Chamber Os Coihmerce Backs 13% Sales Tax Levy For Schools At a Merchants Committee meeting of the Edenton Cham ber of Commence Tuesday at the Hotel v Joseph Hewes, those present voted to endorse Gov ernor Sanford’s school tax pro gram which embraces a 3% :> rales tax on food. A motion *. was passed voicing objections to the 4% sales tax proposal and . also against the 3% tax on utility bills which is another tax in the hopper of the Legis lature. Their stand in these tax matters will be forwarded to Representative Albert Byrum. Merchants Committee Chair man George A. Byrum appoint ed H. A. Campen as chairman of a subcommittee to investigate the most agreeable solution to effect' equitable parking on downtown Broad Street. Some towns in the area, it was learn ed, provide special overtime parking consideration for out of town shoppers but Mr. Cam pen’s committee will look into feme calendar] k. t Continued from Page 1. Section 1 night at 8 o'clock. Both show ings will be in the John A. Holmes High School auditorium. Ryland Home Demonstration I Club will hold a barbecue chick-' en and barebcu'e pork dinner at the Chowan Community Build ing Saturday, April 15, from 5! to 7 P. M. A dinner in honor of Mrs.' Inglis Fletcher will be held at' the Masonic Temple Friday night April 14, at 7 o'clock. Delinquent 1960 taxpayers will be advertised Monday, May 1. Chowanoke Council No. 54, Degree of Pocahontas, will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock. Edenton Jaycees will meet to night (Thursday) at 7 o'clock at the Edenton Restaurant. A school exhibit displaying samples of work done by stu dents will be presented in the John A. Holmes High School gymnasium Monday night, April 17, from 7 to 9 o'clock. j Chowan County Confederate Centennial Committee will meet Monday afternoon, April 17, at 3 o'clock at Hotel Joseph Hewes. j E. P. Holmes, author and edi tor. will speak at Shepaxd.-Pxu den Memorial Library Thursday night, April 20, at 8 o'clock in connection with the observance of National Library Week. Edenton Methodist Church will hold its fourth quarterly conference Thursday night. April 20, at 8 o'clock. Edenlon's spring fishing con test will begin Saturday. April 15 and continue through June 17th. Edenton Lions Chib will meet Monday night at 7 o'clock. Methodist Men's Club will serve a pickled herring and her ring roe breakfast in the dining room of the church Saturday morning, April 15, from 7.30 to 9:30 o'clock. Wings Over Jordan Choir of LoS Angeles, Cal., will present a program at the Edenton Colored High School Tuesday night. April 18 at 8 o'clock. James Johnston, local repre sentative of the N. C. Depart ment of Revenue, will be in his office in the Citizens Bank Build ing until April 15 from 8:30 A M. to 5 P. M. to assist tax payers in filing their income re turns. Edenton Rotarians will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 ,i o'clock in the Parish House. Chowan T-’be of Red Met will meet Monday night at 8 4/5 QUA** >. , y ': ~ , ’ T iffr'-' - * I**d— 6 t$ ,tl. JL Jjjj^- . BMBjiBBBpBIfPDMPb V • all phases of the parking prob lem in the business district. Subcommittee members in addi tion to Mr. Campen are Hector Lupton, Mrs. H. J. Cifthrell and John Woolard. The Merchants Committee vot ed unanimously to endorse a letter of congratulations to be written to the Woman’s Club of Edenton on their wonderful ly organized efforts to make this year’s Pilgrimage one of the most outstanding ever held and for their cooperation in obtain ing; antiques and 18th Century heirlooms for 24 window dis plays in the Broad Street stores. In order to keep abreast of developments and to further in dividual participation in future Merchant Committee meetings, it was voted that committee meetings should be held regu larly. Hereafter the first Thurs day in the month has been set for future meetings. o'clock. William H. Coffield Jr. Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. A dance will be held at the VFW post home Saturday night, March 25, beginning at 9 o'clock. Buell A. Bailey Is New ESC Manager Arrives From Shelby To Succeed Milton E. Bass Buell A. Bailey has assumed the duties as manager of the Edenton Office of the Employ ment Security Commission, hav ing taken over the duties as of April 1. He succeeds Milton E. Bass, who recently was trans ferred to Raleigh. Mr. Bailey was transferred to Edenton from the Shelby Em ployment Security Commission Office, where he served as vet erans’ representative. He is a graduate of Catawba College at Salisbury. Following his graduation Mr. Bailey taught school, after which J*# wa» .. connected ' with insurance and finance compan ies before being employed by the Employment Security Com mission, going first to Roanoke Rapids as an interviewer. Mr. Bailey is married and has three sons, 12, 10 and 3 years old. He is a Baptist and mem ber of the American and Opti mist Club. His family is now residing at Shelby but they plan to move to Edenton at the completion of the present school term. Mrs. Alice W. Bond has also recently joined the Edenton staff as,, interviewer-stenqgraph er, replacing Mrs. Virginia L. Wiggins, who has been trans ferred to Morehead City. Mrs. Bond has had 10 years prior service with the Commission and has lived in Edenton since 1946. Methodist Will Hold Quarterly Conference Edenton’s Methodist Church will hold its fourth quarterly conference Thursday night, April 20, at 8 o’clock at the church. District Superintendent R. L. Jerome will attend the confer ence and all organizations of the club are requested to pre sent written reports of the year’s work. ..JmS&MkJMfap, EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. APRIL 13. 1961. New Manager 3 1111111 l HI mini tIIMMIIIIIMUtMf:IIHMim. , 111 M ■ MM II Mil FT • I S ■ • r.- •:; v : . Hr &, y .kw u j . Ip ~ t Buell a. bailet As of April 1, Buell A. Bailey has been office manager for the Edenton Office of the Employ ment Security Commission. Mr. Bailey succeeds Milton Bass, who was transferred to Raleigh. j Elementary School 1 Lunch Room Menu >| Menus at the Edenton Ele-1 mentary School lunch room for I the week of April 17-21 will be as follows: Monday: Spanish rice with beef, candied yams, corn bread, carrot strips, milk, chocolate pudding, butter. Tuesday: Beef vegetable soup, crackers, pimento cheese sand wiches, pineapple upside down cake, milk. 1 Wednesday: Corned beef and potatoes, corn bread, steamed cabbage, apple pie, spiced beets, milk, butter. Thursday: Roast turkey, tur nip greens, giblef gravy, fruit jello, creamed potatoes, milk, school baked rolls, butter. Friday: Fish sticks, cole slaw, potato salad, milk,- corn bread, | grapefruit, butter. Geo. Byrum Files As Councilman-at-large George Alma Byrum on Tues day announced that he will seek! re-election as councilman-at-! large in the primary to be held Tuesday, May 2, 1961. Mr. Byrum stated, “I believe the experience gained while ser- : ving on the Town Council for | the past eight years will be j of definite value in facing the! many pressing problems which will confront the town during the next term. “While being a member of the Town Council is both an honor and a privilege, I also feel it offers an excellent opportunity for me to discharge an obliga tion to the people of this town. “I invite the scrutiny of my record as that shall be my plat form. I believe the record will show I have endeavored to fur ther the cause of a progressive government in a sound and eco nomical manner and I shall con tinue that policy. If re-elected, I shall endeavor to represent all the citizens to the best of my ability.'* I IT'S TIME TO START GARDENING AND THIS IS THE EQUIPMENT YOU WILL NEED MOST! MORE v- ROWER TO YOU... V * ' NOW-NEW LOW PRICE! ' <MIOQ^I • TILLS • MULCHES J) I I j J • WEEDS • CULTIVATES * I I J * - Writ* now for full Information J"i ■■■ VJ* 3 fid Up See This Merry Tiller Today AT Hobbs Implement Company E. Church 9t. E*td. Edenton, N. C. AttractiveOisplays In Store Windows 1 Added Attraction In Connection With Pilgrimage Mrs. Edward Bond, Mrs. Jo seph. M. Thorud and Mrs. Gil liam Wood, the committee in charge of window displays in connection with the Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Coun tryside extend their thanks to the many Edentonians who re sponded so enthusiastically to