PAGE SIX SECTION OWE SOCIETY NEWS Ahoskic Visitor Mrs. N. F. Godwin of Ahos kie was the .guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Ziegler, Sr., a few days this week. Visit In Edenlon Mrs. Harry C. Hand and Mrs. Powell of Battleboro, N. C., spent Wednesday and Thursday in Edenton. Mrs. Hand visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank White, Sr., on West Eden Street and Mrs. Powell visited her cousin, Mrs. Bullock at the Bond Apartments. Returns To New York Mrs. Dave Redfield has re turned to her home in New York following an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. Mary Browning. Home For Week-end Gene Saunders was among the college students at home for the week-end. Visit In Lumberlon Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ivey visit- J ed relatives in Lumberton, in cluding Mrs. Henry Branch, who is a patient in Southeastern Gen eral Hospital. They also visited the Rev. L. C. Chandler, also a patient, who is gradually im proving. Visits Parents Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ross of Newport News, Va., spent the week-end visiting Mr. Ross’ par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ross. Visits Grandmother Miss Roseanne Ward of Con way visited her grandmother, Mrs. E. L. Ward on Sunday. j Guest of Sister Paul H. Cale of Crozet, Va.,! spent Friday with his sister, j Mrs. Earl Harrell. o Returns Home Mrs. Ed Habit has returned home after several days in Ra leigh visiting relatives. o Visits Parents ■Clayton Letcher, a student at East Carolina College, Green ville, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Letcher. Visits In Snow Hill Mrs. Ed Speight was in Snow Hill Thursday and Friday at tending her mother, Mrs. Dan Taylor, who is ill. Guest of Sister Mrs. Otis Shock of Norfolk was an overnight guest of her sister, Mrs EM Speight. Visiting Relatives Miss Sarah Wood of Virginia Beach is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wood. Return From Florida Dr. and Mrs. Frank Wood and Mrs. L. A. Patterson have re turned from a trip to Florida. U Visits Sister Miss Marian Robertson was| visited by her sister, Miss A?-! nes Robertson of Eastoria, N. Y., recently. Guest of Mother Walter Holton is spending a; week with his mother, Mrs. Dave j Holton, during vacation from St. Christopher’s in Richmond. (J Visit In Norfolk Mrs. Roland L. Ward and Miss) Catherine Ward spent Sunday in Norfolk. Va., visiting Mrs. J. L.; Collins and Mrs. Eloise Bunch. Returns Home Mrs. J. H. Simpson, Sr., has ! returned to her home in Nor folk, Va., after spending a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. Roland L. Ward. Attend Camellia Show Mrs. Kenneth Floars, Mrs. John Raines, Mrs. Roy Hassell,! Mrs. Robert Powell, Mrs. John Pavlich, Mrs. Trot Leary and Mrs. Junior Clements attended the camellia show in Elizabeth City Sunday afternoon. Easter In New York Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Oglesby will spend Easter in New York with Mr. Oglesby’s daughter and her family. The Oglesbys will return by Baltimore where they will visit Mr. Oglesby’s sister Mrs. F. A. Willis. Williamston Visitors 'Mrs. Ri S. Biggs and Mrs. Wheeler of Williamston visited Mrs. R. P. Badham on Monday. i FARM HOME FOR SALE I 125 ACHES. 7-room house I equipped for modem tiring. I Adequate out-buildings and I .tenant house. Located on I Highway 17. j | write I FARM HOME. RT. 2, BOX 66 Edeaton. N. C. f RHONE 2616 I Guest of Parents Miss Betsy Ross of East Caro lina College spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ross. Visiting In Charleston Miss Aurelia Layden and Mrs. Lloyd Burton, Sr., are in Charleston, S. C., as guests of Mrs. Wylie Taylor. Guest of Sister Mrs. Henrietta Fagan of Dur ham is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. P. Badharm. New York Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Dudley W. Red field of White Plains, N. Y., were overnight guests of Mrs. Mary Browning last week. Raleigh Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Bud Parker of Raleigh spent the week-end as guests of Mr. Parker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ladel Parker. Expected Home Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Griffin expect to return home April Ist after spending the winter in Florida. Dr. Griffin will attend the Himmon Dental Clinic in Atlanta, Ga„ the last week in March. Tuesday Guests Mrs. Mary Porter, Mrs. Cal bert Miller and three children of Norfolk, Mrs. Erma Wright of Portsmouth, Va., and Mrs. R. L. Williams, Sr., spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Tynch. Returns Home Larry Tynch is home after be ing discharged from the Coast! Guard. He was stationed in' Texas for three years. