| ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CBOWAN COUNTY Volume XXVllL—Number fIT Pilgrimage Os Edenton W Jj BeHeldThreeDaysßeginning Friday; Gov. Sanford Present 21 Homes and Build ings Will Be Open; Number of Other At tractions Also Plan lined For Event Colonial period will be revived for three days during the Pilgrimage of Colonial Eden ton and Countryside, April 14- 16, sponsored by 'the Edenton Woman’s Club. Twenty-one historic houses and buildings will be open to the public with ladies in Colon ial , costumes as hostesses. for- the tour are from 10 A. M., to noon and 2 P. M., >to 5 P. M., Friday and Saturday and 2 P. M., to 5 P. M., Sunday. The first day of the tour will honor Inglis Fletcher with Gov ernor Sanford here at 11 A. M., at the Chowan Court House to dedicate the day 'to her. The community will pay tribute to her not only for her historical novels that have brought world attention to the early history of the Albemarle, but for her many contributions locally and in the state. 'Other events of the day in clude an autograph hour from 2 P. M., to 3 P. M., at the Cu- Conhnued on Pago I, Section 1 Centennial Group Will Meet April 17 The 'monthly meeting of the Chowan County Confederate Centennial Committee will be held Monday afternoon, April 17. The meeting will be held at Hotel Joseph Hewes, begin ning at 3 o’clock and Mrs. Hay mood Carr, chairmen,, earnestly requests every member to be present. ROTARIANS MEET TODAY Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock at the Parish House. The program will be in charge of George A. Byrum and President Elton Forehand is very anxious to register a 1001 per cent meeting. [ Dinner Speaker j MS mr Mk m ■ JH ■ rV» A Featuring the teeHmonial din ner in honor of Mrs. Inglis Fletcher Friday will be Volt Gilmore of Southern Pines. The dinner will be held Friday night April 14. at 7 o'clock at the Masonic Temple. GALLANT FORT SUMTER (Editor’s Note: TWO article is »eb tnitted by the Chowaa Coaaty Csaled eeate Centennial Committee in the In terest of Chowan Conn tv history which teas HO greatly affected hy the shots fired on Fort Bmater AarU I*. lMt, an neat which chanced the whole life of Cmowan and Its resale. This ar ticle. like others submitted, seeks to carry sat the committee's assignment S.S, - iiE.vljSUtt feriASpass tar‘fees; Erysss g&jsxsi h<s> ry—tha. t (I'" state it e-)»- dteted of a maoh largo* area knawa as gfaWggwg ttea became known aa Chowan Caanty> ** ■ .IWtei '-There was much rti»msnl in; '(Jhoivan on April 12, IMi, when electrifying news came that fort Sumter in ChariMta* Harbor. South Carolina, htd been fired THE CHOWAN HERALD PILGRIMAGE PROGRAM Following is the official program for the Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside April 14, 15 and 16: FRIDAY 10 A. M.—Homes open. 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. and 7 to 9 P. M.—Antique show at Penelope Barker House. 10:15 A. M.—Governor Terry Sanford wijl arrive at the Edenton Airport. 11 A. M.—Dedication of Inglis Fletcher Day at the Chowan County Court House. 2 P. M. to 3 P. M.—Autograph hour at the Cupola House. 4 P. M. to 5 P. M.—Organ recital at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church by Roger Lamb. 5:30 P. M.—Film of “Ye Towne on Queen Anne’s Creek” at the John A. Holmes High School auditorium. 7 P. M.—Testimonial dinner in honor of Mrs. Inglis Fletcher at Masonic Temple. SATURDAY 7:30 to 9:30 A. M.—Pickled herring or herring roe breakfast at the Methodist Church. 10 A. M.—Homes open. 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.—Antique show at Penelope Barker House. 8 P. M.—Film of “Ye Towne on Queen Anne’s Creek” at John A. Holmes High School auditorium. SUNDAY 2 P. M. to 5 P. M.—Homes open. 3 to 4 P. M.—Organ recital at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church by Roger Lamb. Daily waterfront tours at Edenton Marina beginning at 10 A. M. Friday and Saturday and 2 P. M. Sunday. „ . Homes open from 10 A. M. to noon and 2 P. M. to 5 P. M. Fri day and Saturday and 2 to 5 P. M. Sunday. Block tickets $4.00. Individual home tickets, 50 cents. Headquarters—Hotel Joseph Hewes. Cold plate lunches will be sold at St. Paul’s Parish House Friday and Saturday from 12 to 2 P. M. DAR snack bar will be operated at the Iredell house Friday and Saturday from 11:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M. The BPW Club will sell lunches at Hotel Joseph Hewes all day Friday and Saturday beginning at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. Sunday. The Yeopim Home Demonstration Club will serve meals at the Yeopim Church Friday and Saturday from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Window displays in the business section have been arranged through the efforts of Mrs. Edward Bond, Mrs. J. M. Thorud and Mrs. Gilliam Wood. Bray Resigns As Director