation ito all who j volunteered to donate a pint of I blood or helped in any way to! make the bloodmobile visit so successful. Lions Club Again Sponsoring This Year's Sale Os Easter Seals Edenton’s Lions Club will again sponsor the 1961 Easter’ Seal Sale in Chowan County,! which begins March 26 and con tinues through April 8. In announcing the campaign, Lions point out that crippling is one of the major health prob lems of our county today. They say jliat while the most im portant Objective of Easter Seals is raising funds for treating the physically handicapped, the an- j nual messages also tell a story of aid and hope for the handi capped. Use of the Easter Seals, regardless of the contribution Band Concert ] U r Derwood Bray, director of the John A. Holmes High School Band, has announsed that the band will present its winter concert Friday night, March 17. The concert will be presented in the school auditorium be ginning at 8 o'rlock. Panel Discussion At Chowan PTA Meeting The selected theme for Cho- j wan High School’s PTA study for the month of March is “A Healthy Child Is A Happy! Child.” A program of vital in-! terest to parents and teachers; has been planned on a phase! of health which is so very im-! portant today—Mental Health. A film, “The Angry Boy,”i will be shown which reveals the : importance of ia healthy mind for a child, so he may face in telligently, the many problems and temptations that confront him in daily living. A panel discussion will fol low in which the following peo ple will take part: Dr. Johnson, local health doctor; the Rev. T. W. Allred, pastor of Rocky Hock Baptist Church; Paul Stan ton, physical education director, and Mrs. Jane Joyner, a patron. The meeting is scheduled for Monday night, March 6, at 8; o’clock. Special Feature At Masonic Meeting Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M., will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. A fea ture of the meeting will be a play presented by the Acacia Club of Ocean View, so that Dr. A. F. Downum, master, urges a large turnout of members. A supper will be served at 7 o’clock in the dining room of the temple prior to the meeting. LIONS MEET MONDAY Edenton’s Lions Club will meet Monday night, March 6, at 7 o’clock. James Griffin, president, requests every mem ber of the chib to be present $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina Korean Air Force Officials Visit In Edenton Saturday ! Leaving Edenton ] n J MILTON E. BASS After serving as manager of the Edenton office of the Em ployment Security Commission since May 10, 1955, Milton E. Bass has been transferred to Ra leigh. His transfer will be ef fective March 6. —(Photo by J. P. Ricks, Jr.). made in their behalf, is a defi nite means of expressing inter- ; est in the crippled. Funds raised through Easter Seal sales finances care and treatment, education and re search programs that aid all crippled persons regardless of race, creed or handicapping con dition. Mayor John Mitchener has is sued a proclamation designat ing March 2 to April 8 as Easter Seal Month and urges all citi zens to join the Lions Club in its fight against crippling by giving generously to this great cause. Tom Scott Show Shows In Edenton Thursday, Mar. 23 Profits of Show Will Go to Red Men and Heart Fund; Tickets Now on Sale Chowan Tribe No. 12, Improv ed Order of Red Men, will spon sor the Tommy Scott Road Show which will appear in the Eden ton armory Thursday, March 23. The Red Men will share their * profits from the show with the Heart Fund, so that it is hoped a full house will turn out. Ad vance tickets are now on sale and Leroy Harrell, chairman of a committee in charge of the event, points out that the tribe will receive 50 per cent of adult advance ticket sales and 10 per cent at the door. For that rea son the Red Men are hopeful that many advance adult tickets will be sold so that more profit is realized. Many children’s tic kets have already been sold in various stores and business con cerns. The show is a family type [ show, consisting of the best in 1 country and western music, light comedy and rock and roll for the youngsters. Libraries Will Close Wednesday, March 8 Both the Shepard J Pruden Me morial Library and Brown-Car ver Library will 'be closed all day Wednesday of next week, March 8. The libraries will be closed due to a regional staff meeting to be held in Plymouth. ROTARY MEETS TODAY Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. The program will be in charge of Murray Baker and President Elton Forehand urges a 100 per cent attendance. j FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK Met By Group of Lo cal Citizens and Tak en to Several Points Os Interest Edenton had some distinguish ed visitors Saturday morning when three South Korean Air Force officials were shown sev eral points of interest. They stopped over in Edenton while oil a tour from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base at Goldsboro to Kitty Hawk. The Koreans were Coi. Sung Tae Chang, Col. Yang Myong Lee and Lt. Col. Chong In Ma. They were accompanied by May or Scott B. Berkley of Golds boro. Major Wilson G. Hall and Capt. Hansel W. Turley of Sey mour Johnson Air Force Base and Eugene Price, editor of the News-Argus at Goldsboro. The group was met at the j Court House by Senator Emmett i Winslow of Hertford and a group |of Edenton citizens. After an ! exchange of introductions and greetings the visitors were taken [ through the Court House Where the history of this old building was explained by E. W. Spires. The visitors were then taken to the Masonic Temple, where they enjoyed seeing the George Wash ington Chair and the beautiful interior of the building. Later the group was taken to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, where Mrs. George Mack pre sented a brief history of the church. It was planned to visit the Cupola House, but time did not permit. The Koreans spoke English and appeared very much inter ested and delighted with their stop in Edenton. Stops on the tour included Greenville, Williamston, Edenton, Hertford. Citv, Kill Devil Hill and Manieo. Eastern Star Elects New' Officers Monday Edenton Chapter No. 302. Or der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, March 6, at 8 o’clock. A candidate is scheduled to be initiated and officers for the new year will be elected, so that Mrs. Margaret Bell, worthy matron, urges all members to attend. . | civic calendar] *■— —— d The 1961 Pilgrimage of Colo nial Edenton and Countryside will be held April 14. 15 and 16. Edenton Parent-Teacher Asso ciation Will meet in the John A. Holmes High School auditor ium Tuesday night, March 21, at 8 o'clock. Revival services will begin at the Edenton Baptist Church next Sunday morning, March 5, and continue through Sunday, March 12. The Jaycee sponsored Fat Stock Show and Sale will be held at the American Legion grounds Wednesday, March 29. Inglis Fletcher will be the speaker at a meeting of the Continued on Page s—Section 1 -J- |—ij—u~m,,— |—!Jl D —IJ-11-11.. r , nnn n n n«i m | Licensed To Preach \ \ Sfl I TERRY JONES Macedonia Baptist Church on Wednesday, February 15, voted unanimously to present Terry Haywood Jonas a "certificate of license” to preach &e Gospel.

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