PAGE SIX S-SRCTIOR ORE SOCIETY NEWS WiUiamslon Visitors Mr- and Mrs. Robert Weston of Williamston visited Mr. and Mrs. John Byrum Sunday. .' i ' ' * o Returns To Tennessee The Rev. and Mrs. Carroll Copeland have returned to their home in Nashville, Tenn., after visiting relatives in Edenton last week. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Overton and family have returned from a month’s visit in Aurora, N. C., due to the illness of Mr. Over ton’s father. Greenville Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Fore hand and Mrs. Lloyd Allen of Greenville, N. C„ visited in Edenton Sunday. Attending GA Camp Mrs. Lynn Davenport and daughters, Johnetta and Lynette, Faye Parrish, Harriett Barrow, and Rebecca Small are in Mur freesboro attending GA camp. Celebrate Birthday Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Perry, Jr., entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Perry, Sr., at dinner this week in honor of Mr. Perry, Sr.s birthday. Returns From Raleigh Ladel Parker returned Wed nesday from Raleigh, where he spent several days as guest of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Parker. • 0 In New Jersey The Rev. and Mrs. F. H. La- Garde and daughter, left Wed nesday morning for New Jersey to spend some time with Rev. LaGarde’s parents. o— Sunday In Windsor Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Ziegler, Sr., spent Sunday in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Julien Phelps. Tennessee Visitor Sgt. Andy Hardin, who is sta tioned at Memphis, Tenn., spent the July 4th week-end with his wife, Betty, and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. White. Sgt. White is attending Electronic B: School in Memphis. Week-end Here • Mr., and Mrs. T. L. Barnes and children of Falls Church, Va., visited Mrs. Barnes’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Smith over the week-end. The Barnes family is now vacationing at; Nags Head where they will spend a month at the Smith cottage. Return From Minnesota Mr. and Mrs. Max Leary and children, Tommy and Kim, have returned from a two weeks va cation visiting relatives and friends in Eden Valley, Minne sota. O Pennsylvania Guests Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bufflap of York, Pa., spent Monday and Tuesday as guests of Mr. Buff lap’s cousin, J. Edwin Bufflap and Miss Dorothy Bufflap. They were enroute from a visit to Florida. O Visit Relatives Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ivey spent last week visiting relatives in Lumberton, N. C., and Cherry Grove, S. C. Visit Frontier City Mr. and Mrs. Pete Manning and daughters. Nolle and Anna Kay visited Frontier City at Virginia Beach, Va., Sunday. New Jersey Visitors Mr. and Mrs. John Perkins and two sons, Jack and David of Short Hills, N. J., are expect ed this week to visit Mrs. Per kins’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Byrum. O Guests of Parents Jack Bunch and Jack Over man, summer school students, visited their parents last week end. In Alabama Nathan Powell is in Alabama this week. Home For Week Miss Frances Holton is home for the week and will resume her studies Monday at the Uni versity of North Carolina. Visiting In Kentucky Mr. and Mrs. J. R. DuLaney •and daughter, Jane are visiting relatives in Kentucky. Week-end Guest Miss Bennie Williams of New Jersey was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Shackel ford. o . Tarboro Visitors Little Miss Dianne Hinnent of Tarboro spent Monday with Rita Mayo while her father attended to business in Edentoh. At Wage Heed JSrs. J(Annie Woolard and In Wilmington Mrs. Harry Lassiter spent sev eral days in Wilmington last week. o Return From Tour Mr. and Mrs. Bill Easterling toured Philadelphia and New York last week. At GA Camp Amy O’Neal and Linda Byrum are at GA Camp at Murfrees boro this week. —— ■ -« h Georgia Visitors Mrs. Tommy Owens and"! daughter, Carolyn, of Augusta, i Ga., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Owens recently. In South Carolina Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jenkins,! Ed and Anne left Wednesday to j visit relatives in Columbia and Spartanburg, S. C. On their re turn trip they plan to tour Western North Carolina. On Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Billy Stallings are vacationing this week on the Chowan River. Visit In