jSS&4ROUND THE FARMS fUIIN CHOWAN COUNTY IBr B_ r W . OVERMAN. Chowan jConntr Aflont Food Grain Program Foatmas: '* The purpose of the / Feed ,&rain Program is to reduce the tremendous surplus of grain the Government has in storage. We .ate told that, the storage on surplus grain is costing the gov ernment one million dollars each day. . Program participation has sev eral advantages. The average pkynwnt per acre or the coun ty is approximately equal to the ndt return per acre for land ifhd management on eighty hush&l yield at $1.05 per bushel. The farmer croes 'not have to change the weather. It qualifies him ' for price _ support on the corn and soybeans he grows up to his specified production. He can get half of his payment, at the time of sign-up, the other half to be paid after -perform ance is checked. Non-cooperators will not be eligible for price supports on corn or soybeans. They can produce all the corn they can without any regulations. A cooperator must sign U P at least twenty percent of his corn base -and this land must not be used for grazing or harvested crops this year, also it must be in addition to pasture area or idle land in 1960. The maxi mum acreage eligible is forty percent where the base is 100 acres or more, twenty percent, of the base plus twenty . acres where the base is over 25 acres up to 100 acres, and all of the base where the base is 25 acres t>r less. Farms producing no cord or grain sorghum in 1959 or 1960 are not eligible to par ticipate. ' ■ There are two rates of pay ment for each farm. -The first ■twenty percent of the base is at the lower rate, the second "•twenty percent or portion of twenty percent is at the higher fate, and the remaining , acre age is at the lower rate. For example, on a fifty acre base jwith a low rate of $35 and a Tiigh rate of $43 per/ acre; ten acres would get the' $43 rate 'and twenty acres wcyild get the $35 rate if the was put in. This wpuld. leave twen ty acres of corn to, be grown if .fteTired. ; , ~ v W The feed grain program is 'Voluntary/ In simple words, you can participate or not par ticipate as you' see fit. The /ASC Office has, complete infor- Tnation and that is where you sign up. Wg explained the program at a meeting at the Court House /on Monday night and at the Chowan Community Building on /Tuesday night. I .hope you attended one of these. Corn Variety Test Demonstra tion Planted: A corn variety '“test demonstration was planted with Gilliam Wood on Hayes Farm on Monday. The purpose of this work is to compare the performance of the varieties in ■our county and to enable you to observe them growing. Varieties being used are as 'follows: Early yellow varieties ar e -V-8-14A, NC-46, McNair 304, VPI 648, Speights D-8, Funks G-72, Funks ■ ■ * ient hand crank lowers the mill for work— fax!* *-**' y^-i- ‘ ”i,"- e"! N raises it for transport. The PTO drive ehmj. . ■’[/"*' \\yf A* nates Bat-belt alignment and stake driving. Jr* * v' i Step in and we will give you all the inter* Mjjf ' M '■ ‘ iLrfcjt' mation on this mosey saving money-making " v * 7»ML X§l mill. | Hobbs Implement Co., Inc. % GWY C. HOBsSjlMgr. “YourJbhn Deere Deola" EDEN TON, N. C | G 144, Watson i 516. GUI 120, De | Kalb 837, Dekalb 86, Dekalb . 869, Todds 635; /full season yel- I low varieties jate Dixie 82, NC 270, NC 27, NC‘42, Funks 85450, Funks 90014, Speight D-4; Cok er 67, G 703, G7IOAA, NC 288, McNair 444, DeKalb 1051, Coker 71, G7IIIAA, Pioneer 309A, Pio neer 309 B; early white varieties are US 523 W, Coker 616 and GSO9W; fqjll season white va rieties are /Dixie 21, G 770, Cok er 811, Speight D-201, and- Coker 911. , Concert Sunday At Gale Street Church The Willing Workers Club- of Gale Street Baptist Church will present thp Pefquimans County High School Glee Club of Win fall, in ’ concert. Sunday after noon, April 23, at 5 o’clock, un der the direction 6f Mrs. L. T. Andrews. The public is cordially invit ed to attend. I Elementary School j Lunch Room Menu] Menus at the Edenton Ele mentary School lunch Toom for the week of April 24-28 will bf as follows: Monday: Meat balls and spa ghetti, milk, carrot sticks, school baked rolls, blackeye peas, rice pudding, butter. Tuesday: Vegetable beef soup, crackers, peanut butter sand wiches, block cakte, milk. Wednesday: 'Beef vegetable pie, apple sauce, candied yams, milk, corn bread, butter. Thursday: Baked ham, fruit jello, mashed potatoes, school baked rolls, turnip greens, milk, butter. Friday: Tuna salad,, garden peas, potato chips, school baked rolls, vegetable salad, lemon custard milk, butter. Senior Class Play Given Friday Night Continued from Page 1, Section 1 During the • schemdt Dobie tries to get Helen Dixon, played