(■“wfiCTivn TTM PAGE FOUR It Radio Program WCI>J .. Edeirlon X 1 *• * I mo OW THE DIAL NO. ONK IN KABTKKN CAROLINA MONDAY THHOI'GH FRIDAY |:v» *?*»•• «n ■«**■ 0:66 Reveille With Robert*. f:2IO News Headlines. Reveille With Roberts. 7:09 News. 7 :Uo Reveille With Roberts. 7:30 News Headlines. 7:32 WCUJ Spoets. 7:36 Reveille With Roberts. tf:*o National and State News. 8:05 Edenton Ice Co. W'eather. 8:10 Reveille With Roberts. friSO News Headlines. 8:32 Reveille With Roberts. 9:00 News. 9:oa Reveilfe With Roberts. 9:30 News Headlines. 9:32 Morning Devotions. 9:45 Public Service. 10:00 Nest's. 10:03 Jtitchener Pharmacy Chowan Hospital Reports. 10:10 Pop O’ the Morning. 10:30 News Headlines. 10:32 Pop O' the .Morning. 11:00 NeWs. 11:03 Pop O’ the Morning. 11:30 News Headlines. 11:32 Lazy Listening. 12:00 Mid-day Edition—Pure Gas and Oil. 12:13 Noon Weather—Western Ga». 12:2* Farm Market Report. 12:23 WCDJ Sports. 12:30 Carolina Farm and Home Program. 1:00 National, Local and Slat* News. 1:05 Best on Wax. 2:00 News. 2:05 Best on Wax. 2:30 News Headlines. 2:32- Best on Wax. 3:00 News. 3:05 Best on Wax. 3:30 News Headlines. 3:312 Best In Albums. 3:55 What’s Going On? 4:00 News. 4:03 Sandy Point Beach Teen-Time. 4:30 News Headlines. 4:32 Sandy Point Beach Teen-Time 5:00 News. 0:00 Supper Club. 5:30 News Headline*. 5:32 Supper Club. 6:00 News. 6:30 Supper Club. 6:45 Sign-off News. SATURDAY' 6:00 Sign on News. 6:05 Reveille With Roberts. 6:30 News Headlines. 7:00 News. 7:05 Reveille With Roberts. 7:30 News Headlines. 7:32 WCUJ Reports. 7:36 Reveille With Roberts. 8:00 National and state News. 8:05 W'eather Summary. 8:10 Reveille With Roberts. 8:30 News Headlines. 8:32 Reveille With Roberts. 9:00 News. 9:05 Reveille With Roberta. 9:30 News Headlines. 9:3? Religion In the Newt. 9:45 Washington Reports *to tlie People. 10:00 News. 10:05 Saturday Session. 10:30 News Headlines. GARDEN TIME M.E Gardner N.C State College The honey bee has always been a symbol of industry and is responsible for the familiar expression “busy as a bee.” With many fruit and vegetable; crops the honeybee is indispen sable as a carrier of pollen to pollinate flowers. This pollina tion results in the fertilization of the ovaries and the production of fruit. It is especially im portant with such crops as ap ples, peaches, squash and cu cumbers. & study Os these busy bodies ■I always intrigued me and M&itly I discovered something pew* and Interesting about them. E. Gary, a Cornell researcher, has this tosay: "The queen honeybee rules the hive and keeps the worker bees at tentive with, of all things, sa liva.” | “Some strange chemical in the queen’s mouth juices makes herj attractive to the workers. Be- j cause $£ it, they constantly sur- body and feed her, and life in the hive is orderly.” “This chemical, as yet uniden tified, comes from the queen’s' mandibular glands, the large sa-j livary glands beneath the low-! er jaw.” When these glands are| removed, the queen’s power over | her subjects is destroyed almost completely. About 85 per cent' Good Reading for the Whole Family •N»s •Facts •Family Features ■!—■ —-r ■■ "W-. A /..w ■ ' 10:32 Saturday Session. 11:00 News. 11:05 Saturday Session. 11:30 News Headlines. 11:32 Lazy Listening. 12:00 .Mid-day Edition—Pure Gaa and Oil. 12:15 Noon Weather—Western Gas. 12:20 Farm Market Report. 12:25 WODJ Sport*. 12:30 Carolina Farm and Home Program. 1:00 News. I.o» army Hour. 1:30 News Headlines. 1:52 Saturday Session. 2:00 News. 2:05 Saturday Session. 2:30 News Headlines. 2:32 Satu rda y Session. 3:00 News. 3:05 Saturday Session. 3:30 News Headlines. 3:32 Jerry Holmes Show. 4:00 Sandy Point Beach Teen-Time. 4:30 News Headlines. 4:32 Sandy Point Beach Teen-Time. 5:00 News. 5:03 Supper Club. 5:30 News Headlines. 5:32 Supper Club. 6:00 News. 6:05 Supper (Tub. 6:45 Sign-Off News. SUNDAY 7:00 Sign on News. 7:05 Sunday Morning Music. 7:30 News Headlines. 7:32 Sunday Morning Music. 