Os Band At Holmes High School Derwood Bray has tendered his resignation as band direc tor at John A. Holmes High Sohtgi-which will be effective June 1. Mr. Bray has accepted the position as director of in strumental music in the New. Bern schools which includes the Junior and Senior High Schools and five elementary schools. While in Edenton the local band has made considerable progress. It has participated in and made outstanding showings in state contests with a number of the members making high ratings. The band has also taken a prominent part in lo JAYCEES MEET TONIGHT Edenton’s Junior Chamber of Commerce will meet tonight (Thursday) at 7 o’clock at the Edenton Restaurant. President James Perry urges every Jay cee to be present. l> 20 Years Ago As Found In The Files Os The Chowan Herald S, * Mrs. J. M. Harrell was in stantly filled in an automobile wreck when her husband cut off the Suffolk highway on the road leading to his home. Ac cording to reports Mr. Harrell drove directly in the path of an oncoming automobile driven by B. F. Singleton of Green ville. Game Warder J. G. Perry re ported that the ban on fresh water fishing would be with drawn on Easter day and Eas tot Sunday. Continued on Pago 3. Section 1 had come and soon they, too, would have to make a decision of action concerning the dis agreements which had been inrewing between sections of the United States since its concep tion, due to- unlike interests and views concerning the Constitu tional Rights guaranteed the I thirteen original States. Also they knew that in this War rel atives again would take up arms against each other in de fense of their beliefs, just as brothers had fought Against each other as Patriots and Tw? les in the Revolutionary .Wine. The atory of the events which took place in Charleston , _ ■< rn ’’ ' w . Edem 11'Jhowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, April 13, 1961. h ■ cal affairs and has frequently been invited to play out of town. In tendering lys resignation tit?. ’ much to leave Edenton but felt that he could not pass up the opportunity for a better posi tion. He says he has enjoyed working with the children, their parents and the school faculty and hopes the band will con-1 tinue to progress. When a successor is named, Mr. Bray says he will work as closely as possible so that the transition will be as smooth as possible, and will give what ever assistance is necessary. Edenton FFA To Meet On April 18 The Edenton Parent-Teacher Association will meet Tuesday evening, April 18. at 8 o'clock in the Elementary School audi torium. A program will be presented by Mrs. John White’s third grade and Mrs. J. J. Ross’ kin dergarten. Robert S. Marsh On School Faculty Tuesday of last week Robert S. Marsh began his duties as a member of the John A. Holmes High School faculty. Mr. Marsh as of Tuesday of last week is teacher of industrial arts. He succeeds Cecil Fry, who has been promoted to principal of the school, succeeding Hiram Mayo, who is now serving as superintendent due to the re cent death of John A. Holmes. UONS MEET MONDAY Edenton Lions will meet Mon day night, April 17, at 7 o’clock, i President Jasmes Griffin requests a 100 per cent attendance. ; Better PayUp! ] . - -* s Chowan County Comxnission > have Instructed Sheriff Earl ■ Goodwin to advertise for sale > all delinquent 1960 taxee on - Monday. May 1. The list will i be posted on May 1 at the Cho t wan County Court House and . 4iU be published in The Herald is May 4 tone. In ord.f k> nmid ,' 'r. ... Edenton rdm Will Be Presented Two! Times Burins Tour Friday and Saturday Showing at John A. Holmes High School Auditorium Edenton and Chowan County film, “Ye Towne on Queen Anne’s Creek”, will be shown two days during the Pilgrim age of .Colonial Edenton and Countryside. The first showing will be Friday afternoon at 5:30 o’clock in the John A. Holmes High School auditorium. The film will again be shown in the school auditorium Sat I urday night at 8 o’clock. A charge will be ma r 'e cf 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. It is hoped that many Chowan Countv people will join visiters in seeing this outstanding film. Some who have already see it will, no doubt, enjoy seeing it a second time. NineDivorceCases Granted At Term Os Superior Court Session Extends Into Early Friday After noon Before an Ad journment Is Called The April term of Chowan Su j perior Court, held last week, ex-1 •tended until Friday with ad journment coming in the after noon. During the latter part of the .divorces .were grant' ed the following: Emma Collins Glenn from Charles William Glenn. Stephen Judson Hopkins from Paige Cayton Hopkins. Catherine Campen McMullan from John B. McMullan, Jr. Evelyn Bunch Jordan from William Jordan, Jr. William Thomas White from Ruby Bell White, continued on Page 6—Section 1 Exhibit Al School I On Monday