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED The engagement of Miss Lu anne Spencer Hobbs to Charles Moncrief DeWitt, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt of Concord, is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fermor Worthington Hobbs, Jr., of Rocky Mount. The wedding is planned for June 24th in the Church of The Good Shepherd at Rocky Mount. Miss Hobbs is the granddaugh ter of Fermor W. Hobbs and Mrs. Olivia Hobbs and the niece of Mrs. George C. Hoskins. Tommy Scott Show At Armory Tonight Tommy Scott’s Bandstand Stage Show is scheduled to ap pear at the Edenton armory to night (Thursday). There will be only one performance, at night, at 7:30 o’clock. A mati nee performance, previously an nounced, will not be presented. This will be a very special type family show including re cording television stars, clowns, the masked rider, acrobats, per forming animals and the Smith Bros. Circus. One of the fea tures will be six-year-old Scotty Lee, the world’s youngest rock l 'n roll star. Profits from the show will go to the Red Men for charitable purposes and a portion to the Heart Fund. LIONS MEET MONDAY Edenton’s Lions Club will meet Monday night, March 27, at 7 o’clock at the Edenton Res taurant. President James Grif fin requests every member to be present. RED MEN MEETING Chowan Tribe No. 12, Improv ed Order of Red Men, will meet Monday night, March 27, at 7:30 o’clock. Bill Harris, sachem, is very anxious to have a large at tendance. Completely Private Dining Room BY RESERVATION For Your BRIDGE LUNCHEONS BIRTHDAY SUPPERS ANNIVERSARY PARTIES CLUB LUNCHEONS BUSINESS LUNCHEONS SPECIAL MENUS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS - ❖ - DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS Serving The Finest Western Beef Fresh Seafood ... Southern Fried Chicken DAILY 7:00 A. M., TO 10:00 P. M. SUNDAY 12:00 P. M., TO 10:00 P. M. LATE PARTIES BY RESERVATION COLONIAL RESTAURANT TELEPHONE mi . „ . „ ... Engaged To Wed ") |Sn*j I CAROL RUSSELL Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Rus sell of Elizabeth City announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter. Carol to Murray Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wheeler of Edenton. The wedding will be solemnized April 2, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at Berea Baptist Church. No invitations are be ing sent but all friends and rel atives are invited to attend. New Books At Local Library A few of the new books re cently received at the Shepard- 1 Pruden Memorial Library are in cluded in the following list: For Adults Cultural Life of the New Na tion 1776-1830 by Russel Blaine Nye. Charlemagne, the Legend and the Man by Harold Lamb. Look to the Wilderness by W. Douglas Burden. UN, the First Fifteen Years. For Teenagers Count Down, Behind the Scenes at our Missile Bases by C. B. Colby. Fighter Parade. Headliners in Fighter Plane History by C. B. Colby. Promises in the Attic by Eliz abeth Hamilton Frierwood. Indoor Garres and Activities by Sylvia Cassell. Tie Story of Our Earth by Pichard Carrington. Middle Grades The Great Wheel by Robert Lawson. Print Making with a Spoon by Norman Gorbaty. The Little Dark-House by Edythe Records Warner. Easy Books The Bunny Who Found Easter by Charlotte Zolotow. Life in the Sea by Eleanor M. Johnson. This Is New York by M. Sasek. Drums, Bells and Rattles by Larry Kettelkamp. Good Loser Wilbur—Mabelle and I played a game of cards with the under standing that she was to kiss me if she lost. I caught her cheat ing five times. Glenn—Cheated you, eh? Wilbur—No, she cheated her self. $3,738.00 PAID TO WINNERS IN POST POSITION GAME Baltimore American winners have taken home $3,738.00. And there’s more coming. Every week is a new game in the ex citing POST POSITION feature of The Baltimore American. You may win. See rules and instruc tions and your entry blank in The BALTIMORE AMERICAN i On sale at your local newsdealer ( HERALD. EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. MARCH 23, IHL | Assessment Policy ' Adopted For Town Continued from Pag* 1, Section 1 10” sewer mains. Should larger mains be installed, the Board of Public Works shall absorb 'the difference in the cost of 6” water pipe and 10” sewer pipe and the size used. Should small- 1 er mains be installed the cost shall be the installed cost of 6” ■ water and 10” sewer mains. The cost shall include all items that in 'the discretion of the Board of Public Works contribute to the expense of the installation and required to serve that sec tion of the system. This cost, •.when ascertained, shall be as sessed against the abutting prop erty according to the front foot ‘rule, at an equal rate per foot. (This shall not be interpreted to mean assessment cost covering installations made under sepa-j rate contracts shall be the same). Water Main Example—The total cost of installation, less the cost difference between pipe size used and 6” water pipe if larger pipe size is used. The cost of 6” water main installation if a smaller pipe size is used. The above cost when ascertained, shall be divided by the total length in feet of the extension to determine the cost per foot. One-half of this cost per foot shall be assessed against the property on each side of the extension. Sewer Main Exam ple—Sewer main cost to be as sessed shall be figured in the same manner as water main cost, using 10” sewer pipe cost as a basis. A development, sub-division, or housing project requiring the extension of water and sewer TO LB. BARNHARDT —LB.