ONLY NEWSPAPER V PUBLISHED IN, CHOWAN COUNTY A Volume XXVlll.—Number 37. ILdenton Aces Win 15th Consecutive Game Friday Night Take Measure of Big i Roanoke Rapids Yel low Jackets By 14-6 Score 'j Chalking up their 15th con secutive victory, Edenton’s Aces in\Roanoke Rapids Friday night wore down a much heavier Yel ldw Jacket outfit and "walked off the field clinging to the long end of a 14-6 score. The Yellow Jackets drew first blood when, aided by a recovered fumble on the Aces’ 25-yard line, they scored a touchdown early in the second quarter On the second play Cooke grabbed a pass and got away for the score. The Aces, however, dominated the play the remain-i der of the quarter and near, the close drove 53 yards to score when Wayne Ashley crash ed through the line frqm about the 1-foot line. During the third quarter the ball see-sawed back and forth, though the Aces were in pos session the majority-of the time The Aces put the .game on ice about midway the fourth quarter. With Carroll Fore-' hand, Richard Dixon and Wayne Ashley alternating in carrying the ball, the Aces drove 58 yards to add the clincher touch down. The trio tore the big 'Roanoke Rapids line to shreds and when at the 5-yard line Forehand found a hole, jumped over a Yellow Jacket and reach ed the end zone untouched. Forehand also had a perfect average for booting extra points, with both attempts sending the ball through the uprights. Facing a stronger outfit than in the opening game against Camden, the Aces showed con siderable improvement. Os pourse, some cosfTy mistakes ) y/ere made, but on. the whole it appears that the Billings-coach ed team will again be able to hold its own, especially in the Albemarle Conference. In the offensive department Carroll Forehand was easily the star. He carried the brunt ..of the ball carrying, but was aW(i assisted by Richard Dixon who also picked up considerable yardage and was hard to stop by the big Yellow Jackets. Wayne Ashley, too, was a hard man to stop, and contributed to the Aces’ yardage. Joe Mitch ener almost got away on a pass and he was a thorn in the side of Jackets runners, one time breaking through to chalk up a 10-yard loss. Douglas Twiddy also played a good game, connecting with a pass which set up a touchdown on the 7-yard line. Continued on Page 1. Section 2 20 Years Ago As Foutad In The Files Os The Chowan Herald V -i O. C. Davis, whose pastime, lo- I gather with fishing, was shoot ing crows, reported that in sev en months he had killed 579 crows with his .22 calibre Hor net rifle! Edenton's Town Council re mained in session until 1 A. M. Objection on the part of ladies to removal of sufficient trees for the erection of a filling sla- Continued on Page B—Section . John Holmes High School Band: Will Observe Tag Day Sept. 16j J- : . —. I Plans for the annual Band Tag Day were approved by th" Band Parents Association at * September 6 meeting. A special meeting was also held 1 1 Monday night to organize this ■ fund raising drive which begins \ Saturday, September 16. ~' i | The drive will open at 12:30 1 P. M., with a parade Mid shdrt concert in downtown 1 Renton. Following the concert merchants and professic ■nal men): iTth* city will be contacted by i fembers of the Pa#«tts 14,500 residents of the eight t1 Continued on Page 3—Section ’ able investment, he said. Senior ! memberships provide an un -1 limited number of credit reports ! without additional cost other i than monthly dues of SB.OO and j toll call charges, if they need ito he made. Junior member ships, available at $5.00 dues per month allow up to six credi* reports per month, all over this amount would be billed at 50c per credit report. Credit reports would be available' to non members in town as well as out of town. Byrum said, and nomi nal charges would be made for each report, adding t,o the Cred it Association’s income. A tentative budget has been : set at $260 a, month for mini -1 mum operation, Byrum indicat j ed. “Wq need at least 10 more ! senior memberships. There is a very good chance that these i | will be obtained this week," By-j irum said. - ._ _ \ 1 Miss Cora Bomar | | WII Be Speaker j For PTA Meeting First Meeting of Fall Will Be Held Sep tember 19 at Ele mentary School Warren Twiddy, president of I “he Edenton Parent-Teacher As [ sociation, announces