i : f=^Si B!rfk,Pru s ra " WQ >J • • Ede»t®» l I '#’ I igir* 1260 ON THE DIAL \{jyil" NO QNE IN CAWUOKA V : rr:-;—< T . MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 6:90 Sign on Mews. i 6:06 Reveille With Roberto. , 6:30 News Headlines. 6:33 Reveille With Robert*. • 1:66 News and Weather. 7 rOo Reveille With Roberts. 3:30 News Headlines. 7:33 WCDJ Sports. 7:38 Reveille With Roberts. 8:60 News. sAiOCo Weather. B:ir Reveille W<‘h Roberts. 4:30 News Headlines. ~8:33 Reveille Vuun Roberto. 9:00 News. 9:06 Morning Obituary Report. 9:16 Reveille With Roberts. . 9:30 ,News Headlines. 9:33 Chapel by the Side of the Road. -(9:45 Public Service Program: 10:00 News. ‘10:05 Chowan Hospital Report. 10:10 What’s Going On? 10:15 Pop o’ the Morning. 10:30 News Headlines. 10:33 Pop o’ the Morning. 41:06 News. ;ll:03 Pop o’ the Morning. *11:30 News Headlines. }1:32 Lazy Listening. 2:00 Mid-Day Edition. 12:15 Noon Weather. 1 *12:20 Farm Market Report. ' 12:25 WCDJ Sports. 12:30 Carolina Farm and Home Pro •> gram. •'1:00 News. 1:05 Best on Wax. *1:80 Headlines. f Wax \ 2:08 Best on W»x. , 2T30 News Headlines. » 4 2:32 Best on Wax. 8:00 News. 3:03 Best on Wax. SATURDAY ONLY - w 6:00 Sign on and News, v 6:05 Reveille With Roberts. „ * 6:30 News Headlines. 6:33 Reveille With Huberts. 7:00 News and Weather. 7:05 Reveille With Roberts. 7:30 News Headlines. 7:32 WCDJ Sports. 8:00 News. 8:05 Weather. 8:10 Reveille With Roberts. 8:30 News Headlines, j a’8 ,< *3 Reveille With Roberts. \ 9:60 News. 1 9:05 Reveille With Roberts. 9:30 News Headlines. ** j9:32 Religion in the News. 9:45 Washington Reports to the People. -u-_ urj - L -^ nJxn _ n-ru - J - ja * ’• *** ** ~'* **»' Ml For The People Ry Bernadette W. Hovle * Public Information Officer North Carolina. State Board of Public Welfare ! r> Note: This is one of a series ; explaining public welfare in North Carolina. j . ■ V- 1 ' Aid to dependent children is | one of the ways in which pub jy lie welfare helps to strengthen i family life and helps tq. make j families independent. The coun ; ty department of public welfare . Relieves that me aid to depend , pnt children prograrm is the most basic help it can provide • for a family in which a parent is unable to look after his chil dren. One such case was Anna, a , cnild who had the misfortune of a rheumatic heart condition and • was unable to attend school regularly for about 'four years. , Her father was in poor health and unable to do sufficient work ■ to maintain his family. As a ; result of aid to dependent chil- j dren help, Anna’s mother was , able to remain in the home in- , stead of going to work. She was, therefore, able to give An- ; na instruction in her school • work at home. The child had , the capacity to keep up with her classmates scholastically, al though she was not attending ‘ public school. The father fin ally regained his health and is now able to maintain his family financially both parents are now working. Anna’s health • began to improve considerably two years ago, and this past year she attended public school. Next year she will be a high school senior and has TPnhttecL&tT BOSTON, LOS ANGEUES , LONDON Interesting Accurate Complete The QuisHon Scluncu Monitor , fine Nonsoy St, Burton )5, Mom 1 Mi* . 1 era ' ijsSf: Ma iriir- ' i A*** .r.Ci s i 10:05 John A. Holmes High School .Football. 11:80 News Headlines. 11:32 Lazy Listening. 12:00 Mid-Day Edition. 12:15 Noon Weather. 12:20 Farm Market Report. 12:25 WCDJ Sports. 12:30 Carolina Farm and Home Pro gram. 1:00 News. 1:03 Saturday Session. 1:30 Headlines. 1:32 Saturday Session. 2:00 News. 2:03 Saturday Session. 2:30 News Headlines. 2:32 Saturday Session. 3:00 News. 3:03 Jerry Holmes Skow. 3:30 Headlines. 3:32 Jerry Holmes Skew. 4:00 News. 4:03 Supper Club. 4:30 Headlines. 2:32 Supper Club. 5:15 Bign Ott News and Weather. 5:30 Sign Off. BUNDAY ONLY 7:00 Sign on nad News. 7:05 Sunday Morning Music. 7:30 News Headlines. 7:32 Sunday Morning Mnsio. 8:00 News and Weather. 8:03 Sunday Morning Music. 8:30 News Headlines. 3:32 Sunday Morning Manic. 9:00 How Christian Science Heals. 0:15 Sunday Morning Mnslc. 9:30 News Headlines. 