SECTION ONE PAGE SIX Married In Turkey, N. C. jgF’jv'' - \- • • Ms .^y*‘ fill <■■-■..♦■ -’**’- Jz&wtmz ; I ■ m *«r * j| ■ _ ■ - j - . |H life % m yffllf' v!v' 9HHBBB fllf . ■MB** ;'- j ms'»'s ?#■ • :. ' .-'r.4SsaH i Miss Elizabeth Brown Oliver and Ravenell Holland Cayton were married on Sunday, Au gust 20, at the Turkey, N. C., Methodist Church by the Rev. E. C. Hawkins. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Caris B. Oliver of Turkey, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie H. Cayton' of Edenton. The wedding mu-, sic was presented by Miss Mary', Wallace, organist and Misses] Cynthia and Granveline Wallace, vocalists. Given in marriage by her fa-1 ther. the bride wore a gown of! lace and tulle over taffeta. The! scalloped scoop neckline was! |rimmed with glowing sequins I and pearls. Her fingertip veil j was attached to a crown ofi pearls. She carried a lace-cov- 1 SOCIETY NEWS Virginia Guests Mrs. Douglas Mallory of Ber-1 jyville, Va., Mrs. Powell Jack-' son of Foxcroft School at Mid dleburg, Va., mother of Mrs. John Waff, Jr», and Mrs. Roland White of Winchester, Va., sister of Mrs. Waff, and children, Di ann Page and Roland, Jr., were guests of Mrs. John Waff, Jr., last week. o South Boston Visitors Mr. and Mrs. George B. Tun stall of South Boston, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. Tun stall’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hollowell. Visits Parents Mrs. Ed Bond attended a meeting of the State Board of Mental Health in Concord this week. While away she visited her parents in Chapel Hill. Enters Hospital Braxton Gay left Wednesday morning for Washington, N. C., where he entered Beaufort County Hospital for observation and a possible operation. See New Pontiac Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Britton ' and children attended the show- '• ing of the new Pontiac in ' Charlotte last week. They also took a trip through the moun- 1 tains of North Carolina while away. Here From Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and son of Charlotte spent several days visiting - her sister’ and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis. Visit In° Norfolk . Mr. and" Mrs. H. Z. Moyers, Mr. apd Mrs. E. L.. White spent Sunday in Norfolk visiting Mr. and Mrs. Julian Forehand. Bobbins Visitors Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Greene and children of Rdbbins Visited j Mrs Greene’s sister and family, Mb', and Mrs. Tony Miley. i ered prayer book topped with an orchid and stephanotis. The bride’s only attendant was her sister, Miss Patsy Oli ver. She wore a dress of pink silk organza with a deeper pink cumberbund, accented with cab bage roses of taffeta and or ganza in the back. Her head piece and nose veil matched her cumberbund. She carried a nosegay of pink carnations. The bridegroom’s brother, Roy Cayton of Richmond, Va., was best map. Ushers were Paul Cayton of Greenville, brother of the bridegroom and James Has sell of Jacksonville, brother-in law of the bridegroom. The bridegroom is employed by Union Carbide, Inc., in Green ville where both he and his bride are students at East Caro lina College. Ashcboro Visitors ! Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sauls and 1 son, Harvin of Ashebnro spent ; the week-end with Mrs. Sauls’ j parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ! Wheeler. Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Garner and children of Portsmouth, Va., visited Mrs. Garner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Knox over the week-end. Visit In Raleigh Mrs. R. D. Dixon, Jr., and children spent last week in Ra leigh with Mrs. Dixon's par ents, Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Bob bitt. Mr. Dixon joined them for the week-end. Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. J. Leroy Dail, her mother, Mrs. Clara WorreLl and granddaughter, Debbie of Newsoms, Va., visited Mr. and ' Mrs. William Cozart and family, Mrs. Eugenia Shump and Miss : Iva Mae Dail Sunday after noon. In New York Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith of Pasadena, California and Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Hart left Tues day to spend a few days in New York City. Visit In Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. William Ccr-' prew spent the week-end in Norfolk, where they visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Barber. Norfolk Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bunch and children of Norfolk spent Fri day as guests of Mr. Bunch’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carey Bunch. Return To Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brooks and children of Wilmington, N. C., have returned to their home as- I ter spending a week as guests of Mrs. Brooks’ parents, Mr. and I Mrs. Carey Bunch. ' ___ _ ■ ' _____ / 5 Tub CHOWAN HERALD. EDEN TOW. 