by Mary Anne Overton, to go steady with him. Helen in turn is going with Petey Belloyvs, acted by Erwin Griffin. Com plications set in, and Dobie fi nally has to pull several tricks out of his hat to solve his prob lems. The three act comedy is based on Max Schuhnan’s book by the same title. Senior class spon sors, Laura Brooks and Archie Fairley, are directing the pro duction. An admission of 50 cents per person will "be charg ed at the door. Other students in the cast will be Priscilla Bunch, Milly Price, Sally Privott, Carolyn Stallings, Karen Holpwell, Nettie Lassi ter, Peggy Williams, Jack Per ry, Bert Willis, Judy Israel, Linda Wheeler, Sara Relfe Smith, Mary Ann Hare and Bill Goodwin. Curt Twiddy will be seen in the role of Maynard. The play is being produced through courtesy of Dramatic Publishing Company of Chicago. THE CHQffjUf JfERAMX EpENTQW, NORT?!.CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1961. I Seeks Re-election JESSE HARRELL Late last week Jesse Harrell filed as a candidate foT -re-elec tion as a member of the Board of Public Works. Pilgrimage Success Above Expectations Continued from Page 1, Section 1 helped in auy capacity they were asked. The large crowd of visitors, 'no, enjoyed their visit and any number of favorable comments were heard relative to what Edenton had to offer. The tour began Friday morn-- ing when a large group of Eden ton people met Governor Terry Sanford at the newly acquired Edenton Airport on the base property. The Governor was es corted by a motorcade into Eden ton. AT N the base entrance brief ceremonies ..were held which of ficially opened the Edenton air port. A ribbon was cut by the Governor and he spoke briefly congratulating Edenton for this valuable acquisition. Congressman Herbert Bonner also made a few remarks con cerning the airport, as did Mayor John Mitcheoer,. who informed i the group present that the deed to the property had been receiv ed only the day before. Upon arrival at the Court House a large crowd had gath ered to hear, the Governor dedi cate the opening day of the tour as Inglis Fletcher Day. He paid glowing tribute to the local novelist. Governor Sanford's Address On Page 1. Section 1 Mrs. J. D. Elliott presided over the ceremony at the Court House, after which the Governor de parted for Rfdeigh. During the day visitors were escorted by guides to various homes, an autograph hour by Inglis Fletcher was held at the Cupola House, waterfront tours were in operation and at 5 o'clock the movie “Ye Towne On Queen Anne’s Creek” was shown at John A. Holmes High School. Friday was climaxed by a din ner honoring Inglis Fletcher at the Masonic Temple, where over 250 people gathered to pay tri bute to this gracious .and popu lar lady. Voit Gilmore of Pinehurst, a personal frierid of Mrs. Fletcher, was the principal speaker for the occasion and paid tribute to “Our First Lady of Literature.” Other speakers who paid tri bute to Mrs. Fletcher were Jonathan Daniels, editor of the Raleigh News and Observer; Capus Waynick, former Ambas sador to Columbia; Richard Walser, author, and Mrs. Ernest lives of Southern Pines. I Mrs. W. J. P: Earnhardt • . j served as toastmistress for the dinner and thanked all who turned out to honor Mrs. Flet cher. .During ihe meeting Mrs. J. D. Elliott presented Mrs. Fletcher a beautiful charm from the Woman’s Club and Mayor Johrt Mitchener and W. E. Bohd,' chairman of the County Com missioners, on behalf of Edenton and Chowan County, presented Mrs. Fletcher with a beautiful plaqpe in recognititon of the appreciation of Edenton and Chowan people for her valuable contribution to the entire com munity. The dinner Was opened by an invocation by the Rev. E. F. Mosely, rector of Trinity Epis-' copal Church, .at Hertford. ■ During the three days ; of the tour the entire town and coun tryside was teeming with visit ors and mingling with them were many women, boys and girls at tired in colonial costumes. Contrary to previous tours, Sunday was another big day, with just as many and maybe more visitors as orv the two pre vious days. Many viewed and apparently very much enjoyed the exhibits placed in various store windows. Members of the Woman’s Club, as stated before, are very much thrilled over the wonder ful success of .the tour and feel that they have set a record for future tours to shoot at. FRATERNITY CANDIDATE Wingate College students were tapped this week for member ship in Alphi Pi Epsilon, busi ness fraternity. Among the candidates for membership is Barbara Allred of Edenton. / SHOP AT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY K D & M SUPER MARKET PHONE 2317 FOR FREE PLENTY OF FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS CD , rr OF $2.00 OR MORE! P.4/?A/A G SPACE Harrell’s Smoked Picnics... lb. 33c Fresh Ground Hamburger....... lb. 39c Luther’s Jamestown Bacon . 