IWBWHT-IBCTIONTWO SOCIAL SECURITY IN ACTION In order to better acquaint tiie people of this area with the disability provisions of the So cial Security Act, Albert L*. Gray has given the Social Se curity Administration permission 1 to use his story in any way that it sees fit. This story is based on personal interviews with Mr. Gray by John T. Grooms, field represen tative with the Social Security Administration, Norfolk, Va. All Social Security records | are highly confidential and can-' not be released or publicized without the consent of the ap plicant. Mr. Gray said that his j disability payments /had meant a great deal to him and that „he would be only too happy to > share his story if it would help some other disabled person be-, come aware of his rights under j the Social Security program. Mr. Gray was employed by the Edenton Cotton Mills as a bobbin hauler from February, 1950, through June, 1959. At that time he had to quit his job; because of high blood pressure j and the accompanying dangers of working around machinery while suffering from an impair ment of this nature. In August 1959, Mr. Gray was able to get a light job with the Diagnostic Lab at Edenton. This, job consisted of helping the veterinarian cut and examine hogs and also performing vari- j ous maintenance duties at the w For more than 35 years “Pyrofax” gas has been bringing cooking and heating comfort and convenience to hundreds of thousands of fam ilies. It’s tops for quality, econ omy and dependability. quality controlled ■OTTL.BO OAS SERVICE For Fast Service Call Harrell Gas & Coal Company South Broad Struct PHONE 3310 Edenton, N. C. SEAGRAM’S V.O. IMPORTED CANADIAN WHISKY |^o9tMp R|?|nce ies»:;i: setpa# I a. AfeLBNO . I Sut **** Mklctu> I ***° MWD»» ' $2.55 I '•'ZSZSZ** / I &aS£E£G&& $5.63 kr Cn. ALBERT L. GRAY lab. On the evening of April 2, 1960, after returning home from a regular day of work at the lab, Mr. Gray suffered a para lytic stroke and has been unable to work since that time. He has, however, made considerable progress in the past year. The stroke paralyzed his left side, and he was confined to his bed or wheelchair for about nine months. Now, after a great deal of effort on his part, he is able to do a limited amount of walk ing with the help of a leg brace and a cane. Mr. Gray knows only too well the value of the brace and cane, but these would be useless without the excellent medical attention which he has received in Edenton, the constant care and encouragement which he has received from his wife, family and friends and, most im portant of all, his own deter mination to walk again and to as possible. This is not the story of a man who is to be pitied. It is the story of a man who paid a part of his earnings into the Social Security Trust Fund during his working days and, upon becom ing disabled, earned the right to receive disability payments. In order to qualify for disa Plagued Day And Nightwithßladder Discomfort? Unwise eating or drinking may be a source of mild, but annoying bladder irritations making you feel restless, tense, and uncomfortable. And if rest less nights, with nagging backache, headache or muscular aches and pains due to over-exertion, strain or emotional upset, are adding to your misery—don’t wait try Doan’s Pillt. Doan’s Pills act 3 ways for speedy relief. I—They have a soothing effect on bladder irritations. 2 A fast pain relieving action on nagging backache, headaches, muscular aches and pains. 8— A wonderfully mild diuretic action thru the kidneys, tending to increase the output of the 15 miles of kidney tubes. So, get the same happy relief millions have enjoyed for over 60 years. New, large economy size saves money. Get Doan’s Pills today ! » Doan s Pills THE CHOWAK HERALP, EDENTON, MOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY 4, IWI, bility payments under the So cial Security Act, a worker must have been disabled for at least six months and, in addi tion, meft the following re quirements:- (1) He must have credit un der social security for at least 20 calendar quarters (approxi mately 5 years of work) out of the 10 year period immediately before he became-disabled. (2) He must be so disabled that, in the words of the law, he is unable to engage in any substantial ~ gainful—activity. —— Mr. Grooms urges all persons who feel that they may meet the disability requirements to contact the Social Security Ad ministration, 220 W. Bramble ton Avenue, Norfolk, Va. If this is not convenient, you are invited to get in touch with a representative from the So cial Security Office who meets in Room 312, Citizens Bank Building, Edenton, beginning at 10:30 A. M., each Thursday. A