PAGE FOUR -SECTION ONE jgjj f w- If* C Motor Vehicles Dept. Tops, |lj. S. In Driving License Control! If ' North Carolina Motor Ve j»i< les Department’s Driver Li 'Mw aing Division led the entire &a ion last year in driver ex in ination, driver licensing and Jjr ver control, according to the Brherican Association of Motor Sff licle Administrators. ? ! t was the sixth such honor igt :a row for the Tar Heel li censemen who were rated just a single point short of perfection. J A panel of traffic experts, I evaluating the performance of gll fifty states, gave 99 points to North Carolina. A grade of ?5 is necessary to put a state in the running for AAMVA’s cov eted “Achievement Award.’’. Only fifteen other states and] the District of Columbia made the 1960 listing. North Caro lina’s closest competUcSr in the point totals was New Jersey With 94. i The other states with their ] Scores included Oregon 94, Dis trict of Columbia 94, Ohio 94, Minnesota 92, Illinois 91, Cali fornia 90, Alabama 89, Penn-j sylvania 88, Georgia 88, Florida The National Outlook ] * One Issue Is Settled By Ralph Robey j - At last it is positive that we •hall not have a general over haul of our tax system by this session of the Congress. This has been made clear by a state ment issued by the Democratic members of the House Wavs 1 and Means Committee, through! Chairman Wilbur Mills. The' 11. S. Shell Homes, Inc. | MAIM BRANCH NOW LOCATED ON HIGHWAY 17 BYPASS. SOUTH OF ELIZABETH CITY. N. C. One of the South’s Larger Home Builders & 0 YES! We will completely wire your | house, do the rough-N-plumbing, install a | beautiful 3-pc. bath set, water heater and f kitchen sink of your choice. | '< Plus Many Oilier Extras! No Money Down ~ 84 Mos. To Pay £ <•) WRITE OR CALL | P. O. BOX 90 PHONE 8828 ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. * Write or Call Our Nearest Office □ HAVE REPRESENTATIVE CAM, ON ME © WITHOUT OBMOATION ON MV PART © | | PLEASE SEND MORE INFORMATION NAME i ADDRESS ; | CITY STATE <• If Rural Route Give Directions , !" • ' © © , Your Phone (or Neighbor’s) , j*| D I Own a Lot □I Am Buying a Lot - 87, South Carolina 86, Texas and Arizona 85. Elton R. Peele, director of the Driver License Division, will accept the award next month at the association’s annual confer ence in Miami Beach. Driver licensing and control is one of the motor agency’s big gest and businest operations. An immense file of every li censed driver is maintained with a notion as to individual driving records. The Division also is sues original and renewal per mits to a half-million applicants yearly and keeps close tabs on traffic violations and accidents incurred by drivers. Division clerks also mail out about 5,000 warning letters a month to border-line traffic of-1 fenders and cooperate with oth er divisions in various driver improvement programs. There are over two million li censed drivers in North Caro lina, which means a full day’s work every day for the Di vision’s 324 examiners, clerks and officials. ■ i explanation given is that there is not enough time remaining to ; perfect a bill and carry it i through. This, at best, is only part of the reason for not try : ing to have a bill introduced. > President Kennedy sent his ijtax message to the Congress last >! April 20, and the House Ways THE CHOWAN HERALD, EPENTOH, NORTH CAROLINA. THTTRSDAT. SEPTEMBER 21, mi. and Means Committee started | hearings on May 3, with Secre ! tary of the Treasury Dillion as j the first witness. He support ed every one of the President’s recommendations, and so did other spokesmen for the Ad ministration. But with practi cally no exceptions all other witnesses objected to the pro gram. The particular point which aroused the greatest opposition was the cockeyed proposal of fered as a means for stimulat ing greater investment in plant and equipment by business. This was not a change in de preciation laws, which is badly needed, but a tax credit the amount of which was to be de termined by its~ relation to the flow of funds from existing de preciation schedules. Had the suggestion been adopted the loss of revenue, according to the estimate of the Treasury, would have been $1.7 billion, and this was to be made up by closing .various so-called lcyip holes. Even the Ways and Means Committee refused to buy this fantastic proposal, and, in its place, tentatively adopted a plan for giving a credit of 8 percent across the board for in vestment in tangible personal property. This was an improve ment, but still left much to be desired and most organized business still opposed it. The Administration’s recom mendations for offsetting the 1 revenue loss from its tax credit! on investment were extremely broad and varied. One was to place a top daily dollar limit] that business could deduct as a legitimate expense. Another was to repeal the present mod est dividend credit. Still an other was elimination of the provision that a business does not have to pay taxes on foreign earnings until they are brought back to this country. The Committee refused to ac cept any of these three sug gestions, but it did agree ten-! tatively to certain measures which would yield about S9OO j million, as a partial offset to the estimated $1.2 billion loss from its 8 percent investment credit. Since these proposals are not to be formally pre sented to the Congress this year, there