that a meeting of the association will j be held Tuesday night, Septem * ber 19. The meeting will he held at the Edenton Elementary j School beginning at 8 o'clock. A feature of this meeting will j be an address by Miss Cora j Paul Bomar, supervisor of , school library services of the . North Carolina Department of : Public Instruction. Miss Bomar’s occupation in volves supervising school li j braries in all North Carolina schools, devoting energy to helping schools develop good li brary programs. She has been a classroom teacher and librar l.ontmued ou t-aqe t»- -aeciii.n Commissioners Release Papers jTo Dept. Archives And History I Admiral A. M. Patterson, as | sistant state archivist in Raleigh, 1 has again sent a request to the Chowan County Commissioners for release of old papers now stored in the Peoples Bank & Trust Company building and thd Cleik of Court’s office? The re quest is to release the papers to ! the Department of Archives and j History, where they will be as-' | sorted, laminated and indexed for preservation purposes. Admiral Patterson in a letter to the Commissioners stated that the longer these old records are retained in their present loca tion and condition, the less the ■ department will be able to sal vage what is important when they are finally released. In fact, he stated, many have al- Constitution W eek Observed Week Os September 17 To 23 Sponsored by Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR. Con stitution Week will be observ ed in Edenton the week of Sep- I (ember 17-23. ! Mayor John Mitchener has is- f j sued a proclamation designat -1 ing the week and calls noon all I citizens to pay special attention j during the week to the Federal j Constitution and the advantages j of American citizenship. The purpose of the observance tof Constitution Week is to re -1 call to the American people the Warwick Revival j Begins Sept 17th! Rev. Bryan Holloman I Os Ivor, Va., Visit ing Evangelist 1 The Rev. Warren L. Rollins. J pastor of Warwick Baptist I J Church, announces that revival .'services will begin at the •'church near Hobbsville on Sun j day night, September 17, audj I continue through Sunday night, I September 24. Services will be- j gin each night at 8 o’clock. The Rev. Bryan Holloman of j Ivor, Va., and formerly pastor j ;, of Bethel Church in Perquirn-: j ans County will be the visiting I evangelist. Albert Hobbs will be the song leader. Special music will be; ; rendered at each service. An ■ invitation is extended to mem- : bers and friends. Meeting Called To Form Ruritan Club Sponsored by the Chowan Ruritan Club, a meeting will be held at the Advance Communi ty Building Tuesday night, Sep tember 19, at 7:30 o’clock. The purpose of the meeting is to, organize a Ruritan Club in the Advance Community and for that reason all civic-minded i men who are interested in the ] welfare of the community are i especially urged to attend. DuLaney Elected I New President Os Development Body Constitution Week Georgy A. Byrum, chair man of the Merchants Com mittee of the Edenton Cham ber of Commerce, wishes tc remind all merchants that flags should be flown during Constitution Week, Septem ber 17 through the 23rd. Residents are encouraged to lo l.kewise. n i 52 JAILED IN AUGUST Jailer Bertram Byrum re ports that 52 persons were placed in the Chowan County Jail during August with con finements ranging from one to 31 days. The expense, including jail and turnkey fees, soap and telephone bill, amounted to $559.52 ready deteriorated beyond re pair. Some time back a local com mittee went over the old pap ers, but they are in such shape that it is practically impossible to find any information which might be desired. ! The Commissioners, after con ferring with the committee, ar rived at the conclusion that the old papers are not of any spe cial value to the county, so that (they agreed to release them to Admiral Patterson. In fact, the Commissioners are of the opinion that it would re quire less time to go to Raleigh after the, capers are indexed, am fin* any -iformation tha* might be desired ,han to thumb through the stack of papers in their present condition. true significance of the events that occurred during the week of September 17-23 in 1787 and_ to revitalize appreciation of our I great heritage which is the