MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY |:00 Sign on News. 6:05 Reveille With Roberts. 6:30 News Headlines. 6:33 Reveille With Roberts. 7:00 News. 7:05 Reveille With Roberts. 7:30 News Headlines. 7:82 WCDJ Sports. 7:36 Reveille With Roberts. 3:00 National and State News. 8:05 Edenton Ice Co. Weather. 8:10 Reveille With Roberts. 8:30 News Headlines. 8:32 Reveille W'ith Roberts. 9:00 News. 9:05 Reveille W 7 ith Roberts. 9:30 News Headlines. 9:32 Morning Devotions. 9:65 Public Service. 10:00 News. 10:05 Mitchener Pharmacy Chowan Hospital Reports. 10:10 Pop O’ the Morning. 10:30 News Headlines. 10:32 Pop O' the Morning. 11:00 News. 11:03 Pop O’ the Morning. . 11:30 News Headlines. 11:32 Lazy Listening. 12:00 Mid-day Edition —Pure Gas and Oil. 12:15 Noon Weather —Western Gas. 12:20 Farm Market Report. 12:25 WCDJ Sports, i 12:30 Carolina Farm and Home Program. 1:00 National, Local and State News. 1:05 Best on Wax. 2:00 News. 2:05 Best on Wax. 2:30 News Headlines. i 2:32 Best on Wax. • 3:00 News. 3:05 Best on Wax. 3:30 News Headlines. 3:32 Best In Albums. 8:55 What’s Going On? 4:00 News. 4;05 Sandy Point Beaeli Tern-Time. 4:30 News Headlines. 4:32 Sandy Point Beach Teen-Time. 5:00 News. 5:05 Supper Club. 5:80 News Headlines. 5:32 Supper Club. 6:00 News. 6:30 Supper Club. 6:45 Sign-off News. SATURDAY 6:00 Sign on News. 6:05 Reveille With Roberts. 6:30 News Headlines. 7:00 News. 7:05, Reveille With Roberts. 7:30 News Headlines. 7:32 WCDJ Reports. 7:36 Reveille With Roberts. 8:00 National and State News. 8:05 Weather Summary. 8:10 Reveille With Roberts. 8:30 News Headlines. 8:32 Reveille With Roberts. 9:00 News. 9:05 Reveille With Roberts. 9:30 News Headlines. ' 9:32 Religion In the News. 9:45 Washington Reports to the People. 10:00 News. 10:05 Saturday Session. 10:30 News Headlines. rFranklySpeaking By FRANK ROBERTS i| 7 Show-business has been des- j crimed as wierdj odd, fascinat-; ing and I suppose it is that, and more. Show-folks live in their own private world, at times .com- j pletely unaware of what’s going on around them. Be that as it may, those who are not con- * nected directly with show-biz, | often find the stories of the peo-j pie who make entertainment headlines quite fascinating. With that thought in mind, I’ve been digging around and have man aged to come up with some in- j teresting little items, most of | will be new to you, somej of which might even be inter esting to you. Hope so. Let’s go! way back to 1908. At that time 1 the Society for the Prevention of Crime was opposed to what! was referred as "the poor man’s amusement.” Movies, that is.j On the day before Christmas of J that year the organization per-j suaded New York’s then Mayor! George McClellan to revoke the licenses of 550 nickelodeons. To regain licenses, managers had to sign written pledges not to give Sunday performances and to bar films tending to “degrade the medals of the community.” A year before that, believe it or not,'the first talking and colored x movies in America were twin debuted in Cleveland. Most folks believe talking movies first appeared in the late ’2o’s and * 'pnintccC in : BOSTON, LOS ANGELES i LONDON Interesting Accurate Complete faftrnarional New* Ciwoh +*•4 1 "■ v«— — 11 y mmmtmm Th4 Christian Science Monitor 4 One Norway St., Boston 15, Mas*. { Send your newspaper for the time Checked. Enclosed find my check or Money order. □ 1 year $22. D 6 months sll 0 3 morWkd i ' _ Name EJx * 1 ' Address City sT*g~ Radio Program WCDJ . . Edenton 1260 ON THE DIAL NO. ONE IN EASTERN CAROLINA 10:32 Saturday Session. 