/ 1 ONLY NEWSPAPER T PUBLISHED IN I CHOWAN COUNTY J Volume XXVIII.—NumbeTMT County Commissioners Vo ; To Inaugurate Survey F< r; Water Resources In Chowi— Importance of Water Knowledge Stressed At Meeting Thurs day N4ght Representatives of the Cham ber of Commerce, Town Coun cil and Board of Public Works "'if myl at a dinner meeting at the BSenton Restaurant Thursday night, when they learned a great deal about water resources. The meeting was called by Joe Con l ger, Jr., Chairman of the Cham ber of Commerce Water Re sources Committee and at the outset Mr. Conger pointed out the great importance of water resources to the county as a whole, agriculturally and indus trially. Principal speakers for the oc casion were Col. Harry Brown, director of the North Carolina Department of Water Resources; Harry Peek, geologist with the N. C. Department of Water Re sources, and Glenn Wyrick, U. S. geologist now conducting a wa ter resources survey in Martin County. Col. Brown emphasized .the importance of a water resources survey and said that due to the limited initial appropriation made by the General Assembly for the purpose, only one more county could avail itself of the service. Mr. Wyrick presented a very intelligent and enlightening ad- Continued on Page 3—Section ' New Pastor At ' Warwick Church jßev. Warren L. Rob bhis Took Over New Duties Aug. Ist The Rev. Warren L. Rollins became pastor t of the Warwick Baptist Church of Hobbsville on August 1. For the past four years Mr. Rollins has been pas tor of the Healing Springs Bap tist Church at Healing Springs. Virginia. Mr. Rollins is a native of Shi loh, Virginia. He attended Rich mond College, University of Richmond, at which time he was pastor of Mt. Hereb Baptist Church, Lome, Va. He is a graduate of Southern Baptist Continued on Page 4—Section 1 New District Game Biologist Has Headquarters In Edenton George E. Burdick of Man son has been appointed game biologist for Wildlife Commis sion District 1, accordng to' Game Division Chief Frank B. 1 Barick. Burdick, a native of j Warren County, will supervise/ small game management in 13 northeastern counties. Burdick is a 1956 graduate of North Carolina State College with a major in wildlife conser ’ vation and management, and will make his headquarters in Edenton. The new district game biolo- Rocky Hock Orioles Win Flag In Roanoke- Chowan League j —— . _ _.i Rocky Hock defeated Cole rain Friday night 4 to 3 to cap ture first place in the Roanoke- Chowan League. Chappell and Hollowell combined to do’’ the mound work. / for the Orioles. Chappell gave up 7 hits and struck out M in the seven in nings he Worked and Hollowell, hurling for two innings, struck out 4 and gave uo no hits to get the win. Joyner went the £ \ distance for Colerain, giving up L hits and striking out 6. I; The score was tied until the .'bottom of the ninth inning when "Lt 7cd Chsppoll by 3 pitcn ball, then Harrell and Briggs THE CHOWAN HERALD Chowan Commissioners Back Bridges And Road To Connect j Washington, Bertie Counties 1 At Monday’s meeting the Cho wan County Commissioners adopted a resolution in support of the proposed construction of bridges and roads connecting Washington and Bertie counties. Appearing at the meeting ‘ were W. H. Thompson and E. E. Harrell of Plymouth, who represented the Washington-Bcr tie Bridge Association. Mr. Har rell, spokesman, told’ the Com missioners that the project is unanimously supported by the Southern Albemarle Association and that commissioners in sev eral counties have also adopted resolutions favoring the project. Mr. Harrell stated that bridgesi are proposed to be .constructed! over the Roanoke and Cashie: Rivers and a road which will connect with U. S. 17 at or near Midway Station in Bertie Cour.