1b.49c V / 4-ROLL PACK 12-OZ. RED & WHITE DELSEY TISSUE PEANUT BUTTER pkMl 49c I jar 29c II PINTS RED 8t WHITE 16-OZ. CAN CAMPBELL'S MAY ONN AISE Barbee lie Beans jar 29c 2 cans 35c 10-LB. BAG BRIQUET 303 CANS RED & WHITE CHARCOAL APPLE SAUCE bag 59 c 2 cans 29c Large Size OXYDOL .... box 32c Large Size YEL box 30c Giant Size IVORY SNOW ... box 73c Giant Size CHEER ...... box 74e |L BOURBON J|| WHISKEY I CIVIC CALENDAR I v> i. Continued atom Page 1, Section 1 Sunday, April 23, at 11 A. M. ' Edenton’s Varsity Club Will hold its annual Sports Awards Banquet at the Masonic Temple Tuesday night, April 25, at 7 o'clock. Edenton Methodist Church will hold its fourth quarterly conference tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock. Edenton's spring fishing con test began Saturday, April 15, and will continue through June 17th. Edenton Business and Pro-' fessional Women's Club will! meet tonight (Thursday) at 7 1 o'clock at the Edenton Restau-1 rant. • A slated communication oi Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M., will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock. Another polio clinic will be held at the Penelope Barker house Friday night, April 28, beginning at 8 o'clock. The "Marlin Luther" story will be shown at St. Paul's Parish House Sunday night, April 23, at 7:30 o'clock. A hat workshop for Home Demonstration Club members will be held in the ball room of Hotel Joseph Hewes Monday morning. April 24, beginning at 9 o'clock. Wards Home Demonstration Chib will hold a bake sale at Belk-Tyler's store Friday after- I noon, April 21, beginning at 2:30 o'clock. Perquimans County High School Glee Club of Winfall will present a concert at Gale Street Baptist Church Sunday afternoon, April 23. at 5 o'clock. A story hour will be held at the Shepard-PTuden Memorial Library Friday afiernoom, April 21. at 3:30 o'clock. Henry Lewis of the Institute of Government will be speaker at a program to be held at the Parish House Monday night. May 1, at 8 o'clock in connec tion with the observance of Na tional Library Week. Edenton Lions and their wives will enjoy a fish fry Wednes day night, April 26, at 6:30 o'clock at Percy Sorith's cot tage on Chowan River. j Edenton Lions Club will bold j its annual bread sale Monday j night. May 1, from 6 to 7 o'clock, and will hold its regu lar meeting at 7:30 o'clock at the Edenton Restaurant. Chowan Hospital Auxiliary will meet in the nurses' home Friday afternoon, April 21, at ! 3 o'clock. Edenton Rotarians will meet’ this (Thursday) afternoon at l| o'clock in the Parish House. Chowan Tribe ol Red Men will meet Monday night at 8! o'clock. William H. Coffield Jr. Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign | Wars, will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. A dance will be held at the; VFW post home Saturday night, March 25, beginning at 9 o'clock. , SUITS-COATS and TOPPERS LADIES . . . here is an opportunity to buy at substantial sav ings ... the Suit, Coat or Topper you need for wear right now and in the future! Shop early for the best selections during this final Clean-Sweep Sale! LADIES’ SUITS Reg. Price Reduced To $19.95 SUITS SI 2.95 $22.95 SUITS $14.95 $27.95 SUITS $16.95 $39.95 SUITS $24.95 849.95 SUITS $29.95 $55.95 SUITS $31.95 $59.95 SUITS $35.95 Toppers And Coats Reg. Price Reduced To $10.95 VALUES s 5.95 $22.95 VALUES 513.95 $27.95 VALUES $] 6.95 ALL $59.50 CASHMERE TOPPERS REDUCED TO $39.50 I ALL SPRING HATS AT | A GIVE-AWAY PRICE y Edenton, N. C. j Fishing Contest Creating Interest Continued from'Page 1. Section 1 sponsor the contest, has receiv ed a total of ill letters in just the past few .days requesting that the writers \be addsd to the mailing list ofi the “Fishing Bulletin,” which already goes to more than 325 fishermen, ra dio and newspaper sports an nouncers and columnists in North Carolina. Two new weighing stations VOTE FOR R. ELTON FOREHAND, JR. CANDIDATE FOR x Councilman Third Ward In The Municipal Election / TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1961 f Your Vote And Support Will Be Appreciated! / \—SECTION ONE PAGE THREE have been added to last year’s list of Chamber of Commero# members where fish may be of ficially weighed and entered ij) the contest. They are Western Auto Associate Store and Bell's Store, both on South Broad Street, Edenton. Other official weighing stations are Bunch’s Gulf Service Station, Byrum Hardware and Hughes-Parker Hardware. Few things are impossible to diligence -ind skill. —Samuel Johnson.