PAGE SIX :—bectiow OR- Saturday Afternoon Bride Kr *| W m tSjplF i ]Ljy .* f 4 ;: *# fc«- ■ i^tufft HBR- ‘ SrafK& 1 vHIHP® I 'ff IISSw^-,;^ ■M> - -* ifHoP >■s? . A ■ v ., S ', %^&?-'WkJ"'' vj >iy :. Ipfcv y y*&£’- .*, Vdjflr . j^feSslju MRS. CHARLES RONALD PERRY Miss Mary Pearl Harrell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Harrell of Edenton and Charles Ronald Perry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bristoe Perry, also of Edenton, were married Sat urday afternoon, August 5, at 4 o'clock at the Edenton Baptist Church. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. F. Cale, Jr., uncle of the bride, as sisted by the Rev. R. N. Car roll. the bride's pastor, before a setting of white wedding flow ers and candelabra. Music was rendered by Miss Agnes Chap pell, organist, and Miss Jane DuLaney, soloist, sang “The Sweetest Story Ever Told" and “The Wedding Prayer’’ as a benediction. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of peau-de-soie and chantilly lace fashioned with a portrait neck line. touched in pearls, lace top ped bodice and crushed cumber bund effect of peau-de-soie and long sleeves pointed over the hands. The bouffant skirt was accented in the back with a lace bustle and panels of lace to the hem of the chapel length train. Her fingertip veil of imported silk illusion fell in two tiers from a matching half-hat. She carried a bridal cascade of two white royal bouquet orchids and stephanotis. ivy and pearls. Miss Patricia Waff was maid of honor and Mrs. Carlton Per ry, sister-in-law of the bride groom, was matron of honor. They wore street length dresses of aqua silk organza »>ver taf feta, fashioned with a scooped neckline and short sleeves. A full skirt was caught at the waist by a pleated taffeta cum berbund. They carried cascade bouquets of yellow and bronze pcm poms and artificial autumn leaves. The bridesmaids were Miss Pam Cale of Newport News, Va., Miss Sandra Bunch, Mrs. Sid White. Jr., cousins of the bride, and Miss Judy Israel. They wore dresses identical to those of the honor attendants and carried the same type of booouets. The bridegroom's brother. Carlton Perry, was best man. Groomsmen were Joe Harrell, brother of the bride: Jack Per ry, brother of the bridegroom: Billy Wilkins and Roland Mat thews of Weldon. The bride's mother wore a 50# shares American Land Company—Common stock @ 4.75 ltW shares American-Marietta Company—Common stock @ 31.75 MW shares First Cnion National Bank of N. C. —Capital stock...@ 31.5# **» shares tieorgia International I.ife Ins. Co.—Common stock...@ 7.25 15# shares Lucky Stores, Inc.—Common stock 34.00 3## shares Stein. Hall * Company, Inc.—Common stock « 18.00 I## shares Towmotor Corporation—Common stock @ 35.15 (For Confirmation Call Local Representative) CAROLINA SECURITIES - CORPORATION . INSURANCE BLDG. - RALEIGH, N. C. - PHONE TE 2-3711 , Charlotte, N. C New York, N. Y. Members Midwest Stock Exchange L Represented in this area by: . DAVID M. WARREN Phone 2466 Edenton mauve chantilly designed cotton lace over taffeta sheath with a scooped neckline, taffeta hip , bow and matching accessories. She wore a corsage of pink i cymbidium orchids, pearls and leaves. The bridegroom’s moth er wore a light blue lace over taffeta sheath fashioned with a boat neckline, lace and taffeta hip bow and matching acces sories. She also wore a corsage of pink cymbidium orchids. The wedding was directed by Mrs. Percy Smith. After the ceremony a recep tion was held at the Barker House. Later the couple left for a wedding trip to the moun- I tains. For the trip the bride wore a two-piece green en semble with beige accessories and an orchid lifted from her bouquet. The bride is a graduate of Pan American Business School ot Richmond. Va., and is work ing at the Noland Company, fnc., in Newport News. Va. The , bridegroom is enrolled in the Apprentice School of the New -1 port News Shipbuildling and Dry Dock Company. i Barbara Layton To ! Represent Edemton In Norfolk Event Miss Barbara Elizabeth Lay ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Layton, will represent Edenton in the Norfolk Good Neighbor Days which will be observed August 18-19. Miss Layton will be one of 15 girls in the Norfolk area to be guests for the event. A full day'of activities is in store for the girls as part of the annual ! two-day joint promotion of the Norfolk and Portsmouth Retail Merchants Associations. Men’s Club Sponsors Pickled Herring Meal Sponsored by the Men’s Club of the Methodist Church, a pickled herring and herring roe supper will be served at Sandy Point Beach Friday night, Au gust 11, beginning