'NQBTA CAROLINA, mUitSMT, AUGUIST 31, 1981. Visit In Hsndsnon Mrs. Nathan Owens and son, Steve, spent the week-end in I Henderson with her parents. o Week-end At Beach Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bond spent the week-end at Nags Head, f O Return From Beach Mr. ancj Mrs. Wesley Chesson and children have returned from a week’s stay at Nags Head. Raleigh' Visitor Miss Patsy Mooney of Raleigh returned home with Miss Betsy I Campen to spend si veral days. if civic calendar] —-——- Continued from Page 1, Section 1 sociation will be held in the armory at Elizabeth City Friday evening, September 8. at 6:30 o'clock. Chowan County Home Dem onstration County Council will meet Wednesday afternoon. Sep tember 6, at 2:30 o'clock at the Oak Grove Community Build ing. I Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star, will 1 meet Monday night, September .4, at 8 o'clock. Dr. J. Leo Green of Wake Forest will preach at the Eden ton Baptist Church at both morning and evening services Sunday. September 3. Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion will meet Tues day night, September 5. at 8 o'clock. Revival meetings will be held at the Chappell Hill Baptist Church beginning Sunday, Sep tember 4, and continue through out the week. Edenton Woman's Club will meet Wednesday afternoon. Sep tember 6, at 1 o'clock at the Edenton Restaurant. ! Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Edenton Metho dist Church will meet at the church Tuesday night, Sep tember 5, at 8 o'clock. Revival services are in pro gress at the Bethel Baptist Church and will continue through Sunday. September 3. Chowan County Fair Will be held at the American Legion Fairgrounds October 2-7. Chowan County Commission ers will meet Friday morning, September 8, at 9 o'clock, in stead of Monday morning due to Labor Day. Schools in the Chowan Coun ty administrative unit will open Friday. September 1. Edenton Jaycees are selling advance tickets for the Edenton Aces' football season. Edenton Rotarians will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock in the Parish House. Chowan Tribe of Red Men will meet Monday night at 8 o'clock. William H. Coffield Jr. Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Annual homecoming will be held at Kadesh A.M.E. Zion Church Sunday, September 3. 21 New Families Move To Edenton Continued from Page 1, Section 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Tynch, Westover Heights. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hunnings, 200 South Oakum Street. Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Mc- Horney, 209 Park Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William Barnum, 203 North Broad Street. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Stalls, 107 Morris Circle. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard John son, 316 West Queen Street. Mr. and Mrs. David Ottaway, 110 West Albemarle Street. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Penny, Mr. and Mrs. Buell Bailey, 1000 Broad Street. Mr. and -Mrs. Billy Duncan, 111 Badham Road. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lewis, Ro"te 2, Box 426. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Jordan, Jr., 11 Westover Heights. Mr. and Mrs H. C. Jackson, Route 1, Box 350. Two Edenton Boys In Summer Training Continued from Page 1, Section 1 tering the academy’s Brigade of Midshipmen in the fall. The two-month military indoc trination includes marching, cor rect wearing of the Navy uni form, Navy terminology and some academic work. r Midshipmen undergo four years training at the academy, including three summer train ing cruises. Their curriculum, consisting of 160 semester hours leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. j Upon graduation, from An -1 napolis, middies receive a com | mission of ensign in the Navy or second lieutenant in the Ma- Irine Corps, Army or Air Force I Engaged ' 1 MISS SUE FRANCES BOYCE Mrs. Inez B. Moran announces the engagement or her niece. Miss Sue Frances Boyce, to Newton Nathaniel Hampton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Hamp ton of Coiniock. The wedding will take place in October. What a man thinks of him self, that it is which indicates his fate. —Henry David Thoreau. #B-10 Lb. Harrell’s W ak w* am mm mr ■m Country Style AM S A5 C Half or Whole *“ * “ WP^li|| SIRLOIN OR x vf| I: Round Steaks>b79 I - ;• *. *\i y'ii - • 10 to 12 b Harrell’s Tenderized Hams lb. 49° ~45 SWIhT’S 3TO 8-LB. AVERAGE J 1 __ ‘■''*'4ll “333*.' Missing Parts Young TURKEYS ib. 29 c jSgU lib. Signal SAUSAGE bag 33c jjJPP 