PAGE TWO \ ‘V •' ' * —BECTIOW TWO _ heqs: 4he annuo) Chovian Music Festival was present enl by Cho wan County Home Demonstra tion Club in observance of Na tiohal Hone Demonstration Club Week, in Chowan School auditorium Sunday j afternoon, April 30, at 2:80 o’clock. Each dub was responsible for special music. Mrs. B. P. Mothds, Coun ty Council president, ! gave the welcome. Invocation was by the Rev. Carl Cart, pastor of Ballard’s Bridge Baptist Church. C. W. Overman was congrega tional song leader. 'Karl Har rell served as pianist \ and the Rev. T. W Allred gave Ithe bene diction. A good crowd (attended. Commissioners’ luncheon was held at Advance Monday af ternoon at 1 o’clock. \ Mrs. Dixie L. Nixon is spend ing some time with MrsL Lester Copeland in Ryland. Mrs. Evie Byrum caEed on Mrs. Ella Mae Perry Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Mag Goodwin, Mrs. Deb Leary, Mrs. Bessie Harrell and Mrs. J. F. Perry visited Mrs. Dixie Nixon and Mrs. Bristoe Perry Tuesday afternoon, also Mrs. Lillie Layton. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Bunch spent last week-end at their cottage. Mrs. Irene Bunch and Miss Tom Whitman called on Mrs. Lillie Layton Tuesday afternoon. Ms. and Mrs. Less Layton visited Mrs. Dixie Nixon and Mr. and Mrs. Bristoe Perry on Wednesday. Mrs. Cora Bunch called on Ella Mae Perry Wednes- JiMr. and Mrs. O. C. Long, Jr., attended the funeral of Mrs. iLong’s uncle at Hertford on Tuesday afternoon, j‘Douglas Bunch is on the sick, Sst. / v Glenn Lowe of Roper had the Misfortune to break an arm. i-Mrs. Lillie Saunders spent Sunday with Mrs. Effie Evans. /Miss Barbara Allred of Win g&te College was home over the jveek-end. ] A Bible School planning meet ing was held at Rocky Hock thurch Monday night at 8 •’clock. J The Brotherhood Executive ffcmmittee of Rocky Hock meets kr it h Murray Bass tonight (Thursday). M,The Rocky Hock Church Training Union fish fry will' be held Friday night at 7 o’clock it the community building. 4*Mrs. Hubert Lowe and chil dren and Mrs. Preston Morris and children visited Mrs. Effie Sunday afternoon. 1 Mrs. Annie Leary’s visitors over the week-end were: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Leary of New W Mrs. Wallace Hobbs and children of Sunbury, Trot Leary f* Edenton, Mr. and Mrs. Au i ’ >rey Ralph and girls of Cora t >eake and Mr. and Mrs. Pres « hn Nixon of Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Keeter tnd family are expected to ar ■ ive from Germany soon to visit heir parents before being sta ioned at Texas. J Little Miss Diane Crummey 3j(ad a tonsillectomy on Friday it Chowan Hospital. Master Gene Meadows is a atient in Chowan Hospital. Miss Aletia Meadows had a jnsillectomy this week. Edsel King was home re cently. 1 Zacky Harrell was home for me week-end. idiss Janet Parrish of Wilson Wis,at home over the week-end. J Mr. and Mrs. Marion Cash of j quick action, I v JSSBEL top service Your service cal us gets prompt attention. One of [Am our experienced TV techni cians will be at your -home quickly to get your set kiftg , si‘x l - -•■. :i v -r* Rocky Mount visited Mrs. Mona Hofler over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Delton Bunch of Suffolk visited Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bunch over the week end. 1 Miss Joyce Bunch of Suffolk Vis*** .hfflt jgltindmother recently. i J. B. Hill Os Greenville visit ed his daughter on Sunday. Chowftn Home Demonstration Club will meet on Monday af lemoan, May 8, at 3 o’clock at the dub house. ‘ 0 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Saunders will attend an insurance con vention in Washington, D. C., Thursday through Sunday. Mrs. J. F. Petty is sick. Tommy, Harrell, formerly of Chowan High 4-H Club, won honors at the annual Livestock Show and Sale recently. He received grand champion steer award and second place in showmanship. Tommy’s brother, Bobby Harrell, took third place with .a steer and