9:32 Sunday Morning Mnslc. 10:00 News. 10:03 Sunday Morning Music. 10:30 Headlines. 10:32 Sunday Morning Music. 11:00 News. 11:03 Finest Hoar In Radio. 12:00 Mid-Day Edition. 12:15 Top Star. 12:30 Army Hour. 12:55 Social Security. I *6O 1:03 Sunday Afternoon Music. f:3O Headlines. 1:32 Sunday Afternoon Music. 2:00 New*. 2:03 Sunday Afternoon Music. 2:30 Headlines. 2:32 Sunday Afternoon Mnslc. 3:00 News. 3:03 Sunday Afternoon Mnslc. 3:30 News Headlines. 3:32 Sunday Afternoon Mnslc. 4:06 News. 4:03 Supper Club. 4:30 Headlines. 4:32 Supper Club. 5:00 Manion Forum. 5:15 Sign Off News and Weather. 5:30 Sign Off. high hopes of obtaining a schol arship so that she can attend college. In another case, a father was totally incapacitated because of an incurable disease. As a re sult of aid to dependent children payments his older son was able to complete high school and is' self-supporting. The daughter is a junior in high school and has had a perfect attendance record for eleven years. She realizes that her family will not be able to pay for college, but she declares she will be able to work and will try to pay as much of her way as possible. The county department of pub lic welfare is planning to seek a scholarship for the girl, who has an excellent scholastic record. These are examples of how aid to dependent children has helped keep families together and has made it possible for children who otherwise might have been forced to leave school, to remain in . schodl, complete their high school education and plan for further training. Aid to dependent children pro vides a money payment for needy dependent children who ,have been deprived of parental care and support because of the death, physical or mental inca pacity or continued absence from the home of one or both parents, whether natural, step, or adoptive. I Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world. —Schopenhauer. cajS^oFthanks~" We want to take this means to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for -the many deeds of kindness and expres sions of sympathy tendered us during the illness and death of our husband and father, Robert W. Twiddy. These expressions i of love will ever be remembered, p WIFE AND CHILDREN if she’s wttled WUy «m|| *Mm mmm .**»^** _ bS Ik ?; ■:;., After frp-nu smA vn Sundays. nj £ || o g~i |# l - hk. ' ■>■ Hhb JNortoiK ofc Carolina ■F. ,» ‘ ' —___ a CL A IHZ QNDWaur HERALD, EDEWTOW. WORTH CAROLIWA. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1961. *~ Wir (BPOK^REVIEW) Your God IsTooSmall By J. B. Phillips \ The Macmillan Company 60 Fifth Avc, N. Y„ Paperback 91.10 I Those who have been fortun- 1 ate enough to read Phillips’ ■ translation of the New Testa-. merit, and perhaps some of his other religious writings, will be interested to learn that his de lightful little book, “Your God Is Too Small’’ is now available in a beautiful paperback at very small cost. This compact little book has a message for every one who will read it, and it is doubtful if one could find a Christian anywhere who would not be benefited by reading it. It has a message that is especi ally needed in these days of crisis. From first to last, the author sticks to his theme, showing in part one the destructiveness of an inadequate conception of God, listing as chapter headings the following unreal gods: Resi dent policeman; parental hang over; grand old man; meek and mild; absolute perfection; heav enly bosom; ged-in-a-box; man aging director; second-hand god; perennial grievance; pale Gali lean; projected image; assorted. Part two lists the adequacy of a constructive conception of Gad, under these headings: God un focused; a clue to reality; fur ther clues to reality; is there a focused God; if God was fo cused (1); if God were focus ed (II); has arrived? life’s basic principles (I); life’s basic prin ciples (II); further basic ques tions; Christ and the question of sin; satisfactory reconciliation; demonstration with the enemy; the abolition of death; theory into practice; summary. The book is beautifully writ ten, easy to read and under stand. One you will be pleased to share with friends. Will make a very acceptable gift. —V. T. Crawford. Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Any one who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old. —Franz Kafka. ROBERT BROWNING “Perfect 1 call Thy plan-, thanks that I was a man. Maker remake com plete—l trust what Thou shall do." INTELLIGENCE shows itself in a proper humility. A thoughtful regard for the feel ings of others denotes a real civilization. TfflEfavL iFuneral Home] '”<% UiH T nc rv ALBeeiAG-usr l«rtO EOENTON.N.C. \ J L-J " 0/1 t1 D Act BUt-ANCi —.—Z*tHK .scrvicc AubEmarlC Mutual BuaiAt ASSOCIATION ItVs go to Sunday School Lesson • GAIUS: COMMITMENT TO CHRIST’S WORK International Sunday School Lesson For September 24 Memory Selection: “No great er joy can I have than this, to hear that my children follow the truth.”—lll John 4. i Lesson Text: Third John. In this, our final lesson for 'the month of September, we will discuss the meaning of Chris tian commitment and emphasize l the need for earnest and faith ful laymen in the church. Third John gives us examples of some of the most valuable men in the Kingdom loyal Christian laymen. These men I have carried the church upon their hearts through the cen turies, serving it with brave, spirits and loving -hands. As laymen, certainly many Christians are tempted, as . prob ably Gaius was, to excuse 1 themselves from the quality of dedication expected of a minis ter and to assume that less loy ■ alty and sincerity are acceptable in laymen. Therefore, they al low creature comforts to entice them from their posts of loy Chowan County Churches TEOPIM BAPTIST ' Sunoay School Sunday morning at 10 ° Poaching services every first and third Sunday morning at 11 o clock. EDENTON BAPTIST RKV. R. N. CARROLL. Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Morning worship service, 11 A. M. i Training Union at 6:30 P. M. Evening service at 7 30 o clock. MM-week prayer sei'lce Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. i GREAT HOPE BAPTIST REV. HENRY V. NAPIER. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. 1 MornWg Worship second and fourth Sundays at 11 o'clock. , .. I Evening worship first and fourth Sundays at 8 o'clock. _ _ „ Prayer service Wednesday at 8 P. M. I CENTER HILL METHODIST REV. C. T. WILSON. Pastor , Preaching service; .very first and third Sundays at 11 A. M. i EDENTON PRESBYTERIAN REV. HUGH S. EVANS, Pastor Sunday School Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. .. . i Morning worship at 11 o clock. , Girls’ Meeting—all teen-age girls— ' Sunday, 6:30 P M. „ . Christian Service Brigade—all teen age boys—Tuesday. 7 P. Mid-week Prayer Service— Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock. FIRST CHRISTIAN REV. E. C. ALEXANDER. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A M Morning warship at 11 o clock. Young People's meeting at 6-30 P. M. Evening worship at 7.50 o'clock. Wednesday evening service at 7:30 o'clock. ST. ANN'S CATHOLIC HEV. C. F. HILL. Pastor » Sunday Masses 8 and 11 A. M. Confessions before every Mass. Sunday School 11:43 Sunday A. M. Convert snstnytions or private con sultation by appointment. Phone 2617. CENTER HILL BAPTIST REV. HENRY V. NAPIER. Pastor Morning worship at 11 o clock first and third Sundays Sunday School at 10 A. M. B. T. U. at 7 P. M. . Fvenlng worship at 8 o clock second and fourth Sundays. . 0 D „ Prayer service Thursday at 8 P. M. EDENTON METHODIST REV VAN T. CRAWFORD, Pastor Church School Sunday morning at 9*45 o’clock. Preaching’get vice Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. MACEDONIA BAPTIST REV. GORDON SHAW. Pastor Sun lay School at lo A. M. ' "'reaming every Sunday morning at 1* o’clock and every Sunday night at Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 7:30 o’clock. ' WARWICK BAPTIST REV. WARREN L. ROLLINS Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching service at 11 A. M. BTU at 7 P. M. „ _ „ Preaching service at 8 P. M. Prayer service Wednesday nights at | 8 o’clock. I SAINT PAUL'S EPISCOPAL REV GEORGE B. HOLMES. Rector 8:00 A. M. Holy Communion. 9 -30 A. M.. Church School. 