Mem/ Hid Mrur Wilf HW AW# ft tOWIBE B. ADAMS . Mis. . E. J. Pruden, Sr., and E- J Pruden, Jr., left Monday to spend a few days in the Pru den pottage at Nags Head. Mr. firuden returned home Wednes day. Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Jr., and children, Ellen, Edmund HI, and Marie, also Mrs. Owen Bar field and children, Marilyn, Kay, Marcia and Bandy, joined Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Sr., Wednesday af ternoon to spend a few days at the beach. Mr. Barfield and Mr. Pruden joined their fami lies for the week-end. 3slrs. W. T. Davis, Mrs. Ar thur Davis and Mrs. Wesley were in Windsor on shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cheatham and son, "Gooch”, and Mrs.' Al bert ’ Abbott of Oxford spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Love. , Sgt. and Mrs. Paul Davis of Columbia, S. C., arrived Thurs day tp spend some time with &gt. Davis’ parents, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Davis. Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Sr., and Mrs. Viola Cowan were in Wind sor Saturday on business. D. P. Mizelle and daughter, Betty and Billy Umpblett of Edenton visited Mrs. C. T. Baker and family Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White and children, Chris, Brenda and Wesley of Norfolk, Va., visited Mrs. White’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Out law Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Turner Os Leaksville spent from Satur day until Wednesday with Mr. Turner’s brother and sister-in law, the Rev. and Mrs. Oscar Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith wick and daughter, Phyllis visit ed their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob House, in . Harrellsville Tuesday. Mrs. Chet White and children, Anria, Martin and Marion and lsina Love attended a movie in Edenton Saturday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Taylor and Mrs. Mary Tavlor of Au lander, Professor Tommie White of Clemson College, S. C., visit ed . Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Sr., also Mrs. Chloe P. Byrd Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Owen Barfield and chil dren returned home Sunday af ternoon after spending a week at Nags Head with the E. J. Pruden, Jr., family. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roberson of Rosemead visited Mrs. Rob erson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chet White Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Baker were in Norfolk, Va., Sunday to take their son, Everett, who will ehter business school on Mon day. Bill Phelps of Charleston, S. C., is spending some time visiting her cousin, Charlie Bell Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jack son and children, Lynn and Richard of Edenton visited Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Jackson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Duke ..Lilly and children of Williamston, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Baker of Edenton visited Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bak to North Carolina * .. a glass of beer ■SB? means many things VH toi^«t_c«rJiM u ~rr- |er Sunday. i Mrs. Frank Langfele of Beau fort spent from Thursday un-. til Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Seaton Williams. I Mrs. Lina Halsey and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Halsey and son,' Frankie, of Edenton visited Mrs. jH. E. Foxwell Wednesday. J. L. Williford was the guest of his granddaughter, Miss Caro line Perry of Windsor for din ner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mathews and son, Dale, Mrs. Sidney Has tey of Portsmouth were the guests of their aunt, Mrs. Sea-, ton Williams on Thursday and attended the funeral of their uncle, Edd Langdale at Greens Cross Church. Wesley Winborne spent from Friday until Sunday at Morgan-, ton and Asheville on business. , Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Spi vey of Edenton visited Mr. ahd Mrs. Arthur Davis Sunday af j temoon. I Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Keeter, j Paula and Eddie Keeter of I Hampton spent the week-end at their home here. Mr. and Cliff Keeter and son, Scotty of Edenton visited them Sunday af ternoon and also other relatives < here. Miss Nancy Pruden of Wilson visited Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Willis | last week. ' I Mrs. H. E. Foxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin White and children of Baltimore, Md., visited Mrs. j Clyde Jordan and Misses Mary j and Margaret Haste of Windsor | Sunday afternoon. | Thomas White of Hampton 1 was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White, last week-end. Mrs. Mathew Pierce spent last week in Portsmouth with Mrs: Carl Greene and family. * Marvin Cobb of Dover, Del., was the .guest of ■ his mother, Mrs. Lloyd Cobb, for last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Willi ford were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loomis Snell of CresWell l Sunday afternoon. 