third place in the showmanship contest. The Harrell brothers are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Harrell of Route 1, Hertford. Bobby also won honors when he scored a winner With a pen of three hogs. Mr. and Mrs. Muriel Evans and Dean of Elizabeth City, visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Evans Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Keeter and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Normn Keeter, Mr. and Mrs. Ro land Evans \and Mrs. Perry on Sunday. Stanford Perry of Suffolk visited his mother Sunday after noon. Foodhandlers School Proves Big Success The three-day school for food handlers of the Pasquotank-Per quimans-Camden-Chowan Health District came to a close Thurs day and was considered a great success. The total attendance for the three days was 511. This figure represented food handlers from restaurants, soda fountains, dairy marts, school cafeterias, colleges, hospitals, nursing homes, licensed practical nurses class and several inter ested persons. The three-day program con sisted of informative lectures concerning the various aspects of food sanitation and food ser vice which were delivered by authorities on these subjects. The fOodhandlers were shown how food, drink and utensils can be contaminated with bac teria ;and then spread disease through failure to observe prop er sanitation practices. Correct methods of washing, rinsing, sanitizing and storage of eating and drinking utensils was stress ed, together with the proper handling of sanitary paper ser vice, safe practices in serving food and personal hygiene. Health Department officials expressed their gratification.with the interest shown by the num ber attending and said such fine cooperation is a definite indi cation that the foodhandlers have the welfare of their cus tomers at heart and are continu ously striving to provide the public with better eating places and service. Let a human being throw the engines of his soul into the mak ing of something, and the in stinct of workmanship will take care of his honesty. —Walter t Lippmann. Two kinds of gratitude: The sudden kind we feel for what we take; the larger kind we feel for what we give. —E. A. Robinson. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, WORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1961. Cross Cut U. S. Choice I \Tisi/tmaflilHMEiMH CiKKK 1 "\ 111 '‘" '.■•ff -l IMI lUffl J 11 * Beef Roast ib. 45c U^^CHoS I^LAD?BONE^ l, a^uS^ l^GßAl?^^S^ ~l WESTERN d i ROA S T....? 3 5 «L U. S. Choice Semi-Boneless fresh lean western "Kihgan’s^Richm^^ RIB * Ground Beef SHced Bsteak79* ll* Ibacon39- KINGAN’S RELIABLE TENDERIZED SMOKED Half or Whole u S Choice Shoulder 12-14 LB. AVERAGE —LB.— L IIAMCW (NO SLICES REMOVED!) >^lßi i FRESH - RESTAURANT STYLE Morton’s Frozen Family Size . 117 . D 1 rv I Sunshine State Frozen Concentrated peach - apple -COCOANUT. } Wing or Back On #l| | Oranap hn'rp PIES | Chicken Legs JQ 3 for ! or Beasts lb. fcy j MGRTON'S - FROZEN | KINGAN’S £ BP‘ ' Parker House 2-doz. cello : DI IDp JW 10-oz. Dulany Frozenf f| / Pkg. f ROLLS ... 29c , * „ W Hanover Salad 10c LUSC whoif WEET GIANT 20-OZ. BOTTLE Ww New Salad or Cooking 4*02. R. SCARLET Pickles Tmuro F [q£, R PEP A E - R ,>ie ,St r\r- Effi79ccan 27c T JS j| c c XU“*b # bag U S B ™^™ ,^"^SFchoicr" OUR OWN - first choice p u n 1/ p oU nd I 18-oz. Bascul RfP BIRD RATION ‘ BISCUITS VESPER TEA ' PEANUT BUTTER case of 24-. Reg. Napkins W ean g c $\ 92 pkg. 24 c I J ar 47 c can nnwTSj ppAiuTC F t atmfI your p & Q guarantees-every day-to SAVE ry* ( A LHJWIN r ItUDLLLLAAL| competitive ■ courteous I '■week-lorg ■ YOU nOfnlllOG ’I A Vie PRICES SERVICE SPECIALS lIIC O N I swift’s Assorted flAVors-PUiife"““"'“'"^^“"TrGALLoN l canton nWMICE MILk-39 0 A/I A V V L.orrßrßH-ORanoRQRGRAPR am >, r ” morrrlls l. meat _ I 1 m k b ’ dfr I »7Q i fl? cq M CTCitv&x w.'S PHONE 2160 m 2160 fl

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