PAGE FOUR ;—SECTION ONE —— ITie Chowan Herald •niUished every Thursday by the Chowan 'ierald, a partnership consisting of J. Edwin dufflap and Sector at 423-425 South -odd Street Edenton. North Carolina. FDWUv Editor caKOTOR MJPTON. —r ASvertNUig Manager SUBSCRIPTION KATES: me Year (c itside North Carolina) «.00 OtieWear (in North Carolina)- Six Months * lou Entered as second-class matter August 30, 1934, at the Post Office at Edenton. North Carolina, under the act of March 3. 1879 Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of re aped! etc.. 'will be chained for at regular ad vertisina rates. t THURSDAY. APRIL 20, 1961, TUFTfor today if . . Thou shall love thy neighbor . . Love your enemies, bless them that curse you . . . and pray for them that despiteful* 44 POWER OF VICTORY is to forgive and guide. —Winston Churchill. God of Justice, save the people from the war of race and creed: from *he strife of class and faction; make our nation free indeed: keep her faith in simple manhood strong as when her life began, till it finds its full fruition in the Brotherhood of Man. (Wm. P. Bouquets In Order There is always some degree of satisfaction in ; the realization of a job well done. Such is right ly the experience of members of the Edenton Woman's Club following the conclusion of their 196 V Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton'and Coun tryside. . . Even with more work devoted than hereto fore and a \great deal more publicity, those in charge are overwhelmed with the success of the tour which has gone far beyond the expec tations of even the most optimistic. The weather was a prime factor in drawing visitors to Edenton, for conditions were almost perfect for traveling and for making the rounds to the points of interest scheduled on the pro gram. Smiles and expressions of satisfaction were apparent among the great throng of visit ors, as was the case with anyone who had any thing to do with the arrangements, not to say anything about Edenton people in general, who j joined with the Woman’s Club in expressions of delight over the way the tour was handled and with the success which had been realized. It is a certain fact that visitors, in many cases, were not only surprised but very much impress- j ed with what they saw. Some even expressed j surprise that similar pilgrimages had not been j inaugurated many years ago and that even ■ more publicity had not been given to them. I Which is to say that Edenton and Chowan Coun- I ty for too long a time has hid its historical sig- j nificance “under the bushel. The success of the pilgrimage is again proof \ Ot what can be accomplished by hard and per sistent work, coupled with the aid of wholeheart ed cooperation. Some members of the Woman’s > Club worked like Trojans. They made many j sacrifices in way of time and effort to stage a j first class tour and the success realized undoubt edly is all the compensation they expect. All j details of the tour worked out very smoothly so ! that those who were responsible for planning j the event deserve a great deal of praise and commendation. The pilgrimage was very worthwhile and as a result Edenton has received a good slice of favorable publicity which money couldn’t buy. It was a wonderful event and The Herald joins many others who compliment the Woman’s Club for staging the most delightful and successful tour ever sponsored by the club. A Healthy Condition With April 25 at 6 P. M., being the deadline | for candidates to file for the municipal election on Tuesday, May 2, there are already four con tests. These are for Mayor, Councilmen-at large and Councilmen from the First and Third Wards. The Herald again points out that to cast a ballot in this election, a voter must be register ed in the Town of Edenton registration books, which are separate and apai t from the county registration books. It should, therefore, be hoove any citizen who desires to cast a ballot in the election to check at once and see if he or she is properly registered in the ward where the ballot is to be cast. The Herald also, points out again that the “one-shot” ballot has been outlawed. This was a practice of voting for only one candidate when one or more candidates were to be elected for a certain office. The