'Mrs. Archie Rhea of Ahoskie spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Lloyd Cobb. Mrs. Bobby Gray of William ston spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wright Williford. , Mr. and Mrs. J. Britt Smith-i wick, Amelia and Britt spent Saturday at Nggs Head with their daughter. Miss Fonda Smilhwick. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jack son, Sr., Mrs. Richard Jackson and Mrs. Carlton Jackson of Edenton visited Mr. and 'Mrs. Talbert Jackson Thursday. Mrs. Howard White and daugh ter, Susan are spending the week with Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Jr., and children at Nags Head BEACH COTTAGE For Rent Two bedrooms; sleep* 8. Lo cated at Kill Devil Hills. Contact M. Elwood Copeland RYLAND. H. C. THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. JULY 13, 1961 THE FARMS] Uglov CHOWAN COUNTY By £. W. OVERMAN, Chowan County Agent | y ■■■**■ ■r-'.r- ——? , Map Nematode Infested Area { How —-Now is the time to spot, nematode infested areas and spot them on a fieia. map. Stunted plants, in spots or areas, can be observed now. If these areas and fields are mapped, the grower will know where soil fumigation is needed. Sting nematodes attack pea nuts, cotton, corn, soybeans and other beans. Nematodes are prevalent on the sandier soils. Driving along the road, nema tode infested .areas can be spot ted in the above crops. This pest can cost the farmer as much as one-half or more of his yield in infested'areas. Where sting nematode is stunt- j ing cotton, corn or soybeans l this year, damage may be ex- j pected if peanuts are grown j there next year unless the soil j is fumigated before or at plant ing time.- I 'Nematode damage l will cost Chowan peanut grow-, ers thousands of dollars this year, based upon field observa tions. Map infested areas now and .plan td fumigate soil next spring for peanuts. Sales Tax on Eggs: Accord ing to information just, receiv ed, egg producers are exempt from the three percent sales tax on eggs produced by them and sold direct to the consumer. Eggs which are purchased from other producers and resold are subject to the sales tax. If a producer, anticipates sales on which . sales, tax will apply, he should, register as .a retailer for a one dollar fee with the N. C. Sales and Use Tax Divi sion. Full information may be Obtained by writing the Sales Tax Division. £wa*i Potato Herbicide Show ing Good Results: On June 16, Eptam 6 was applied to six rows cf sweet potatoes following plant setting the day before. The:plot has hot been cultivated. Observation on July 7 reveals excellent weed and grass con trol. The material was mixed with water for application. Eptam 6 was applied at the rate of five quarts per acre. No apparent injury to the plants was ob in the Pruden cottage. Mr., and Mrs. George Bazemore of Edenton visited Mrs. C. T. Baker and family Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogerson of Norfolk, Va., spent from Fri day until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Davis. ..kjniie.Mlor about o fool cool .xtroeott option—Chevrolet oir coo.nioolo. _ t tfidiyik iiS ■ " " '** """'"'* " V TjwgfwySg. 9|3v 4 I v * L ,U-W Summertime-and the savin’ is easy! It’ll pay you plenty to pad over to your Chevrolet dealer’s One-Stop Shopping Center and get in on all the excitement there. Because Jet-smooth Chevrolets are nutselling every other make of car, he’s able to turn on the mviogs like nobody else in town. Have him fit you with an elegant Impala, a popular Bel Air or a budget-wise Biscayne. Or maybe with one of those six sweet-going, cafgo-craving Chevy wagons. Just bring along your desire to oV(H;aJot<sf nar atan easy-to-own price. Chevy and your _ -.-. fcEiamSfl Chevrolet dealer will look after the rest nicely, thank you. j6t-SHK)otil dICVTOICt fipßL-jSI "Ts 'wuw mi . . 