: County News kßr MBS. BOLAND EVANS • ■ ■■ ■« * j Fj !: The Audrey Gordon and Betty Ann Harrell Circles of the Rocky ■ Hpck Baptist Church honored 1 tiie Gordon family Saturday night, September 30, from 8:30 to 9:30 o’clock in the educational building. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Evans greeted the guests at the dpor. Mrs. l£Ha Mae Perry headed the receiving lilne, intro ducing the Gordon family. Mrs. Jean Leary poured punch and Mrs. Silyia Bunch and Mrs. Aud red Bunch served cake. Other members of the circles also as sisted. Those present were the of the two circles and their husbands: The Rev. and Mrs. Edward Gordon, Michael, Sarah Carroll and Emily, the Hev. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Long, Jr., and other guests. The table was ■ covered with a cut work table cloth. The centerpiece was green and yellow flowers with greenry ' around the punch bowl with white candles. Punch, mints, nuts, cheese blocks and decorated block cake was served. ' Tne honorees were presented a gift * of a silver dish. Those home from school for the week-end were Ester Lay ton and Mary Alice Perry, Cho wan College; David Allred, Wake Forest; Betty Ann Harrell; Bap -I}ist Hospital and Kathryn Tynch, Bast Carolina College. 1 Mrs. Lillie Saunders spent last ♦reek in Norfolk Visiting Mrs. Haywood Saunders. Edward Evans is on the sick list. Mrs. Sarah Harrell is, some what improved after being ill'. The Rev. T. W. Allred, pastor of Rocky Hock Baptist Church, is a patient in BaptisJ_ Hospital In Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Terry ..Phillips announce the birth of a, new baby. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Evans of Elizabeth City visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Evans over the week-end. Mrs. Hattie Nixon had ; lunch with Mrs. Evans on Tuesday. Miss Marion Chappell visited in Rocky Hock over the week end. The Rev. and Mrs. Gordon and { family spent the week-end in the Rocky Hock community. Mr. Gordon brought the message at tfie Rocky Hock Church Sunday jnorning and evening, t Mrs. Ruth Harrell is visiting Mrs. Herbert Bass. The Rev. Ralph Harrell preach ed at Center Hill Baptist Church and Great Hope Church on Sun day. Mrs. Staunton Harrell and children dre visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrell. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Forehand and family of Suffolk, Va., vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Perry Sunday afternoon. The WMU general meeting g& im! annual y% price sale Desert Flower hand and body lotion 1.v... > mm large 2.00-size, ~|QQ Boz..nowXJl„ { home a taoiuefnl at .* •‘half price... for the bed* 5 ream, bathroom, kitchen end | guestroom. Exclusive ‘heart’ of lasolin formula tofteda, tones add restores moisture to M your skin ...protects-Iran if-i Ili ,v » -*‘l, -»• |*C dt- * »y «nvvt»oN ~~ I will be held tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o’clock at Rocky Hock Baptist Church. The CHowhn Home Demon station Club will meet Monday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the club house. The Audrey Gordon Circle | will meet Monday night at the | home of Mrs. Lewis Bunch in Rocky Hock. The Chowan High School PTA met Monday night, October 2, at 8 o’clock. The Chowan County Fair is in full swing during this week. October 22 through October 28 is designated as UN Week. The Center Hill-Cross Roads firemen sponsored a barbecue chicken dinner at the fire sta- 1 tion Saturday, September 30, from 4 to 8 P. M. Gerald Harrell is secretary of the 1961-62 drama group at East Carolina College. The Chowan Baptist annual associational meeting will be held October 17 and 18 at Hobbsville Baptist Church and Sawyer’s Creek Baptist Church respec tively. The N. C. State Fair will be held in Raleigh October 16-21. Mrs. Agnes Overman was in town