45&AR0UND THE FARMS lEspflN aiOWAN COUNTY By C. W. OVERMAN. Chowan Countv Agent Ll o . _ n. -- ■-- »" - —-■» ~ - -. ■ i J Cotton Variety Test Demon stration Planted: A cotton varie ty test demonstration was plant ed with B. "W. Evans .and Ed » ward Goodwin on the Turkey ' Neck Farm* in Green Hall on V Monday. The purpose of this ’ demonstration is to enable cot -1 fton growers to observe perform : ance of these varieties and also 1 to make definite checks on their , performance in Chowan County. I The 14 different varieties used are as follows: Cqker 137, Cok er 100A, Empire, Auburn 56, ■ Dixie King, DP and L, Rex, } DeKalb 108, DeKalb 108-1, De ' Kalb 108-3, DeKalb 108-4, De- Kalb 108-5, and DeKalb 220. The demonstration is located ; along the Green Hail Road in ; the two fields nearest thfe Pol lock Swamp Bridge. 'Mr. Evans • and Mr. Goodwin have agreed ■ to strive for the highest yield [ >er acre possible on these two fields. Our goal is two bales ' per acre. We are attempting to 1 i employ all of the improved cot ton practices needed in making! i the highest yield and quality. i An Excellent County Music Festival: Approximately 200 peo ple participated in the County Jdusjc j Festival sponsored by .Chowan County Home Demon ■Jtration Clubs and held at Cho wan High School auditorium last Snday afternoon. From the nments made, this was one cf We most enjoyable occasions of sss kind. ir Special musical numbers fea tured solos, duets, quartets, sex tets, choirs and congregational gnging. I thought each of the dtnbers was very well perform and there appeared to be &ch an excellent spirit prevail ing. I was particularly impress ed with the participation in the .congregational singing and such partlcipaton makes it a real picture for the accompanist and the leader. Home Demonstration Club Luncheon For County Commis sioners: The Chowan County Home Demonstration Clubs en tertained the County Commis sioners and other coUhty offi cials at a most delicious lunch eon and enjoyable occasion at the Advance Comtmhri't'y Build ing, Monday •at noon. The Home bemonstration County Council presented a resume of the highlights of. Home Demon stration Club activities during 1960. The meal was a most de licious and bountiful one which I enjoyed to the fullest - because I missed my breakfast that morning. Kate Boyce, sitting be side me, remarked that I should be caught up on both breakfast and lunch by the time I finished my meal. Area Development Meeting: An area development meeting in volving the ten counties of the Albemarle area is being held on Tuesday, May 2. .-As of this writing, I have no information to give but will try to inform you in this column next week. The purpose of areadevelop D.A.I.LjY' LUNCHEON SPECIALS Bp MM IT ■J’ , 75c and 95c f M%, ML ML L SUNDAY w p. Try Something New In w £ IJO 17 f |f*lllC A Dining Pleasure | *J Ul ° C COI.ONL«:S BUFFET PLATE $1.50 TW ' Regular Sunday .Specials m T 4 v T iNASSAU COMPETITIVE PRICES J-J £OULD BE YOU mUCIOU&FOOD " RESTFUL, ATMOSPHERE IVTACJC ATT h INFORMAL HOSPITALITY GOING TO NASSAU if m .^!Z VS FOR CH ' WREX -v COMPLIMENTS OF ti/I uo/L COLONIAL MOTOR COURT [ AND RESTAURANT highway 17 North At City Limits Os Edenton, North Carolina Mi i f l ' •" *" • v -' y*’ i ) * r *i" - * t : fTn*' * 1 r ' ~.' .: ■ * ment means developing a given area as far as possible toward its potentials. This means de velopment in industry, business, agriculture, travel, community life, family income and many other items that we might men tion. It is a method being used! by many argas for development I of life in the communities and | in the area. If the Albemarle I area decides to organize, I trust that every person in Chowan County will do his part in par ticipating and helping to make the venture a success. Fish Hatchery Is Up For Sale; I The Government owned Eden; | ton National Fish Hatchery is] being offered for sale to the j public. The property, consisting of' 24.15 acres of land and improve ments, is located on U. S. High way No. 17, approximately one and one-half miles west on the main business district of Eden ton. It. fronts on Pembroke Creek where it empties into Al bemarle Sound. There are two concrete ponds, drain and utili ty lines and eleven earthen ponds on the property. The improvements include a 2-story, 8-room frame dwelling, yrith half bath on first floor and full bath on second floor; 1-story frame 4-room dwelling, with bath; 1-story frame, 5-room dwelling, with bath; 3 garages; a laundry house and pump house. Bids will be opened in Room j 146 Cat 50 Seventh Street, N. E., Atlanta, Georgia, at 10:30 A. M.. EST, June 6, 1961. Forms I on which bids must be made, j terms and conditions of sale! which include deferred payments j for purchaser obtaining credit | approval, and additional infor mation about the sale are avail-1 able from General Services Ad- j ministration at that address. i J. Presson Named To Nutrena Sales Post Jake T. Presson, former state feed sales representatives, has been named to the North Caro lina staff of Nutrena Feeds, ac cordin gto T. L. Mitchell, dis trict sales manager at Wilson. Presson will headquarter in Edenton, and will service Nu trena production and feeding programs to farmers and poul trymen in northeastern North Carolina, Mitchell said. Presson is a native of Monroe, N. C., and attended Furman Uni versity. He is a member of the Masonic Lodge and is a Sljriner. RED MEN MEETING 'Chowan Tribe No. 12, Im proved Order *of Red Men, will meet Monday night, May 8, at 8 o’clock. Bill Harris, sachem, urges a large attendance. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. MAY «, 1361. Chowan Likely To Lose Blood Bank Continued from Page 1, Section 1 tfie blood bank. It was report ed that. there is another blood bank available where blood could-be secured for 325 a pint. However, in an interview with Dr. Frank Wood he stated that it would be disastrous to lose the Red Cross blood bank, for a majority of the persons who re l ceive the blood are not in a : position to pay this extra j charge. He said that there would be operations he could not perform without the blood. He cited a case where recently be performed an operation and it was necessary to give the pa tient three pints of blood. Since this patient was not able to pay all of her medical expenses now he did not know where she could get an additional $75 for the blood. 1 The local hospital uses 300 to 400 pints of blood a year or at $25 a pint this would cost from $7,500 to SIO,OOO a year for the blood from a commercial blood j bank. In addition to this the! Red Cross Spent $2,512 in Chu- i wan County last year in relief | after Hurricane Donna. “It is, 1 therefore, felt that we are get- i ting our money’s worth out of the Red Cross -when the quota is only $1,865,” says Mr. Shack elford. j “Your additional contribution] is urgently needed. It may be mailed to Chowan County Red | Cross,’ Edenton, N. C., or left 1 with Mrs. Irene Dunbar, this, year’s treasurer.” Mr. Shackelford appeared be-! fore the County Commissioners Monday morning to ascertain if financial help could not come from the county. He explained that if blood was not available through the blood bank, the County would be required to pay for thb blood used in trans fusions for many patients, which would amount to far more than the S4OO lacking to maintain the blood bank. Mr. Shackelford stated that of the $1,300 raised, only $l5O was collected in rural Chowan Coun- I ty, the remainder being secured in Edenton. Mr. Shackelford was request ed to contact pastors of all churches in the county with the request that they appeal to their I congregations in an effort to j raise what is lacking to con j tinue the blood bank. It is THANK YOU, VOTERS I take this opportunity to thank you all for the confidence that you have shown in me by your vote and support in Tuesday’s election. I pledge to perform this job to the best of my ability. Jesse L. Harrell thought that if seriousness of the situation is brought before people in the county, they will be willing to make contribu tions. b ■ - - - ■ [Time calendar] v ~ » Continued from Page 1. Section 1 High School and Chowan High School. Revival services will be held 'at the Center Hill Methodist * Church the week of May 7-12, with services each night at 8 ! o'clock. A general membership meet ing of the Chowan County Farm Bureau will be held at the Oak Grove Community Building on Tuesday night. May 9. at 7 o'clock. Cross Roads-Center Hill Fire Department will observe open house Saturday, May 20, when the new truck will be on dis play. Chowan High School Parent- Teacher Association will meet Monday night. May 8, at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium. The American Legion Auxili ary will meet tonight (Thurs- 1 day) at 8 o'clock at the home j of Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt. Methodist Men's Club will serve a pick’ed herring and her ring roe breakfast at the church Saturday morning. May 6, from 7 to 9 A. M. Edenton's spring fishing con test is now in progress and will continue through June 17th. The Edenton Negro High School Band will present its an nual spring concert in the school gymtorium Sunday afternoon. May 7, at 3:30 o'clock. Edenton Rotarians will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock in the Parish House. Chowan Tribe ot Red Men will meet Monday night at 8 o'clock. William H. Coffield Jr. Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. A dance will be held at the VFW post home Saturday night, March 25, beginning at 9 o'clock. VISITING PREACHER I r _________ * The pastor of the Sweet Hope ! Free Will Baptist Church at i Greenville, will preach at ] Kadcsh A.M.E. Zion Church j Sunday afternoon. May 7, at 3 o'clock. He will be accompanied iby the junior choir, ushers and congregation.