11:00 News. 11:05 Saturday Session. 11:30 News Headlines. 11:32 Lazy Listening. 12:00 Mid-day Edition —Pure Gas and Oil. 12:15 Noon Weather —Western Gas. 12:20 Farm Market Report. 12:25 WCDJ Sports. 12:30 Carolina Farm and Home Program. 1:00 News. 1:05 Army Hour. 1:30 News Headlines. 1:32 Saturday Session. 2:00 News. 2:05 Saturday Session. 2:30 News Headlines. 2:32 Saturday Session. 3:00 News. 3:05 Saturday Session. 3:30 News Headlines. 3:32 Jerry Holmes Show. 4:00 Sandy Point Beach Teen-Time. 4:30 News Headlines. 4:32 Sa-ndy Point Beach Teen-Time. 5:00 News. 5:03 Supper Club. 5:30 News Headlines. 5:32 Supper Club. 6:00 News. 6:05 Supper Club. 6:45 Sign-Off News. SUNDAY 7:00 Sign on News. 7:05 Sunday Morning Music. 7:30 News Headlines. 7:32 Sunday Morning Music. 8:00 News. 8:05 Sunday Morning Music. 8:30 News Headlines. 9:00 Christian Science Program. 9:15 Sunday Morning Music. 9:30 News Headlines. 9:32 Sunday Morning Mu«ic. 10:00 News. 10:05 Sunday Morning Mnsic. 10:30 News Headlines. 10:32 Sunday Morning Music. 11:00 News. 11:05 Finest Hour In Radio. 12:00 Midday Edition—l*ure Gas and Oil. 12:15 I‘ublic Service Program. 12:30 Sunday Alternoon Music. 12:55 Social Security Program. 1:00 News. 1:05 Christian Youth Crusades. 1:20 Sunday Afternoon Music. 1:30 News Headlines. 1:32 Sunday Afternoon Music. 2:00 News. 2:05 Sunday Afternoon Music. 2:30 News Headlines. 2:32 Sunday Afternoon Music. 3:00 News. 3:05 Sunday Afternoon Music. 3:30 News Headlines. 3:32 Sunday Afternoon Music. 4:00 News. 4:05 Sunday Afternoon Music. 4:30 News Headlines. 4:32 Sunday Afternoon Music. 5:00 News. 5:05 Supper Club. 5:30 News Headlines. 5:32 Supper Club. 6:00 News. 6:05 Colonial Radio Viewpoint. 6:10 Supper Club. 6:30 News Headlines. 6:32 Manion Forum. 6:45 Sign-Off News. V WWVVW^V'.-VW>VW | color movies in the early ’3o’s. ! However, in 1907 a process call ed Chromophone presented life . sized films in color, with speech ! and other sounds fully synchro nized to the feature. The first colored talkie consisted of a smattering of grand opera, a full fight with loud snorts and a political speech with the ac companiment of jeers and shouts. To present it, one Max Faetken heur spent $25,000 fixing up a dilapidated Cleveland family theatre that seated 600 open mouthed, disbelieving spectators. While on the subject of firsts, the first animated -cartoons were the work of one Winsor McKay, who patented his device in 1911. Incidentally, every film cartoon today pays a royalty tribute to the McKay estate. Moving up a couple of years, it was in 1913 that a company, the Eclair Com pany, presented a movie called, “The Sons of a Soldier.” It was billed, prophetically enough, as “War with Japan, shown in three parts.” A few more fas cinating facts: In 1908, when Sarah Bernhardt was the most important stage star, a tribute was paid to this lady by the Chicago booking of. four of her cousins. They were billed in just that capacity. Also con cerning the stage, just past the turn of the century, this item: Producer David Belasco enchant ed audiences by having a cat walk onstage, stretch, then lay down to play with a ball of yarn in front of a fireplace. Be lasco ensured this performance by cramping the cat in a small box for an hour before stage time and releasing it from the wings on cue. The yarn bal. HOW TO EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS AT PRACTICALLY . NO COST AT V You’ll find it much easier to handle more business W. • if you expand your tele- f / phone facilities. Make