PAGE FOUR I—SECTION TWO — ■ ' - SENATOh. SAM ERVIN • SAYS * ■ Washington A revision hasj *en made in Department of . griculture regulations to per-’ j it tobacco and other allotment- j < op farmers to sell part of their; ] nd for residential or commer < al development without losing t ibacco or other crop allotments. 1 armerly, in such a case, a re-! ( institution of the farm would 1 ive been required generally re s ilting in a reduced farm allot- i i ient. Now, the program regu -1 itions have been changed so t lat the allotment, history, and s lil bank base acreages remain \ ith the parent farm provided t lat the county committee is as £ ired —on the basis of an agree i ient signed by all persons in t (rested in the transfer —that the ] tnd transferred is not to be l sed for farm production. This i ‘vision should meet with wide i cceptance on the part of North ( arolina farmers. Farmers have t een critical of the fact that t ley lost part of their allotment Where a portion of their land Was retired from agricultural production. | Civil Rights— Wire-tapping and jpentally ill rights are matters 1 which are scheduled to come be-, fore the Subcommittee on Con stitutional Rights in the nearj future. The Subcommittee may or may not decide to hold hear j Negro Home Demonstration News | By MBS. ONNIK S. CHARLTON, County Negro Home Economics Agent | A committee from the County | Council of Home Demonstration' Clubs met Friday in our office for the quarterly meeting. (Due to lack of space we are unable to have the entire council at one time). The group made these plans: 1. A county-wide program will be held April 30, at 3:00 P. M„ to honor charter members of the home demonstration clubs of Chowan County. This will be one -•of our observance Demonstration mkA) Week. Each member will gßftftjt a non-member. The place will be announc !J|i later. The public is invited To this program. 2. Clubs will display appropri ate exhibits National HD Week, May 1-7. 3. Charter members will pre pare news articles and present radio program. 4. A county-wide recreational' 0) WESTERN GAS SERVICE NVITES YOU T ° •jPp f ~A %s■, ' | WITH SERVICE GUARANTEE-Permaglas i ’•Samfcf, ( • whole heater replaced if tank leaks within 10 year guarantee period* • Fuel-thrifty Tdrget Burner > • exclusive patented glass lining . • Heetwall construction for faster water heating ■ M , ' & • automatic controls • by A. O. Smith—makers of over 5,000,000 water heaters EASY TERMS _ mi Only $lO Down Permafllatf pF NOW NOW 20-gallon size,*rnn nf 30-gallon size n e wa55109.95 !p i t/ti/i) wa55119.95 tpo4«%/0 GUARANTEED 10 FULL YEARS Western Gas Service, Inc. 204 S. Broad St PHONE 3122 Edenton, N. C. ■ <, 111 —aa»— ! ings this session on wire-tapping, but hearings have already been scheduled on the rights of the mentally ill. They are set for March 28th, 29th and 30th. Out standing authorities will come before the Committee to testify on the mentally ill’s rights con cerning property and personal affairs as well as matters of commitment, treatment, and dis charge. Increasing litigation has pointed out a need for these hearings to determine what ad ditional safeguards, if any, are needed for these unfortunate persons. Unemployment The nation’s jobless now total 5.7 millions, the biggest since 1941, according to recent Labor Department fig ures. It is a deeply tragic situ ation for any individual to be without a job when he wants to work. This is particularly so when he has a wife and children and a family to support. Re cently the House passed a meas- j ure to give temporary relief in this field by extending unem ployment benefits for thirteen additional weeks. The Senate j should be in a position to act, on this bill soon and I believe! it will pass. My hope is that | there will be an early upswing in the number of jobs available j for all who want to work. day will be held at Sunset Lake for club members, non-members and their families, August 2. 5. Delegates from the council will attend Farmers and Home makers Conference, A. and T. College, Greensboro, N. C., June 13-16. Also delegates will at tend the Home Demonstration State Executive Meeting at 4-H Camp, Swansboro, July 14-15. 6. HD Clubs will canvass neighborhoods on Cancer Drive. Those attending the meeting were Mrs. L. B. Coston and Mrs. Carrie Brown of Canaan Tem ple; Mrs. Mary Askew and Mrs. Pattie Fayton, Virginia Fork; Mrs. Maggie Riddick, Center Hill; Mrs. Hattie Horton, Green Hall; Mrs. Johneva Harris, St. John; Mrs. Jessie Badhams, Edenton: Mrs. Minnie Summers and Mrs. Mildred White, Para dise Road. Junior 4-H Club girls who are > • . \- ‘ .-.J • *■ • ■„ j. -. v ./ - ,> v r- ,> THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. MARCH 23. 