-' ~ - Chowan Club Members Joining In Home Demonstration Week Two hundred fifty Home Dem onstration Club members from Chowan County are observing the 16th National Home Dem onstration Week, April 30th through May 6th. Nearly 8 1 '■> million women, in all 50 states and Puerto Rico, now use home economics extension services of one kind or another to help solve their home and family liv ing problems. Some of these women live on farms some in town and cities. All are try ing to manage their homes more efficiently and have healthier, happier families. Home Demonstration work is an adult educational program in better homemaking. Through its “show how” and “tell how” methods, women learn to apply the latest findings developed by home economics research. For these “students” no school bells ring, no report cards are issued, no studies ,are required, and no classrooms assigned. Instead “pu pils” plan their own courses, and choose their own “teachers.” The program—planned by and for homemakers—is conducted cooperatively by the Extension MotllffS Pm | laee and embroidery run / JL rampant over Rogers [ I | 1 IjP young and becoming / \ s »» vl»V" Iffy night dress. In nylon tri- ■' j j j. , ) . V | zaazsii /- ■*/ i. 'ji ' at sheer on bodice Iron! ’ 1 V and back. Lovely lace . • J W t frames the shoulders ■> j ] , , 9 completely... and I | White. Petal Pink. Sparkling j Champagne. Capri Blue, / I / . J Red Pepper. . ’i '/ i MfflW If' j* #IBO9O. tbw 32 to 40 of . every it a x WAXTS BETTY ‘ HIS WOMAN ON A PEDESTAL /’V ~ M \ » , / / \ '" M \ | j . \ \ The Prettiest Slips fi ll\ r How Mother's eyes will sparkle 1 |s ; - when she opens the gilt box and m \ V V sees one of these lovely slips. And SS * 1 V-pitS-' for all their look of luxury, the % ‘ltrA "t prices are modest, so why not give vjL her two ... or even three? Hand Bag’s C Bmk Many, many handsome styles to -.sR sgbk. \ Li choose from. Shapes and sizes |im Ajfc wp • of every description .. . Leath- •• # .. ers. Straws. Failles, Patents, Un- | A, If der-Glass and Alumesh. Black, | S OHMfv Necklaces, Bibs, Pins, Bracelets ill pi m , Q ,, and Earrings in a wonderful S - uIUVcs - I\,yH)llS HpKwjn lection .. . Stone-set Jewelry, TT 1 n Cjh Pearls, Crystal combinations ... UniOl'GliaS mmUP gold and silver metal styles. * K • V *’* • - ' 'j- Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the State land grant colleges, and coqnty gov- | ernmsnts. The aims of National Home! Demonstration Week are: More' people informed of the unique | contribution of the total Exten- j sion Service to economic and | social development in this coun- j try. More homemakers and ] more of the general public ac- j quainted with home economics | reseai'ch and extension educa- j tional programs conducted by the U. S. Department of Agri-| culture and State land-grant I . ' colleges. More women learning j and using research findings re- j lated to the. home: and family, I and knowing how to contact the ] home demonstration agent for | extension educational assistance. : State and county officials, and] other civic and community lead- j ers, alerted to adjustments be- ( ing made in the home demon- | stration program to meet the I needs of modern-day living. Ad-j ditional specific opportunities fori recognition of, and further par- | tieipation by, nearly 733,000 I volunteer home demonstration | leaders. i Public Hearing Call ed May 1( To Consider School T 6ond Issm Chowan County Commission-1 ers are proceeding with the pre | liminary work of holding a bond I election for improvements to schools in the county. County Attorney John Shack elford early this week received information from Reed, Hoyt, Washburn and McCarthy, bond brokers of New York, relative to calling for a public hearing on the matter. This public hearing has been set for Tuesday, May 16, at 9 o’clock at the Court House, when any objections to a bond elec tion may be registered. THANK YOfl. VOTERS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreci ation to all those who voted and supported me in mv candidacy for a on the Board - of Public Works in Tuesday’s municipal election . . . This confidence placed in me j will always be appreciated. Joe Conger, Jr. —SECTION ON« PAGE THREE Scho.ol improvements are schedul sd to be made at the John A . Holmes High School and. Chowan High School. The im prove: c.ents are estimated to cost in the ( neighborhood of $289,000. Os this amount, $201,000 will ce earm a rked for improvements at the Jiohn A. Holmes High School and • SBB,OOO at Chowan High Schi j 01. F c.Rowing the public hearing ap’hl ication will be made to the Lc*nl Government Commission to t hold the election. TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED

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