Ttfjbuj fbifrJr ,4 At Colored library “Ehe following list of new books lias been received at the > BrtJWft-Cbrver Library: 4 Bradford of Plymouth by Smith; The Folk Songs of North Artwrtea by Lomax; The Lady PerWWiew by Woodward; Shad ow* On The Grass by Blixen; ,Th® Man Who Rode The Thun der by Rankin; In Pursuit of Poetry by Hillyer; Presidential Transitions by Henry; White Caihbllias by Brooks; The All New Fanfiie Farmer Cookbook by Farmer, and The Peabody Sisters of Salem by Tharp. Malone File* f For Town Council -Wilmer E. Malone has’ an nod*tPe d hi* candidacy for Coun cifitian : the' First Ward in Uib Edenton Municipal Election Tuesday, May 2. Mr. Malone came to Edenton ini 1941 an experienced mer chartt and presently owns and operates 1 his business known as Malone’s $ ahd 10-cent store. He has been active in church work, wavihg served four three-year terms with the Vestry of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and has served as Senior Warden for the church. He is a past president of the Edenton Lions Club, 1944- 1948, and has a perfect attend ance record of 18 years. He is also a past president of the Edenton Band Parents Associa tion. He served as director of the local Chamber of Commerce, as. chairman of the Merchants Committee, is presently serving on the Merchants Committee, al so presently serving St. Paul’s Church' as a Vestryman!. He is church, business and civic mind ed. -Mrs. Malone is also active in church work, while their son is a.Seminarian ahd will enter into the Episcopal ministry in about one year. Negro Band Concert Scheduled May 7th The Edenton Negro High School Band will present its an nual spring concert in the high school gymtonum Sunday after noon, tylay 7 > at 3:30 o’clock. vThe public is cordially invited and there will be no charge for admission. Town Council {proceedings * j 1 "He* ——— Con'tdL from Pag* 3—Section 2 single file and not abreast and mai not march closer together Uhan 15 feet, except in passing on*, another. (4) If pickets promoting dif ferent objectives desire to use the same sidewalk for picketing and such use would result in the. presence of more than 10 pickets thereon, the Chief of Police shall allot time to each group of pickets for the use of sudh sidewalk on an equitable bails. (ft The term “block” as used in this ordinance shall mean that portion of a street lying between street intersections. Picketing done contrary to the provisions of this ordinance shall be unlawful. Section 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person to phy sically interfere with such pic ked in the use of the side-1 r r It Will Be YOUR Privilege To VOTE - TUESDAY, MAY 2nd It Will Be Mv HONOR To Be YOUR Council- From The First Your p ** e rea^y Appreciated! Your Vote 1$ Yottr Sacred Privilege, Therefore, ft, ’ 1 Merely Ask-That You Give Me Your Cotuidera- I tiou Wlieti jott Vote* i walks dr to address profane, fit* decent, abusive, or threatening language to Os at such pickeld which would tend, to provoke such pickets or others to a breach of the peace. Section 3. The police officers of the Town of Edenton may, in the event of the assemblage of persons in such numbers as to tend to intimidate pickets pursuing their lawful objective through numbers along or through use of inflammatory words, direct the dispersal of persons so assembled and may arrest any person who fails to absent himself from the place of such, assemblage when so di rected by the police. Section 4. Whenever the free passage of any street or side walk in the Town shall be ob structed by a crowd, the persons composing such crowd shall dis perse or move on when direct ed to do so by a police It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to so disperse or move on when so diTected 'by a police officer as herein pro vided. Section 5. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordi nance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent juris diction, such portion shall be deemed' a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the va lidity of the remaining portions hereof. . Section 6. This ordinance be gins for the urgent and immedi ate preservation of public peace and safety, arid having been adopted by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the City Council, shall become effective upon adoption. No person or .group of persons shall block, impede or obstruct the sidewalks within the city in such a manner as to hinder or interfere with the free use of the sidewalks by any other per son lawfully using the same. Any person or persons who shall violate any provision of 'this ordinance shall be guilty ofj a misdemeanor and upon con-1 viction thereof shall be fined or! imprisoned in the discretion ofj the Court. | Motion was made by George A. Byrum, seconded by J. Ed win Bufflap, and duly carried that the resignation of William C. Bunch, Jr., Councilman First Ward be accepted with regret Motion was made by George A. Byrum, seconded by R. Elton Forehand, and duly carried that ■the Town Council adopt the As sessment policy covering water and sewer installations as rec ommended by the Board of Public Works. There being no further busi- UUtS * Hpl (YOUR HOME it! '*L HAVE FULL P* yHOUSEPOWOg \ .... —. I Does your borne have at least a 100 ampere 9 electric service entrance? At least x I 8 regular and 3 heavy-duty circuits? Plenty ofj ■ convenient fixtures, switches and outlets? ■ If you’re not sure .. . U you think ’ ■ your appliances and lights should Work battoi ' ■ ... call us for a FREE wiring cheek-up / and no-obligation Heusepower estimate. I K. L. NIXON I ELECTRICAL k PLUMBING CO. Phone 6098 Edenton THECHOWAE MUttOmW. MOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1981. ; Clerk. • Edenton, N. C. 1 March 27, IMI. The Town Council met this : day in special joint meeting > with the Industrial Committee 'of the Edenton Chamber of i Commerce at BA. M. ' 1 Council members present? ' Mayor John A, Mitchener, Jr., ' J. Edwin Bufflap, George A. Byrum, C. A. Phillips and Lu -1 ther C. Parks. Industrial Committee members present: Jim Robertson, W. F. Jones, Richard Atkinson, Gil liam Wood, Joe Conger, Jr„ and Bruce Jones. Also present were Thomas C. Bfrum, Jr., chairman Board of Public Works; Richard N. Hiries, Superintendent Electric & Wa ter Department, and W. S. Pri. vott, Town Attorney, t: y , ' C •A; propose}' td'. an industrial proiijpeet was read arid 'explain ed by,Town Attorney. -W.'S.: Pri vottAA . Motion was made by'Luther C. Parks,. seconded ;by George A. Byrum and duly qajrted jthat proposal as changed'be accept ed.' '... :• ;V ■; Motion was made by George A. ..Byrum, seconded by'<X A. PhiiHps, and dqiy carried ' that authority be given to Mayor Mitchener to negotiate.-with General Services Administration concerning water and railway rights. There being no further busi ness, the Board adjourned. W. B. GARDNER, Clerk. Edenton, N. C. April 11, 1,961. The Town Council met this day in regular session at 8 P. M. Members present: May or John A. Mitchener, Jr., J. Edwin Bufflap, George A. By- • rum, C. A. Phillips, Luther C. Parks and R. Elton Forehand. Also present: R. N. Hines, Superintendent Electric & Wa ter Department; J. P. Ricks, Ralph Parrish, members Os tlfe (Board of Public Works, and W. S. Privott, Town Attorney. j Councilman Parks gave the I invocation. The minutes of the March | meetings were read and ap‘- proved. 1 I Motion was made by George iA, Byrum, seconded by R. El ton Forehand, and duly carried that the Town of Edrieton adopt a policy for assessment of costs of providing, constructing, and establishing extension of sani tary sewage system and port-' able water system in said Town and that the actual cost of the establishment and construction of such extensions shall be as* sessed upon the lots and parcels .of land in said Town aDuttina I directly on the lateral mains for said extension, according to the extent of the respective frontage thereon, by an equal rate per foot of such frontage, except that when such sewage and water lines are construct ed along both sides of comer lots. l»e Town Council shall eliminate the short side of said cortier lots, but not in excess of Seventy-five (75) feet, from consideration in determining the amount of assessment to be levied, and that the assessment to be levied in connection with such work may be paid in equal installments covering a period riot exceeding the limitation provided by law, and that such resolutions shall designate by general description the improve ment to be made, and the street or streets or parts or part thereof, whereon the work is to be affected, and the cost there of to be assessed upon all abut tirig property, and the terms and manner. of