PAGE TWO -SECTION TWfi Ichard P. Baer Dies hr Maryland Deceased Was Uncle Os R. P. Baer, II | Os Edenton Richard Price Baer, 89, died March 21 at Catonsville, Md., af ter a long illness. He was an uncle of Richard P. Baer 11, of Edfenton. Deceased was a des cendant of a family that has been in the lumber business in Baltimore for over 150 years. He was the last surviving mem ber of the original firm of Rich ard P. Baer & Company of Bal timore, hardwood, lumber manu facturers since 1898. ,-Mr. Baer, with his brother, •sas one of the pioneers in the hardwood lumber industry and #as instrumental in introducing Vie use of tupelo gum lumber use in furniture manufae-: luring. He and his brother tyened a mill at Magazine Point, Mobile, Ala., in 1907. Jjln 1940 a mill was erected at Creswell, N. C., under the name $ Halsey Hardware Company. This mill was burned in 1947 and re-erected - in Edenton in 1948. This plant is continuing $ operation and is under the ownership and management of ]Jsr. Baer’s nephew, Richard P. Baer 11. JjMr. Baer retired from active business in late 1959 when he sld his interest in Richard P Beer & Company, which was the folding company for all of the •erporations, to his nephew, Richard P. Baer, 11. 'Slightly previous to his, his other ne- Miew, Michael S. Baer, Jr., of Bogalusa, withdrew from the dbrtnership to go in business for himself and is operating the Bfearl River Lumber Company in Bogalusa. JjMr. Baer was married to the farmer Mrs. Alice M. Kerr, who (fled in 1933. He is survived by his sister, Miss Nina Ridgley Bper c# Bogalusa, Louisiana; two nephews, Richard P. Baer 11, of n Mlenton, and Michael S. Baer, Jr., of Bogalusa, Louisiana; and fdur step-children, Phillips Kerr ol West Springfield, Virginia, Dr. Dhbney Kerr of Eastern Mary land, and Spencer Kerr and Miss ce Hall Kerr of Catonsville. t Funeral services were held on Fj-iday, March 24, at the Mc- Nabb Funeral Home in Catons- Maryland. He was buried in London Park Cemetery in Baltimore. TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED SIX booth wm\ r fetP , s > - »**! _ : >»,yoirneedtheall-purposecompact,^ ! Rambler Classic, the ojiJ/compact.forsix 6-feotere 4 \ y. - ' ~~ *-, .. - * laAgß/aPiiil A * -x < f .... * * v * mm i ',l !'l ttgnßßßßa Mte'* i’-• * SOCIETY MEETS APRIL 4 The Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service of the Methodist Church will meet Tuesday night, April 4, at 8 o’clock. The meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Roy Hassell, 213 West Eden Street. The wisest have the most au thority. - , —Plato. Legal Notices North Carolina, Chowan County. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust executed by Sherman Spruill and wife, Alma W. Spruill to Marvin Wilson, Trustee dated the 9th day of April, 1949, and recorded in Book 59, Page 290 in the of-1 fice of the Register of Deeds' of Chowan County, North Caro-; lina; and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned as substituted Trus tee by instrument of writing dated March 21, 1961, and re corded in Book 16, page 49 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County; de fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and the said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to fore closure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satis fying said indebtedness, the un dersigned substituted Trustee will offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Edenton, North Carolina at 11:30 o’clock A. M., on the 24th day of April, 1961 ithe land con veyed in said Deed of Trust, the | same being in the Town of Edenton, Chowan County, North 1 Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at Bodwell Paling’s line on Albemarle Street, thence running southwardly 165 feet; thence westwardly 33 feet to John Scott’s line; thence north wardly with said John Scott’s line 165 feet to Albemarle Street; thence Eastwardly 33 feet to the place of beginning and being the same property conveyed to Sher man Spruill by William S. El liott and wife. This 25th day of March, 1961. JOHN W. GRAHAM, Substituted Trustee. Mar3o,Aprflj, 13,20 c NOTICE— NOTICE— NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE £ HEAL estate Unden and by virtue of au thority conferred by the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Mary A. Hess, dated the 9th day of September, 1960 and recorded in Book jof Real Estate Mortgages No. 77, pages 261-262, in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County, North Caro THE CMOWJUT HERALD, EDEHTOH, WORTH CAROLWA. THWMQAT. MARCH fft Ml. lina, default having been made in the payment at the indebted ness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure and the power of sale having become absolute, the undersign ed Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door of Chowan County in Edenton, North Carolina, at 11:00 o’clock A. M., on Monday the 10th day of April, 1961, the property conveyed in said deed of trust lying and being in \ the Town of Edenton, State and County aforementioned and more particularly described as follows: The lot with all buildings and improvements thereon located on the East side of North Broad Street (Iredell Avenue), and be ginning in the Eastern edge of said street at an iron stake 200 feet Northeastwardly from First Street; thence Northeastwardly along North Broad Street fifty (50) feet to an iron stake and running back Southeastwardly from. North Broad Street be tween parallel lines 117’/i feet to an alley, and being designated and described as Lot No. 149 on plat of North Edenton recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in the aforesaid County in Deed Book I No. 2, page 565, and being the same property conveyed to the said Mary A. Hess by Robert R. Hess by deed dated February 17, 1960 and duly recorded in the aforesaid office in Book of Deeds No. 15, page 360, said plat and deed and those instruments mentioned therein being hereby referred to and made part hereof for further description and chain of title. TOGETHER WITH all items of furniture, fixtures and equip ment located in and used in con nection with the store building situate on the above described premises, including but not limited to, show-cases, counters, shelving, mannikens and all oth er personal property used as aforesaid. Ten (10%) percent of the high bid received will be required of the successful bidder at time of sale as evidence of good faith. This property will be sold sub ject to all taxes due Chowan County and the Town of Eden ton for the year 1961. Dated and posted this March 10, 1961. R. C. HOLLAND, Trustee By W. S. Privott, Atty. Mar16,23,30,Apr6c NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Chowan Coun ty, North Carolina, entered in a Special Proceeding therein pend ing, entitled, “O. E. .Spivey, et «tey v». ,W. Rr . Bur&hom, Jr., et als, minors,” the undersigned will offer for sale, by public auction, for cash, at the Court House door in Edenton, North Carolina, at 11:00 o’clock A. M., April 17, 1961, a certain tract or parcel of land in Third Town ship, Chowan County, North Carolina, known as the William H. Spivey-Dr. F. A. Ward Tract, containing 8.81 acres, ntore or; less, lytog <to the side of and abutting the pttblic toad leading ffom Ryland to Cannon’s ’ Ferry and. hounded on the North, by said road, a lot of tend be longing to H. H. Larte and « tot of land belonging to Clarence Ward; bounded on the East by lands of G. W. Boyce and T. L. Ward; bounded on the South by lands of Mrs. Minnie Bateman; and bounded on the West by lands of T. L. Ward, and is par ticularly described according to a survey made thereof in 1960 in the Petition in the above en titled proceeding, to which ref erence is hereby had for a bet ter and more complete descrip tion of said land. The land will be sold subject to 1961 Chowan County taxes. The successful bidder will be required to furnish good faith deposit as required by tow. The bid will remain open for up-set as provided by law. Dated; and posted this, the 15tli day of March, 1961. - WfcLDOff A. hdLlowell, Commissioner. Mar23,30,Apr6,13 EXECu l HiX NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Carl B. Cease, deceased, late of Chowan Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims ■ against the estate of said de . ceased to present them to the ■ undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same l will be pleaded in bar of their , recovery. All persons indebted . to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th day of March, 1961. MRS. CAItRIE P. CEASE, Executrix of Carl B. Cease Estate. Mar 16.23,30, Apr6,13,20c ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of G. L. Lamb, 1 deceased, late of Chowan Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to no -1 tify all persons having claims ■ against the estate of said de ' ceased to present them to the undersigned within one year ■ from date of this notice or same 1 will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make 1 immediate payment. This 16th day of March, 1961. MARIA L. SKINNER, Administratrix of G. L. Lamb. Mar16,23,30,Apr6,13,20p > ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis i tratrix of the estate of Eunice . D. Heritage, deceased, late, of , Chowan County, North Carolina. h this is to notify all persdns hav- I ing fclaimi- trgatnst the estate of 1 said deceased to present them : to the undersigned within one t year from date of this notice or t same will be pleaded in bar of , their recovery. All persons to t debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 2nd day of March, 1961. 1 MRS. BERTHA A. 1 HALSEY, . Administratrix of Eunice D. Heritage Gstdt6 Mar2,9,16,23.Apr6.13c NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned having quali fied as Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Florence Meyer Smith, late of Chowan County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said Florence Meyer Smith to present them to the undersigned on or before the 24th dav of February. 1962, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate \yill- please make immediate payment to the un dersigned. This 17th day of February. 1961. ■ . F. M. DUNSTAN, Jfc.. Executor of the Last Will arid Testament of Florence Meyer Smith, Windsor. N. C. Feb23,Mar2.9,16,23.30c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executed of the estate of j. L. Bass, de ceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claim! against the estate of said de ceased to present them to the undersigned within one yeai from date of this notice or samt Will be pleaded in bar of theii recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 9th day of March, 1961. JOHN E. BASS, Executin’ of J. L. Bass Estate. Mart, 16,23,30,Apr6,13c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Haying qualified as administra tor of the estate of John A Holmes, deceased, late of Cfto wan County. North Carolina, thu is to notify all persons bavins Claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to HN undersigned within one yea? from date of this notice or saqfM will be pleaded in bar of theb recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please maki immediate payment. This 2nd day at March. 1961. JOHN A. HOLMES. JR. Mart,9,l6 !^rt’^f b ke'sS-rioi- cSflrt ah' opening bid of Tien Thous and five Hundred Fifty Dol- * lab ($10,550.00). Now therefore, under and by ; virtue of said older of the Clerk of the Superior Cqprt of Chowan Opunto and the power,of sale contained in 3aid deeds of trust i the undersigned Trustee will of- i fer for sale üboh said opening : bid ait public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the door of .the countv court house in Edenton, N. C.. at 1190 A. M.. oh the 7th day of April, 1961, the following described property located in Yeoorm Township. Chowan County. N. C.: j Tract No. One: That tot of Jordan Land, designated as lot So 10 in the plat oT Jordan and Bririkley Lands. * which - ‘is registered in .Bbok N, page' 1 3?* 4nd the same land cqnyfyed .to Samuel and Henry Collins by f £ S. Vann and wife, dated Nri-l yember 1, >IWL •cbutOming - 48* icres more or less. >, - Tract No. Two: TRat lot of Brinklev lands- designated as' lot' No. 5. fpnnerlv owned bv M., C.l inklev. Perry Speight and C.’ Vann, and known as the inkley-Vann land and plat of which is registered in Book N. page 378. Chowan Countv Regis ► trV. and containing 44.5 acres i more or less and is the old home Place of Henrv Collins and , where John Collins now resides. L ■ A cash deposit of 10% on the first SI,OOO of bid. and !r% oni 1 balance of said bid. will be re-i ‘ quired of the successful bidder at! i the time of sale: said property ] : Will be subject to an advance bid within 10 days from date of , sale. Dated and posted this 23rd day of March, 1961. G. A. WHITE. Trustee , By C. E. Johnson. Atty. Mar3o,Apr6c NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE • North Carolina, ) Chowan County. • Under and by virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to the under f signed, by Mary S. Tynch and ' her husband, C. W. lynch and : P. B. Tynch, dated Decembel- 6, ’ 1995, and recorded in DT Book 1 No. 69, page 370, etc., in the of - flee of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County, North Caro We welcome Easter with heavenly fashions / ;i v trend-setting suits, coats, dresses C& ’+r Jand costumes that sum up all the , news of spring! You’ll parade in / mSk them confidently, knowing they say*^®f^^g^SK@^ .1 r.'i.’ iaiji ri',. °° WTth color- P J to .rt-jn / | .... r ' ' M f|Kt» Hr m by the terms thereof subject to ■ ■».. / a*- - M - wwAPiAciirp oiKI lyig git/jucr ui the indebtedness thereby having demanded a forectoattol thereof tot the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, toe undewtyneto Trustees, will offer foMgate at public auction to toe hightotWt der for cash ai the Court House ddor in Edenton, North .Carolina,, at 11:30 A. M., Saturday ton the ’Bth day of April, 1961, the real estate to Second Township, Cho wan County, North Carolina, to wit: Beginning at e point on. toe River Road, the southeast corner of the Mary tynch property as described in Item Third -(d) to the Will of T. R. Tynch, deceas ed, running thence along, the River Road SWth >7 deK- 90 mm. West 260 iefet to a point; ttoence due We*. IWB. feet-to a tpqint; ih^lfc 'Ifcjrto .BL-da&,.30 f min. West-1440 i Brandi; thence/.,toi I direction aHtog DeOp-Rto* fifahch to the Maty tyridH line mentton ed above;'''thence along Mary I Tynch line South 78 deg-' 30 min. East 1400 feet; thence along said line due East 1085- feet; thence along said line Soujh 89 deg. East 100 feet; thence along said line South 79 deg. East 109 feet to the point of beginning; (his being the northern half of the property mentioned to the ' Will of T. R. Tynch in Item 'I Third (b); this description being lone of the two cross-deeds exe :j cuted by the devisees of the said .1 T. R. Tynch to establish the di : viding line -between the proper ties of said Mary S. Tynch and V. E. Tynch. Dated arid posted this 4th day of March, 1961. CHAS. E. JOHNSON AND WELDON A. HOLLO WELL Trustees. Mart,16,23,30c » NOTICE OF RALE OF REAL ESTATE 1 By virtue of a deed of trust ■ executed by Vera White Muse 1 to R. C. Holland, Trustee, dat l ed April 15, 1958, and recorded , in office of Register of Deeds : at Chowan County, North Caro lina in DT Book No. 73, pages ; 301-302, default having been made in (he payment of toe to !.;:c undersigned will offer tor safe at public biddings, for cash, to ton highest bidder at the Oburt House door to Chowan Courity, Ifotln vwvHiw w noon on Monday. April 10, 1961, toe real estate in Edenton, North Caro lina, to-wit: - The lot with ail buildings and improvements thereon located on toe- North side of East Church MR. FARMER SEE US FOR YOUR SEED PEANUT SHELLING *V; We have the newest equiiwnent to | Pre-Cfean your Peanuts of all trash J and dirt before they go into the shell- er. • .v. , • % . . #■ Our equipment is the most up-to date in this section of the Stole and ? we invite you to inspect it at any ,j time. u »: We Are Now Open For Business TELEPHONE 2423 Seed Peanuts For Sale Ch owan Storage Co- L E. BUNCH, Mgr. W. Carteret St. Edenton, N. C. - ALL SEED RECEIVES OUR PERSONAL ATTENTION . . . A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU /’ Street whClSdh Alice Bloiiiit, de- v ceased, retried for a number of years and'Bbuhded West fey the Jambs Harris lot; South by Chrirch Street; East by the S. P. \ Cooks on the Ntnto by .j the John Cfeecy lot * >• f Dated and posted this ' March 6, 1961. i - r. c. Holland, . Trustee. . Mart,16,23,30c .

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