Might The John A. Holmes High l School will present a school ex hibit on Monday night, April 17. The exhibit will be held in thei school gymnasium from 7:30 un-1 til 9 o’clock. The exhibit will include sam ples of work from Mrs. Ven-) ters’ art class, Mr. Marsh's in-1 dustrial arts class, Miss Ward's) and Mr. Fairley’s science class- j es, Mrs. Belch’s social studies class and Mrs. Reeves’ home economics classes. The public is cordially invited to attend this exhibit. i RED MEN MEETING Chowan Tribe No. 12, Improv ed Order of Red Men, will meet Monday night, April 17, at 8 o’clock. Bill Harris, sachem of the tribe, requests a good at- i tendance. —; r*j Chowan Typing Contest Winners j « whkdf was held March 28, and will represent Eden Ton the North 'torn" Jeenne~*Adams, ° RWd A^ikeL Mrs. Inglis Fletcher Honored Friday ** t r r ■ i 'IP* ", - n> - wmmr , . ,ii, „ ■ iirJpfc. j Inglis Fletcher will be hon ored Friday when Governor Sanford will dedicate the first day of the Pilgrimage of Co lonial Edenton and Countryside to her at 11 A. M., at the Cho-I wan Court House, Mrs. Fletcher, who is recog nized as Noi th Carolina’s First Lady of Literature, will have tribute paid her by local citi zens and visitors. The Court House was the setting for the opening pages of her first novel of the Carolina series, “Ra leigh’s Eden”. Five Edenton Typing Students Winners In County Competition The Chowan County typing contest was held at the John A. Holmes High School on Tues day, March 28, at 10:00 A. M.} An East Carolina business edu-i cation instructor was the coordi- ] nator for the typing contest.! Chowan County students and •John A. Holmes High students competed in this contest. The! students from John A. Holmes High participating in the con test in Typing II were Jeanne Adams, Ellen Basnight and Judy Elliott. Contestants for the first Visiting Speaker | For Library Week IE. P. Holmes, Author And Editor at Li brary April 8 With National Library Week | scheduled to be observed from ‘April 16 to 22, on Thursday 1 night, April 20, at 8 o’clock E. |P. Holmes, North Carolina au i thor and editor, will speak at : Shepard-Pruden Memorial Li brary. Mr. Holmes is Well known for i his humorous book “The Disad ] vantages of Being a Preacher’s j Continued on Page 6—Section ■ A testimonial dinner will be held at 7 P. M., at the Masonic Temple at which Voit Gilmore will be guest speaker. Other dignitaries attending will be Jonathan Daniels, Mrs. Ernest j Ives, Richard Walser and Capus I Waynick, as well as guests from the historical, literary and governmental fields. The pub lic will have an opportunity to j meet Mrs. Fletcher at an auto- J graph hour from 2 P. M., to [ 3 P. M., at the Cupola House. The three day tour of his ' Continued on Page 4—Section 2 year typing were Jimmy Ashley, Wayne Ashley, George Nixon, Jimmy Rogerson, Bud Skiles, Ronald Weikel, Barbara Alexan der, Rebecca Bowen, Doris Jean Cale, Milly Price, Sally Privott and Patsy Twiddy. Confirmation was received from East Carolina Friday morning with Ihe following win ners ranking in the top 20 per cent, in the county contest: Jeanne Adams, second year typ ing winner, with Miss Kathryn Continued on Page 6. Section 1 Fishing Contest I; Begins Saturday Prizes For Heaviest Bream, Bass, Crap pie and Rockfish i l Edenton's spring fishing con-! test is scheduled to begin Sat urday, April 15 and continue through June 17. The contest is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce Recreation Com-j mittee. Prizes will be awarded sor 1 the heaviest fish in four classi-; fications, bream, largemouth bass, ertppie and rock fish, caught in waters adjacent to j Edenton or Chowan County. | Weighing stations designated by the committee are Bunch's Gulf Service Station, Byrum Hardware Co., Edenton Marina, Hughes-Parker Hardware Co, and Western Auto Associate Store. Official entry blanks will be available at these places. VFW MEETS TUESDAY William H. Coffield. Jr., Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign | Wars, will meet Tuesday night, April 11, at 8 o’clock. Com mander Bill Harris urges a full turn out. More Tickets! The Herald was informed Monday morning that tickets are still available for the din ner in honor of Inglis Fletcher. The dinner will be held at the Masonic Temple Friday night. April 14. at 7 o’clock. The tic kets are $2.00 each and can be *2.50 ter ¥ear in North Caroline Voit Gilmore Will Be Guest Speaker Inglis Fletcher Day [PU -LEASE ] With toe Pilgrimage of Co lonial Edenton and Countryside scheduled to be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday, an appeal 1 is made for Edenton citizens to take in their trash cans as early as possible af‘er ‘rash is col- j lected by the Street Depart ment. I* is hmed everybody will cooperate in having their premises as nea* as -cssible on account of toe rn.anv visitors