sure that your phone system can do the job you want done. /arSßSm\ Call today for a free survey of your telephone needs. xUV / The Norfolk & Carolina . Telephone & Telegraph Co. i THE CHOWAfT HERALD, EDERTOH. WORTH CAROLIRA, THtTREDAT. AUGUST 17/ 19SI, was smeared with catnip. Also, concerning the stage, I found out that few brighter stars shone in the prewar world of legitimate than Maude Adams, whose Pe ter Pan one woman confessed to sitting through an amazing to tal of 47 times. You know the by-now familiar tag-line: “That’s all there is, there isn’t any more?” Know who first popu larized that line? Os all peo ple, it was Ethel Barrymore. A1 Jolson had a line that went like this and I’m liable to be leav ing myself wide open—but “You ain’t heard nothing yet.” That will apply to this column. We’ve come up with more interesting little known facts concerning the fascinating business known as show-business and will continue with same next week. Closing Thought: Some men are born great; some achieve greatness; and some have great ness thrust upon them. Firemen Called Out Eight Times In July F-ire Chief W. J. Yates reports that Edenton firemen were call ed out eight times during July, one fire being in Edenton and seven out of town. The firemen were out 30 min utes for the Edenton fire and six hours and 45 minutes out of town. They were on the air 10 seconds in Edenton and 1 minute and 10 seconds out of town. One mile of traveling was ne cessary in Edenton and 41 miles out of town. There was no hose laid in Edenton, but 2,700 feet laid out of town, ladders were raised 12 feet in Edenton and 35 feet out of town. For the Edenton fire 14 volun teers responded and 140 out of town. Property involved in Edenton was $20,000 and $35,000 out of town. There was no dam age in Edenton but out of town the damage was estimated at $6,- 160. Insurance in Edenton was $17,000 and $13,000 out of town. The firemen held one fire drill, answered four still alarms and refilled two fire extinguishers. Wisdom oflke.CUfeo THOMAS LIP TON “Dr Optimist is the finest chap in the names directory of any city.” OURS is a profession of help fulness. We have devoted to it our highest ideals of service and the resources of our mod ern organization. [funeral Home"] no h albcmapusr nCIAI edenton, n.c. \*3 l °\ r\A_ l|D ACIBUCANCi I— AT MK. SCRVICf- Mutual Burial association M ake Ckuvck-Qoing a Ha6if Sunday School Lesson SILAS: TRUSTWORTHY CO-WORKER International Sunday School Lesson for August 20 Memory Selection: “Even if you do suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed.”—l Peter 3:14. Lesson Text: Acts 15:22-41: 16.16 through 17:14; 18:5; I Thessalonians 1:1; Peter 5:12. In today’s lesson we give con sideration to the thought: “How can we become more depend able Christians?” Turning to our Scriptural studies for today, we find the answer. At the start we find a bone of contention separating the lead ers, with the result that Bar nabas took Mark with him and sailed to Cyprus, while Paul chose Silas and continued teach ing through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches. And as a result of their teaching, we find Paul and Silas persecuted and flung into prison. Silas seems to have been a quiet, dedicated man. That, more than anything else, was Continued on Page 4 — Section 1 Chowan County Churches IYEOPIM BAPTIST Sunaay School Sunday morning at 10 o'clock Preaching services every flrsi and third Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. EDENTON BAPTIST RF.'V. R N. CARROLL. Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 A M. Morning worship service. 11 A. M. Training Union at 6:30 P. M. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. MH-week prayer service Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. GREAT HOPE BAPTIST REV. HENRY V. NAPIER. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. 1 Morning worship second and fourth Sundays at 11 o’clock. Evening worship first and fourth Sundays at 3 o’clock. Prayer service Wednesday at 8 P. M. CENTER HILL METHODIST REV. C. T. WILSON. Pastor Preaching servicer very first and third Sundays at 11 A. M. EDENTON PRESBYTERIAN I REV. JAMES MacKENZIE. Pastor Sunday School Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. I Morning worship at 11 o’clock. - Olrls’ Meeting—all teen-age glrla— -1 Sur.dav. 6 30 P. M. Christian Servlet Brigade—alt teen- Y are boys—Tuesday. 7 r. M. « Mid-week Prayer Service —Wednesday I night at 7:30 o’clock. 1 FIRST CHRISTIAN REV. E. C. ALEXANDER. Pastor I Sunday School at 10 A M. J Morning worship at 11 o’clock, f Young People’s meeting at 6:30 P. M. % Evening worship at 7:30 o’clock, a Wednesday evening service at 7:30 Y o’clock. I ST. ANN'S CATHOLIC 1 REV. C. F. HILL. Pastor « 2a Sunday Masses 8 and 11 A. M. Y Confessions before every Mass. I Sunday School 11:45 Sunday A. M. J Convert Instructions or private con o sultatlon by appointment. Phone 2617. • 9 CENTFR HILL BAPTIST | REV. HENRY V. NAPIER. Pastor ; J Morning worship at 11 o’clock first f and third Sundays. i y Sunday School at 10 A. M. a B. T. U. at 7 P. M. v Evening worship at 8 o’clock second I and fourth Sundays. _ M Prayer service Thursday at 8 P. M. L EDENTON METHODIST P REV VAN T. CRAWFORD. Paston , 1 Church School Sunday morning at , 1 9*45 o'clock. f Preaching service Sunday morning at' 1 11 o’clock. f MACEDONIA BAPTIST J REV. GORDON SHAW, Pastor i Sunday School at 10 A. M. ■ C’rearalng every Sunday morning at t 1- o'cl >ck and every Sunday night at 3 7" 3C o clock. f Prayer meeting: Wednesday night at I 7:30 o’clock. < f ■ 1 — i I WARWTCK BAPTIST REV. WARREN L. ROLLINS W Sunday School at 10 A. M. S Preaching service at 11 A. M. I 3TU at -7 P. M. a Preaching service at BP. M. j Prayer service Wednesday nights at 8 o’clock. I SAINT PAUL'S'EPISOOPAL ■ REV. GEORGE B. HOLMES. Rector ’ 8:00 A. M. Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M.. Church School. 10:00 A M.. Adult Bible Clasa. 11:00 A. M., Morning Worship. 7:30 P. M.. Yeung Churchmen. ■ Wednesday. 10.30 A. M.. Holy Com munion. BALLARD'S BRIDGE BAPTIST REV. A. CARL HART, Pastor , Sunday School Sunday morning at 10 9 o’clock. "Preaching services at 11 A. M. and BPM Prayer meeting Wednesday alght at , 8 o’clock. 1 CHURCH OF GOD REV. JOHN MARTIN. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching service at 11 A. M. WPE Sunday at 7 P. M. a Evening worship at 7:30 o clock. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES i R P. LONG Congregation Servant 1 Bible study at 3:00 o’clock Sunday C, afternoon at Kingdom Hall. . _ * Bible study Wednesday night at 8 j o’clock. . . Service meeting and ministry school Friday nights at 8 o’clock. , ASSEMBLY OF GOD * REV. C. L. WILES. Pastor Sunday'School. 9:45 A. M. Worship Service. 11:00 A. M. Christ Ambassador Service. 8:30 1 P, M.: Evangelistic Service. 