KNOW VIHIR SOCIAL SECIffIITV John T. Grooms, representative of the Social Security Administration, is in Edenion every Thursday at the North Carolina Employment Security Commission office is the Citizens Bank Building. Five full years of work cov ered by social security is enough to qualify a severely dis abled worker for cash disability benefits, Mr. John T. Grooms, Field Representative of the lo cal social security office, re minded workers and their fami lies. The five years of work must be earned in the ten-year pe riod just preceding the onset of the disability, and the disa bility itself must be of at least six months duration and of suf ficient severity that the insured worker is unable to do any kind of substantial work. Until September of 1960, no disability benefits could be paid to the disabled worker before jhis fiftieth birthday, but with ‘■the enactment of the 1960 Amendments this age limit has keen removed. Disability bene fits for workers under fifty Jjears of age who meet the re quirements can begin with the nkrnth of November. •Before the enactment of the' 1960 amendments, many dis-. abled workers under fifty years j of age had taken advantage of! a provision to “freeze” their so- 1 cial security records to protect! their future benefit rights. These persons will not need to furn- j ish additional evidence of dis- j ability, but do need to file an; application. Most of them have' already received a letter giving l them this information. Mr. Grooms, Field Represents-1 Uve of the Norfolk. Virginia So Schenley Golden Age Gin 94 Proof. *3-%qt. *2-pt Distilled from 100% Grain Neutral Spirits-Schenley DistillecsCo.,N.Y.C. i **+*****.'*m*o* ***o*m* m ■ M . I 'NOW! 3 iLnSa^ectric ' Mjgi REFRIGERATOR \/| IILf L 111 ' l||g|pgg“? V« ********** VII Isl I 11 MR W ,l 6 n - e cu - FT- FRESH FOOD J- ▼JLV/ JL 1-JL-i (pf STORAGE SPACE FOR LARGE •a-v -a-v -a—• V FAMILIES ... IDEAL FOR OWNERI 1.11 I■l MT ¥ U or PREEZIR * rl K ri H hi • 4 CABINET SHEIVES-Two adjuitablß I IIIJLvII IXu • FULL WIDTH FREEZER—2 cu. ft. JL ,JL VJJ k_y M. JL . 1 • STRAISHUME DESIBN-Nteds no do# __ „ —_ __ .. _ -1 —J A clearance at jids 1?A AT\ ZH «•«»••. II I II 111 =F IF ♦Door storage .. . deep shelf for Vi' I' 1 f V f I * * 1 i * milk containers-one shelf adjust ■ V_/ \_/ B J \ V awe for tall bottles \ ® | • Dial defrost convenience /'"'l Tpv A /ITI I1 \ I • 2 Porcelain vegetable drawers SPACE! 1)4 Ci. Ft Ret Starage Veleew ” • A * Quinn Furniture Company OF EDENTON, ENG Phone 2425 “Home of Qualify Furniture*' Edenton, N. C. cial Security Office, urges all ' disabled workers who believe I they are eligible under the new ! law to inquire at the local of fice promptly if they have not already done so. He also points out that disability benefits are not paid in addition to old-age insurance benefits. Once a worker has reached age sixty five, disability benefits can no longer be paid. At that age the person receives old-age insur ance benefits. I Sam Ervin I I says I Washington—History has dealt harshly with our hopes after two Great Wars. For brief pe riods after each of them the American people have engaged in great expectations for an easy and enduring peace. In the days of the 19th Century before America became a world power, we relied on others to keep the peace. We entered World War I with a deep feeling that “this was a war to end all wars.” In his lifetime Wilson saw this slo gan and his dream dashed. In the years after World War II Harry Hopkins said of the Yalta Conference: “We really believ ed in our hearts that this was the dawn of the new day.” We now can see clearly that the day THE CHOWAN HERALD, EPENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. JUNE 22. 