ovqr the week-end. Machinery Set Up For Bond Issue Continued from Page L Section 1 Registrations can be made 9 A.M. until 5 P.M., except Saturdays, when the hours will be 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Polls for the election will be open from 6:30 A.M. and will close at 6:30 P.M. The polling places, registrars and judges of election have been appointed as follows: First Ward: Polling place, Municipal Building. Registrar, Mrs. Annie W. McMullan. Judges of election, Mrs. J. A. Curran and Mrs. S. F. Hicks. Second Ward: Polling place. Chowan County Court House. Registrar, Mrs. Jean Cullipher. Judges of election, Mrs Hay wood Bunch and Mrs. Richard Hollowell. Third Ward: Polling place, Electric & Water Plant on West Freemason Street. Registrar, Mrs. Roy Spruill. Judges of election, Mrs. George Lewis and Mrs. Agnes Harless. Fourth Ward: National Guard Armory on North Broad Street Registrar, Mrs. W_. W. Porter. Judges of election; Mrs: W.' E. Mills and Mrs. J. E. Cczzens. MASONS MEET TONIGHT A stated meeting of Una -1 nimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M., will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. All Masons are urged to attend and visiting Masons are cordially in vited. NOW! Total Area Heating ...without Costly Ducts! ■ALL HEATERS MADE . . . ONLY nOGRAin CAN ACTUALLY DO ITI Here’s the secret! Exclusive monoGßflm 3-Way Circulation 1. Warm air circulates from the top FEATURING THE FAMOUS "’ r<, "» h< ' u " l,> h »”» 111 YEP” Dl ID MED Here’S the furnace type comfort at ITIItVihNTIIAiIV DUnllClt about 1/5 the cost! Continuous circula ®' ’* tion assures uniform warmth in every room. No hot or cold zones, no drafty *">“ Irt TOTAL AREA heating! Floors stay warm as toast—always. High-style cabinets are in mar-proof beige or brown tone porcelain enamel. /mo tho PROOP *7/\ ITRIi'RAT (NO SMOKI... NO SOOT ; IjUHHIAL* . • NO TRADE-INS Edenton Furniture Company K - - J-V- • - .. * - ' ' W 211 S. Braad Sfe Phone 3ZIS THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5,196 L Chamber Directors S I Elect Joe Conger, Jr. Continued from Page 1, Section 1 “and 1 am personally proud jof their accomplishments. My j | thanks go, too, to all those who I took part in our over-all pro-, gram.” Incoming President J. H. Con- 1 ger, Jr.,.said, “I am enthusiastic over the opportunities for pro moting business and industry in Edenton and Chcwan County through the Edenton Chamber of\ Commerce. There are several j projects in progress that will be continued to their beneficial conclusion, and I will extend J every effort to continue the Edenton Chamber of Commerce > as an active symbol of progress for our community.” In addition to Mr. Conger be ing experienced in business as an officer of the Edenton Ice Company, he has a long record of service in the civic life of the j community. He was formerly ) president of the Edenton Devel opment Corporation, president of the Jaycees, president of the Varsity Club and president of the PTA. He is serving his sec ond term as a member of the Edenton Board of Public Works. The new Chamber president graduated from Edenton High School, attended the McCallie School in Chattanooga, Tenn., and is a graduate of the Univer sity of Norjth Carolina. During World War II he served as a Lieutenant JG for three years in the Navy, spending most of this I period in the Pacific Theater, j He is married to the former' Ruth Bond of Tarboro and has; three lovely children, Joe, Jr., i the eldest, Bonnie and a baby 1 boy, Lynn. Mr. Conger is 401 years of age. ONLY AT THE ROSNA THEATRE IN NORFOLK, VIRGINIA nuts you » Niagara Falls • YOU see and hear ■_ m Almm the Lone Island |||. Choral Society singing "The Mes siah.” <\A| I I # YOU ride the gondo Hll v ■ las in Venice Premiere—Oct. 18 •YOU are there at , ■ . the gathering of Tst ReguldY Performance — , he