the plea for antiques and fami ly mementoes to display in the downtown store windows. They hope that all Chowan Countians will avail themselves of the privilege of viewing all of the interesting items on dis play until Monday, April 17, at the following stores: R. E. Forehand, Jr., Insur ance—School supplies. West Byrum Insurance —Books and maps. Ralph E. Parrish Appliances—■ Bathub. Griffin’s Musicenter Music box, music books. Bell’s—Maritime items. Hollowell’s lnglis Fletcher’s books and original book jackets. Tots and Teens Children’s clothing. Jill Shoppe Women’s cloth ing. Western Gas—Old stoves. Elliott Company—Shoes, furni ture. Malone’s—Bric-a-brac. Rose’s—Pictures. Sanitary Cleaners—Flat irons. Edenton Furniture Company— Furniture. Campen’s—lndian relics, china and silver. | Consumer Credit Civil War memorabilia. Colonial Furniture Young lady’s boudoir. Western Auto —Children’s toys. Betty Shoppe—-Women’s cloth ing. Cuthrell’s Quilts, wearing items. Quinn's —Baby furniture. Byrum’s Gift Shop—China, sil ver and crystal. Byrum Hardware Kitchen and farm. f Building & Loan Reproduc tion miniature furniture of Co lonial era. Belk-Tyler’s—Civil War wed ding arranged by Centennial Gommittee. Some of these merchants were wholly responsible for dressing their own windows; others were offered some assistance. Joe Conger Files For Board Public Works Joe Conger, Jr., on Monday filed as a candidate in the Edenton election on Tuesday, May 2. Mr. Conger is seek ing re.-election as a member of the Board of Public Works. Mr. Conger was appointed to the board to complete the un expired term of Walter M. Wil kins, who resigned about a year ago. | P ' \ | Seeks Re-election j v ; JAMES BOND Third candidate to announce for the Edenton election on May 2 was James Bond, who seeks re-election as treasurer. 20 Years Ago Continued from Page 1. Section 1 W. A. Leggett, M. A. Hughes and David Holton completed negotiations to purchase the D. B. Liles 5 and 25-cent store on Broad Street. Almost 100 gathered at Hotel Joseph Hewes to attend the fourth anniversary banquet of the Edenton Lions Club. W. J. Berryman was reap pointed as a member of Chowan County Welfare Board. Traveling in a brand new bus, a group of over 30 baseball players and officials of the Lan caster, Pa., baseball club ar rived in Edenton to begin spring training. Many property owners ap peared before the County Com missioners to register complaints regarding valuations placed onj property duping the revaluation process. C. D. Stewart, who operated the Broad Street Fish Market, purchased the Lassi*er Fish! Market on Oakum Street. Richard D. Dixon was reap pointed by the County Com missioners to a two-year term as county accountant. A record catch of herring was reported in local waters, with S. W. Taylor reporting that his nets yielded 55.000 in one day. The E. C. White property which joined the Taylor Theatre was purchased by S. W. Taylor. Chowan Club Women Attend District Meet David Stick of Manteo, author and chairman of Board of Dare County Coommissioners, was speaker for the 25 th Federated District of Home Demonstration j Clubs annual spring meeting Friday, April 7, at Kitty Hawk. Mr. Stick spoke to the group about early history of this area of the state and pointed out many interesting and unusual SHOP AT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY D & M SUPER M ARKET PHONE 2317 FOR FREE PLENTY OF FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OF $2.00 OR MORE! PARKING SPACE I Delicious Rib Steaks lb. 79c Fresh Ground Hamburger lb. 39c 1-Lb. Pkg. Luter’s Franks..... lb. 49c Rib Stew Beef lb» 25c 5-LB. BAG NO. 2Vi CAN DEL MONTE CHARCOAL PEACHES BRIQUETS halves or sliced can 29 c Ballard’s or Pillbury’s Biscuits 3 CANS FOR 25c NO. 303 CANS DEL MONTE I DEL MONTE EARLY Green Limas I Garden Peas 2Jor49c | 2 cans 39c Del Monte Pineapple Juice Del Monte P’apple-G’fruit Drink 46-oz. Cans -29 c Each mM mm —— 4-ROLL PACK Rk W I 16-OZ. CAMPBELL'S Toilet Tissue I Pork and Beans ! pkg*49c I 2 cans 25c events that happened as the first colonies settled in this area. Miss Ruth Current, assistant director, N. C. Extension Ser vice of Raleigh; Mrs. Myrle Swicegood, Eastern District home economics agent of Ra leigh; Mrs. David Williams, president, N. C. Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs of Rose Hill, brought geetings to the group. Mrs. H. T. Hollowell, Tyner, member of the Center Hill Home Demonstration Club, did the response to the welcome, i Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt, Edenton, | member of Colonial Home Dem | onstration Club, served as chair man of the Courtesy Committee. Mrs. B. P. Monds, Tyner, from j the Center Hill Home Demon i stration Club and Mrs. L. E. I Davenport, Edenton, member of the Colonial Club, served on the j registration committee from ! Chowan County. Serving on other committees were: Nomi nating, Mrs. M. T. Barrington, Edenton; Time and Place, Mrs. Kermit Perry, Edenton, and Public Relations, Mrs, E. N. El liott, Tyner. Mrs, Fred Castelioe, member |of the Advance Home Demon stration Club, was installed as 1962 district treasurer. Modeling hats in the hat pa rade were Mrs. Marvin Evans, Mrs. T. J. Wood. Mrs. M. M. Nixon, Mrs. L. E. Davenport and Mrs. M. T. Barrington. Mrs. Marvin Evans, member of the Oak Grove Home Demon stration Club, was recognized as one of the twelve A and P leadership winners in the state. Mrs. W. L. Forbes of Swans boro, is the other district win ner in the Eastern District. Twenty-seven Home Demon- AUTO Generator Service & Repairs Never can tell where a car will pick up a bad habit ... or a good one. Speaking of the latter, regular servicing here will get your car in the habit of performing smoothly, safely and at low cost. Try it! ALL TYPES GENERATOR SERVICE EXPERTLY DONE Service Garage W. Queen St. Edenton PHONE 3410 stration Club members from Chowan County, Miss Pauline Calloway, nome economics agent and Miss Catherine Aman, as sistant home economics agent, attended the district meeting. Mrs. Reid Overman, Elizabeth City, district president, presid ed. The district meeting will be held in Gates County in 1962. J. D. Elliott Files For Council Post J. D. Elliott, local insurance man, announced this week that he will be a candidate for Coun cilman of the First Ward. Elliott, a native of Perquim ans County, came to Edenton to live 15 years aeo. He came here as an agent with the Home Se curity Life Insurance Company! of Durham, N. C., and now ! serves as Staff Manager. He is married to the former Pansy Alderman of Rose Hill. N. C., and they are the proud parents of three children. Elliott, who is running for IDEAL BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE (FOR COLORED) OAKDALE SUB DIVISION Adjoining City Limits j EDENTON, N. C. BETWEEN RIDERS LANE AND j OLD HERTFORD ROAD Lots 50x150 -- All Wooded | < CAN BE FINANCED j I < < If Interested Contact < < Robert B. Smith: Will Be On Sub-Division Saturday And ; < Sunday Afternoons, April 14 and 15 Phones: Dav 2211 - Niglit 2350 & ] for a smoother, .Ji better driveway When you plan a ne\l i l * iat ca "lls for concrete. - e deliver ’i* e Quantity you want. We also have Concrete and Solite Blocks, Mortar. Reinforcing for Blocks and Re inforcing Wire. CEMENT BLOCKS BRICKS SIMULATED STONE New and Used Chris-Craft Boats J. D. McCOTTER, INC I—SECTION ONI PAGE THREE public office for the first timet said “I have made the state-f ment countless times that the people of Edenton have been wonderful to me during the past 15 years' and I feel a strong de sire and responsibility to offer myself for their public servant.” He added “I am aware of the fact that, to be an effective councilman that the citizens of! the First Ward deserves, will require a great deal of time and work. I can and will de«' vote the time and work re quired.” Alter graduating from the Perquimans County High School) he served 3Vi years in the army: : during World War 11. He was discharged in 1946 and moved’: to Edenton, where he has been very active in civic affairs. He is a member of the Edenton Baptist Church and serves as a < Sunday School teacher. Elliott is filing for the seats vacated by William Bunch, who recently resigned. It is now and in this world that we must live.

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