1961. of enduring peace has 'not ar rived. A growing national con cern led to a meeting by the Resident with Khrushchev. It was a somber occasion for the leaders of two nations that were formerly allies. It is no secret that the prestige of the United States is at a low ebb follow ing Laos and Cuba. The more lecent breakdown of negotiations over Laos after the Kennedy- Khrushchev meeting shows the almost insurmountable difficul ties of dealing with the Russians. Communist Menace Difficul ties in dealing with Russia have been invariably present since the Communists took power in 1917. They were ever present during our brief alliance with the Sovi ets during World War 11, and they have continued increasing ly since World War 11. Our recent defeat in Cuba and the frustrations we have suffered in dealing with Laos have become the greatest concern of the American people. Foreign policy must be conducted by the Exec utive Branch of the Government, but it is becoming more and more evident that the United States must conceive an over-all strategy that will mobilize our aims, our defenses, and our na tional purpose in dealing with the Communist menace. The struggle we are engaged in has no easy solution for every ac tion we take is viewed by all the world, and Khrushchev has been highly successful since the Hungarian Revolt. The late Al ben Barkley had an expression which fits the times. He used to say we find ourselves tween a rock and a hard place." It has become apparent too that it is impossible for the United States to support the entire world, to defend every com munity in the world, and to maintain a sound economy at home. The nations of the world need to be told in clear langu age that our resources are not unlimited, and that while we have an obligation to maintain the peace, the obligation upon the other free countries of the world is just as great. GRADUATES IN TEXAS Jack Kenneth Dempsey, son in-law of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. West, graduated from the Uni versity of Texas, School of Ar chitecture on June 3. Mr. Dempsey graduated in the top ten of his class. Mr. Dempsey is married to the former Estelle Stallings of Eden ton and they have two children, Amy and Mark. Mrs. Dempsey is a member of The Student Architect Wives Club of the Uni versity where she has been treasurer for the past year. Mr. Dempsey is employed with Kuchne, Kuchne and Milburn Architectural Firm in Austin, Texas. Legal Notices NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to the under signed by Mary S. Tynch and C. W. Tynch, dated June 1, 1954, and recorded in DT Book No. 67, page 255, in the office'of the. Register of Deeds for Chowan I County, North Carolina, default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness se cured by said Deed of Trust, and said instrument being toy the terms thereof subject to fore closure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby having de manded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said in debtedness, the undersigned, Trustee, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Edenton, North Carolina, at 11:30 A. M., Satur day on the 15th day of July, 1961, the real estate in Second Township, Chowan County, North Carolina, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the Easterly side of the River Road at Deep Run Branch, running thence in an Easterly direction along Deep Run Branch to a marked gum. John Perry’s corn er; thence along John Perry’s line in a Southerly direction to a lane between this property and that of T. R. Tynch, Jr.; thence along said lane in a Westerly direction to the River Road; thence along the River Road to the place of beginning, contain ing twelve (12) acres, more or less, and being known as the “Homeplace” of T. R. Tynch, de ceased. Dated and pasted this 13th day of June 1961. JOHN F. WHITE, Trustee. June22,.29.Ju1y6,13c NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Admini strator of the estate of James Lewis Nowell, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of i said deceased to exhibit them |to the undersigned at Edenton, J North Carolina, on or before the 1 22nd day of June, 1962. or this ] notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in | debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. I This June 22, 1961. WALTER NOWELL, Gatesville, N. C., Administrator of James Lewis Nowell June22,29,Ju1y6,13,20,27p ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Admini stratrix of the estate of S. F. Hicks, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having ! claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Edenton, North Carolina, on or before the Tsth day of June, 1962, or this notice ! will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This June 15, 1961. JAMESEY D. HICKS, Administratrix of S. F. Hicks Estate. June15,22,29,Ju1y6,13,20c NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE . Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed to the under signed by Roosevelt Jordan and wife, Vergie W. Jordan, dated March 19, 1959, and recorded in DT Bock No. 75, pages 130-131, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness secured by said deed of trust, and said instrument be ing by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the under signed Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Edenton, North Carolina, at 11:30 A. M., Saturday on the Bth day of July, 1961, the real estate in Third Township, Chowan County, North Carolina, to wit: That land in Third Township, Chowan County, North Carolina, adjoining the C. C. Ward land, ! Wiley Boyce, W. Taylor, et als i and being the same lands con- [ veyed to G. L. Saunders by E. ; N. Elliott by deed dated Sep- | tember 8, 1944, and containing I 9.9 acres, and being the same lands conveyed to E. N. Elliott by Jennie P. Vann and Mira V. J Holland, Executrices of C. S. Vann, Trustee, dated March 24,1 1931, and recorded in Book R-4, ! page 278 in the office of the j Register of Deeds for the afore- ! said county and state, and being ; the same lands conveyed by deed dated April 27, 1955, from George L. Saunders, widower, to Willie B. Twine, said deed re corded in Book No. 11, page 396 in Public Registry, Chowan' County. North Carolina, and be ing further the same lands con veyed by deed dated March 4, 1957, from Willie B. Twine and husband, John Twine, to giant -1 ors herein and recorded in Book No. 13, page 383, in said Public- Registry to which deeds and the instruments mentioned therein reference is hereby made for fuller description and chain of title. Dated and posted this 2nd day of June, 1961. W. A. HOLLOWELL, June15,22,29,Ju1y6 Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of au thority conferred by and in execution of directions contain ed in the last will and testa ment of Aubrey D. Liles, de ceased, duly of record in the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Chowan County, North Carolina, in Will Book “I”, page 368 et seq., the under j signed duly appointed, qualified j and acting Executor of the es tate of the said Aubrey D. Liles will offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the site of the herein after described property on Fri day, July 7, 1961 at 12:00 o’clock Noon the following described real estate, lying and being on the East side of Main or Broad Street known, numbered and designated as No. 105 South m \ MOBILE fflnv hiSa HEARING unit Visil the Mobile Unit for Free Hearing Tests . . Free Hear ing Aid Demonstrations and Hearing Advice. Hearing Aid Service and Supplies. FRIDAY. JUNE 23 HERTFORD: 10-2 (Municipal Parking Lot) SATURDAY, JUNE 24 EDENTON: 10-2 (Texaco Station across from Post Office) V«o | * You’ll get the best buy on the best selling brand | Now it’s easier than ever to own America’s easiest riding truck. And, thanks to their own special brand of Independent Front Suspension, Chevrolet trucks will keep on saving for you every mile you haul. ■ls you’ve been needing a new truck, but waiting a where the truck value is. With Independent Front spell till the best buy came your way .. . wait no longer. Suspension smoothing the way, you’ll find a Chevy truck It’s truck roundup time and the best buys are here as is worth loads more to you. Drivers get less tired, only the best seller can offer them. Cargoes ride easier. And, best of all, your truck keeps Just head for your Chevrolet dealer’s full corral of going for extra thousands of miles. A good deal? You bargains and take your pick. Put your truck dollars bet! Even more so now during truck roundup time. CHEVROLET**® TRUCKS See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer George Chevrolet Company, Inc. Telephone 2138 1100 N. Broad St. EDENTON, N. a Debtor's Itamttss Mb. Mi llßUMtecturM’i License Na 110 ; , Broad Street in Edenton, North Carolina, and bounded as fob ; lows: l North by the former M.E. Par [ sonage-H. W. Morris lot (now j the Burton Texaco Service Sta tion property); East by a line ! 