OUTDOOR TIPS • ' .■>. «paint, Now the stools will attract ducks as well at people. ntn How 1 ; many running deer have you'shbt at and missed? ~'Next Savings Emerging As Woridwitte Force Toward Economic Progress Against a background of booming industrial' production and rising prosperity - and liv ing standards in recent years, personal savings have been emerging as a powerful factor in economic progress ’in -princi pal countries of the democratic world, as has long been tfoe case in the United-States. The revival of savings Slid the extent of their growth, in', vari ous countries in the relatively short period after the destruc tive effect of World War 11, have been noted by the, Bank for International Settlements in its annual reports iiilWVti last * few years on worldwide eco nomic trends and devourments. It is particularly apparent in the ’ figures on life insurance and‘its expansion in ofte‘'coun-' try after another during last decade, as presented in statis tics gathered by the Internation al Monetary Fund add ,in ,‘other data' from individual xqyptries. Thrift Urge Universal These figures shotfsifVhfti life insurance ownership and. assets of life insurance companies have been showing a substantially bigger rate of growth,in a num ber of countries in , the , demo cratic world during the Fifties than has occurred in the Unit ed States. However,. itr must be recognized that life insurance in the United States'*want into the Fifties with a substantially broader ownership and, .bigger base than elsewhere, especially as compared with the nations that bore the brunt of What stands out from these trends in life insurance .app oth er savings is the universality of the ' thrift urge, and the desire of all people everywhereto, pro vide ,for the future on their own to the extent that they are able,! once the indispensable iejement! of confidence is present'.'''’ Os particular interest in the Seagrams h dt&Tl IH ;i Jrl~Y 2 wy< J%t? ML Crouin HHP Qw * > seaotatu s _ ft svttxi£ Cwm g __ v Was nvtr AMERICAN -O'*! »f- -V • ‘ i? mendcd whimct gßjj *||s ' time you see one speeding across an open field, hold your fire. When the deer gets to the edge he will pause just before enter ing the cover. Then your shot will be at a standing target—no excuse for a miss. BOATING If you’re not much at splicing rope you probably tie a knot in the end to keep it from unravel ing. Here’s a better way. Twist the end of the rope % open and fill with any contact cement. Twist it back into shape and dip the tip in the cement, about a half-inch or so. After it has dried the tip will remain pliable and won’t unravel. SPORTING DOGS If your dog' objects to eating his dog food dry trythis. Add one or two tablespoons of cod liver oil and mix it in. Watch Rover lap it up. Some dogs object to being penned up and are constantly digging out from under. This trick should stop them and put an end to the bad habit. Burv same rocks about! three inches below the surface running along the edge of the fence. If he still gets out, - then he deserves his •freedom. (Try for a SSO prize. Send your tip to A.A. Contest, Sports Afield, 959 Bth Ave., New York, 19, N. Y.). comparative life insurance growth trends are the very high rates of expansion in Japan and | Germany. In Japan, for ex ample, life insurance in force i expanded eightfold between ! 1951 and 1959, while assets of Japanese life insurance compan ' ies grew almost tenfold in the [ period. Growth Trends Compared _ln Germany, life insurance in force tripled during the last decade while the assets of the German life companies practi cally quadrupled. These trends take on added significance since Germany and Japan paced thg Free World’s economic growth performance in recent years and have also shown unusually high rates of investment as compared with other countries. The Netherlands, Sweden, ! Australia, and Canada, of the countries for which statistics are available, also show higher life insurance growth rates than the United States, where total life insurance in force in legal rserve companies more than doubled in the period be tween 1951 and 1959, while combined assets grew by two thirds. A uniform pattern with re spect to broad investment trends mirrored in the distribution of life insurance assets between the Government and private sectors of the economy is ap parent in the figures in vari ous countries. In virtually all cases studied there has been a marked growth in the' propor tion of assets invested in the private economy and a substan tially smaller proportion in the public area. In Germany, for example, life company assets in vested in the Government ser-> tor_dropped from 62 per cent to 28 per cent between 1951 and 1959. Similar trends, though of smaller magnitudes, THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAT 11, MM. are found in Sweden, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Investment Contrasts However, specific with respect •ty investments in the private economy show some 'marked differences. In the united States, for example, the predominant flow of policyhold ers’ funds is into bonds issued to meet the capital tnd invest ment needs of business and in dustry, and into mortgages, pri marily on residential housing. Investments in stocks are a very small proportion of combined assets currently adding up to only 4 per cent. Sweden and Canada show a pattern quite similar to that of the United States, though' the proportions vary somewhat. By contrast, British and Japanese life companies invest a relative ly large share of their assets in stocks, around a quarter in, fact, and smaller proportions in bonds and mortgages. Lejral iNotices NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE heal estate Unuer and by virtue of au thority conferred by that certain ueea of 'trust executed by Joe J. boggard and wife, Mary W. Hoggaro, dated the 29th day ot iNovemoer, 19M, and recorded in Book oi, page *»bs, in tne ot fice of tne rtegiSter of Deeds of Chowan County, North Carolina, deiault naving Deen made in the payment of the indebtedness thereoy secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will of fer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door of Cho wan County in Edenton, North Carolina, at 11:00 o’clock A. M., on the 7th of June, 1961, the property conveyed in said deed of trust and more particu larly described as follows: Situate in Second Township, -Chowan County, North Carolina, and known as the Dillard tract, containing five (5) acres, more or less, and formerly owned -by Maggie Robinson; and being the same trace on which the said Joe J. Hoggard and wife now live and which was conveyed to the said Joe J. Hoggard by Herbert Leary, ‘ Mortgagee, by deed duly recorded in Chowan County in Book of Deeds No. 8, page 443, said deed and those instruments mentioned' therein! being hereby referred to and made part hereof for further description and chain of title. Ten (10%) percent of the high bid received will be required of the successful bidder at time of sale. Sale will be made subject to payment of taxes due Chowan County for the year 1961 by the purchaser. Dated and posted this sth day of May, 1961. W. S. PRIVOTT, Trustee, Mayll,lß,2s,Junl NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Admini stratrix of the estate of Elijah B. Boyce, deceased, late of Cho wan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav MR. FARMER! SEE US TODAY FOR YOUR Fertilizer s Spraying Needs WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF I FARMALL FERTILIZER ATTACTMENTS JOHN BLUE FERTILIZER ATTACHMENT JOHN BLUE DUSTERS Broyhill Chemical Sprayers \ \ See Us Now For All Your Needs 1 • > A.. , .. t • Byrum Implement & Truck Co. ■ Dnlk , i Franchise No. 1560 PHone 2151 Edenton, N. C. ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Edenton. worth Carolina, on or before the i 27th day of April, 1962, or this; jo jeq u; papea[d aq aoijou ! ! their recovery. Al! persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This April 27, 1961. PEOPLES BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Administrator of the Est. of Elijah B. Bovce. Apr27,May4,11,18,25,Jul NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Execu trix of the Estate of Gurnie C. Hobbs, deceased, late of Cho way County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of| said deceased to exhibit them to 'the undersigned at Edenton, North Carolina, on or before the 13th day of April, 1962, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. i This April 8, 1961. HATTIE H. HOBBS, Executrix of Estate of Gurnie C. Hobbs. Apr13,20,27,May4,l I,lßc EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Ernest W. Leary, deceased, late of Chowan Coun- i ty. North Carolina, this is to no-| tify all persons having claims against the estate of said de- j ceased, to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. i This 6th day of April, 1961. MYRTLE R. LEARY, Executrix of Ernest W. Leary Estate. Apr6,13,20,27,May4,11c ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE j Having qualified as Adminis- 1 tratrix of the estate of Minnie | Moore Rountree, deceased, late, of Chowan County, North Caro-i lina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the' estate of said deceased to pre-1 sent them to the undersigned j within one year from date ofj this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 20th day of April, 1961. MINNIE BELLE ROUNTREE, Administratrix of Minnie Moore Rountree. Apr20,27,May4,11,18,25c NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL OF BONDS. NOTICE is