8:00 News. 8:05 Sunday Morning Music. 8:30 News Headlines. 9:00 Christian Science Program. 9:15 Sunday Morning Music. 9:30 News Headlines. 9:32 Sunday Mornirig Music. 10:00 News. 10:05 Sunday Morning Music. 10:30 News Headlines. 10:32 Sunday Morning Music. 11:00 News. 11:05 finest Hour lu Radio. 12:00 Midday Edition—Pure Gas and Oil. 12:15 Public Service Program. 12:30 Sunday Afternoon Music. 12:3i Social Security Program. 1.00 News. 1.05 Christian Youth Crusades. 1:20 Sunday Afternoon Music. 1:30 News Headlines. 1:52 Sunday Afternoon Music. 2:00 New's. *2:05 Sunday Afternoon Music. 2:30 News Headlines. 2:32 Sunday Afternoon Music. 3:00 News. Sunuay Afternoon Music. 3:30 News Headlines. 3:32 Sunday Afternoon Music. 4:00 News. 4:05 Sunday Afternoon Music. 4:30 News Headlines. 4 . : Sunday Atternoon Music. 5:00 News. .siuo supper Club. 5:30 News Headlines. 3:32 Supper Club. 6:00 News. 6:05 Supper Club. 6:30 News Headlines. 6:.;2 .'1 union Forum. 6:45 Sign Off News. ;of her attractiveness is lost. As a consequence, her attendants wander away and she may | starve to death.” i Be. Gary further states that the queen’s attractiveness is qp partntly not related to her egg laying ability as is commonly beiieved. Workers will swarm I to virgin queens, or even dead ones, so long as their mandibular glands are intact and the chemi cal secreted is detectable. Dr. Gary continues: The new ly found chemical is more than just a lure for grooming and [ feeding the queen. It is the key ' to the entire hive activity for it brings the attendants into bodi ly contact with the queen, from whom they gather other chemi cals, known as permones. "These substances, passed from one bee! to another by mouth, dictate the i behavior and physiological re-1 sponses of every bee in the com munity.” Dr. Gary does not indicate that the business end of the honey-; bee, to which I am extremely | allergic, has changed at all. ( Missing Meeting “There are so many rude in terruptions, Mr. Chairman,” com plained the speaker, ‘‘that I can hardly hear myself speak.” "Don’t • let it frather you,” piped up a voice from the rear. ‘You’re not missing anything.” | He : 0 " VaCa * ion '' A SI.OO call i would have saved him 2 days Durft* these vacation days, if s wise to call ahead and set of your appointments. Next time you plan ' k. * you’ll save hours, dollars and disappoint* ment by pfacrng a long distarfce citl and making sure of a good reception. The Norfdk & Carolina S3E CSOwTJMr H2RALD. EDZITFOft. WOlttH CAgQLiWX, TttgRSPAT. && Consist The Experts About Plant Diseases Can you tell when your plants get sick? “Moss plants get sick at some time during their lives,” says Dr. W. C. White, Extension agronomy specialist at North* Carolina State College. “But if you can read the symptoms, you may be able to ‘doctor’ them ef fectively.” The most widespread illness of plants, says White, is nu tritional disorder. This means in a nutshell—that they’re not getting the right kind or amount of food. “Farmers feed their plants fertilizer and lime; but often they don’t give them what they need,” White says. Growing plants often display symptoms that tell what’s wrong with their diets. “Specific symptoms sometimes are hard to identify; but some point to defi nite troubles,” says White. When there isn’t enough nitro gen, the plant leaves turn yel low. A V-shaped area yellows in the midrib of corn leaf. t \ Potassium deficiency of alfal fa produces yellowish spots on] the leaves. On corn, the leafj margin turns brown. “There are many causes for plant illness,” says White “whether it’s corn, tobacco, aza leas, grass or roses. ’ One major cause is the nema tode, which destroys plant roots. 