- \ ty. He also brought out the; fact that Plymouth had with- 1 held requests in favor of other Albemarle District Again Wins j Annual Award By Goodyear i The Albemarle Soil and Wa ter 'Conservation District has been named the outstanding soil I and water conservation district j in North Carolina for 1960-61 in [the 14th aVinuat Soil Conserva tion Awards Program of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Com pany, Akron, Ohio. | This is the second such award forth« 4istrici ih the last four years. In 1957-58 the district] won first place and was not| eligible for an award in 1958-59.1 In 1959-60, the district won sec-, ond place in the State and 1960-! Revival At Yeopim Begins August 14th Revival services will begin at the Yeopim Baptist Church on Monday night, August 14, and continue through Sunday, Au gust 20. Services will be held each night at 8 o’clock. The visiting evangelist will be the Rev. Philip Quidley, former ■pastor of the Yeopim and Bethel Baptist churches. . Everyone is invited to attend any or all of the services. gist, completed high school at! Middleburg in Vance County,' and entered the Air Force after completing college. During his ' tour of duty he attended OkHa | home State University, and ser-! i ved one year at Goose Bay, Labrador. • Burdick operated a water ski-' ing school at Stillwater, Okla homa, after leaving the Air Force, and then taught for two 1 years at Conway, North Caro-j lina. He was basketball and baseball coach and taught biol tontinued on Page 4—Section * Rocky Hock defeated Creswell! Tuesday night 3-1 in the first j game of the Roanoke-Chowan: ’ League semi-finals. Zackie Har- I rail went the distance for the' . c.ioles, giving up 7 hits and striking out 8. Cohoon pitched ; I for Creswell. giving up only 3 ; 1 hits and sinking out il. Ores- < - well got if* only run in the Bth Inning when Tarkinglon knocked 1 ! a home run. ; Hock hitting With 2 hits whilej ) D. Pierce had 3 hits, for Cole-j rain. s Rocky Hock will play Cres-j i well a 3-garne series for the . semifinals this week while Cole-j ! rain drew a bye. The wihnqr, ; of the semifinal* win play Coles I i&tent~7 'Jhowan County. North Carolina, i’hursday. August 10, 1961 bridges, but that now it is the ; belief that something should be done in way of improving com ' munication with other parts of this section of the state. He | stated that the proposed pro i joct would reduce the mileage from Plymouth to Edenton from 30 to 21 miles, and that it will be an important step in the de velopment of the local area. It would serve and create an im portant line of communication for through traffic traveling northwardly and southwardly. The Plymouth men were in troduced by E. W. Spires, who called attention of the County Commissioners to the fact that the Plymouth community was very cooperative in the fight to secure the present bridge across Albemarle Sound. “Had it not been for that cooperation,” said Mr. Spires, “I am very doubtful if that bridge would be there today.” | 61 won again the first place award in the State. Warner Madre, Hertford, was selected by the district super-! visors as the outstanding farmer-! cooperator during 1960-61. He and district supervisor, George; Winslow of Hertford, will be 1 guests of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company on a four-day | tour to- Goodyear’s -14J)Q.0 acre | desert farm at Letchfield Park, | i Arizona, in December. The two men will fly to Arizona along I with 104 other guests from the Continued on Page 3—Section 1 , Revival At Rocky Hock Church Will; Begin August 20 Rev. William S. Hol ton of Lakeland, Fla. Will Be Preacher For Series of Meetings The Rev. Thurman Allred, pastor of the Rocky Hock Bap tist Church, has announced that , revival services will be held in the church beginning Sunday j ' night, August 20, and continu- ( ! ing through Sunday night, Au-j gust 27. Services will begin each night during the week at 7:45 o’clock ' with the first 15 minutes devot ed to chorus singing. | The visiting j evangelist will be the Rev. William S. Holton, pastor of the Central Avenue, Baptist Church at Lakeland, j 1 Florida. Mr. Holton is said to jbe an interesting and forceful j J speaker, so that he is expected to attract large crowds. • Singing for the revival will be led by Mr. Allred, who special music for the meetings will be rendered by special numbers by the revival choir, | men’s quartet, young men’s i quartet, girls’ sextet, youth choir | and a number of soloists. i The public is cordially invited |to attend. I 20 Years Ago } As Found In The Files Os i { The Chowan Herald J r — ; r? 