Charlotte Mrs. George Lewis and chil dren are visiting relatives in Charlotte. New Jersey Visitors Mrs. Dennis Willy and daugh ters, Carol and Anne of Hacken sack, N. J., are vacationing with Mrs. Willy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mansfield. Here From New Jersey Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brunson were visited by their son, Billy and his family from New Jer sey last week. Visiting In Norfolk Mrs. Sadie Sitterson is spend ing the month of July visiting relatives in Norfolk, Va. Returns From Greenville Miss Peggy Elliott returned home Tuesday from Greenville where she attended summer school at East Carolina College. Florida Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Jim Drick and children. Linda. Phil and Caro lyn of Eau Gallie, Florida, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson, Jr., for the past two weeks. Visiting In Wilson I Mrs. Dick Atkinson and chil- 1 dren are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Eatman in Wilson, N. C. FREE! Beach Balls AT Sawyer’s Sunoco with purchase of oil change and lube job We GUARANTEE “No Squeak” Lu brication for 30 Days or 1,000 Miles! Kelly Springfield TIRES mQQPLUS 6:70x15 •OO TAX Blackwalls ❖ FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY FOR ALL WORK DIAL 2258 For All Your Automotive Needs SAWYER’S Service Ronald M. Sawyer, Prop. Corner Broad and E. Gale Streets PHONE 2258 EDENTON ★ Road Service ★ ' ' ■ 7 .- .. . < ■:. * ;» f.; i THE CHOWAR HERALD, EDENTON. WORTH CAROURA, THURSDAY. JULY 13, 1961. Alexandria Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Branch Bunch of Alexandria, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bunch this week. Guest of Sister Mrs. R. W. Joyner and daugh ters, Patricia and Phyllis of Aiken, S. C., are now visiting Mrs. Joyner’s sister, Mrs. Roy Hassell. O Visiting Grandmother The Wiley Taylor children of South Carolina are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Julia Burton this week while their parents are in New York. At Furniture Show Jesse Harrell and B. C. Berry left Monday for High Point to attend the furniture show and purchase new stock for Edenton i Furniture Company. Hospital Patient Mrs. Paul Partin is a surgi cal patient in Chowan . Hospital. Return From Vacation Dr. and Mrs. William Busey spent their vacation in La Plata, Md., with Dr. Busey’s parents. Dr. Busey journeyed from there to Fort Collins, Colorado and re turned home on Friday. Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dail of Anderson, S. C„ visited Mr. and Mrs. Luther Dail last week-end. O — • At Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wilkins, Mrs. Frances Wilkins and George and Debbie are at Nags Head. They will be joined later this week by Mrs. Murray Byrum and son, Walter. VFW MEETS TUESDAY William H. Coffield, Jr., Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet Tuesday night, July 18, at 8 o’clock. Bill Har ris, commander, urges a full at tendance. Chowan 4-H’ers In State Competition Continued from Page 1, Section 1 for children and one pint for adults daily. This will be the first appear ance for Judy and Kay in a State demonstration contest. They do have much experience and a vast practical knowledge of their subject and will repre sent Chowan County and the Eastern District well. They will give their demonstration “Ice Cream Dressed Up” in Ricks Hall on Tuesday, July 25. [civic calendar] woniinuad from Page 1, Section 1 Degree of Pocahontas, will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock. Edenton Jaycees will meet to night (Thursday) at 7 o'clock at the Edenton Restaurant. Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion and the Le gion Auxiliary will hold a joint meeting Tuesday night, July 18, at 8 o'clock. T-Sgt. Ellen Barton, U. S. Air Force recruiter for women in the Air Force, will be at the Eden lon Post Office Wednesday af ternoon. July 19, to contact any young women interested in join ing the Air Force. Rocky Hock and Colerain will play a Roanoke -Chowan League game at the Chowan High School diamond Friday night, July 14, at 8 o'clock. Edenton Rotarians will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock in the Parish House. Chowan Tribe ot Red Men will meet Monday night at 8 o'clock. William H. Coffield Jr. Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. A dance will be held at the VFW post home Saturday night, beginning at 9 o'clock. LIONS MEET MONDAY Edenton’s Lions Club will meet Monday night, July 17, at 7 o clock at the Edenton Res taurant. John Mitchener, the new president, urges every mem ber of the club to be present. I ISuv Plenty ... Save Plenty at PHTHISIC’S f l-LB. NANSEMOND Cl* J O k 43c \|| SAUSAGE Shced | p ~-^ lb 0Q c ~™ c l»- 43c L Franks i49 c fM gg| I Regular Size TIDE pkg. 34c MUI Hid ISO’s Scot Towels 2 for 43c Bmp Gerber’s Strained Baby Food .... 6 for 65c No. 303 Del Monte Sliced or Halves Regular Size Downy Fabric Softener ... 45c P AC 07 PIN OFT MOWTF I I Rneapple and Grapefrutt @ Lar.eMo.Jon i s^39 Juice Drink S Apple Pies M 8-oz. Southern Roll |c gp s 29 Pattie Qleo I1 Qc No. 303 Can Del Monte V 2 Gal. Maola’s Pamlico FANCY LOCAL GROWN Fruit Cocktail Ice Craun TOMATOES can 23 C ’* 59 \n. :;n:; Tmltn's IIREEH LIMA BEANS can ISe i Chowan Voters Pass jj School Bond Issue j Continued from Page 1, Section 1 i t of the school bonds will go to | ward making improvements and ■ additions at - John A. Holmes t High School and the colored school in Edenton and at Cho > wan High School. The addition of eight class t rooms, toilets, and a library at , the colored school is estimated to cost $116,600. A vocational . agricultural shop classroom and , industrial arts shop is estimated to cost $53,250. Drainage and landscaping will cost $5,325 and , to cover walkways between all three buildings will cost $14,900. At Chowan High School two I new classrooms and a lunch , room is estimated to cost SBB,OOO. ] At John A. Holmes High | School a dressing room for boys "j which will be used for physical [[education and athletics is esti i mated to cost $10,650. 1 ; COLONIAL CLUB MEETS 1 The June meeting of the Co -1 lonial Home Demonstration Club was a full and varied one. The meeting was opened with singing “Take Time To Be Holy.” The devotional was giv en by Mrs. R. E. Leary. She 1 talked on the Christian’s time and talents, emphasizing the fact that God’s time is always right. Miss Pauline Calloway, home economics agent, presented a demonstration, using slides to tell the story of “The Song of the Salad”. She said “salads are rich in vitamins and nutri ents as well as colorful and tasty”. 1 Mrs. L. E. Davenport showed various articles used by the homemaker for house-cleaning. Explaining the use of each and wihich was the best to use. She also gave suggestions as to how the homemaker might enlist the] help of members of the family m the cleaning duties. • - Mrs. Helen Byrum spoke most interestingly on the various uses of nuts and preparation of same, especially preparing nuts to be frozen for further use. The meeting closed with the members repeating in unison the Club Collect. , 20 VKARS AGO Continued from Page 1. Section 1, Painters put a fresh touch of paint to the Municipal Building. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jones announced the birth of a daugh ter, Elsie Virginia Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Cobb announced the birth of a son. Thomas Braxton, Jr., bom al the Windsor Hospital. C. L. McCullers was installed as president of the Edentoin Ro tary Club. Miss Lena Smith and Jess* Harrell were united in marriage at a ceremony held at Wilming ton, N. C. Miss Elizabeth Shaheen be came the bride of Kerm’it Lay ton in a wedding ceremony held at the Baptist Church at Jack son, N. C. Eight Chowan County motor ists had their driving licenses re voked for the first six months of 1941. Highway Commissioner Carroll Wilson announced that 8.5 miles of roads in Chowan County be tween Edenton and the Gates County line on N. C. 32 wore] scheduled to be retreated. John G. Thomas of Wilson re ported that Mist Virginia Moore was named to represent Edenton at the Tobacco Exposition Festi val to be held at Wilson. FISH DINNERS Fish dinners will be sold on the lawn at Kadesh A.M.E. Zion Church Saturday, July 15. Aside from the fish dinners, hot dogs will also be for sale. Prescription Service ’ —by As * J REGISTERED PHARMACISTS Mitchener’s Pharmacy 301 S. Broad Street -s- Edenton. N. C. ANNE’S j Beauty Salon .? Will Be Closed July 15-24 ’ Anne Jenkins and Camilla Driver will attend the 41sil Convention of National Hair-' dressers and Cosmetologists; Association to be held at' Deauville Hotel, Miami. Fla. ‘