is no point in even listing them. So ends in dismal failure one of the principal programs of i President Kennedy. Why should this be the-.outcome? The main reason is that the program that was offered never made any sense. It was a hodgepodge thrown together by a group that has almost no real knowledge of our tax system, nor what, needs to be done about it. Even the proposals had not been thought through, and time after time the Administration spokesmen were forced to give ground and. in effect, admit that i they had been wrong. Wilbur! Mills, chairman of the Ways and| Means Committee, is much too smart to be taken in by such, shenanigans, and some of his' fellow committee members, both | Democratic and Republican, go right along with him on this, j ! What of the element of time?i 'This is important only in the] ] sense that Senator Byrd had an-' nounced that he also would holdj hearings, and that would have meant further delay. But the overriding issue is that this was a bad program to start with, and it deserved to fail. A STONE’S THROW—Zug, Switzerland, is one of the few places in the world where “only a stone’s throw” is a big task. Josef Ruegg found out the hard way, but managed to heave the 184 pound stone a distance of nine feet. T’ stone has been in use since the early 1800’s. SAMERVIN Washington President Su-'t karno’s visit to the United i States to state the Belgrade! 1 Conference position on the East- i West crisis has borne out what i a lot of Congressmen and Sen-: t ators have said for a long time.l? That is that we cannot depend 1 on the 24 non-alligned nations t to stand with the United States t in any conflict with Russia. I Sjnce World War II a benevo-' f lent, if unwise, United States 1 policy has disbursed some $6 ( billion in foreign aid assistance! s to bolster the armies and ccon-| 1 omies of the 24 neutralist na-! i tions. Our government enter-j t tained the hope that in this lat-!i est U. S.-Soviet dispute over £ Berlin and nuclear testing that £ these governments would be i morally bound to side with thc'l United States. Yet after a sum- 1 t mit meeting of these nations in t Belgrade not one of them had f k ■ I ii A|JTQT^3^ REPAIRS > No question about it, when we do a |||d repair job on your car! You can J de[>end on our expert and thorough workmanship for 100'/< satisfaction. For any engine work. from a tune-up to r complete overhaul, pays to come to us! Front End Service Wheel Balancing Frame Straightening Machine Complete Paint and Body Shop Grease & Oil Lubrication Car Wash <> Factory Trained Mechanics GENUINE CHEVROLET PARTS ❖ Budget Plan Financing on Car Repairs i N ■ George Chevrolet Co., Inc. the slightest condemnation of Russia for precipitating the Ber lin Crisis or its resumption of nuclear testing. The Belgrade nations have assumed the atti tude that “a man must live.” They have forgotten the hard lessons of World War II which ] taught many nations that ap peasement leads to enslavement. Recently I inserted in the Con gressional Record a statement by Dr. Frederick Brown Harris, j Chaplain of the Senate, on this! subject. I quote a portion of his remarks: “Statements sat-1 isfactory to all concerned are! the bane of this so-called tol-! erant day when neutralism and. appeasement are becoming more and more a moral fashion. There is dire dancer that one may' become so tolerant of everything] that he will defend nothing to j the deqth with the specious de-j fenre ‘a man must live.’ The worth of a conviction not for sale was in countless lives by the old-fashioned gold en text colored Sunday School] card. One was a Bible figure! lof long ago about whom child-1 I ish lips sang lustily. This man! (refused to buy safety in alien Babylon when he was told he could'’have it by bowing down to pagan gods. This was the verse we sang. ‘Dare to be Daniel, Dare to stand alone, v Dare to have a purpose true, And dare to make- it known’.” School Aid—The Senate has ap proved a bill to extend for 2| additional years the expired I provisions of federal assistance! to impacted school areas and ] the National Defense Education Act. The House earlier passed! a similar version of the bill.! North Carolina received $3,288,- \ 562 in grants-in-aid under the expired Acts for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1959. rilY A HERALD CLASSIFIED Edenton Bonded Warehouse OWNED AND OPERATED BY Leary Bros. Storage Co. EDENTON, N. C. • ... are approved to handle your cotton for Government purchase and loans. We are in position to buy or make you a loan on YOUR COTTON when you present YOUR COTTON to us ... Your County Agent and ASC Office will give you the proper information you need. We also can give you the same infor mation if you see us. Attractions/ \ ANNUAL ' wUHF MEMBERS MEETING. .. ‘ 1 Saturday, September 23rd - 2:30 P. M. ‘ , Perquimans High School , Mark your calendar on September 23rd ... iPs annual meeting day for your Electric Membership Corporation , ENTERTAINMENT VOTING - REPORTS - PRIZES ENTERTAINMENT: j , Ernest Bivins and His Playboys ON HAND TO ENTERTAIN YOU! « plus - “THE ELLISON SISTERS” - All Girl Quartet * This Is A Very Important Meeting All Members Urged To Be Present... ‘ The Public Is Invited Registration Begins At 1:30 P. M. ■ • / ( A IK-P-mia n mI n 1 x-s jf, /*\ | l/fflil/l. |I cj |_j IHI.Fr 1C . \m w _ _ _ _ —. V v»I J* m M .. ,-v , ■ m