'i At a Chamber of Commerce i dinner meeting at Hotel Joeeph' Hewes State Highway Comsnis- I sinner Carroll L. Wllseta of Roa noke Rapids stated that he' would fight to die laet far die I continuance of Ocean Highway j Ho. If on its peeemtt route and | widening thor- thaT bl felt ', V \ •** f " . ~A. '■ ■ ZZ HOT FOOT —This youngster found that New York streets get hot in the summer sun. They just aren’t conducive to running barefoot. Thus, he hotfooted it over to a fountain in Washington Square to find relief. Edenton’s Schools Scheduled To Open Wed., August 30th I Half Day Session on First Day; Full Sche dule Will Begin on Thursday According to Hiram J. Mayo,. superintendent of Edenton schools, • city schools will startj -Wednesday. Aueftst 3ft. A half-day session will bej held August 30th and a full day session Thursday, August 31st, I with lunch being served. Principals, supervisors and' guidance counselors will begin ; work August 17th. Teachers are; Continued on Page 2—Section 1 1 1. Clarence Leary j Gets Appointment As Commissioner Will Succeed Gilliam Wood Who Resigned Due to Highway Ap-i pointment i With Gilliam Wood recently! i appointed to the N. C. State Highway Commission, he offi cially resigned as a member of I the Board of Chowan County Commissioners Monday. The Commissioners early in their meeting" went into execu-. tive session and unanimously j appointed J. -Clarence Leary to; succeed Mr. Wood, whose term expires in December, 1962. Mr. Leary took the oath of office which was administered by Clerk of Court Tom Shepard. Following Mr. Leary’s indue-! Continued on Page s—Section 1 1 Schools In County Unit Scheduled Tc Open September 1 Faculties Already Fill- i ed Except For One j Primary Teacher at Chowan School According to Superintendent W. J. Taylor, schools in the Chowan County administrative t unit will begin Friday, Septem- i ber 1. Teachers will begin. the i extended term Tuesday, August 1 29 and principals will begin | work Friday, August 18. Jani tors and maids will begin their J »y— —< — [ Deadline Near ] I Chief of Police George I. Dail ! calls attention to the fact that ; Tuesday, August 15, is the dead line to display dog and bicycle i Ileitises in Edenton. After that 1 date those who- fail to comply 1 with the law will be prosecuted. 1 Dog licenses may be purchas ed at the town office and the j bicycle licenses are on sale at the police station. Dog licenses are SI.OO for male dogs and $2.00 for females. The bicycle license i is 25 cents. Movement Begun For Operation Os Hotel In Edenton Group of Merchants Agree to Underwrite i Purchase of Furnish i ings of Hotel A quintet of Edenton busi | ness men appeared before the ' County Commissioners Monday I in the interest of continuation of : a hotel in Edenton. In the I group were Haughton Ehring haus, Weldon Hollowell, Henry j Quinn, Jim Robinson and H. A. ( Campen. ; Mr. Ehringhaus, whose year’s lease of the hotel is about to expire, requested the Commis sioners to issue a lease to him i for the third and fourth floors, the lobby and assembly room on ! the first floor. He stated that Continued on Page 3, Section 1 | Cop Resigns ] Kenneth Lee Armstrong ha; tendered his resignation as r member of the Edenton Police Department. The resignation t effective as of Saturday, Au gust 19. He has been on the Edenton police force for abou' ; two years. Patrolman Armstrong has ac i cepted a position with the Prison - Department and will ba con j nectod with the prison at Gates !villa. - 50 Jurors Chosen For Chowan Term Os Superior Court Term Begins Septem ber 13j Judge Ru dolph Mintz of Wil mington tc Preside j Chowan (Jounty Commission- 1 ers at their meeting Monday | drew the names of 50 men from the jury box, who will be