representative also meets at the Court House, Hertford, on the second Wednesday of each month, beginning at 10:00 A. M., to discuss any questions which you may have concerning re tirement, disability or death benefits under the Social Se curity Program. Sunday School Lesson Continued from Page 7—Section 2 cowardice. Parents can give their children something truly beyond the price of rubies; they can set them such an example, in daily family living, of a pure and Christian life, that the mem ory of it will stay with the youngsters for the rest of their lives, guiding them in times of doubt and fear and temptation. Another guard at the ramparts of our hearts is alertness to the nature of sin. Evil is decep tive. It comes in so many guis es —even that of virtue. The only opening that sin needs for success is flirtation. To guard our hearts, we must be alert to the deceptive nature of sin. That “sociable” drink, that cas ually-lit cigarette, because “ev erybody’s doing it,” that witty remark (at somebody else’ - ex pense) that brings forth a laugh —all go under the guise of vir tue —and can so easily become a habit. And, most important, to guard the heart, we must also keep it j pointed toward the highest. We become what we think, love, and worship. Each of us is, iri a profound sense, the architect of his own destiny, the captain of his soul. This goal is, of course, one reason for attending church regularly. A service of worsitip helps to point our thoughts, af fections, and worship toward the ultimate in truth, goodness, beauty and love everything tnat is represented in God as Muf^d Ss» Ifgm * ont» • rflti • mlco I Taylor Theatre EDEXTON, N. C. I i Wednesday and Thursday, | May 3-4 Michael Forest in "ATLAS" CinemtftScope and Color i j ' ■ | Friday, May 5 Rock-A-Ra.ma Show "GO JOHNNY GO" "ROCK, ROCK, ROCK" ' ————— j Saturday, May 6 DUIBLE r eat mu Hugh Marlowe in "THE LONG ROPE" . Fabian in "HOUND DOG MAN" ■ .■■ ■ 9 Sunday and Monday, May 7-8— Glean Ford and Donald O'Connor in N "CRY FOR HAPPY" Cinemascope and Color # Tuesday hnd Wednesday. | May 8-10— flCoLsLa ADULT KBTAIH M M NT S| Hp reyealed by Jesus Christ. ■Through the habit of regular and devout church attendance each of us may keep his heart pointed toward the highest. Thus we station a guard for the heart- But we need hot wait for Sunday to worship and thank our Lord, and to draw the quiet inner strength that we need for this daily battle of ours, that we call living. An ancient and beautiful institution is the fami ly altar. Out of the twenty-- TOTF hoars —that —fiforf- -fivn ’•?>« to dispose of as we may, surely we can spare ten minutes each day to worship Him? The fami ly altar is a time for hallowed moments that prompt us to re member how much we belong to God as well as to each other; it is a time for us to remember that we have a soul as well as a body. It is an open Bible wisely read, reverently heard, earnest ly heeded. Through the auspices of the family altar, God is giv en a special welcome every day, as the family’s most honored Guest. Our destinies are truly determined by our response to the charge contained in our Memory Selection for today. (These comments cue based on outlines of the Internationa) Sunday School Lessons, copy righted by the International Council of Religious Education and used by permission”. frankly Speaking By Frans Roberta { ~w> Movie Notes: It took three years and 113,760 frames of fin ished film to produce Disney’s “101 Dalmatians.” By the way, if you forgot to count, there was an actual total of 7,000,000 black spots on the animated hounds. Actress Terry Moore is a licensed pilot. Most of the movie, “Sundowners,” was film ed in Nimmitabdl, an Australian town of 700. One of the film ing problems in Fabian’s “Hound Dog Man,” occurred when 8- year-old Dennis Holmes is sup posed to be fishing and pulls in a big one. To make sure ! he did pull it in, a fat trout was placed on the end of hi., line. Cameras rolled, the scene was being shot and young Holmes pulled in his line, but j the previously attached fish I still made his get-away. Glenn j Ford was reduced in rank for his role in ‘lCry for Happy.” He j portrays an enlisted man in the navy. Prior to that role he’d i been an officer in “Teahouse of the August Moon,” and in “Don’t Go Near the Water”. Michael Wilding operates an American style ice cream parlor in Lon- bl# X Picks up dirt and lint faster because a Two piece handle, remove one J II section for buffing table tops, x !Sl ~ *-. counters, and cars. __ j large motor gives #533.95 all the power needed llj . and then some. 11l , Magic switch . 