1 The result is a stunted plant that may die. Another is the fungus, a path-1 ( ological disease which damages plant tissue and roots. "Drought, insects, too much , rain and a wide variety of other 1 things make plants sicken and, frequently, die,” says White. “But in many cases the illness \ can be prevented or cured.” Each year. Tar Heels spend millions of dollars to prevent cr 1 correct plant diseases. “They 1 could save a lot of money and ( grow better plants if they would) let people who know plants well , diagnose their troubles,” says White. r.'JH.T.UI “My only regret is that 1 have but one life to give for my country." Ours is a profession of help fulness. We give lo it our highest ideals of service and the resources of our modern erganization. Taj 11 a irTfiT/?* j\/[ade Cdurcd - Qoing a Ha6ifj Sunday School Lesson ANDREW: BRINGING MEN TO' JESUS International Sunday School Lesson For July 9 1 Memory Selection: Jesus said “Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men.” —Mark 1:17. Lesson Text: Matthew 4:18-20; Mark 3:14-19a; John 1:35-44; 6:8-9; 12:20-22. In our Biblical study for to day, we see how Andrew, rep resentative cf average men. teaches us to bring persons to Christ. I Andrew, humblest of fisher men, answers the summons to serve God and, not only that, brought his brother Simon—who was called Peter—to Jesus, as one of his first services. The contrast between the two broth ers was most marked, if we are to believe what we read in our Scriptures. Peter, big, power ful, popular, brilliant and dra matic; Peter was well-known to everyone. Andrew, the quiet one, was merely “Peter’s broth er.” But nowhere in the Scrip tures—where Peter is mention-' Chowan County Churches YEOPIM BAPTIST < Sunday School Sunday morning at 10 o'clock Preaching service* every first and third Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. EDENTON BAPTIST REV. R. N. CARROLL. Pastor •Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Morning worship service, 11 A. M. Training Union at 6:30 P. M. Evening sendee at 7:30 o’clock. MM-week prayer service Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. GREAT HOPE BAPTIST REV. HENRY V. NAPIER. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. I Morning worship second and fourth Sundays at 11 o’clock. Evening worship first sind fourth Sundavs at 8 o’clock. Prayer service Wednesday at 8 P. M. CENTER HILL METHODIST REV. FRANK FORTESQUE Pastor Preaching services every first and third Sundays at 11 A. M. EDENTON PRESBYTERIAN REV. JAMES MadCENZIE, Pastor Sunday School 9unday morning at 10 o'clock. | I Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Girls’ Meeting—all teen-age girls— Sunday. 6-30 P. M. I Christian Service Brigade—all teen age bovs—Tuesday. 7 P. M. Mid-week Prayer Service—Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock. , FIRST CHRISTIAN REV. E. C. ALEXANDER. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Young People's meeting at 6:30 P. M. Evening worship at 1.90 o’clock. Wednesday evening sendee at 7:30 o’clock. ST. ANN’S CATHOLIC REV- c. F. HILL, Pastor Sunday Masses 8 and ll A. M. Confessions before every Maas. Sunday School 11:45 Sunday A. M. Convert Instructions or private con sultation by appointment. Phone 2617. CENTER HILL BAPTIST REV. HENRY V. NAPIER. Pastor Morning worship at 11 o'clock first and third Sundays. Stmdav School at 10 A. M. B T. U. at 7 P. M. Evening worship at 8 o’clock second and fourth Sundavs. Prayer service Thursday at 8 P. M. EDENTON METHODIS* REV. RALPH FOWLKES. Pa*tot Cnurch School Sunday moral flic at 9*45 o'clock Preaching service Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. MACEDONIA BAPTIST REV. GORDON SHAW. Pastor Sunday school at lo A. M.. Prear.ilng every Sunday morning at 11 o’clock and every Sunday night at 7:3C o clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 7:30 o’clock. WARWICK BAPTIST REV. R. B. COTTINGHAM. Pasta. Sunday School at 10 A. M. C reaching service at 11 A. M. TU at 7 f! M. „ Preaching scrvlcee at 8 P. M. Prayer service Thursdya nights at a o’clock. SAINT PAUVS EPISCOPAL REV. GEORGE B. HOLMES. Rector 8:00 A. M. Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M.. Church School.