sum-| noned to serve as jurors at th:? next term of Chowan Superior, Court. The!term of court, will, begin Monday, September il, j with Judge feudolph I. Mintz of j Wilmington scheduled to pre- 1 side. It will be an important term j of court for on the docket will j be charges of murder, rape, at-; tempted murder, breaking an-J j entering and forgery. Those picked for jury duty include the following: Robert Earl Cherry, Isaac Franklin Voliva, Jimmy C. Keel er, William A. Bass. Francis' Earl White, Thomas E. Lane. J. W. Crabtree, El wood C. White, Ward Hoskins, J. B. Byrum, Eli jah Smith, Wheeler M. Harris, Frank P. Bunch, H. D. Hobb.,| W. L. Peele, Curtis M. Chap : pbll, Carson Lee Boyce, Richard i E. Jackson, Shelton W. Moore, ;1 Continued on Page 2. Section Id Sheriff Earl Goodwin Smashes Hog Stealing Clique In Chowan Sheriff Earl Goodwin with the assistance of Deputy Sheriff Bertram Byrum and ABC Offi •er Troy Toppin on Monday iroke up a hog stealing ring .vhich has been in operation for ;ome time. The trio began Fri lay night, after coming upon a cad, and worked 32 successive nours before breaking the case. For some time hogs have been mysteriously disappearing from Hollowell’s Ranch on the former Alma Forehand farm near Cross Roads. The thieves apparently were caught in a rain while on one of their rampages so that prominent tracks were discover- Commissioners Agree To Form City - County Planning Board At their meeting Monday Cho wan County Commissioners adopted a resolution calling for the organization of a joint City and County Planning Board for Edenton and Chowan County. The action followed a request made by the Chamber of Com merce. which pointed out that such a group is designed to at tack long-range planning prob lems in areas of common in terest and to make careful stud ies of resources, possibilities and needs of city or county and fur- 1 ther development in an orderly 1 manner. According to the plan, the 1 Bruce Jones Area ChowanChairman For Auto Dealers Will Act as Liaison Officer Between New Car and Truck Deal ers In This Section Bruce F. Jones of the Albe narie Motor Company in Eden on has been appointed to serve ts area chairman of the North Carolina Automobile Dealers As sociation for Chowan County, it Continued on Page 3. Section 1 civic calendar] Another Go-Kart race, spon sored by the Edenton Jaycees. will be held on the Edenton rack Sunday afternoon, August ’3. at 2 o'clock. Schools in the Chowan Coun ty administrative unit will open Friday. September 1. Edenton city schools will open Wednesday. August 30. Methodist Men's Club will Continued mi Page 3. Section 1 Edenton’s National Guard Authorized To Boost Strength New Pastor SBBKIPf m Ik J 5 HBSHA I m s£Ez RtV. WARrtLN L. ROLLINS As of August 1, lae Rev. vVar ren L. Rollins has been new p.vj tor of Warwick Baptist Church. He succeeds the Rev. R. E>. Cot tingham. ed leading from tire ranch, and it was this clue that led to the arrest of five Negroes. Edward Lee Garrett, Clarence I’nvott and Kelly White were arrested by Sheriff Goodwin, charged with stealing hogs. De- Soto Hurdle and Raleigh Leary were aiso arrested and charged .With buying the stolen hogs. All were released on bond and are scheduled' to be tried in Recorder’s Court today (Thurs day). It was hard to estimate how many hogs were, stolen, but Sheriff Goodwin recovered sev eral and returned them to the owner. board, with concurrence of the* , governing bodies to which it is . responsible, may enter into and i carry- out. contracts with the state or federal governments or any agency thereof and mav ac cept such assistance or funds as may lie granted by the state or federal government. Each governing body will be authorized to appoint as mem-] ■j hers .-a minimum of three and a ■ maximum of nine to create this! planning board. 