1961. carrying the Junior Enriched Corn Meal Muffin Activity are asked to meet at the Brown- Carver Library Saturday, March 25, at 2:00 P. M. A training meeting will be held on this activity. Home Demonstration Club members are invited to attend a Sewing Machine Demonstration at Belk-Tyler’s Store Saturday, March 25, at 10:00 A. M. Now is the time for the entire family to work together on the spring clean-up of home and surroundings. The father can be responsible for cleaning away old broken down trucks and automobiles. He can repair the leaky roof, re i pair the fence, hang a door on I the outdoor toilet, replace the 1 porch pillows, rebuild the broken porch and steps, fill the water holes, and fix the driveway. The mother can be responsible i for moving the clothes line from 1 the front yard to the back yard ! She can clean the inside of the house by removing cobwebs from the walls, mending broken win dow shades, cleaning rugs, up | bolstered furniture and pictures, ; cleaning kitchen stove and uten j sile, throwing away broken uten sils, and cleaning the trunk, < clothes closet and other corners. The mother can do general cleaning in the kitchen by clean- j t ing old fruit jars, and throw- j I ing away old unnecessary junk i ; in the bedroom, living room, hall j , and kitchen. The daughter in l the family can assist mother in 1 I cleaning windows, Venetian | blinds, bureau drawers, dresser ; I mirrors, the mantlepiece and the j beds. | The son can assist the father ! by keeping the wood pile high j I and neatly arranged in the back . yard. He can learn to trim the i hedge, plant the lawn, help clean 1 out the barn, take up old stumps, move unnecessary rocks, clean up the paper, tin cans, I bottles, weeds, etc. A clean and orderly home adds to the happiness and comfort of S the family and to the attractive- j ness of your community. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Captain and Mrs. Harold E. 1 | Shore announce the birth of a daughter. Sarah Elizabeth, born March 14 at Camp Pendleton, California. Mrs. Shore is the , former Miss Frances W. Boyce of Edenton. (Minutes Os lionrd [ Os Public Works j March 7, 1961 The Board of Public Works met this day in regular session ! at 8:00 P. M., at the Edenton Municipal Building with the fol lowing members present: Thom as C. Byrum, Jr., chairman, Jesse L. Harrell, Ralph E. Parrish, J. P. Ricks, Jr., and J. H. Conger, Jr. The minutes of the regular meeting of February 7, 1961, were read and after being amended to provide that Mr. J. H. Conger, Sr.,’s reappointment to the Chowan Hospital Board for a three (3) year period in stead of a four (4) year period, these minutes were approved. The minutes of the special meet ing of February 24, 1961 were read and approved. Mr. Martin, operator of the Albemarle Restaurant and Motor Court, appeared before the Board and requested a reduc tion in his SIOO.OO deposit to the Town for electric service. After discussing this matter the Board was of the unanimous opinion that the deposit was made in line with the policy of the Board based on the monthly billings for electric service at that location, consequently no refund was authorized. How ever, the Board agreed to review the matter again in 90 days if requested to do so by Mr. Mar tin. On motion by Jesse L. Har rell, seconded by J. H. Conger, Jr., and carried, E. and W. bills in the amount of $18,650.45 be paid as follows: Esso Standard Oil Co., $33.87; Gulf Oil Corporation, $1,18*96; Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., $65.92; Norfolk Southern Railway Co., $544.03; Graham Farless, $32.00; Town of Eden ton, 11.00; Postmaster, $53.49; Ralph E. Parrish, Inc., $5.08; | Coastland Oil Company, $496.42;! Ashley Welding & Machine Co., I $60.20; J. D. McCotter, Inc.,' $24.65; Mitchener’s Pharmacy,! $1.57; Hughes-Parker Hardware Co., $13.02; Jackson Radio & TV' Service, $8.85; P & Q Super Market, $1.50; Hollowell’s Drug Store. $1.92; Bunch’s Garage, $34.22; The Chowan Herald, $10.60; John A. Mitchener, Jr., $10.00: Edenton Office Supply, 85c; Bunch’s Auto Parts, $11.40; M. G. Brown Co., Inc., $14.80; Byrum Hardware Co., $14.69; George Chevrolet Co., General Electric Supply Cp„ $225.00; Diamond Crystal Silt Co., $203.87; Southern Meter' & Supply Co., $62.68; East Carolina Supply Co., $67.10; Eastern Elec tric Supply, Inc., $414.78; Tide-' water Supply Co., Inc., $353.96; Transport Clearing of the Caro linas, $14.61; Virginia Electric C Power Co., $11,219.20; „Gray & Creech, Inc., $1.21; Charleston Rubber Company, $5.54; Graybar, Electric Co., Inc., $168.92; Bur roughs Corporation, $30.00; The Ford Meter Box Co., Inc., EDENTON BROAD STREET ARMORY Thurs., March 23 MATINEE 3:30 - NICHT 7:30 SPONSORED BY Chowan Tribe 1.0.R.M. H IN PERSON Tommy Scott’s BANDSTAND STAGE SHOW Jpk Recording Stars EXTRA ADDED Smith Bros. Circus LITTLE 