Scotl)s h cian. Oct. 19 8:30 P.M. * YOU pilot the Ciner " ama Camera Plane Exclusive in store gQ)( omcE OPENS DAILY down deep in the on TV! 10 A.M. - 9 P.M. tXCEPT Zion and Grand Moke Reservations 12.30 • 9 P.M. Canyons ana over Nowl our own Ml FREE PARKING R>inief Matinees — Wednesday— Sat. and Sun. —$1.50 *T I I jlu 1.1 (except Sun.) Sunday Mon. thru Sun. —sl 85 " Fair Tickets For School Children ' Free tickets to North Caro lina State Fair—4oo,ooo of them, i —are being mailed this week for distribution to students of | the secondary schools of the I State. ! Chowan County and the Eden ton City Unit received 465 of these popular gate admission tickets to be distributed < from the offices of Superintendents W. J. Taylor and Hiram J. ' Mayo. State Fair will be a six-day I event this year, instead of the five years of previous years. It will open at noon on Mon day, October 16 and close Sat urday the 21st. Officers Elected For Young Churchmen Franklin Bowers Johnston was . elected president of the Young ! Churchmen of St. Paul’s Epis | copaJ Church last Sunday. Miss Carolyn Griffin is the new vice president, Miss Susan Holmes, secretary and Mrs. Charles Stephen Jackson, treas urer. Miss Linda Garrett is re freshment chairman. v Mr. and Mrs. Harry Venters and Mr. and Mrs. Davvid Otta . way were elected sponsors for the year by the group. Programs are based on four ideals, worship, service, study, and fellowship. The Young Churchmen meet every Sunday evening in the Parish House I from 7 to 8:30 o’clock for ages I beginning at 13. I A cook-out is planned for this I Sunday with the Rev. George i Holmes appointed chef for the ‘ occasion. The group will leave | from the Parish House at 6 o’clock. CIVIC CALENDAR Continued from Page L Section 1 Carolina Congress of Parents and Teachers will be held at the John A. Holmes High School Tuesday, October 10, beginning! at 9:30 A. M. A district PTA meeting will be held at John A, Holmes High School Thursday, October 12. Edenton Tear Party Chapter of the DAR will meet at the Ire dell house Wednesday after noon, October 11, at 3:30 o'clock. Edenton Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock in the Parish House. The VFW Auxiliary‘will hold a business meeting tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock. Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. | & A. M., will hold a slated com- J municalion tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock. Edenton firemen will hold their monthly dinner meetinq to night (Thursday) at 7 o'clock at tHe fire station. William H. Coffield. Jr. Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and VFW Auxiliary will hold a joint dinner meeting Tuesday night, October 10, at 7:30 o'clock. Sponsored by the Edenton Jay cees and the Chowan Medical Society, tetanus shot clinics will be held Tuesday, October 24. A floodlight checking station will be held on U. S. 17 Friday night, October 6, beginning at ' about 6:30 o'clock. ■ \ _ i Enterprise Community De ' | velopment Organization will rasnu.ii,i.i.wjiw SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE AND PRICE CHANGE y 2UO shares American Sterilizer Company—Common stark r® :(| 100 shares Colonial stores, lire.—Common stork— ___@ IH ' 7 5 •t»» shares New Britain Machine Company—Common stock _ l® I‘i "7 1110 shares Pierce & Stevens Chemical Corp.-Common stock Hi [no i«(t shares Sorjf Paper Company—Common stor k 17 (i;< 400 shares Southeastern Capital Corporation—Common stock ta II)Vi *** sha, ''’ s 1 runscontincntal tia. Pipe I.tne dorp.