payment, and that such resolutions after its passage shall ’ be published in a newspaper published in the Town of Edenton, or if there is no such newspaper such reso lution be posted in three public places in the Town of Edenton for at least five days, as pro vided by law. The Board of Public Works is hereby au thorized to use this policy in providing, constructing, and es tablishing the extension of sani tary sewer system and portable water system in said Town. Motion was made by C. A. Phillips, seconded by Luther C. Parks, and duly carried that the Clerk be directed to 'begin ad vertising for delinquent real es tate taxes for the year 1960 on May 15th, 1961 and that a tax sale be held on June 12, 1961. Motion was made by J. Ed win Bufflap, seconded by George A. Byrum, and duly carried that a relief of taxes in the amount of $18.20 be grant ed to Mrs. R. W. Hurdle and Mrs. Sarah H. Everett for 1957, 1958, 1959 and 1960 taxes col lected in error. Motion was made by R. El ton Forehand, seconded by C. A. Phillips, and duly carried that the following resolution be adopted: Whereas, certain real proper ty owned by the United States, located in the County of Cho wan, State of North Carolina, has been declared surplus and is subject to disposal for edu cational or public health pur poses by the Secretary of ;Health, Education and Welfare under the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, and rules and - g|| MBh, ■ I Calvert I I RESERVE I ■ ESPECIALLY SELECTED f«OM OuK M V CHOICEST STOCKS ANO lOTTtfO |Y 3 I CALVERT DISTILLING CO. J K ttITIMOOC. MO LOUI-SVItA*. 9 r M MMf • lIfMEI wmutr • IS* tUM.KUItU SMHJ •© tUrttl Ittf. Ct.ML •• ;* ' T*-• r** - J •>.. , J : } >v " ;i v • / ’ regulations promulgated pur suant thereto; and Whereas, the Town of Eden j ton needs said property and can utilize the same for purposes in j accordance with the require . ments of said Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolv ed That The Town of Edenton shall make application to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for and secure the transfer of it of the above mentioned property for use upon and subject to such ex ceptions, reservations, terms, covenants, agreements, condi tions and restrictions as the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, or his authorized representatives, may require in connection with the disposal of said property under, said Act and the rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto; and Be It Further Resolved That John A. Mitchener. Jr., be and he is hereby authorized for and on behalf of the Town of Edenton, to do and perform any and all acts and things which may be necessary to carry out the foregoing resolution, includ ing the preparing, making, and filing of plans, applications, re ports, and other documents the execution, acceptance, delivery, and recordation of agreements, deens, and other instruments pertaining to the transfer of said property, and the payment of any and all sums necessary on account of the purchase price thereof or on account of fees or costs incurred in connection with the transfer of said prop erty for surveys, title searches, appraisals, recordation of in struments, or escrow costs. Motion was made by Luther C. Parks, seconded by George A. Byrum, and duly carried, that the Chowan County Repre sentative of the General Assem bly, the Honorable Albert G. Byrum, be instructed to enact the necessary legislation to stagger the terms of the mem bers of the Town Council and the Board of Public Works and lengthening them to a period of 4 years effective during the 1963 Municipal Election. Motion was made by R. Elton Forehand, seconded by C. A. Phillips and duly carried that the League of Municipalities be informed that the Town of Edenton does not favor the pas sage of SB 126, HB 370, HB 175, and SB 78, now pending before the North Carolina Gen eral Assembly. The Clerk is directed to send letters to Sena tor Eleton Aydlett, Senator Emmett Winslow and Represen tative Albert G. Byrum. [ Motion was made by R. Elton Forehand, seconded by J. Ed win Bufflap, and duly carried promoting Sgt. Leo LaVoie to Assistant Police Chief effective immediately. Motion was made by George A. Byrum, seconded by J. Ed win Bufflap, and duly carried that the following resolution be adopted: Whereas, April 14, 1961, has been designated as