SMATO* A 1 I SAM ERVIN Washington President Ken nedy on May 2nd announced a seven-point program dealing with the textile problem. On May Bth in the Senate, I ex pressed my disappointment with thfe President’s program. I stat ed that, “While some parts of the program would alleviate to some degree some of the prob lems of the textile industry, the program will not prevent the continuing liquidation of the tex tile industry which has been in progress for some years. This is true because the program does not come to grips with the cru cial fact that the economic ills of the textile industry are, in large measure, the inevitable re sult of certain unwise trade practices and policies adopted and pursued by unidentified of ficers' of the State Department.” T)n Jkne 18th my reservations on the seven-point program were confirmed when I met with oth er members of Congress and Under Secretary Ball regarding the proposed international ne gotiations on certain textile pro ducts. The feeling expressed to the Under Secretary was unani mous that he is proceeding on the basis of an erroneous under standing as to the nature of the I industry and of the .gravity of the textile and apparel import' problem. In my opinion, Mr. Ball’s program will insure the continued deterioration of the U. S. textile industry. The 1 State Department’s plan has sev eral basic defects which doom it' to failure which were pointed out in the conference. These de fects are; First, it pertains sole ly to cotton textiles. It ex cludes wool, silk, and man-man fiber textiles and apparel. Sec-! ond, it is built on a voluntary quota system at the 1960 level’ if imports except for a possible' 30% rollback for Hong Kong.: The Japanese quota would be mgmm How to Treat the Blister Problem... A remarkable new development of Du Pont Research now gives you greater protection against moisture blis tering than traditional linseed oil paints. SIMPLY DO THIS: 1- If the old paint has blistered, , remove old paint down to bare wood. 2 —Prime bare wood with Du Pont 49 Blister Resistant Primer. 3 _ Cover with one or more coats of Du Pont “Lucite” House Paint. Dries in one hour. Clean m> hands and brushes with water. Result—a rich, lovely, low-luster finish of significantly longer life than ordinary linseed oil paints! LucaSri^/ HOUSE PAINT 1 m woa/stfceo OR bsoniV-is invar colors 1J n 1 !m/I 1-1 A E-c | l\m /AE< li 111 g F 1 ‘M | /-%'i'i fT| , '■* "ItwHXi Htfi *l* fiDfiNTOW raised slightly. Third, it would assure every country of an au tomatic annual increase in ex port potential of all textiles and apparel to the U. S. Effect —The textile industry is ! vital to the economy of North Carolina and employs some 219,- 000 persons in the State. In ef fect the State Department has come up with the conclusion that it cannot negotiate trade limita tions which would substantially roll-back textile imports flood ing the U. S. The Department seeks to use 1960 imports of cot ton textiles into the U. S. as the level at which voluntary restric tions from each country would be based. Foreign shipments to the U. S. were heaviest in 1960. A piecemeal and entirely inade quate program of voluntary quo tas based upon the year of heav iest imports will not prevent the continuing liquidation of the textile industry. Ineffective Solution I have expressed my views to the President and the Under Secre tary on this matter. It is my conviction that the solution pro posed by the State. Department will aggravate rather than rem edy the situation. Frankly Speaking By FRANK ROBERTS Edenton is tourist country. The tourist season is well under way, so I thought I’d have a chat with a very pleasant friend of mine, Shelton Moore. Who’s Shelton Moore? All right then, Snooks Moore, over at the Eden Motel. After all, the local mo tel owners and operators have first contact with the weary travelers who decide to spend the night in Edenton, with its brace of clean and well recom mended motels. This means that one of the jobs of the motel folk is to promote Edenton, and Snooks does just that. He tells them about the guide service, shows them maps of Edenton, tells- twenr grtytvr-tawtfy wsrury and points of interest and, ac cording to Snooks, it pays off, because many travelers who’d only intended staing overnight wind up spending a good deal of time here. They then spend time and money in our town and when they leave they take with them an impression of a very clean town (Snooks says every one is impressed with its clean liness) and they’re further im pressed with Edenton’s histori cal background. Then, back home, they tell their friends and neighbors about Edenton. All of that brings more visitors THE CHOWAN HEHALft, EPRNTOW. MORTH(;jjtROI,mA, THURBDAY, JULY 8, lWi. ) 'jp' f\ PH Y. j if ' ST * WHERE THERE’S A WHEEL— It probably wouldn’t do for an amusement park, but this ferns wheel is fine for Boy Scouts at the Scoutorama, Kansas City, Kan. The lads made it from hickory poles and rope. since,: obviously enough, the looks of the town, then wOrd of-mouth recommendations are the most vital items in promot ing any town. More specifically, now, on the Eden Motel itself. It’s 10 years old this year and always offers greetings to those visitors who stay there from Pardner. Pardner is the little chihuahua, official greeter for Snooks and the motel. I asked Snooks about the tour ists who stay with him, trying to find out how far some of the mhave come, andN it setems that visitors from Europe are a common thing and, like Ameri can tourists, they, too, are quite impressed with the town’s his Town Os Edenton, North Carolina Proposed Budget For Fiscal Year Beginning July 1,1961, and Ending June 30. 