hereby given of in tention of the undersigned to file application with the Local Government Commission. Ra leigh, N. C., for its approval of the issuance of the following proposed bonds of the County of Chowan, North Carolina, which jbonds shall be subject to approval of the voters of said County at an election: $289,000 of bonds to finance the cost of reconstructing, enlarging and al tering an existing building used > for the Chowan County High School and reconstructing, en larging and altering an existing building used for the Edenton High School, including the in stallation of proper drainage fa cilities and covered walkways, and the erection of an addition :to the building used for the John A. Holmes High School. This notice was first publish ed on the 4th day of May, 1961. Any citizen or taxpayer object ing to' the issuance of all or, any of said bonds may file with the Local Government Commis sion a verified statement set ting forth his objections as pro vided in Section 159-7-1 of the General Statutes of North Caro- I lina, in which event he shall also file a copy of such state ment with the undersigned, at any time within ten days from and after such first publication. A copy of this notice must be ' attached to the statement so filed. Objections set forth in said statement shall be for con sideration by said Commission in its determination of whether or not it may hold a public hearing as provided by law on the matter of issuance of said bonds. BOARD OF commissioners of THE COUNTY OF * CHOWAN, N. C. By Bertha B. Bunch. May4,ll BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING , THE ISSUANCE OF $289,000 SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF CHOWAN. WHEREAS, the Chowan Coun ty Board of Education and the Edenton City Board of Educa tion have determined that the existing school plant facilities in their respective units are not ! adequate for the mantenance of public schools, and each of said Boards has determined that the additional school plant facilities to be constructed in its respec tive unit as hereinafter set forth ' are necessary to enable the j County of Chowan, as an ad ministrative agency of the pub- I lie school system of the State ,of North Carolina, to maintain j public schools in such unit, and ; has requested the Board of Com missioners to provide the re- I spective sum herein authorized !to be expended for such addi i tional school plant facilities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Chowan as follows: Section 1. The Board of Com missioners of the County of Cho wan has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary to reconstruct, enlarge and alter the existing building used for the Chowan County High School, in order to enable the County of Chowan, as an administrative agency of the public school sys tem of the State of North Caro lina, to maintain public schools in Chowan County Administra tive Unit for the school term prescribed by law, and that it will be necessary to expend for such purposes not less than SBB,- 000 in addition to other moneys which have been made available therefor. SBB,OOO raised by the issuance of the bonds authorized by this bond order shall be used to finance the cost of providing said school facilities. Section 2. The Board of Com -missioners of the County of Cho wan has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary to reconstruct, enlarge and alter the existing building used the Edenton High School, and to in- j stall proper drainage facilities I anu covered walKways, and to, erect an addition to tne build ing used for the John A. Holmes High School, in order to enable ■tne County of Chowan, as an administrative agency of the public school system of the state of North Carolina, to maintain public schools in Eden ton City Administrative Unit for the school term preserbed by law, and that it will be neces sary to expend for such purposes not less than $201,000 in addition to other moneys which have been made available therefor. $201,000 raised by the issuance of the bonds authorized by this bond order shall be used to fi nance the cost of providing said school facilities. Section 3. In order to raise the money required to finance rhe cost of reconstructing, en larging and altering said exist ing building used for the Cho wan County High School and reconstructing, enlarging and al tering said existing building used for the Edenton High school, including the installation of proper drainage facilities and covered walkways, and the erec tion of said addition to the building used for the John A. Holmes High School, bonds of the County of Chowan are here by authorized and shall be issued pursuant to The County Finance Act of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate princi pal amount of bonds authorized by this bond order shall be Two Hundred and v ighty-nine Thous and Do , 'irs ($289,000). 