Inglis Fletch er Day, and Whereas, the Town of Eden ton is deeply indebted to Mrs. Fletcher for her contributions to this community; Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Town Council of the Town of Edenton expresses its admir ation and appreciation to her both as a novelist and citizen, and Be It Further Resolved, that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the proceedings of the Town Council, and that a copy be presented to Mrs. In glis Fletcher. Motion was made by George A. Byrum. and seconded by Lu ther C. Parks, and duly carried that Electric & Water Depart ment bills in the amount of $12,068.39 be paid. Motion was made by J. Edwin Bufflap, seconded by C. A. Phil- j lips, and duly carried that i Town of Edenton bills in the | amount of $3,389.17 be paid as I follows: I Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., $6.35; Institute of Gov-, ernment, $11.00; R. T. Mills,! $2.15; Public Personnel Associa tion, $4.00; The Karpark Cor-, poration, $33.11; Bennett Broth-' ers, Inc., $23.65; Russell Uni form Co., $87.06; W. D. Holmes Wholesale Grocery Co,, $9.50; Coastland Oil Co., $9.23; Nor folk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., $10.10; Albemarle Motor Co., $34.46; Twiddy Sign Service, $31.00; Hughes-Parker Hardware! Co., 12c; Gulf Oil Corporation, I $51.12; Bunch’s Auto Parts, I $7.46; Esso Standard Oil Co., I $249.99; K. L. Nixon, $8.00; Nor-| folk & Carolina Tel. Co., $21.88; - LEARY BROS. Storage Co. EDENTON. N. C. NOTICE to TAXPAYERS By order of the Town Council, on Monday, May 8, I will advertise for sale for taxes all property on which 1960 taxes and assessments have not been paid, the date of sale being Monday, June 12,1961. Please pay your taxes before May 8, and thus avoid having your property advertised for sale. W. B. GARDNER, Collector TOWN OF EDENTON | , .’-v. Bunch’s Garage, $3.83; Esso Standard Oil Co., $40.43; Albe marle Motor Co., $44.35; Bunch’s Auto Parts, $1.62; Carpenter Manufacturing Co., $12.43; Nor folk Welders Supply, Inc., $8.00; Ricks Laundry & Cleaners, Inc., $6.00; Hughes-Parker Hardware Co., $5.13; Byrum Hardware Co., $1.76; S. A. White, $22.00; Vol unteer Firemen, $135.00; Nor folk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., $9.25; Ashley Welding & Machine Co., $10.81; Esso Standard Oil Co., $109.35; By rum Implement & Truck Co., 29c; Edenton Tractor & Imple ment Co., $25.40; J. D. McCot ter, Inc., $54.76; Ack Ack Ex-1 terminating Co., $15.00; Para-i mount Chemical Co., $20.60; j Parnell-Martin Supply Co.,' $32.00: Elizabeth City Brick C 0.,! $116.20; Bunch’s Garage, $131.73; Byrum Hardware Co., Inc., $3.89; Bunch’s Auto Parts, $58.85; Hughes-Parker Hardware Co., $14.52; Hobbs Implement: Co., $4.95: Bill Perry’s, $39.84; Coastland Oil Co., 913.99; Gulf Oil Products. $32.68; M. G. Brown Co., $5.50; Edenton Auto Parts, $32.14; Greenbrier Farms, $812.50; Byrum Hardware Co., Inc., $57.07; M. G. Brown Co., Inc., $5.70; Paramount Chemi cal Co., $143.61; W. B. Gardner, $35.86; W. E. Mills, $25.00; Celia j D. Spivey, Assistant Clerk, ( $250.00; Treasurer, Edenton, Teenage Club, $150.00; N. C.i ATTENTION!!! Voters Os The Fourth Ward \ lam seeking- re-election as Coun- 1 ( oilman from the Fourth Ward. If elected, I will devote my efforts to the best interest of the ward and the town as a whole. 1 SOLICIT YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT (i (i * I Luther C. Parks j Mr. Farmer: My Handcock Seed Peanut Sheller lias been completely rebuilt and is in first class mechanical condition. WE ARE NOW READY TO START SHELLINC SEED PEANUTS We will have for sale all types of Seed Peanuts at competitive prices. We will serve as local agent for Dixie Fertilizer Company. ❖ You Know The Haiuleoek Sheller You Know There Is None Reiter! LOUIS A. CHAPPELL OPERATOR PHONE HER! FORI) 5821 or 5825 PAGE FIVE SECTION TWO Public Employees Social Securi ty, $40.50; William C. Crum mey, $4.80; James Stillman, $4.50; The International Insti tute of Municipal Clerks, $10.00; The Chowan Herald, $43.00; Mrs. Bertha Bunch, $9.75; Mu nicipal Finance Officers Asso ciation, $15.00; R. Elton Fore hand, $150.00; Mrs. R. W. Hur dle, $18.20. There being no further busi ness, the Board adjourned. W. B. GARDNER, Clerk. lB •— EAN —- I E. L. Pearce SEEDSMAN Phone 383 S Edenton

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