10:00 A. M., Adult Bible Claiia. 11 00 A. M„ Morning Worship. 730 P M Young Churchmen. Wednesday, 10.30 A. M.. Holy Com munion. BALLARD'S BRIDGE BAPTIST REV. A. CARL HART. Pastor Sunday School Sunday morning at 10 ° Preaching service* at U A. M. and 8 Prayer meeting Wednesday Bight at 8 o'clock. CHURCH OF GOD REV. JOHN MARTIN. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching service at 11 A. M. WPE Sunday at 7 F. M. Evening worship at 7:30 o dock. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES R. P. LONG. Congregation Servant Bible study at 3:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Kingdom Hall. . Bible study Wednesday night at 9 r o'clock. , Service meeting and ministry *chool Friday nights at 8 o'clock. ASSEMBLY OF GOD REV. C. L WILES, Pastor Sunday School. 9:45 A. M. Worship Service. 11:00 A. M. Christ Ambassador Service 6:30 P. M.; Evangel latte Service, 7:30 P. Wednesday night prayer service. EVANS METHODIST REV. C. T. WILSON, Pastor I I Preaching mrrtosa «' first and alty in the church. They let desires for personal gain and the love of money assume more importance in their thinking than support of the church. Thus the pressures of personal inter ests and lcve of ease cause them to neglect their spiritual re sponsibilities. Too often they are tempted to be Christians in name only —to use Christ and the church as a cloak to cover ’ love for and indulgence of self. But the men to whom min isters point with pride and gratitude are like Gaius. They set their faces against such en ticements. They give them selves to Christ and the church with the same singleness of pur pose and depth of dedication which they expect of their min isters. These are the people by whom the church lives and | moves and has its being. Pro j fessionally trained personnel who j give full-time service to the church are important, to be sure, land without their leadership the I church flounders, wastes its en j ergics and often loses its way. (But the best minister is a de feated man unless a good com- I pany of laymen works with him | shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart. Continued on Page 8, Section 2 1 HAPPY HOME PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH HAROLD C. LEAKE. Minister Sunday School. 9:45: Morning Wor ship 11:00; Llfeliners, 6:45: Evening Worship, 7:45; Wednesday Prayer Ser vice, 7:45. WHITE OAK CHAPEL BAPTIST REV. R. M. McNAIR. Pastor ROCKY HOCK BAPTIST THURMAN W. ALLRED. Pastor Sunday School Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Morning worship at 11 o clock. Training Union at 7 P. M Evening worship at 8 o’clock. COLORED CHURCHES PROVIDENCE BAPTIST REV. F. H. LaGUARDE Sunday School at 9:30 A M. Morning service at 11 o clock. Evening service at 7:30 o clock I Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 7:30 O'clock. . . . Young people’s and *enlor choir practice Friday nights at 8 o'clock. Men’s -Bible Class meets Monday night o'clock. i ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST EPISCOPAL REV. CLYDE BEATTY. Minister First Sunday at 11 A. M.. Holy Com munion and sermon. „ , „ Second Sunday at 9 A. M.. Holy Com munion. _ . _ Third Sunday at 9 A. M.. Holy Com mur.. Fourth Sunday at 11 A. to., avowing prayer and sermon. Sunday School each Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST ELDER J. A. SAWYER. Pastor Every second and fourth Sunday. Pastori Day. , Every first and third Sunday. Church 1 Day Sunday School at 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. Prayer and Bible Band Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Wednesday night choir practice at 7:30 o'clock. Thursday night choir practice »t 7:30 o’clock. Friday night Pastor'* Aid Soclecg at 8 o'clock. . .... Saturday night young people'* Bible quiz and recreation. ' WARREN GROVE BAPTIST REV. J. E. TILLETT Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M Preaching service at 11:30 A. M. every second and fourth Sunday. Women’s Educational and Mission Union meets every fourth Sunday after the morning service. WELCH'S CHAPEL BAPTIST REV. W. H. DAVIS. Pastor Sunday School at 1C A. M. Preaching service