132 feet East from Main or I Broad Street; South by the E. W. ! Burton-I. T. Burton residence | lot; and West by Broad or Main ; Street, fronting on said Broad or I Main Street 41 feet and running I back Eastwardly therefrom 132 1 feet, and known as the D. B. i Liles residence lot. Sale will be held subject to | taxes due Chowan County and j the Town of Edenton for the ! year 1961 which will be assumed by the purchaser. - Ten (10%) percent of the high ] bid received will be required of the successful bidder at time of j sale as evidence of good faith. | These premises may be in-’ | spected prior to sale by ap pointment with Mr. Roy E. Leary. Dated and posted this June 6, 1961. ROY E. LEARY, Executor of Estate of Aubrey D. Liles. By W. S. Privott, Attorney. June8.15,22,29,Ju1y6 NOTICE To all creditors and parties holding claims against Albe marle Plywood. Inc. You and each of you are here by notified to present your claims duly itemized and veri fied, together with a statement of the securities or priorities, if any, in respect to said claims, to the undersigned Receiver, at his office in the City of Eden ton, North Carolina, on or be fore three (3) months of first publication of this notice or your claim will be barred from participation in the distribution of the assets of the said corpora tion. This notice is given pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of North Carolina, and was first published on June 8, 1961. JOHN E. SHACKELFORD, Temporary Receiver of Albemarle Plywood, Inc. Ju8,15,22,29 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a 1 Deed of Trust executed to Her bert Leary, Trustee, by Robert Brown and wife, Musetta Brown, dated May 18, 1953, .and record- [ed in DT Book No. 65, page 325 etc., in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan ! County, North Carolina., default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness se cured by said Deed of Trust, 1 said instrument being by the terms thereof, subject to fore closure, and the holder of the . indebtedness thereby having de manded foreclosure thereof for , the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the undersigned, Substitute Trustee, by virtue of Substitute Trustee Agreement 'recorded in Book No, 11, pages 1238-240 in Public Registry for Chowan County, North Caro lina, will offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House j door in Edenton, North Caro ! lina, at 11:30 A. M., Saturday on the 24th day of June, 1961, the real estate in Chowan County, North Carolina, to wit: | That part of the Holly Grove ' farm commencing on tne road leading from Edenton to Yeo pim Church at a ditch line for | the land formerly owned by G. !H. Holland; thence North 64 | deg. W. along said ditch, the Holland-Perry line, 29 chains to the bid ditch; thence South 27 | deg. W. about 500 yards to an other ditch; thence South 64 jdeg. E. along said last named i ditch to the said road; thence j along said road N. 50 ‘s deg. E. Thru (no change) Service to NEW YORK and Philadelphia .u£' s■*<■&,J taKeTiRAILWAYS. easiest travel on earth Conveniently spaced, on-time arrivals and tures. New expressways help shrink travel timej All-weather air-conditioning, complete rest rooms. From Edenion to: 1-way From Edenion to: 1-way Wilmington $ 5.40 Raleigh $ 4.10 Norfolk $ 2.20 Memphis . $25.50 Philadelphia $10.40 Boston $20.00 (plus lax) (plus lax) EDENTON BUS TERMINAL S. Broad Slreel PHONE 2424 Edenion, N. C. I—SECTION TWO PAGE THREE to the first station, containing 40 acres, more or less. Refer ence is made to G, p. 390, p. 593; J, 164. Excepting and excluding | therefrom all of said real estate lying on the West side of a big ! ditch running through said real | estate approximately North and I South, it being the purpose of i this conveyance to convey all !of said real estate lying on the | East side of said big ditch and i adjoining the lands of J. C. i Brown on the East, with the ex i ception of that piece of land 'situated in Yeopim Townkhip, ; Chowan County, N. C., bounded as follows: Lying on the North ■ side of road leading from Eden to to Drummond’s Point. Be ginning on said road at W. C. Brown's corner, a ditch, and 1 running Northwardly along said ditch, W. C. Brown’s line, about ; 200 yards to the road; thence IWestwardly along the road about 200 yards to the place of beginning, containing three 1 acres, more or less; and being a part of the land bought by said Whit Brown of Eleanore Wil -1 liams and others by deed duly recorded in Chowan County | Registry. Reference is made to P, p. 49. Dated and posted this 19th dav of Mav, 1961. W’ELDON A. HOLLOWELL, Substitute Trustee. i June 1.8,15,22

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