1962, as Approved by Town Council of the Town of Edenton In Special Ses slsnuTucsdayJVjgbt, June 27, 1961: Estimated Revenue Property Tax $ 87,000.00 Street and Sidewalk Paving Assessment 500.00 Rent 470.00 Beer and Wine 5,000.00 Revenue from E. & W. Department 25,500.00 Auto and Bicycle Licenses ;....., 1,100.00 Officers’ Fees 2,500.00 Parking Meters 7,500.00 Interest on Delinquent Taxes 600.00 License Schedule B 9,000.00 Intangible and Franchise Tax 9,500.00 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,500.00 Gas Refund 1,300.00 Cemetery Revenue 1,500.00 Street Department Revenue 600.00 Unexpended Balance Previous Year 16,596.75 Powell Bill 13,500.00 Unexpended Balance Powell Bill 24,000.00 Chowan Fire Protection 4,000.00 Total Estimated Revfehue $211,666.75 ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS Administrative Department $ 10,162.72 Police Department 36,526.00 Fire Department 20,175.00 Street Department 105,953.03 Other Expenses 38,850.00 Total Estimated Disbursements $211,666.75 Property Tax based on a valuation of $8,950,000 at a rate of SI.OO per SIOO.OO less an uncollectable balance of $2,500.00. Estimated Disbursements ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT: Salary of Mayor $ 1,200.00 Salary of Clerk 2,571.48 Salary of Assistant Clerk 1,352.00 Salary of Treasurer 300.00 Salary of Council „ 1,400.00 Advertising, Stationery, Printing „ 350.00 Office Supplies 175.00 Telephone 75.00 Audit Expenses 300.00 Care of Clock ... 50.00 Legal Expenses _ 600.00 Printing Proceedings . 120.00 Miscellaneous Expenses ... ■_ 400.00 Salary of Stenographer _ ..... 1,269.24 Total ....$ 10,162.72 PDLTCE DEPARTMENT: .Salaries % -£7,3*6.00 Uniforms 850.00 Gas and Supplies 3,600.00 Ttfephone -..-1 _L 155.00 Traffic Signs 175.00 Miscellaneous 400.00 ,zz=z^z=:. torieal background and its clean liness. Incidentally, a fair num ber of celebrities have stayed in Edenton, mostly politicians. We have also been host to George Weiss, who owns the New York Yankees and many years ago, Humphrey Bogart. An interest ing thing, according to Snooks, is to watch people greeting each other who live next door to each other, one couple not know ing the other couple was travel ing. Confusing? Perhaps, but it happens and quite often, just a couple of weeks ago, as a matter of fact, people living next door to each other met in the Eden Motel. One couple was going to and the other couple coming from Florida. It was like old home week. Do people leave valuables? Snooks say* that happens quite often. One man left a S7OO movie camera. People leave pockefbooki, with all of their vacation money. Os course, Snooks returns the lost items 'to their rightful owners. One more point. I was Wonder ing if the bridge-tunnel was go ing to help our area. Snooks said probably so, but he also said that the best thing that could happen to this area would be development of industry, rec reational activities and the fur ther development of agricultural resources. Snooks is a good booster for our town, and hopes that everyone will unite in a common purpose. That is build ing our area, promoting it. Why not ? It’s a town we can all be very proud of. Just ask any of Snooks’ guests at the Eden *'WHY didn't we. use THIS GAS BEFORE?* THE 6IRLS ARE SAYING Fuel oi l 200.00 Printing i 50.00 j Car 2,300.00] Parking Meters cjoo.OO Total $ 36,526.00 STREET DEPARTMENT: Sa,aries $ 37,206.00 Fuel and Supplies 8,200.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 8,500.00 Salary of Street Commissioner 300.00 Hurricane Mosquito Control 100.00 New Truck 3,179.03 Refuse Compaction Unit 4,540.00 Tractor Crawler 5 42s 00 Sidewalk Paving 750.00 Pump and Well 250.00 Powel l Bill 37,500’00 Total $105,953.03 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Salaries $ 14,520.00 Volunteer Firemen 1 ?00.00 Uniforms 350.00 Telephone 265.00 Qas and Supplies 850.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 800.00 Radio Equipment Maintenance 120.00 New Equipment (Including Commo) 1,220.00 Salary for Relief Man for Vacations (60 days) . 500.00 Firemen’s Fund 100.00 Volunteer Firemen’s Insurance 250.00 Total $ 20,175.00 OTHER EXPENSES: Shepard-Pruden Library $ 1,550.00 Brown-Carver Library 1,050.00 Lights and Water 3,000.00 Ocean Hiway Dues 350.00 License Tags 250.00 Memberships 350.00 School Appropriations 4,350.00 Boy Scouts 300.00 Discount on Tax 400.00 Miscellaneous Expenses 2,500.00 National Guard 300.00 Hospital Appropriation 2,400.00 Parks and Playgrounds 7,000.00 Social Security • 2,650.00 . Insurance 3,500.00 Municipal Building 200.00 Chamber of Commerce 500.00 Town Beautification . 1,000.00 Waterfront Improvements 4,500.00 Recodification 1,000.00 Hospitalization .... _ 1,000.00 Christmas Salaries l 200.00 Sales Tax 500.00 foil—;;r. "T ; —I 4 38j850.00l wjgßiiioP Motel. Closing Thought: It is a wise man who knows his own busi ness; and it is a wiser man who thoroughly attends to it. Chateaux GRAPE FLAVORED VODKA jUB *Q- 25 K 4/5 Qt. *2‘ 05 fl iUii |fj In m 0m |H )6 PROOF CHATEAUX FUVORFD VODKA PREPAREO AND BOTTLED BV THE CLEAR SPRING DISTILLING COMPANY DIVISION OF THE IAMES 8 BFAM DISTILLING CO.. CLERMONT. KV. I'?'. YOUR FUTURE SECURITY' WITH REGULAR There’s no more comforting feeling than to have money in a sayings account—ready to meet any emergency or op-» portunity. Irrespective of your earnings, START NOW to save a definite amount regularlyi THE PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Member F.D 1. C . v .j SECTION TWO PAGE FIVE