11l turns on only j llt when Polisher Combination / In is in splash.guard J j if operating and wrap / JJJ . position, around J 111 / VV\ v *" - |A C-U __Je. rwlf paas lof for adding highgloss. ' Do-all brushes wcuc, polish, evert scrub. * don. Other Notes: The New York Times has a section devoted to North Carolina in their Sunday international edition. This is the Centennial* - Year for the Civil War and it’s also the year of the trial of Adolf Eichmann. These facts led historians to come up with some facts about Civil War contributions by the Jews. There was Dr. Isadora Zachaire, a foot specialist, Who treated "President Lincoln and many members of the Union 'Army The South had the na tion’s outstanding” Jew. He war Judah P. Benjamin, a U. S. Sen ator from Louisiana who was al so attorney general, secretary of war and finally secretary of sta(e for the Confederacy. After the-war he escaped to England and became a Queen’s counsel. Finally,. there was the President of B’Nai B’rith who went into hiding following the Civil War. He had the misfortune to look exactly like John Wilkes Booth. In case you missed these adver tisements here is a repeat. One is from Business Week maga gine and is an advertisement for the American Electric Power Company for their book entitled: “Business Equivalent to the Re duction in Federal Income Tax es Resulting from Accelerated Amortization and Liberalized Depreciation, Which is Recorded as Earned Surplus Restricted for Future Federal Income Taxes in Accounts Maintained Pursuant to State Regulatory Require ments.” Seems like the title might be longer than the book. The other advertisement appear- j ed in New Yorker magazine. It Was for a 1680 Meetinghouse - \ r A HAPPY COOK 1 IS MRS. PLOVER, i Since wk ; FAST-WORKING GAS TOOK OVER. 7 i I — ( with a .2-story living room. It was Colonial-style and had many fireplaces. It had four master bedrooms, ample servants quarters, 240 acres of woods and fields, including a brook, su perintendent's ’ house, garage, barn wittr 2“ box stalls. The ask ing price was a mere SIOO,OOO. Closing Thought: Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err. Today’s Homemaker Very Much Different This week, about 1-1/3 milljon women coast-to-coast are partici pating through some 63,000 or ganized clubs in observing Na tional Home Demonstration Club Week. There are 57,320 white and Negro Home Demonstration Club women in North Carolina. They are observing the week through local county events. More than 7 million other wo men in the nation are enrolled in special interest workshops, at tend series of meetings, enter in to discussions, watch demonstra tions, read bulletins, and hear extension radio programs. Miss Ruth Current, assistant director for the N. C. Agricul tural Extension Service, says "Whatever their method, they strive to become better mana* gers, to handle their resources of time, money, and energy more wisely”. In the organized groups, the volunteer leaders help plan and carry on the home demonstration At Your Service! voft nerd additional Stanley merchandise— — OR YOU MAY want to arrange for a Stanley party— v Whatever it is, won’t you contact one of these dealers? . . . we will respond immediately! Jennie Ruth Peele Route 1, Edenton, N. C. PHONE 3023 Clara Peele Route t, .Edenton, N. C. PHONE 3025 gr Mf* JMMBgIffIMP >j|X !oß^r w, f M, "*^ -, T , T , i 1 11., _ • ■. Jfpv 4 f|%>, Bl’- - % _'M- ’S-’T |9 W9-' ffrjfP»r» ~ __ I ■" IF*. HM; J **SEmeM»«f' % . c~“~ - ■&,%.,?.*- ailSisaill I iMMBgSSESFHF'i Y f i f .■_-3 ■^fPfw»i44-r»Ww '\ -'“N/ H Blafe Pgjjbfrt, t i. voe 1 .-'-L fay-rrm*, < l^#'^ t lC*<S«k. jH ® I x x t 1 i - •'• Rpgji I r i”J®H'Ti"HB Iwil % ‘ fi#' ■ Tods ’ eirf tbeT frt / **-. V.‘ - , .-. -sea-,-•. ' A; ••*''’^-I**• 1 **• A-• .k'A l s--: ;-...|SV f!s::• r ftp R B [program. They are the “teach j ers” named by homemakers themselves frdm their own ranks. All are trained ahd as sisted by homh demonstration agents. Home Demonstration agents, I besides their work with groups, assist many other homemakers through workshops, visits, dem- Attention! Peanut Growers We Have Rebuilt Our * Seed Peanut Sheller! ... it is now in perfect condition and we are ready to shell your peanuts. REMEMBER: AN EXPERIENCED OPERATOR CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! OUR PLANT IS LOCATED ON NORTH BROAD STREET hv FRONT OF GEQRGE CIIEVROLETtCO. We Also Have Seed Peanuts For Sale. t*’ » , . —e LEARY BROS. Storage Company ' (formerly Satterfield & Leary) PHONE 2141 -;- EDENTON qnstcations, tours, and public# i titans. • / Intangible Assets ' “Hallo, Tom, off for.a vaca>>-J tion?” ’ “No, I’ve just come ty»ck.” “Feel any change?” “Not a blamed cent.”

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