PAGE TWO X—SECTION OBZ KNOW YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY John T. Grooms, representative of the Social Security Administration, is in Edenton every Thursday at the North Carolina Employment Security Commission office in the Citizens Bank Building. v About a million and a half older people—the widows, de pendent widowers, and depend ent parents of workers Who have died— are due to receive increas ed payments under the new Amendments to the Social Se curity Act. The benefits payable to wid ows age 62 or over will be rais ed about 10 per cent. Widows eligible for tim increased pay ments do not need to get in touch with their Social Security offices. The increase will be added automatically to the checks they will receive early j in September, 1961. Congress called this increase “one of the most needed chang es in the Social Security Pro gram.” Aged widows not only get lower benefits than do re tired workers, but they also have less income from other sources than retired workers have. The average benefit being paid to an aged widow early this year was $57.80 a month. The yearly income for half the wo men receiving widow’s benefits, not counting their Social Se curity benefits, was less than $270 a year. Aged dependent widowers and Hopkins Plays In East-West Game -Tin « - tvuvWKv Continued from Page 1, Section 1 , of Raleigh, a dangerous runner; Will Mann of Durham. Fullbacks for the All-Stars may be the best ever for one of these August classics, each 6quad being three deep at the plunging post and all capable of tearing up the defense. Powerful-running Gene Isen hour of Hickory and Brevard’s Denny Landreth ripped lines to shreds all last season, Isenhour rushing for better than 1,200 yards and the bull-like Landreth even passing that figure. The two accounted for 236 points between them. Dal Gwynn of Morehead didn’t equal those but few ever do. In the East camp high-scoring 190 pound Bubba Hopkins of Edenton stands ready to pick up where he left off a few months ago in leading the Aces to an unbeaten season and the state 2-A crown. He scored 20 touch downs, gained better than 1,500 yards. Alex Bell, 200-pounder from Raleigh, drew considerable at tention for his speed and brute power. And John Creech of Wilmington adds 200 additional pounds to the East secondary. Put all these fellows together on August 4, and the offensives may be as explosive as the half time fireworks display. That’s what the coaches are planning. Bubba Hopkins will leave Edenton Friday, July 28 to go in training for the game which usually attracts sell-out crowds. Corn Price Support Minimum Os $1.29 Continued from Page 1. Section 1 gram will be eligible for price support on their 1961 produc tion,” he declared, “but there will be a limitation on the amount of corn from eligible farms that can be put under support. The amount of eligi ble corn from such a ‘cooperat ing’ farm in effect will be the ‘normal’ production from the farm’s 1961 corn acreage. Should the actual corn crop exceed the ‘normal’ yield determined for the farm, a grower might very well find that he could put only a part of his 1961 corn crop un * ""7 jB f v Th«S Speeds i ! Buiaen E3Cs>^®** I \s= A I Operations r " ■ f I ! WtH design forms to streamline and gs • speed-up the routine of your office or shop. W§ W Get eur suggestions, without obligation* H| L / on anything from a shipping tag to a coor* ■ Us dinated system of forms. . .flB W The 1 I m Chowan Herald* KiffiScOE #€• i v x-Sl 3sr<* 3? - s ! some aged parents of deceased workers are also due automatic 10 per cent increases with the ■ Social Security checks payable to them in early September, 1961. However, an increase in a parent’s benefit check will be made in those cases where only one parent is receiving benefits based on the deceased son’s or daughter’s work under Social Security. Where more than one dependent parent receives a parent’s benefit, there will be no increase. A number of widows age 62 or older are now getting retire- I ment benefits based on their own | work under Social Security. Be cause of. the change in the law increasing widow’s benefits, it is possible that some of these wid ows now getting monthly re tirement benefits of less than SIOO based on their own work will be able to qualify for high er amounts by applying for the widows benefits payable on their husbands’ accounts. A widow now collecting her own retirement benefit can find out whether this change in the law applies to her by asking at her nearest Social Security Of fice. I der the support program. Pro ducers of corn who do not par ticipate in the 1961 feed grain program of course will not be eligible for support on their 1961 corn production.” “Eligible corn,” according to West, must also have been pro duced in 1961, must grade No. 3 or better or No. 4 because of test weight only, must meet certain moisture requirements, and must be in adequate stor age. The schedule of premiums and discounts is unchanged from the 1960 program. As in the past, the price-sup port program for 1961-crop corn will be carried out through farm and warehouse-stored loans and purchase agreements. These will be available from harvest time through February 28, 1962. Loans will mature on July 31, ; 1962. 1 Experience is victor, never the ’ vanquished; and out of defeat 1 comes the secret qf victory. —Mary Baker Eddy. Chateaux GRAPE FLAVORED VODKA $2*25 50.05 MfH« pjn , [4 jpfcAY p s efS ijM 70 PROOF CHATEAUX FLAVORED VODKA PREPARED ANO BO IT LEO BV THE CLEAR SPRINE DISTILLING COMPANY DIVISION OE THE JAMES B BEAM DISTILLING CO . CLERMONT, KV. ras sastyAa kzsald. epehtow. worth CAaoeaHA. thSoSPAT. july ay. iafc. Nationally Advertised « 111 i•>* - r’l, impH—— fcs. m—mmmmmm—ammßmmmm. ’•, , m HENS si.oo Baconi^SH FRESH LEAN JSSL NEW “ US * CHOICE ~ PRO-TEN YOUNG HEN I Ground Beef fflal Money Back Guarantee-Roundl r«T JTI I , 39 RSTEAKS j beef ba J ' MBf ill • I LIVER lb. UJb Money-Back Guarantee , A t-bone sirloin Luter’s By-the-Piece y . y Jamestown Chatham Vi S’ A k N I Sausage bologna Fresh Cut From Young Porkers LB. I I ik3s- ! 29«I pig feet 15> . 89 100 Free Movie Tickets - Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - Free With $5.00 Purchase! J jnrtVlrTt, r V^ u ’ r V jn Jiri|ftiinnririVtomrir(V^'» rrtfl lF J fl n ' r^*U ~' *' IF" 1 ' tf* r tf* rrlfu*t _ b ßl quets CURRENT - MILD AMERICAN I_LB. HARRELL’S 6 l / 2 GALLON PLASTIC (1 J CHEESE p ure ICE Charcwl I ar 43 lard n>. ij< box $2.99 c 55 c j , T „ SWANS-DOWN 19-OZ BONNIE QUALITY MERCHANDISE REGULAR NBC _ i-LB. Pkg. ■ Yellow, White, Devil Food T,*eeno kraft-s 'T 1 I T\ 1? Oreo Cremes 44c g 1 A/I* 101161 1 issue 18-0/. Strawberry £ £ |j Lake MIX Ac QC Preserves ...29c - LB< ,?. PWSHI ?f. u & x ..... 4 for oo c 'tnr s eineao D .~ box 29c rs — U L Dl 1 D .... 11l 1 DRINK 90, fcS^rr...23cP lack £2 per 111 I BS CEREALS 6-OZ. Southern Seas ■ ‘ IIMIUIIIM4 •IMIIUIIIIIH IIIIIIIIMI. A ■ V H ( GtvAlrJJ | •asties .* . 19c TUNA I asties . . . 33c !|^ ihabeta ... 29c “■■"■■^^““■■"“.l j n