ex pee'ea ! Merchants and business hous es, too. are earnesHy requested ( to disolay ‘he American flag , during the three days of the ( Ic-v . Town Councilmen !i j Start Action For ! Staggering Terms i Leo G. Lavoie Pro moted to Assistant Chief of Police De partment Town Councilmen had enough 1 business to attend to Tuesday ’ night, together with an execu- \ five session, which prolonged the meeting until the midnight hour. The Councilmen voted to set , machinery in motion which will provide for staggering four year terms for the- ’Councilmen. Board of Public Works mem bers and two-year terms for the Mayor and Treasurer. There was one dissenting vote, that being J. Edwin Bufflap, who fa vored four-year terms for all the officials. The purpose is Continued on Page 5. Section 1 Pickled Herring For Saturday Breakfast Plans have been completed by the Methodist Men's Club to serve a breakfast Saturday) morning in connection with the) Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside. The menu will consist of pickled herring or herring roe and will be .ser ved at the church from 7:30 to] 9:30 o'clock. A great deal of interest has! been aroused concerning this] unique breakfast and tickets are; now on sale by members of the Men’s Club. ? CIVIC CALENDAR L p j The 1961 Pilgrimage of Colo nial Edenton and Countryside will be held April 14, 15 and 16. j An election to name Edenton | | officials will be held Tuesday, i May 2, with polls open from 6:30 1 A. M„ to 6:30 P. M. Voit Gilmore of Southern Pines will be quest speaker at the testimonial dinner in honor l of Mrs. Inqlis Fletoher al the j Masonic Temole Friday night, April 14, at 7 o'clock. The film “Ye Towne On Queen Anne's Creek," will be shewn Friday afternoon a* 1:30 o'clock and again Saturday Continued on Page 3—Section I Traffic Regulations For April 14 Chief of Police George I. Dail has announced the following traffic regulations for the ooening day of the Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside on Friday, April 14. All cars which are to be in the motorcade from the base io Edenton should be ai the base by 10 A. M. The motorcade will leave the base at 10:20 and will arrive at Hotel Joseph Hewes at 10:35 A. M. Speaking ai the Court House will be gin at 10:50. The John A. Holmes High School Band will leave Church and Broad Streets ai 10:20. Highway patrolmen will escort the motorcade from the base and will be met at the town limits by an Edeulon police car. East King Street w*.l be blocked off at Broad and Court Streets and the hotel alley. The south end of Monument Ave nue will be reserved for busses only. There will he no park ing on East King Sheet between Broad and Court Street after 9 A. M. Edenton Boy Scouts will help with the street blocks and Chief Dail urges everybody to cooperate with the Boy Smh. and police. FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK Testimonial Dinner at Masonic Temple Fri day Night, April 14, At 7 O’clock Voit Gilmore, North Carolina tourist promoter and friend of Mrs. Inglis Fletcher, will he guest speaker at the testimon ial dinner in her honor on In glis Fletcher Day Friday night, April 14, at the Masonic Tem ple at 7 o'clock. Mr. Gilmore of Southern Pines spoke here over a year ago to members of the Edenton Woman’s Club and guests. He was well received and his re turn visit will be anticipated with pleasure by his many friends. The dinner will climax the day in Mrs: Fletcher's honor, which includes a tribute to her at the Court House at 11 A. M , an autograph hour from 2 P. M., to 3 P. M., at the Cupola House and the showing of “Ye Towne on Queen Anne’s Creek” at 5:30 P. M., at the John A. Holmes High School auditorium. Continued on Page 6, Section l March Os Dimes Drive Nets $1,957 Edenton Jaycees, sponsors of the March of Dimes drive, have completed this year’s campaign and report a total collection of $1,970.12. The exnense of the drive was only $13.41. so that the net amount was $1,917.31. Os this amount 21% or $489.33 will be sent to the medi cal research fund. The remain der will be equally divided for the National Foundation and ‘he Chowan County fund whicli amounts to $733.99 each. The Jaycees desire to express their thanks and appreciation to everyone who in any wav contributed to the success -*? the drive. A "other polio clinic will he held during April with the date to be announced later. This will he a third shot clinic and the last in the series. The Jay "o"s hone many people will take advantage of the clinic and reminds narents that children -"ost inoculated before enter ing school Resigns * Me ' DERWOOD BRAY Last week Derwood Bray, band director at the John A. Holmes High School for three i years, resigned to accept the I position as director of instru , mental music in toe New Bern schools.

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