idea was to give a cer tain candidate an advantage by eliminating a Vote for any of the other opponents. In the - forthcoming election more than one candidata will be elected for Councilmen-at large and members of the Board of Public Works. In order for votes to be counted, a voter •must mark on the ballot two as a choice for ATTENTION!! VOTERS I have again filed as a candidate for re-election for Councilman-at-large in the Municipal .Election Tuesday, May 2. If elected, I shall continue to use my best efforts toward a progressive Edenton and whatever I may be able to do for the best interest of the town as a whole. YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! J. EDWIN BITFFLAP Sj ia Ueard I By Buff t Another Chowan County Negro family had the misfortune to lose all of their worldly pos sessions, but they have not lost faith in kjhdly people who will no doubt come to their rescue. Tuesday night the home of Jasper Hardy on the Greenfield farm was totally destroyed- by fire winch wiped out all of their possessions. Besides Jasper and his wife there are 13 . head of children, so that the family is in very bad shape. An appeal for help has been made by friends of the family and any contribution can be sent or taken to Haughton Ehringhaus at Hotel Joseph Hewes. o John Mitchener is now hooked up in two elections. In the first place he will be opposed by Leroy Haskett, a former Mayor, for the of fice of Mayor in the municipal election Tuesday, May 2. In the second place he is one of two nominated for third vice president of the N. C. Pharmaceutical Association. The nomination was made at the 81st annual convention of the N. C. Pharmaceutical Association held in Greens boro Sunday through Tuesday. The vote for this position will be made by members mailing in their ballot in June, while the 'Mayor's.. job will be decided by Edenton voters at the polls Tuesday, 2. If elected by the druggists in June, Mr. Mitchener will automatically be come president, and if he is elected Mayor of Edenton he will automatically inherit a lot of headaches. }‘ o Two local people were somewhat elevated during the Edenton pilgrimage last week-end. For instance Winks Bond had tacked to his name “Squire of Clemen Hall.” And it was during Inglis Fletcher’s response to glowing tri bute paid to her by Governor Terry Sanford, Congressman Herbert Bonner and Mayor John Mitchener that she referred to John Mitchener as “Lord Mayor of Edenton.” I o With four contests already lined up in the Edenton election Tuesday, May 2, it appears a? though local politics will reach the boiling point. Should be a go.od chance to get a cigar or so, but maybe that custom has gone by the board just like the cigars used to come across for a new-born baby. o Here’s one who was on duty for a time at the Masonic Temple during last week’s pilgrimage. It was a pleasure to serve with Eddie Spires who did most of the talking in connection with the old records and relics. Many visited the lodge room and were just about as much im pressed with the beauty of the interior of the building as they were the historical items. Then a lady from Washington, D. C., was telling me that she was enjoying the flowers as much as anything else. Well, the flowers were out in full bloom and the lady said, up in Washington they were just beginning to bud. But the only trouble with being on duty at the temple was that it knocked a Saturday fishing trip smack between the eyes. o Quite a few people attended the PTA meeting Tuesday night, when they were treated to a program by children from the kindergarten and third grade under the direction of Mrs. John F. White. The program was very much enjoyed and if you ask me some of the programs put on by youngsters in school are as good or better than many a movie or TV program which I have seen already. o I'm not the bnly one who is getting forgetful. One local fellow was mad as a hornet Saturday morning. He is very lond of pickled herring, which are few and far between at home due to the odor when cooking, and bought a ticket for the pickled herring breakfast at the Methodist Church. But he ate breakfast at home and the first time he thought about it was when he passed the church and saw a gang' of automo biles parked on the