'lection 4. A tax sunicient to pay the principal of and interest an said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 5. A statement of the County debt of the County of Chowan has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of Com missioners of said County and is .open to public inspection. Section 6. This bond order shall take effect when approv ed by the voters of the County at an election as provided in said Act. The roregoing Dona order has been introduced and a sworn statement has been filed under the County Finance Act, show ing the assessed valuation of the County to be $21,046,692.00, and; 0 /fife Mothers Dau Xtf islWatilkp V Remember Mother—she never forgets j ’if* - JEjJP -gifts galore throughout the store mm KITCHEN sis , Tfl clock PORTABLE WgmglM MIXER lama Pil wM 3* J Portable ji'rn : Beautiful gleaming white finish mixer with two beaters and jpuLia drink mixer with detachable cord set. Knife sharpener at il L tachment is available. both for $19.95 BELK-TYLER’S . . . YOUR MOTHER'S DAY STORE EDENTON the net debt for school purposes, l including the proposed bonds, 1 to be $547,080.00. A tax will 1 be levied for the payment of the | proposed bonds and interest, if the same shall be issued. Any I citizen or taxpayer may protest i against the issuance of such ! bonds at a meeting of the Board of Commissioners to be held at the regular meeting place of said Board in the County Court House in Edenton, North Caro lina, at 9 o’clock A. M., on the [ 16th day of May, 1961, or an adjournment thereof. I BERTHA B. BUNCH, Clerk of Board of Commissioners of . Chowan County. May4,ll North Carolina. Chowan County. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the oower of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by Sherman Spruill and wife, Alma W. Spruill to Marvin Wil son, Trustee dated the 9th day of April, 1949 and recorded in Book 59, Page 290, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cho wan County and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned as substi tuted Trustee by instrument of writing dated March 21, 1961, and recorded in Book 16, Page 49 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County; and whereas the undersigned acting as substituted Trustee foreclosed and offered for sale the land hereinafter described, and where as within the time allowed by aw an advanced bid was filed with the Clerk of the Superior 1 Court and an order issued di ; recting the substituted Trustee to resell said land upon an open ing bid of One Thousand Four Hundred Twenty-Five and 50/100 ($1425.50) Dollars. Now Therefore, under and by 1 virtue of said order of the Clerk |°f the Superior Court of Cho - wan County, and the power of sale contained in said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale upon said (opening bid at public auction to ; the highest bidder for cash at ! the door of the Chowan County Courthouse at 11:30 A. M„ on |,lhe 15th day of May the follow- I ing described property, the same I being in the Town of Edenton. nrt PAGE FIVE Chowan County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at Bodwell Paling’s line on Albemarle Street, thence running southwardly 65 feet; thence westwardly 3v feet to John Scott’s line; thence north wardly with said John Scott’s line 105 feet to Albemarle Street; thence eastwardly 33 feet to the place of beginning and being the same property conveyed to Sher man Spruiil by William S. El liott and wife. This 27th day of April, 1961. JOHN W. GRAHAM, Substituted Trustee. May4,11.18.25c North Carolina, Chowan County. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Samuel L. Cooper and wife, Claudia Cooper, dated the 17th day of September, 1959, and re corded in Book 75, at Page 457- 458, default having been made in payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will of fer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Eden ton North Carolina, at noon, on the 19th day of May, 1961, the property described in said deed of trust, the same being in First Township, Chowan Coun ty, North Carolina, and particu larly described as follows: That piece of land lying on Cowpen Neck Road, beginning on said road at a pine line tree between James Bond and Betsy Bond’s heirs, thence North 12V2 deg. East 70 yards to an oak stake, then about a West course oarallel with Cowpen Neck Road 35 yards, thence South 12'% deg. West 70 yards, thence Eastwardly along Cowpen Neck Road 35 yards to the beginning, containing about one-half ((4) acre, more or less. But this sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes and special as sessments, if any. This the 17th day of April, 1961. FRANK Mr WOOTEN. JR. Trustee. Apr27.May4.11,18