7:30 P. I M.; Wednesday night prayer sendee, 730 P * | EVANS METHODIST , REV. C. T. WILSON. Pastor l . Preaching services e< try first and f third Sundays at 9:30 A. M. probably the secret of his great ness. Silas’ support must have meant a great deal to Paul dur ing his trials and tribulations teaching the word of God. Silas, together with other early Chris tians, was sustained and driven by the compulsion that he had discovered something precious, had been given something, had something to tell. That some thing he believed was the most important truth man can know truth that can awaken and re lease human beings for living in the peace and joy of fellow ship in Him whose law is love; truth that is God’s personal and loving message to his children. I It was for this truth that Silas : and others who shared his dedi cation were witnesses. They f j spurned comfort and safety, and • 1 went everywhere to let their ■ i message loose in the world. It 1 i was by means of this dedica- I j tion that the Christian church • | was born. During the centuries , when the glory that had been 1 Greece and the grandeur that Ihad been Rome perished in de cay, there was emerging a new ! and nobler world. These first i ; friends of Jesus Christ spread | the gospel that brought life to I HAPPY HOME PENTECOSTAL )l HOLINESS CHURCH , HAROLD C. LEAKE. Minister Sunday School. 9:45; Morning Wor ship, 11:00: Llfellners, 6:45: Evening Worship, 7:45; Wednesday Prayer Ser vice. 7:45. WHITE OAK CHAPEL BAPTIST REV. R. M. McNAIR. Pastor ROCKY HOCK BAPTIST (THURMAN W. ALLRED. Pastor Sunday School Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. I Training Union at 7 P M , Evening worship at 8 o’clock, COLORED CHURCHES PROVIDENCE BAPTIST REV. F. H. LaGUARDE Sunday School at 9:30 A M. Morning service at 11 o’clock. Evening service at 7:30 o’clock. I Prayer meeting Wednesday night at I 7:30 o’clock. j Young people’s and senior choir practice Friday nights at 8 o’clock. Men’s Bible Class meets Monday night at o'clock. I ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST EPISCOPAL REV. CLYDE BEATTY. Minister First Sunday at 11 A. M.. Holy Com munion and sermon. Second Sunday at 9 A. M.. Holy Com munion. Third Sunday at 9 A. M.. Holy Com mune Fourth Sunday at 11 A. M.. mnuni prayer and sermon. Sunday School each Sunday after noon at 3 o’clock. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST ELDER J. A. SAWYER. Pastor Every second and fourth Sundav. Pastor’s Day. Every first and third Sunday. Church Day. 1 Sunday School at 11 A. M. to 1 P, M Prayer and Bible Band Tuesday ' night at 8 o’clock. Wednesday night -holr practice at 7:30 o'clock. Thursday night choir practice f* 7:30 o’clock Friday night Pastor’s Aid Society at 8 o’clock. Saturday night young people's Bible dulz and recreation. WARREN GROVE BAPTIST REV. J. E. TILLETT Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M Preaching service at 11:30 A. M. every second and fourth Sundav. Women’s Educational and Mission Union meets every fourth Sundav after the morning service. WELCH'S CHAPEL BAPTIST REV. W. H. DAVIS. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching service first Sunday at 11:30 A. M. ST. JOHN BAPTIST REV. C. M. HEIDELBURG. Pastor aunday School at 10 A. M. ServDes every first and third Sun days at 12 o’clock noon. Vesper ser vice at 6 o'clock. GALE STREET BAPTIST REV. C. M. HEIDELBURG. Pa.'tor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Services every second and fourth Sunday at 11 A. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 8 o'clock. PINEY GROVE A. M. E. Z. REV. M. H. EBRON. Pastor UNION GROVE A. M. E. Z. REV. J. E. GORDON. Pastor RYAN GROVE BAPTIST REV. M. A. RIDDICK. Pastor ST. LUKIf CHRISTIAN REV. KELLY GOLDMAN. Pastor JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES EuDER J. C. HALL. Pastor CENTER HILL BAPTIST REV. H. C. SAUNDERS. Pastor KADRSH A. M. E. ZION REV. L. A. WILT yMS Pastor Sunday School at A. M. Morning worjAlp at 11:00 o’clock. Evening service at 7:00 o’clock. PLEASANT GROVE A. M. E. Z REV. JAMES WILLS. Pastor Sunday Scnool at 10 A. M. Morning worship service at 11 o’clock Choir rehearsal Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. CANAAN TEMPLE A. M. E. Z. REV. W-. H SESSOM. Pastor Sunday School at 10-15. Morning worship at 11:30 o'clock. Young People’s meeting at 2 P. M. Evening service at 7:30 o’clock. • Tuesday night first Senior Choir practice at 8 o’clock. Wednesday night second Senior Choir practice at 8 o’clock. [ HAWKINS CHAPEL A. M. E. Z. REV. M. H. EBRON Pastor LOCUST GROVE A. M. E. Z. REV. J. E. GORDON. Pastor ——“ NgD 4roUH" - ALL FORTH! CHUtCtf J* • I The Church St the greatest factor oa •arth for the building of character and *ood dtiaeoshiD. it it a ttorehouso Tne carefree mav call this entertainment. The of spiritual values. Without a strong «. , •i. n .w, Church, neither democracy nor civilize- GlSCOUraged might Call it lilCl | «ion can survive. There are four sound w^Ur% P T„°d n Support We feci often as though we’re not getting anv- Churci. They nn: (t» For hi. «w» Where. Many of us recall a long succession of up •ake. (2) For his children s sake (3) . , • • , For the sake of his community and find GOWnS— -COlTling in 3. VICIOUS Circle, nation. (4) For the sake of tha Church Uri. f f »"* “i To get an >' whcrc ’ our lifc must havc direction! fcgulsily and ml your Bible dtily. .. i • . ~.. . , .... Not just ambition, mind you. Ambition is sim _ ply a restless yearning to reach another plateau. D.T Book Cl»p. Vena* Sand.y 4J j. )O Direction is a course of forward progress. Tueid.y Pulm ut k ma y to one’s ambition ... or beyond'. IVednetdny Proverb* s 5-13 And sometimes it bypasses an unworthy ambition Thundny ii Timothy s IMS to brine within our reach a worthy goal. Sridoy John 4 7-J* Sotiudoy Job* 4 27-42 Set a time in your week when you will forego __ both entertainment and ambition—to insure for _ body, mind and soul a right direction. Begin next Sunday morning! Copyright 1961, Keister AM-. Sen-ice. tne.. Slraslurg. 1 J. These Religious Messages Are Published In The Chowan Herald And Are Sponsored By The Following Business Establishments: P & Q Super Market EDENTON, N. C. M. G. Brown Co., me. LUMBER —"MILLWORK BUILDING MATERIAL Reputation Built on Satisfied Customers PHONE 2135 EDENTON Broad Street Fish Market Complete Line of Fresh Seafoods PHONE 2217 BILL CORPREW, Owner Belk - Tyler’s EDENTON’S SHOPPING CENTER Hughes-Parker Hardware Co. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS PHONE 2315 EDENTON. N. C. The Jill Shoppe Edenton’s Newest Popular-Price Shoppe For Ladies EDENTON. N. C. Interested Citizen Be A Better Citizen, Go To Some Church Next Sunday PAGE THREE Edenton Restaurant | “Good Food Pleasant Surrouoidings” ■ MRS. W L. BOSWELL, Prof. PHONE 9723 EDENTON I W. E. Smith GEN ERA L MK R < 'II AN DISE ’ROCKY HOCK’ PHONE 3022 EDENTON Mitel loner’s Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS PHONE 3711 EDENTON The Betty Shoppe Edenton ’s Complete Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Shoppe Quinn Furniture Company HOME OF FINE FURNITURE EDENTON. N. C. The Chowan Herald "YOUR HOME NEWSPAPER” Edenton Tractor & Equipment Company YOUR FORD TRACTOR DEALER AGENTS FOR EVINRUDF OUTBOARDS - U. S. 17 SOUTH— EDENTON. N. C. :—SECTION TW|,