6-YEAR-OLD SCOTTY LEE World’s Youngest Rock »N Roll Star ALSO CLOWNS . . . MAGICIANS . . . ACROBATS PERFORMING ANIMALS r •Jt na . : .JjL $114.54; R. D. Wood Company, $7.71; Wallace & Tierman, Inc., $2.40; Premax Products, $18.29; Dewey Bros., Inc., $51.62; Mo torola C. & E.,.1nc., $46.75; Elec trical Equipment Co., $664.23; salaries paid in February, $3,- 285.65; total, $18,605.45. Received for current, water and merchandise, $23,713.27. Receipts in excess of disburse ments, $5,107.82. Ralph E. Parrish, Electric Commissioner, reported to the Board that Supt. Hines and he appeared before the Town Coun cil on February 21, 1961, and requested them to approve the purchase of certain V.E.P. Com pany facilities in the Town of Edenton and reported that the Town Council approved same, the cost of which will be $14,076.00. On motion by Ralph E. Par rish, seconded by J. H. Con ger, Jr., and carried, the Board of Public Works will provide electric facilities to a location approximately at the intersec tion of Midway and Guadalcanal Roads on the Naval Air Station Property with the view to serv ing industrial and other cus tomers in that area. Mr. George A. Byrum, repre sents gthe Town Council, ap peared before the Board to dis cuss the possibilities of ,the fu ture use of the unused portion of the Police Station Building, and the Board’s opinion on whether or not it would be ad visable to repair this building. It was the opinion of the E. and W. Board that additional money should not be spent on this building at this time. There being no furher busi ness the meeting adjourned. RALPH E. PARRISH, Secretary. March 10, 1961. The Board of Public Works met this day in special session at 8:30 P. M., at the Edenton Municipal Building with the fol lowing members present: Thom as C. Byrum, Jr., chairman, Jesse L. Harrell, Ralph E. Parrish, J. P. Ricks, Jr., 'and J. H. Conger, Jr. Chairman Byrum opened the meeting by informing the Board that this special meeting was called to do further work on a proposed assessment policy and handle other matters that for lack of time ' could not be handled in our last regular meeting. Chairman Byrum called on Supt. Hines to present the statis tical analysis of the reasons for an assessment policy and the dis advantages that would accrue to the Town of Edenton and its property owners if we do not have such a policy. On motion by Jesse L. Harrell, seconded by James P. Ricks, Jr.,' and carried, the Town Council is requested to meet with the Board -of Public Works in spe cial meeting to hear the report of Supt. Hines as mentioned above and to discuss the Board of Public Works’ assessment pol icy proposal and hear an ex planation of its application. On motion by Ralph E. Par rish, seconded by J. H. Conger, Jr., and carried, the Town Clerk is authorized to purchase Victor Adding Machine with automatic multiplication at a net price of $291.50 from the Economy Type-1 writer Service, Elizabeth City, N. C. There being no further busi ness the meeting adjourned. RALPH E. PARRISH, Secretary. February 24, 1961 The Board of Public Works met this day in special session at 8:00 P. M., at the Edenton Municipal Building with the fol lowing members present: Thom as C. Byrum, Jr., chairman, Jesse L. Harrell, Ralph E. Parrish and J. H. Conger, Jr. This meeting was called by SWARMING TERMITES MORE PROFITS for YOU COUNT JsSßk YOUR ALWAYS USE BLESSINGS w,th TOP Quality - IT WILL MEAN - Extra Profits for You In Pelleform Smith - Douglass Fertilizer IS SCIENTIFICALLY ENRICHED SURE WORKING v , Remember... Means Greater Smitfa-ltoi^lasstei S-DOnYourßag jTTT WW\ Profits For You ———————— We Have On Hand A Large Variety Os George Tait’s and Asgrow Field And Garden Seeds Pioneer, Dekalb, Funks and McNair Hybrid Seed Corn — — Protect Your Cotton Allotment Plant Or Release It! To retain your allotment history indefinitely, you must plant some cotton once every three years and release each year the acreage you do not intend to plant. VISIT YOUR LOCAL ASC OFFICE FOR FURTHER DETAILS -SEE- Leary Bros., Storage Co. YOUR ONE STOP FOR ALL YOUR FARM NEEDS Vy v»\ DUAVE ntii 91/19 EIWNTAW 1 Chairman Thomas C: Byrum, Jr., to discuss the writing of a Wa ter and Sewer Assessment Policy requested by the Town Council in their meeting of February 14, 1961. The Board discussed at length features that should be incor Seagrams Croum yQ.Vd / 4T j mi Aftfly BEAGRAM-DISTILLERS COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. BLENDED WHISKEY. 86 PROOF. 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. porated in such a policy and as-; sembled the necessary informa tion to accomplish these pur poses. There being no further busi ness the meeting adjourned. RALPH E. PARRISH, . Secretary.

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