1 »'■ ■ yjkl Sam-bwjleivß«i'Cor?airs,too! The climate couldn’t be better forgetting into one of these. Yessirree, juicy July buys S on the Monzas with their family-style sports-car spirit ... on the nimble, nickel-nursing Corvair 500’s and 700’s ... on the 6-Passenger Lakewood Wagons . . . and on those Greenbrier Sports Wggons with up to twice the space of regular wagons. Chen CprvairJUonza Club Coupe Need more he said? Your Chevrolet dealer is the man to talk to. George Chevrolet Company, Inc. Telephone £l3B IMS N. Broad St -EDENgQCt, N. C. served. It may prove to be a , good chemical tor controlling j ! grass and weeds in sweet pota toes. The recommendation calls for applying the chemical in at | least ten gallons of water per. acre and not more than two days j alter the plants are set. Japanese Beetles: Japanese! beetles are still with us. They are feeding on fruit trees, grapevines, roses and many or namentals. To control this in sect, spray or dust plants with Methoxychlor, DDT or Rotenone 4%. Use only Rotenone on fruits or plants to be eaten. Methoxychlor and DDT are poi son to humans. i Peanut Leafspoi Control: Re- I member, the second application ] ' of copper-sulfur should go on I your peanuts iwo weexs after j ! the first application. Control]- j ' ing the leafspot disease pays I good dividends. i Special Week For The Aging: Next week, July 16-22, has been! ! designated by Governor Terry ] Sanford as a week in which to 1 pay special tribute to the more than 300,000 North Carolinians! who are 65 years of age and over. Let’s help make these old er people in our homes and in our communities especially hap py this week. Occasionally, I hear someone! say, “Charlie, it’s heck to be get- J ting old, isn’t it?” My answer! i», “No, because if we were notj getting older we would be j dead.” Immediately, the person! i agrees. ' We can do many things to \ i help make our older people i , more happy. Help them par-1 1 ticipate in activities to interest them and occupy their time. Bel Jjl VODKA ROYALE ■ JfICQUIN’S ES] $2.05 PINT DisrnuD pro m grain -to proop | CHARLES JACQUIN et Cie, Inc., Philadelphia, Penna. Est. 1884 more loving toward them and j especially see that our children 1 are respectful and considerate ofj them. Spend a little more time! in talking to, playing games j with and providing more com-1 pany for them. There are many other things you can think of ’ to make them happier. Let’s, remember this next week as Well as every week. If we live,] we too, will be old some day and will crave the love, care and respect whieh we now can give. Free Folder On How Cut Nematodes Loss North Carolina peanut grow ers now have a handy refer ence that they can use in fight- | ing one of their biggest prbb- i lems—peanut nematode diseases. I The N C. Agricultural Ex tension Service has published an! 11—u—loji -<rx~ ' CARD OF THANKS We are taking this means to ’ express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many deeds of kindness and expressions of sympathy during the illness and death of our wife and mother, Mrs. Ola Hollowell. We are deeply appreciative for the 'many cards and flowers. We will al ways cherish these expressions of love. CECIL H. HOLLOWhr.L p AND FAMILY FOR Contract AND Repair Work CALL Twiddy Insurance & Real Estate, Inc. PHONE 2163 EDENTON j up-to-date, easy-to-read folder ■ cn peanut nematode diseases, i The folder cites examples, de i scribes distinguishing symptoms jand recommends control for the (major nematodes affecting pea -1 nut production in North Caro :' lina. Free copies cf the folder may ; be obtained fiom county agri , j cultural agents or by writing to the Department of Agricultural . Information at North Carolina , State College, Raleigh. Directed? Customer I want to get > something for my stomach. Drug Clerk—The lunch coun ter is on the other side of the store, sir. Taylor Theatre EDESTON, N. C. 3 DAYS—Thursday, Friday and Saturday. July 13-14-15 Thursday and Friday Shorts 7:30 Feature 8 o'clock Saturday Shows Continuous from 1:45 John Wayne, Richard Widmark Laurence Harvey and Frankie Avalon in "THE ALAMO" CinemaSeope and Color NO ADVANCK IN PRICES Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, July 16-17.18 Robert Milchum, Jack Webb, Martha Hyer, Frances Nuyen —in— "THE LAST TIME I SAW ARCHIE" Wednesday, July 19— Shows Continuous from 3:30 Gary Cooper in "THE MAN OF THE WEST" Cinemascope and Color —also— Walt Disney's "GALA DAY AT DISNEYLAND" Technicolor MERCHANTS FREE MOVIE DAY Trade With The Following Merchants And Get Free Movie Tickets Bill Perry’s Texaco Service Hollowell’s Rexall Drug Store Nil-Curl Beauty Shop George Chevrolet Company, Inc. Hicks Laundry & Dry Cleaners P A Q Super Market Mitchener’s Pharmacy Alhynarfe Motor Copipany Phthisic’s Super Market, Inc. Quinn Furniture Company, Ine. Belk-Tyler Company Edenton Furniture Compuny The Edenton Restaurant :g>.~V J Wm || | ? 7 1 | |||j iNißEjfr START YOURS TODAY! THE PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST COMPANY [ * tinier KD.i.C I—SECTION TW\. PAGE THREE

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