—Common @ Ti.SS (For Confirmation Cedi Local Representative) CAROLINA SECURITIES CORPORATION INSURANCE BLDG. - RALEIGH, N. C. - PHONE TE 2-3711 Charlotte, N. C New York, N. Y. Members Midwest Stock Exchange Represented in this area by: DAVID M. WARREN Phone 2466 Edenton ROSE S 1961 HARVEST FESTIVAL Os VALUES OCTOBER sth THROUGH 21 si Featuring Money Saving Bargains CHOCOLATE COVERED • i *r; . , , ,t i P E \ N U X S "ril’lS SMTITi I G|) SOCKS 269 - Western Dungarees childrens lined bc 7- £ - LO ? G SLEE 7f OVEN • w-oz. coaj.se weave Boxer Longies SIZES 4 TO 16 _ r LATEST PATTERNS /m-| • CGRDI RO] SIZES 6 TO 16 • POLISHED SATEEX Ullly Vo2 ' Blossoms Pattern • solid corduroy pf S Special For This Sale! Tinware Assortment • woven veltona Iff LADIES' _ ffl r I, TO TTr«« <ihnp« * 4PC ’ CANNISTEE SET Sizes 10 to IS W I? uni urop snoes • open top bread box js Reg. $1.98 Value • 28 -°T. w ASTE BASKET (ms.. Extra Sizes JS <l-00 Sc £3 'sl 98 f\ Kitchen Ensemble Set -== Ladies’ Seamless • ONE DISH DRAINER AA Iff . T » . . v c t*. • ONE DRAINBOARD TRAY ydS®*. ill tll 11 A II 11 OI a • ONE CUTLERY CUP in RFr tit Reg Price THIS SALE ONLY Now Only $2.49 Xlfr 2 pairs SI.OO LinoleunTltugs LADIES’ PANTIES assorted hJLo Household Broom taS'cSte - e L^*t S .9..o Reg. Price $4.95 Reg. Price 99c PLAIN AND LACE trimmed This Sale $4.46 This Sale 77c 3 pairs SI.OO SPECIAL LOT /OP « Ladies’ Fall Pocketbooks.... 88c Visit Our Sewing Department |J Dan River Material, yd....... 59c 5^ 20 x>A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF PATTERNS meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 \ o'clock at Mrs. Zell Ward's, cabin. A public hearing will be held ' in the Municipal Building Tues aay night. October 10, at 8 o'clock to consider zoning chaoses on Broad Street be tween Queen .and Church Streets. Mayor John Mitchener pro claims Tuesday, October 24, as United Nations Day in Edenton. Chowan County Fair is being held this week at the American , Legion Fairgrounds. Chowan Tribe of ped Men { will meet Monday night at 7:301 o'clock. William H. Coffield jr. Posl No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. j Edenton Lions Club will meet I 1 Monday night at 7 o'clock atj Edenton Restaurant. Go-Kart races will be held on the Edenton track Sunday after noons. October 8 and 22 at 2:30 o'clock. Negro 4-H pullet show and sale will be held at the Eden ton armory Friday morning, October 6, beginning at 9 o'clock. This week is being observed as National Employ the Physical ly Handicapped Week. Edenton Woman's Club Will sponsor a card party tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock at the Penelope Barker house. The White Cane drive for the blind, sponsored by the Eden ton Lions Club is now in pro gress. TOY A HERALD CLASSIFIES Local DAR Host ! For District Meet i Continued from Page 1, Section 1 1 Elizabeth City, historian. Mrs. Norman Cordon, state regent, was introduced by Miss Josephine V. Smith, state treas urer. Mrs. Cordon reminded members of the principles on [which this country was founded and told them to meet the chal lenges of our time. She said to .“redouble cur efforts to preserve ! our heritage and with His cause we would triumph over evil." | She announced that a flower bed in the memorial garden at the national headquarters in Washington, ,D. C., had been given by North Carolina chap ters. t j Reports were heard from tha SILVER LA BEI, Glennutf | I k |!<^ J , ' UOKY STBAI^ 1 —Gao PAGE SEVEN 10 chapters represented at the, | meeting. Mrs. George HoskinJ; 1 regent of the Edenton chapter, ; reported that the chapter made I the national and state honor rolls as well as participating 100 per cent in the good citizenship program, Constitution Week and sponsoring Junior American Ci tizen clubs in the schools. State chairmen reported oijl their proggrams. Te chapters represented voted to purchase a lull page ad in the DAR Maga zine. The business session was fol lowed by a luncheon at St. Paul’s Parish House, where the film "Ye Towne on Queeii Anne’s Creek” was shown. Difficulties are the things that show what men are. —Epictetus. .

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