1 The Commissioners were in ac ■ j cord with the idea, but with-- 'lheld appointing members until; j after action is taken by Town \ •' Council. j |Herlfnrd Voles For AID, Store i In an election held in Hert i ford Tuesday of this week the >; majority of voters cast their; I j ballots in favor of establishing | an ABC store. The vote was 312 in favor of I the store while 113 ballots were ■ cast against it. Only the Town of Hertford ‘ voted on the issue. Continental Baking Company ; Acquires Albemarle Peanut Co. Acquisition of the assets and j business of the Albemarle Pea-j nut and Storage Co., Inc., of j Edenton by the Continental Bak- 1 ing Co., Rye, N. Y., was an nounced Tuesday by A. C. j Boyce, president of Albemarle i Peanut and Storage Co., and R. | Newton Laughlin, president of Continental Baking Co. Terms j were not announced. The North Carolina concern, located in the heart of the North Carolina-Virginia peanut grow ing country, processes the nuts and sells them at wholesale un der the Albemarle Peanut Co.,j brand name. , . j ! 0 r ”% I FIGHT CANCER » | WITH A CHECKUP j. AND CHECK || - .152.50 Per Year in North Carolina -«£ ! Instructions Are Sent To Capt. R. T. Duke To Add 48 More Men To Local Outfit Captain R. T. Duke, com- I manding officer of Combat Sup- I port Company, 2nd Battle Group, 119th Infantry, the local Na ' lional Guard Unit, has received I instructions to increase its I strength by 48 men. This seems ito be in keeping with the na- I tional policy of increasing the | strength and proficiency of the ' National Guard and the regular ■ services. "Even in a stay-at-home stat us,” says Captain Duke, “the Na itonal Guard could be better ; prepared to meet a crisis with a larger strength.” Capt. Duke says that it is his desire to inform all eligible young men. and prior service personnel, of the convenient way that Congress has provided for young men to fulfill their mili tary obligations. The stepped up draft, quotas in no way pro hibits. but encourages, men who choose to serve their military : obligations with their local Na tional Guard. Young men are invited to visit the local National Guard ar mory on North Broad Street :n Edenton and inquire about the National Guard system. The froard *'an use both prior ser vice and non prior service m In many cases, prior service men can he enlisted at their former : ratings. Another Go-Kart Race Is Scheduled Sunday Afternoon Second Race on Eden ton Track Calculated To Be Thrilling- and Interesting Bill. Easterling, president of the Edenton Junior Chamber of ; Commerce, has announced that another Go-Kart race will be held on the Edenton track at the former Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station Sunday afternoon. August 13. The races will be gin at 2 o’clock, although the Finn trials will begin at 1:30 (■’clock. Mr. Easterling says there will be five races, one for juniors, one for dual engines and three < for single engine karts, includ -1 ing a special class for West Bend single engine karts. | Bleachers have been provided I for spectators and a concession I stand will again be in opera ; tion. Mr. Easterling points out that j competitors in the first race held | recently were very much im [ pressed with the Edenton track I and that most of them will be ; back Sunday, as well as a num- I her of other racers. He promises j very interesting and thrilling j races and hopes many people I will turn out to witness them. POHAHONTAS MEETING Chowanoke Council No. 54. Degree of Pocahontas, will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Betsy Jackson, Pocahontas, urges all members to attend. All Albemarle Peanut and ! Storage Co., personnel will be I retained and A. B. Harless will ! continue as general manager, Mr. Laughlin stated. The acquisition he said, was made in line with j Continental’s policy of diversifi- I cation. i The Albemarle company was formed in 1932, and incorporated i under new owners in North Car | olina in August 1957. The Continental Baking Co., world’s largest baking organi zation, has 86 bakeries including Raleigh and Richmond. It pro duces Wonder bread and rolls, Hostess cakes and Morton frozen !foods. -r ...... ’’ t - f **A .»•« t-£’ • * \

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