^^ 10:00 A. M., Adult Bible Class. 11:00 A. M., Morning Worship. 7:30 P. M„ Yeung Cnurchmen. Wednesday. 10:30 A. M.. Holy Com munion. BALLARD'S BRIDGE BAPTIST REV. A. CARL HART, Pastor Sunday School Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. - Preaching services at 11 A. M. sad Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. CHTJBCH OF GOD REV. JOHN MARTIN. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching service at 11 A, M. WPE Sunday at 7 P. M. 1 Evening worahlp at 7:30 o'doek. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES R. P. LONG. CongvcwaMoa Servant Bible study at 3:00 o'clock Sunday i afternoon at Kingdom Ball. Bible study Wedneadky night at S o’clock. Service meeting and ntnhtry asfeaah Friday nights at 8 o’doek. i ASSEMBLY OF GOD REV. C. L WILES. Pastor Sunday School. 9:49 A. M. Worship Sendee. 11:00 A. M. 7:30 P. M. ..... ■ ' ■ ed by name over 150 times in the New Testament, and An drew but 13—do we see a hint of jealousy on Andrew’s part. Andrew accepted his limitations and rejoiced in his brother’s many gifts and was humbly grateful that Peter should de vote those gifts to the service of Jesus. As the world measures men, Andrew was just run-of-the mill; but as God measures men. Andrew had dimensions of greatness. Beneath the surface, where what is in us is measured against the sky line of the spirit and the horizons of eternity, Andrew was a giant. He was the first missionary— the first to serve the cause of home missions. He was the first evangelist the first to practice visitation evangelism. He was the first to act in re sponse to awareness of the rel evance of Jesus Christ to all mankind. Note Andrew’s alertness to. the importance of a small boy. Jesus and the Twelve had sailed to me eastern snore of the Sea of Galilee and had gone into a “desert place” to escape the multitude that had been follow- Con’tcL on Page 6—Section 2 HAPPY HOME PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH HAROLD C. LEAKE. Minister Sunday School, 9:45: Morning Wor ship, 11:00; Llfcllners. 6:45; Evening Worship, 7:45; Wednesday Prayer Ser vice, 7:45. WHITE OAK CHAPEL BAPTIST REV. R. M. McNAIR. Pastor ROCKY HOCK BAPTIST THURMAN W. ALLRED. Pastor School Sunday morning at Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Training Union at 7 P. M. Evening worship at 8 o’clock. COLORED CHURCHES PROVIDENCE BAPTIST REV. F. H. LaGUARDE Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Morning service at 11 o’clock. Evening service at 7:30 o’clock. 7 Prayer meeting Wednesday night at Young people's and senior choir practice Friday nights at 8 o'clock. Men’s vßlble Class meets Monday night o’clock. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST EPISCOPAL REV. CLYDE BEATTY. Minister First Sunday at 11 A. M., Holy Com munion and sermon. Secohd Sunday at 9 A. M.. Holy Com munion. Third Sunday at 8 A. M.. Holy Com- Fourth Sunday at 11 A. M.. prayer and sermon. Sunday School each Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST ELDER J. A. SAWYER. Pastor Every second and fourth Sunday. Pastor's’ Day. Every first and third Sunday. Church i Day. Sunday School at II A. M. to 1 P. M. Prayer and Bible Band Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Wednesday night choir practice at 7:30 o'clock. Thursday night choir practice t\ 7:30 o'clock. Friday night Pastor's Aid Society at 8 o’clock. Saturday night young people's Bible quiz and recreation. WARREN GROVE BAPTIST REV. J. E. TILLETT Pastor Sunday School »♦ 10 A. M. Preaching service at 11:30 A. M. every second and fourth Sunday. Women's Educational and Mission Union meets every fourth Sunday after the morning service. WELCH'S CHAPEL BAPTIST REV. W. H. DAVIS. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching service first Sunday at 11:30 A. M. ST. JOHN BAPTIST REV. C. M. HEIDELBURG, Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Sendees every first and third Sun days at 12 o’clock noon. Vesper ser vice at 6 o'clock. GALE STREET BAPTIST REV. C. M. HETDELBUBG, Pajtor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Service* every second and fourth Sunday at 11 A. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 8 o'clock. PINEY GROVE A. M. E. Z. REV. M. H. EBRON. Pastor UNION GROVE A. M. E. Z. REV. J. E. GORDON. Pastor RYAN GROVE BAPTIST REV. M. A. RIDDICK. Pastor ST. LUKE CHRISTIAN REV. KELLY GOLDMAN, Pastor JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ELDER J. C. HALL. Pastor CENTER HILL BAPTIST REV. H. C. SAUNDERS. Pastor KADKSH A. M. E. ZION REV. L. A. WILLIAMS- Pastor Sunday School at 9 :30 A. M. Morning worship at 11:00 o’clock. Evening service at 7:00 o'clock. PLEASANT GROVE IL M. E. Z. REV. JAMES WILLS. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Morning worship sendee at 11 o’clock. * Wedneaaay night at t' jujEEBES? it ' iJI. m ’CMBtesim Do you Count the candfes on your tirttiday cake? Why bother? Once you’re sweet sixteen, it doesn’t matter how many candles you’re entitled to. What counts is what you’re doing with those years. ** The years that are past have burned them selves out. Perhaps they have been all you’ve ■wanted them to be—but, if you're like most of us, maybe you could have made them a little better. One of God’s greatest gifts is the marvelous fact that it’s never too late to begin again. Birthdays remind us of the passing of time, of a new life. Celebrate your birthday by giving. Give something of yourself, by going to your church and taking part in its activities, especially those that help others. Next year, the added cancHe on your cake will burn with a special brightness l Can lMl K.lstar Ad/ Service, tnt., Stnlrimrg, Vi*. These Religions Messages Are Published In The Chowan Herald And Are Sponsored By The Following Business Establishments: P & Q Super Market EDENTON, N. C. M. G. Brown Co., inc. LUMBER —"MILLWORK BUILDING MATERIAL Reputation Butlt on Satisfied Customers PHONE SI 35 EDENTON Broad Street Fish Market Complete Line of Fresh Seafoods PHONE 2217 BILL CORPREW. Owner Belk - Tyler’s EDENTON’S SHOPPING CENTER Hughes-Parker Hardware Co. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS PHONE 2315 EDENTON. N. C. The JiH Shoppe Edenton’s Newest Popular-Price Shoppe For Ladies EDENTON, N. C. Interested Citizen • v< ... ■ - , \ Be A Better Citizen, Go To j Some Church Next Sunday ' . » ••’ Si., r 1 ■ \/ S/-' .? i’ ". t- '• . i- s-. -iJyJ THE CHURCH FOR ALL . .. ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church it the greatest factor OQ earth for the building of character and good citizenship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church* neither democracy nor civilizatioa can survive. There are four sound reason* why every person should attend services regularly and support the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For hit children’s sake. (3) For the sake of hi* community and nation. (4) For die sako of the Church itself, which needs hit moral and material support. Plan to go lo church regularly and read your Bib]* daily. Day Boot Chapter VerMl Sunday Ecclesiastes 11 1-8 Monday Psalms 37 1-6 Tuesday Roman* 8 T-8 Wednesday Romans 8 9-18 Thursday Psalms 34 12-19 Friday Philippian# 3 1248 Saturday Luke 19 924* Edentoft Restaurant "Good Food Pleasant Surroundings” j MRS. W. L. BOSWELL. Prop. PHONE 9723 EDENTON W. E. Smith GENERAL MERCHANDISE "ROCKY HOCK' PHONE 3022 EDENTON Mitchener’s Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS PHONE 3711 EDENTON The Betty Shoppe Edenton’s Complete Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Shoppe Quinn Furniture Company HOME OF FINE FURNITURE EDENTON, N. C. - " ' ' • The Chowan Herald u YOVR HOME NEWSPAPER” k Edenton Tractor & Equipment Company YOUR FORD TRACTOR DEALER M3BSTES FOR EVINRUPE OUTBOARDS U. S. 17 SOUTH- EDENTON. N. C. T&Zjy'W' .XVJI —ji.:u

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