Constitution. I During the week business concerns as well as individuals are requested to display Ameri can flags. Schools in the county are asked to present spe*+al= programs dealing with the Con ' stitution and ministers are ask ■ ed to speak on the Constitution and include prayers for our gov ; ernment. County Firemen Building Kitchen Group Seeking Con j tributions to Com plete Project Members of the Center Hill- Cross Roads Fire Department are now busily engaged in add- S ing a kitchen to the fire sta- Coniinued on Page B—Section 1 judge Chester Morris Appoints Mrs. Lena Leary Clerk Os Court Judge Chester Morris early 1 this week appointed Mrs. Lena * Leary as Clerk of Chowan Su perior Court, effective October 1. Mrs. Leary, who has served as assistant clerk for many years will fill the unexpired term of; Thomas H. Shepard, who re-; cently tendered his resignation to accept a position with Home Feed & Fertilizer Company. Mrs. Leary was recommended for the appointment by the Cho wan County Democratic Execu tive Committee and the Cho wan County Commissioners at; their meeting Friday morning. | In appointing Mrs. Leary, Judge Morris had this to say: i “I am pleased to inform you j that, effective October 1, 1961, I am appointing you as Clerk of FIGHT CANCER T] WITH A CHECKUP II AND CHECK A .’bZ.So Per Year In North Caroline Number of Directors Reduced to Transact Business of Group More Expeditiously At the Edenton Development Corporation stockholders’ meet ing September 6 at the Chowan County Court House, it was vot d to reduce the number of di rectors from ten to three, it has been announced by J. H. Conger, Jr., who presided at the neeting. Discussion disclosed hat with a reduction of diiec ors a voting quorum could be nore readily obtained and that justness requiring directors at ention and decisions, could be transacted more expeditiously. The nominating committee, bait maned by W. P. Jones, ame up with the three-man late of J. H DuLaney, W. J. P. larnhardt and Graham White. • ’here being no other nomina , ions from the floor, they were ' .‘lected unanimously. Chairman Conger reviewed he activities of the Edenton Development Corporation and cited to stockholders examples of the benefits to be derived hrough a business development •orporation. A specific example s the establishment of Seabrook Blanching Corp., as an Edenton ndustry with a substantial Continued on Page 6. Section 1 Band Starts Drive For New Members New Applicants Will Be Received Until 7 Sejptember 16 A drive for npw members for he John A. Holmes High chool Band began Tuesday af trnoon of this week with a ■arent-child meeting. The af ernoon session was followed by nother meeting on Tuesday light to familiarize both parents nd students with the opera tion of the band program and selection of a proper instrument or each child. New members will be accept ed from the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Deadline for membership this year will be Saturday, .September 16. If any parents desire a musi i -:aL«cffucation for a child which falls in the age category stated above, they should contact ! James Cozart, band director, by Saturday, September 16. The Chamber of Commerce second annual Farmer-Business 1 1 man’s Friendship Tour will be ' j held today (Thursday). Annual ladies' night banquet ■! of Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. 18c A. M., will be held at the j Masonic Temple Thursday night. > Jeptember 21, at 7 o'clock. Annual meeting of the Cho wan Farm Bureau will be held t in the Edenton armory tonight _i (Thursday) beginning at 6:30 . ; O'clock. i Continued on Page 2—Section 1 the Superior Court for Chowan County to fill the unexpired I te.m of Mr. Torn H. Shepard. “I wish to state to you that you have been endorsed by the ! Democratic Executive Committee ! unanimously, by the Board of i County Commissioners unani ! mously, by the Bar of Edenton, by the Register of Deeds of Chowan County, by the Sheriff of Chowan County, by the pres ent Clerk of the Superior Court and by Mr. Spires, the former Clerk of the Superior- Court for : both of whom you have acted !as assistant clerk. You have also j been highly endorsed by the pastor of your church, j “It gives me pleasure to give 'you this appointment and I hope you a successful tenure in office.” •