first Sunday at 11:30 A. M. ST. JOHN BAPTIST REV. C. M. HEIDELBURG, Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Services every first and third Sun days at 12 o’clock noon. Vesper ser vice at 6 o’clock. GALE STREET BAPTIST REV. C. M. HEIDELBURG, Pautor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Services every second and fourth Sunday at 11 A. M. I Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 8 o'clock. PINEY GROVE A. M. E. Z. REV. to. H. EBRON. Pastor UNION GROVfe A. M. E. Z. REV. J. E. GORDON. Pastor RYAN GROVE BAPTIST REV. M. A. RIDDICK Pastor ST. LUKe" CHRISTIAN REV. KELLY GOLDMAN. Pastor JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ELDER J. C. HALL. Pastor CENTER HILL BAPTIST REV. H. C. SAUNDERS. Pastor KADESH A. M. E. ZION REV. L. A. WILLIAMS Pastor Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Morning womblp at 11:00 o’clock. Evening service at 7:00 o'clock. PLEASANT GROVE A. M. E. Z REV. JAMES WILLS. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Morning worship service at 11 o'clock. Choir rehearsal Wednesday night at 18 o'clock. CANAAN TEMPLE A. M. E. Z. REV. W. H. SESSOM. Pastor Sunday School at 10-15. Morning worship at 11:89 o'clock Young People's meeting at 3 P. M. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. _ Tuesday night first Senior Choir practice at 8 o'clock. Wednesday night second Senior Choir practice at 8 o'clock. I HAWKINS CHAPEL A. M. E. Z. 1 REV. M. H. EBRON. Pastor —■ '‘T 11 Chur tit Sun. dag ■ HP 0 0 5$ .-V 1,/y:*;" ’ ,l ' /v, *’ i" . . -•- '• '-'V i « They call hhn a problem child. “Can’t raacTi lun,” *ay some. “He won’t respond,” echo others. , Young as he is* he’s already beea ia trouble with the nolin* Rood citizenship. It is a storehouse oE * spiritual values. Without a strong Church, Sieither democracy nor civilization can Why? There are lots of words, lots of phrases, Zd ™ »0 describe youngsters like this. The papers are full pj ©f them every day. There are lots of excuses given-. I !a t , ii° r (4 ) h Fo” k t'h° f S akS for him, and for society. Are they valid? *orM%n?maUi“ wpport. h pii7 d fo «* xo church regularly and read your Bible This boy has parents. Why can’t they reach da,ly * liim? Is it; perhaps, because they can’t really reach ®* y ® oofc Oupter Vmt» themselves? Because they’ve never found themselves? Sunday John 3 i-s * Monday John 3 ,9-1? ~ ~ . - Tuesday Psalm* S 'l-9 ; Self-discovery takes courage. It doesnt come Wednesday L U k e is 11-29 easily. It takes help. It demands faith. The starting Thursday i u ke 15 21-3? •\t r (A- Tj- • n m 1 TU- Tnday Matthesy 14 28-3 S point for a quest or this kmd is in the Church. This Saturday Matthew 11 11-21 |>oy needs die Church. So do his parents. So, for Hut nutter* do we alii * »H« CHURCH BOt Alt . . . '' AIL FOITHE CHURCH CQJW IM* DUO AM CtfTtce, Tor, etmlmrg, Va. These Religious Messages Are Published in Ttte Cbcwan Herald And Are Sponsored By The Following Business Establishments: P & Q Super Market EDENTON, N. C. M. G. Brown Co., me. LUMBER —-MILLWORK BUILDING MATERIAL Reputation Built on Satisfied Customers PHONE 2135 EDENTON Broad Street Fish Market Complete Line of Fresh Seafoods PHONE 2217 BILL CORPREW. Owner Belk - Tyler’s EDEN TON’S SHOPPING CENTEh Hughes-Parker Hardware Co. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS PHONE 2315 EDENTON. N. C. The Jill Shoppe Edentan’s Newest Popular-Price Shoppe For Ladies EDENTON, N. C. Interested Citizen Be A Better Citizen, Go To # Some Church Next Sunday ■. A iff PAGE SEVEN Edenton. Restaurant j “Good Food Pleasant Surroundings ’’ > MRS. W. L. BOSWELL. Prop. | PHONE 9723 EDENTON W. E. Smith GENERAL MERCHANDISE • ROCKY HOCK* PHONE 3022 EDENTON Mitchener’s Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS PHUNE 3711 -:- EDENTON The Betty Shoppe Edenton’s Complete Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Shoppe Quinn Furniture Company HOME OF FINE FURNITURE EDENTON, N. C. The Chowan Herald “YOUR HOME NEWSPAPER" Edenton Tractor & Equipment Company YOUR FORD TRACTOR DEALER AGENTS FOR EVINRUDE OUTBOARDS U. S. 17 SOUTH— EDENTON. N. C.. l —SdOl A.’!: . i. )