1-LB. HARRELL 1-LB. RED LABEL ""** ' PURE LARD WfIANNE corn Be •ISSSr 1 14 c BEET SMI.. ..tarflo Write-Rite 140 Sheet 1-LB. (V4’s) BLUE SEAL 1-LB. JACK RABBIT " 1 OLEO HAW BEANS bag 11c Pg* OUC , 20 GALLON GALVANIZED ", : - pkß ' 19 C GARBAGE CAN eadlJUB Notebook Binders 111 > 1 { , FANCY LARGE NEW YORK ii» each 99c CELERY 9 1Q c Top Quality No. 2 M * y BABY ; Lead Pencils PAMCy “ urownA T' I MAC 4 f.r 15c GRAPEFRUIT 3 for 35c 3-Lb. Can Scott TTCut-Rite Delsey CRISCO TISSUE WAXED PAPER TISSUE j ■ an 91r 2 rolls 25r roll 19c 2 rolls 25c _ r ... _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ ' •H* < h v EDENTON NORTH CAKOUNA t ■ H I R i-Vl I■w I | | ■ Store Open Until 7*oo P M^Priday I ■ ■ ■ ■IIII ■K| || 8:00 P. If. Saturday ': - H ■Up ■ mBB I PRICEiS EFFECTIVE THBOiICn <- My News \ By MRS. ROLAND EVANS The baptismal service at Rocky Hock will be held Sunday morning, September 3, at Rod ney- Harrell’s cottage. Mrs. Peggy Hooper, Jr., of Elizabeth City visited Mrs. .Ev ans and Mrs. Perry Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Crist of Madison Heights, Vai, visited relatives in the county Over the week-end. Mrs. Lillie Saunders spent most of the week in Rocky Hock last week. Friends will regret to learr that Willie Saunders is on thi sick list. Mrs. Bristoe Perry visited Mrs. John F. Perry Wednesday as ternocn. Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Perry of Suffolk, Va., returned from their honeymoon at Niagara Falls and called on his mothei Sunday afternoon and were sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ro land Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Cal vin Keeter and sons also stop ped in. Mrs. B. M. Hollowell, Jr., An nie and Mrs. Nell Frank visited ry Friday morning. < Mr. and Mrs. George Ward and children recently went on a trip to Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harrell of Ohio are spending this week' with Mn-s. Martha Harrell. Mrs. William ' Ray Bunch re cently underwent an operation. » Mrs. Nellie Gardner has re turned home after a recent op eration. Young people planning to leave soon for college will be honored at Rocky Hock ChOrch Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Javans rnd Dean of Elizabeth City vis (ed Mr. and Mrs. Edward Evans over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Har well of Norfolk visited Mr. and Mrs. Gib Harrell over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Dail of Cross Roads recently spent a vacation at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts of Vm-folk visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Potts over the week-end in Edenton. Miss Celia Rae Elliott will be come the bride of Luther Way lon Wright Sunday, September 3, at Ballard’s Bridge Baptist] at 4 P. M. Chowran County Fair will be Revival services are being held this week at Great Hope Church. Revival services are in pro gress this week at the Bethel Baptist Church. The Rev. Hoyle B. Alexander of Gaffney, S. C., is the visiting evangelist. The A1 G. Kelly & Miller Bros. Circus appeared in Eden ton Wednesday of this’ week, presenting two performances on the Dr. L. A. Dees farm. Terry Jones brought the mes sage at Center Hill Baptist Church Sundav morning. Schools in the county unit will open Friday of this week. An Albemarle Area Develop ment kick-off meeting is sched uled to be held at Elizabeth City Tuesday evening, September 8. This will be a dinner meeting at 6:30 in the National Guard armory. The Annie Hollowell Circle of Ballard’s Bridge Baptist Church met Tuesday night at the home of- Mrs. Kate Dail. Mrs. Eddie Nixon has return ed to Rocky Hock after a trip to Washington and other west ern states. A great man will not trample upon a woman, nor speak to an emperor. —Thomas Fuller. \ zsu ~~~— * Menus at the Edenton Ele* mentary Echoed for the wegk of September 4-6 will be os fol lows: ,r’ , 1-f -• Monday: Luhch meat, &eoi beans, sandwich bread, milk, toss salad, block cake. s Tuesday: Hamburger, 'fruit cup, creamed potatoes, milk,; gravy, J)laekeye peas, butter, school baked rolls. . Wednesday: Chicken salad On lettuce, garden peas, apple pie) potato .sticks, sal tines, butte£ milk. - jvf Thursday: Baked ham, school baked rolls, candied yams, milk* corn and linia beans,' butter, fruit jello. > r ■ , ; Friday: Fish sticks, potato salad, cole slaw, butter, cord bread, sliced peaches, milk.' -' ' , t*’ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1 WILL MEET SEPTEMBER i Chowan County ' Commission ers will hold their September meeting Friday morning, ■ S*»pi tember 8, at 9 o’clock.. TTii meeting was postponed frorfr Monday, September 4; due to the observance of Labor ’Day.: 1

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