— ' S «-*. - _ T - ~ Swift Premium or Armour Star £®>w DUCKS©SiHoin Steaks.b.Bo,^ 1-LB. SIGNAL BRAND PKG. Sliced ™ NE 12-OZ. GWALTNEY S ALL MEAT ©L WHOLE Fif. 11 FRANKS P k, 39 AMSlffiE SWIFT'S SELECT . " CHMMJM-K 19-oz. Swans-Down No. 303 Gold Bar in heavy syrup Yellow Cake Mix i2sd Sliced Peaches £ 1 Qc No. 303 Rose Farm M ~_ .. ■-“• fc *»* »*"» ww Cl. P C* oiQ7 303 mi ton —— Strawberries Shoe Peg Corn 2 C Cut Green Beans ‘1 1 c „ yf Q Mr Grind lg.C*n ~303 Del Monte CUP 40 C OuG^Beans^?. ad box 34c K j* ular _ 2 f 35c i-Lb. Sunshine Liquid Trend jj 39 c Mixed ; Krispy Crackers 5 29cC™ crisp Florida Vegetable^ Grade A Large Fresh dozen 111 L 111 Iv Y vd r« lOr gguntryEggs4s<fjj stalk lQc '~W* r Pillsbury and Ballard’s JyWHBI WKKKKr i* 3 mains shall be in the city limits. The developer, at the discretion of the Board of Public Works, may be required' to make any or all of the installations. The Board of Fhrblic Works may re-1 quire the developer to submit plans at the scale of 50 feet to the inch, setting forth meets and bounds, property lines and own ■ erships, street locations and 1 widths. The Board of Public Works shall have and exercise the authority to approve or dis approve these plans and no con struction shall begin until ap proval is .given by the Board in writing to the requesting de veloper. The developer shall make available to the Board ofi Public Works all information it may require, and shall give no-' tice in writing of construction progress so that work may be inspected and approval shall be given by the Board of Public Works in writing on the various phases of construction, prior to starting on other phases. When it is unnecessary to in stall water and sewer mains! across the entire frontage of a piece of property to adequately furnish fire protection and ser vice because of a barrier, (creek, building, river, etc.) that blocks the further extension or length ening of the street or right of way, the cost per foot shall be divided in accordance with the* method set forth in Section 11, except the total cost as deter mined in Section 11 shall be di vided by the total length in feet of the extension plus the frontage of the property in ques tion to determine the cost per foot. The owner of the property in question shall agree and pay in advance of installation at this rate per foot for the entire frontage of his property or sign' legal papers making his property subject to assessment and/or mortgage acceptable to the Board of Public Works or service will ' be denied. j The short,side of, a comer lot shall .be assessed only far the footage in excess of 75 feet The Board of Public Works shall absorb the cost of water and sewer mains crossing bridges and within street intersections. | This cost shall be figured in the same manner as the cost assessed against property. The cost of water and sewer service lines (taps to mains) are not to be considered a part of main construction cost and are [ not to be assessed. These taps on service lines shall be a sep arate charge and are to be paid for at time of installation, at the price set by the Board of Public Works for such services. Prior to the joint meeting with the Board of Public Works Town Councilmen accepted the resignation of William C. Bunch, Councilman from the First Ward, with regrets. An ordinance was also passed providing for proper picketing and protection of picketing groups. In the joint meeting both boards were favorable to elec ' tion of members on a staggering basis for four-year terms. Rep resentative Albert Byrum will be requested to introduce such a bill in the General Assembly. If Mr. Byrum is not favorable to introduce the bill, it is the intention of Town Councilmen to call for a vote of the people on the issue. TRY a HERALD CLASSIFIED BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT The Rev. and Mrs. Vivian W. Evans of 13 Briarwood Lane, Portsmouth, Va., announce the birth of their first child, Mary I \|V||l ] The modem medicines your Doctor prescribes sometimes co« more than older ones, but they produce far better results—faster. Frequendy this means your total cost of getting well is less because you get back to work sooner— and often avoid burdensome hospital expenses. ) * We stock all the modem drugs, fill prescriptions pte* cisely; and charge uniformly fair prices at all times, Today's proscriptions are your biggest health valuer EH HOLLOWELL’S layjlirtMra REX ALL DRUG STORE Prompt Service PHONE 2127 Annette, at Portsmouth General Hospital March 14, 1961. Mri Evans is the former Mary Fori hand, daughter of Mrs. Eva Hoi* lowell Forehand of Tyner. I

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