at 6:30 o’clock. The supper will be free to members of the congregation an their families, and it is hoped many will turn out for the as , fair. TIDE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA. THURBPAT, APGPBT 18. IMI. * —, .... - , , 'up SOCIETY WEWS Returns Home Mrs. Harry C. Hand and chil dren, Bill and Stephenie, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank White, Sr., of Edenton, and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. White of Norfolk, Va., and sister, Mrs. James Wilkins of Suffolk, Va., - for the past fifteen days, re turned to her home Saturday in Alexis, N. C. Michigan Guests Mrs. W. J. Cobb of Central Lake, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Long an dchildren, Bruce, Billy and Allan, of East Lansing, Michigan, and Jean Goodwin of Edenton, spent last week at Nags Head as yuests of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Farless of Suffolk, Va. On Sunday they were honored at a family re union given bf Mrs. W. P. Good win and Mrs. T. B. Williford at the home of Mrs. Williford. Returns To Suffolk Miss Mary “Candy” Smith, who has been visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank White, Sr., on Kest Eden Street for the past two weeks, returned to her home in Suffolk, Va., on Sunday. Fort Bragg Visitor Mrs. Bill Whichard and daugh ters, Lynn and Nancy, arrived Sunday fom Fort Bragg, N. C.. to spend two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Byrum while Major Whichard is participating in Swift Strike. Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ashlej and family of Camp Meade, Md., spent the week-end with his mo ther. Mrs. L.- A. Ashley on West Eden Street. O Visiting Sister Mrs. William J. White if spending the week with her sis ter, Mrs. J. Frank White, Jr., in Charlotte, N. C. Charlotte Visitor Mrs. J. Frank White, Jr., of Charlotte, N. C., spent the week end visiting her sister, Mrs. Wil liam J. White and mother-in-law, Mrs. J. Frank White, Sr. Returns Home Mrs. E. L. Ward returner Monday from a 10-day trip, in- \ eluding Bellingraph Gardens. New Orleans and surrounging attractions. Sunday Guests Mrs. Flossie White, Mrs. Burl Jenkins and Mrs. Claudia Rawls and daughter, Janie Lou, visit ed Highway Patrolman and Mrs. R. Wayne Rawls and baby Sun day. o Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Barnes and children, Judy-Byrd and Tom Smith, visited Mrs. Barnes’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Smith, over the week-end. The Barnes were enroute to their home in Falls Church, Va., after spending a month at the Smith cottage at Nags Head. O - Guest of Aunt Mrs. David Walker of Raleigh spent Sunday at the home of her aunt, Mrs. J. Frank White, Sr., on West Eden Street. Returns To Connecticut Miss Barbara Leary of Darien, Conn., has returned home after spending last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. West Leary. —,—o Roanoke Rapids Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Jen- 1 nings of Roanoke Rapids spent the week-end with Mrs. Jen nings’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Halsey, Jr. Visiting In Maryland Mrs. David White and daugh ter, Sharon, are spending a few days in Salisbury, Maryland, visiting Mrs. White’s parents. Return From Tennessee Mr. and Mrs. Fred Britton, Fred Britton, Jr., and Mrs Charlie Boyce have returned af ter visiting Mr. and Mrs. Waver - ly Boyce in Jackson, Tenn. Suffolk Visitors Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wil kins and daughter, Arie Lee of Suffolk, Va., spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank White on West Eden Street. Visit In Tennessee Mrs. Gene Perry and daugh ter, Gloria, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Downum in Memphis, Tennessee last week. Binghamton’ Visitor Donald Williams of Bingham ton, New York visited Mrs. Pearl Westbrook and boys over the week-end. - In Asheville Mr. and Mre. T. E. Mitchell are spending a few days this , week with relatives in Asheville. • v_. - • Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. Dave Atkinson and daughter of. Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with Mrs. Atkinson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Spruill. Vacationing At Beach Mr. and Mrs. Bert Willis and family and Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Hollowell and family are spending the week at Nags Head. Pennsylvania Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doug lass of Tyrone. Pa., spent several days with Mr. Douglass’ brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Douglass. f Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. Donald Williams of Richmond, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Tanner of Chyles City, Va., spent the week-end with Mrs. H. T. Layton and Mr. and Mrs. Burley Niblett. Guests of Grandmother Miss Meldine Layton and Caro yn Lavton of Winston-Salem arc visiting their grandmother, Mrs. H. T. Layton. GRADE A CAROLINA WHOLE (No Limit) fryers loSW< 1 HI - ZiJ C;./ ™ ROUND STEAKS .... * 79c C^ E CHUCK ROAST »> 39 8 TO 10-LB. HARRELL'S COUNTRY BRAND ~ HA Hjr n l-LB. CYPRESS SLICED AM S Bacon , 39 O J c Harrell’s Sausage [ 33 C 1-Lb. Harrell’s 6-oz. Nescafe Pure Lard pkg 14c Instant Coffee jar 83c l2-oz. Big Top Hudson box m| Rainbow Napkins lQc Butter * 35c 6 Pack 8-oz. cans carton PrCSCrVCS jar \ J) C Chocolate Metrecal $1.69 1-Lb Pkg ® JUMBO CALIFORNIA Blue Seal Oleo pkg. 21 c Cantaloupes ma nbc TwmPak o QQ KG NEWTONS... 35c B™™” . £ for 2-I,b. Deerfield bag 6-oz. Sunshine Green Peas ... 19 r l-LB. TOP QUALITY mwpn iv ■ n add atc CHEEZ-1T.... pkg. 19c 2 A Lb ; CARROTS Baby Limas .. 59c jSSSSpS* Delsey pkg of 4 LARGE MORTON'S 2 eke 23c nssut 5k pwh p» s ... !<£ REGULAR TREND 25-OZ. KARO SYRUP REG. PRAISE SOAP 2 pkgs. 39c | bottle 26 c | 2 bars 29 c ~S , im Tuesday At Naga Head Mrs. Grizzelle Garwood and children, Bill, Jo, Russell and Jim, spent Tuesday at Nags Head. Sunday Guest Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spruill of Virginia Beach, Va., spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Spruill. Visiting Parents William A. White of New Or leans, La., is visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank White, Sr., on West Eden Street. Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Layton of Winston-Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Burley Niblett and Mrs. H. T. Layton attended the fun eral of Mrs. E. S. Waff, a forrper Edenton resident, which was held in Norfolk, Va., Friday af ternoon. Attending Conference Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Mayo are attending a superintendents’ con ference at Mars Hill. They will return home Friday. Returns To Durham Miss Vickie Norris has return ed to her home in Durham after spending two weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. George Nor ris. Visiting In Pennsylvania Mrs. Nick George and chil dren are visiting Mr. George’s family m Waynesburg, Pa. At Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Bunch and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bunch and family are spending the week at Nags Head. 1 Attend Football Game Mr. and Mrs.’ Tom Hopkins attended the East-West football ( game in Greensboro on Satur day. Visit At Mt. Gilead Mr. ancf Mrs. Medlin Belch and. Claire spent the week-end in Mt. Gilead with Mrs. Belch’s family. ' Visiting Cousin Miss Sandra Fry of Raleigh is visiting her cousin, Miss Ar lene Fry. In Greensboro Miss Ann Harrell is visiting Miss Jeanie Weeks in Greens boro. Visiting In Franklin Miss Sandra Overton is visit ing friends in Franklin, Va. Visiting In Norfolk Miss Ellene Tarkington is visiting relatives in Norfolk this week. = ' - V - j . Jacksonville Visitors Mr. and Mrs. A. X Ashley J and children of Jacksonville, N. C., visited relatives in Eden ton over the week-end. Visit Skyline Drive Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lamb have returned after a tour of i the Skyline Drive and Washing ton, D. C. Roger Lamb return ed home with his parents after a two week visit in Washington , and New York. Fayetteville Visitors Mrs. Norman Leonard and children of Fayetteville are visit ing Mrs. Leonard’s parents, Mr. ( and Mrs. C. O. Letcher, this week. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Luis Duch of Spain announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Merce des Duch, to S-Sgt. Teddie R. Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Wright of Edenton. The wedding is planned for Tuesday, August 15, in Spain. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Highway Patrolman and Mrs. R. Wayne Rawls announce the birth of a daughter, Perry Lynn, < born at Chowan Hospital Wed nesday, July 26. \[ Engaged 1 MISS CELIA ELLIOTT Mr. and Mrs. William Dalton Elliott announce the approach ing marriage of their daughter. Miss Celia Rac Elliott, to Luther Waylon Wright of Edenton. Mr. Wright is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kirby A. Wright of Edenton and is employed by the Edenton Cotton Mills. The wedding will take place . Sunday afternoon, September 3, !at Ballard's Bridge Baptist , Church al 4 o'clock. Invitations - are being sent, but the public is invited to attend.

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