street. Councilmen-at-large and five for the Board of Public Works. If this is not done, the voter might as well not have voted for the ballot will be thrown out. Up to Wednesday four contests developed in the forthcoming election. These contests are for Mayor, Councilmen-at-large and Councilmen from the First and Third Wards. It is a healthy sign when there is opposition for town offices. In fact there should be more people who are interested in the progress and welfare of Eden ton and who are willing to make sacrifices and shoulder the responsibility of carrying on the largest business in the community aiid one which directly or indirectly affects every citizen. There really should be opposition for every office to be filled in the election and the voters should consider it thSir solemn duty to choose those whom they believe will make the best officials. ATTENTION!! Voters Os The Fourth Ward : I am seeking re-election as Coun cilman from the Fourth Ward. If elected, I will devote my efforts to the best interest of the ward and the town as a whole. I 1 SOLICIT YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT e *} tm CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. , WORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. APRIL 20. UML I" 1 ”" 11 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPPOSES CHANGES Dear Mr. Bufflap: I have been very much interested in the proposed changes in the Town Charter of the City of Edenton as relates to the possi ble staggering of certain po litical positions. As a native bom Edentonian, I am at a loss to comprehend this movement toward sociali sation. We have had a most effective set-up in the past which has lasted without dis content for sqme 50 years. Now why do we have to change our charter every few years? I. sincerely doubt that there is a printed copy of the Town of, Edenton charter available to ' any one of our duly elected of ficers in our town without the aid and assistance of our city attorney to tell him or her of the changes made. I have always and always will oppose any political changes in the original Town of Edenton charter unless it has been with the consent of the voting public and only with their full knowl edge .and consent of such j changes. Frankly, I believe we as a. town should have the entire i charter reconditioned and I brought up to the ’6o’s—the age 1 in which we now live and that 1 at least 100 copies of this be | printed and given and used as our Council (town) wishes. This to be of the loose leaf copy so! as to provide for the next 50! years some semblance of the j charter then prevailing. I think we have an excellent, operating body at present and that our town, while suffering from our rich uncle’s folly in i closing our base, we are striv-! ing like the patriots of old to keep our eyes on the future. We must concentrate now on., our historical progress even though most of us feel that for tlie immediate our having smokestacks would bring us the end of our present doldrums. Yours truly, W. S. GRIFFIN. Forehand Files For Councilman’s Seat R. Elton Forehand on Satur day filed as a candidate for Councilman .of the Third Ward in the municipal election to be held Tuesday, May 2. Mr. j Forehand has served one term on the board, having been ap-1 pointed to fill this position in 1959 when Mayor Mitchener i took over the duties of Mayor | following the death of Mayor! David Holton. Mr. Forehand, 37, was gradu ated from Edenton High School, Virginia Episcopal School and the University of North Caro lina. He is a past member of the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce, past vice president of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce, and is now a direc tor of the Chamber of Com merce. At present, he is president of the Edenton Rotary Club and Troop Chairman of the* local Boy Scout Troop 156. He is a member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, serving as junior war den and as a Sunday School teacher. The candidate is owner and operator of R. Elton Forehand Insurance Agency, is married and the father of two daugh ters. He is the son of Mrs. R. E. Forehand, Sr., and the late R. E. Forehand. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor . Graham HI, of Richmond, Va., announce the birth of a daugh l ter, Hope Adair Graham, born , April 6, 1961. Mrs. Graham is i the former Ann MacFadden . Taylor, daughter of Mr. and I Mrs. W. J. Taylor. Episcopal Bishop To Visit Edenton The Rt. Rev. T'homas H. Wright, D.D., Bishop of '. the 7piscopal Diocese of East Caro lina, residing in Wilmington, wiil be at Saint Paul’s Church Sunday to make his annual visi tation. A class to be Confirmed will be presented to the Bishop by the Rev. George B. Holmes; rec tor of the parish. Special music hie been prepared for the 11 o'clock service and the Junior Choir will participate. Following services a reception will be held in the Parish House for the Bishop and in honor of the newly-confirmed, members. Lions Club Fish Fry Wednesday, April 26 ■ -1 Edenton’s Lions Club - will hold a fish fry Wednesday j evening April 26 at 6:30 o’clock. | The affair will be held at Percy NOTICE! TO VOTERS OF EDENTON Many citizens of the Town of Edenton have of fered their support and urged that I become a can didate for election to the office of Mayor of the Town of Edenton in the coming municipal election. For the confidence these citizens have expressed in me, I am sincerely grateful. Realizing that a great deal of time, which I do not have available, study, thought, and energy would be required to properly fill this important position, 1 must decline these requests and offers of support, however, I am offering myself as a candidate for re-election as a member of the Board of Public Works. In'this undertaking I solicit the voters sup port and vote. Ralph E. Parrish Candidate For Board of Public Works ScdgWUttf JL Crown orfLV staorath s smti7Croum __ AMERICAN blended whiskey ■sssr $3.95 "WIWRWMjtHMI 4/5 at. 1m m ' $9.50 ■■jw Magrau ■ DisfiiLEis cnitnwr. «w you city. Mima whiskey, m pioof. «s% m» kihiu sriim OFFERS YOU AN Outstanding Opportunity This is for the man who has always want ed his own business but has not had enough capital. If you have an excellent credit record and very minimum capital investment, you can lease the SUNOCO Service Station in Edenton, N. C, and receive; 1. Paid Teaming 2. Financial Assistance | [.; • 3. Guaranteed Income v * i •' *■- V-7 FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW CONTACT! San Oil Co, OR CLRWlfoelm * v.; %%&’ r ] Smith’s cottage on. (be Chowan, River with; wives of members as special quests. . The elub will hold its annual bread sale Monday night. May 1, when ail Lions are ed to meet/at the George Chev rolet Company at-# o'clock. At 7:30 the regular meeting of the club will be hfeldAt the Eden ton Restaurant ,/ < j At Monday night's meeting, Dan Reeves was 'inducted as a new member. A! Phillips had as hie guest Leo Kstkaveck, new superintendent of Edenton Cotton Mills and, Jesse Harrell reported $989 collected in the Easter Seal. Sale. FRED LASSITER ONE OF KAPPA ALPHA OFFICERS ■ ’ r- j New officers of the Gamma Rho Chapter of the Kappa Al pha Order at East Carolina Col lege have been lihs tailed arid have begun their duties as leaders in the social fraternity. Among the new officers is Fred Lassiter, who was install ed as treasurer. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE How hope is strengthened through spiritual understanding of the Bible will be brought out at ChristiaA Science services Sunday. ‘ .- Readings from the Bible in the Lesson-Sermon on ‘'Proba tion after Death” will include this~4>assage from Romans (IS): “'For whatsoever, things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that ,we through patience %nd comfort to Classified Ads TOOTH DECAY. See dentist regularly. Use sanitizing OLAG Tooth Paste. At all . drug stores. FOR SALE—I LOT 100 x 250.’ Located Highway 17, north, 1 mile from Edenton. 'P. O. Box 228, Phoebus, Va. Apr20,27,May4,11,18c <* : s WANTED AT ONCE—Rawleigh Dealer in Chowan County. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept. NCD -210-3, Richmond, Va. Apr6,13,20,27pd FOR SALE OR RENT—HOUSE with living room, kitchen, 2V* baths and four bedrooms. Gas heat Venetian blinds through out. Located 907 Cabarrus Street. Contact R. Elton Fore hand, phone 3314. Aprttfc LOST PARAKEET, WHITE; and light blue. If found, please call Evelyn Leary. Re ward. Phone 2689. ltc RETIRED COUPLE WANT TO rent 4-5 room house (4-room preferred), or 4-room apart ment. Modem improvements; some garden space ssO-$65 month lease. Not located on highway route. Phone 3348. ltpd WANT YOUR LAWN MOWED? Call Danny Hassell, phone 2443 for a satisfactory job. Aprl3,2opd M. G. BROWN COMPANY NOW buying logs and tracts of timber. Highest market prices paid. Phone 3610, Edenton. Apr2otfc FOR RENT DOWNSTAIRS apartment located 200 West Church Street. Large living room, dining room, kitchen, two Iprge bedrooms and large bath. Front porch and screen ed back porch; spacious back yard. Write: Miss Sara E. Miller, 103 S. Leslie Street, Goldsboro, N. C., or call Mrs. Reuben Miller, phone 3960, Edenton. Apr6,13,20c FOR SALE—GOOD USED GAS ranges as low as $35.00. West ern Gas Service. Phone 3122, Edenton. june2tf FOR SALE OR RENT—2 AHd 3-bedroom houses on mail and school bus route. Two miles from Edenton. Anply L. E. Francis, Route 3, Edenton. Phone 3472. Mar9tfc FOR SALE—THREE 1-TON AIR condition units at less than' half price. Contact Twiddy, Insurance & Real Estate. Phone 2163. - mar. 30 ts FOR SALE—ONE SET HALF tracks for Ferguson tractor. In good condition. Will sell cheap. Apply L. E. Francis, Route 3, Edenton. Phone 3472: Mar9tfc YOUR IESCO HOMS BUILDER SEZ: —y rrs you* Q-rL MONEY...IS IT7 BUYING YOUR HOME? 1* Rwrt buy, H» landlord', homo. That lama monay can buy a Kami of your own ... on all now "big-ipaca" IMI aariaa IESCO HOME. PHONE 2163 Etffl Edenton. N. C. Jggggwf Warren J. Twiddy District Representative * ’ Vy ■ | v. Merry THWr SUBUtBAN I I*** rn»_ A •-* t L. R Vxv M * N»a ei-’MfWH WHY! iV IMMir II |V Viaib rotari lamldaaa olarlb |\ j he K*htwaighf aluminum an- I \ \ *ma with chain driva to da- I \ \ Svar tha oquivolant of two I ) \1 extra hpl Choice of rotari, I / rotor oxtoaaiant and tractor I / Adjustable to' row U —— lll 11 Y 1 11 ' , • Now In \J /EDENTON -at tt»e‘ Scriptures > might ha.fcH hopfe. A correlative passage to te‘ read frofp “Science and .Health with Key to the Scriptures” j&jL. Mary Baker Eddy states (p. 446): , "To understand God strengthens hope, enthrones faith 4n- Truth, and verifies Jesus’ word: ’Lo, 1 ' am with ypu alway, even unto , the end of. the world’.”' The Golden Text is from Revelation (3): “He that over cometh.the same shall be cloth- ‘ ed in white raiment” HANNAH’S husband Hector hates hard work so he cleans • the rugs with Blue Lustre. Quinn’s. FEMALE HELP WANTED— Woman who can drive . . . if you would enjoy working 3 or 4 hours a day calling regiilair ly each month on a .group of Studio Girl Cosmetics clients on a route to be established in and around Edenton, and are willing to make light de liveries, etc., write to STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS, Depart ment WN-32, Glendale, Cali fornia. Route will pay up to _ $3.50 per hour. expMay4 "KING OF SWINE" Cross your sows to meat type OIC boars, world’s fastest grow ing hogs; juicy good flavored meat. Easy controlled. Minton’s Ranch, Merry Hill, N. C. Aprl3,2oc VEGETABLE PLANTS Ready now for your Spring garden; . : TOMATO—Potted Plants Early Giant Hybrid Burpee Big Boy Hybrid' Homestead —Rutgers PEPPER—Potted Plants California Wonder ~, Keystone Giant Cayenne (hot) . .DGG PLANT—Potted Plants. Early Hybrid—Ft. Myers Also Annual Bedding Flower Plants—Aster, Petunias, Scarlet Sage, Marigold and many others. Complete Line Vegetable , and Field Seeds. ■--- E. L. PEARCE, Seedsman Phone 3839 Edenton jl - >* HAVE YOURS OR YOUR V CHILD’S PICTURE tinted or ' colored at a very reasonable cost. Samples at home. Mrs. Pearl Griffin, 716 Johnston St., •’ Edentpn. . Mar23tfc jj - i* 1 •>’ — n FOR QUICK AND EXPERT •’ service on your radio and phonograph,, call the Griffin ( Musicenter, phone 2528. W« > carry a complete line nl " phono needles. WATCH REPAIRING—JEWEL. ! ry repairing and engraving ... - Prompt service. ,Ross Jewelers. Phone 3525. tfc | PICTURE FRAMING—FOR THI best in custom , rture framing " see John R. Lewis at the «* ton furniture Company. Coj* 'J clete.line of mouldkg to choflM from AT ROCKY MOUNI ' ’ SINCE 1925 CANVAS AWNINGS ALUMINUM AWNINGS 1 STORM 1 WINDOWS STORM DOORS l ALUMINUM SIDING Carolina, :MWNING v INTENT $4 K Church SL PHONES 446-830/ 448-9410

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