ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBUSHED IN -CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXVIII . —Number 49. ■M -J + Town Leases Portion (|l Property At Base To U. S. Lumber Co Weldon Hollowell Given Appointment Assistant DA For Eastern District William Prjvott Elev n ated to Judge; John 1 Shackelford Is Se f lected as Prosecutor Weldon Hollowell, judge of Chowan Recorder’s Court has teen honored by an appoint ment as assistant U. S. District Attorney for the Eastern Dis trict of Noi th Carolina and on Monday assumed his new du ties irf his office in the Post Office Building in Raleigh. ijn an impressive ceremony Mi', HoHowell took the oath of office in the Chowan County Court House Saturday morning, wWn a large crowd of friends, including members of the bar, were present. The oath was ad ministered by Mrs. Lena Leary, ( clerk of Chowan Superior | Court. Mr. Hollowell is a graduate of I the Wake Forest Law School and began practice in Edenton in'lßs6 after his discharge from the Army. During the ceremony many very complimentary remarks were expressed about Mr. Hol lnweH’s past recr-rcf as judge of Continued on Page 3. Section 1 52 Placed On Period’s Honor ! Roll At Holmes High School Cecil Fry, principal of John A. Holmes High Schopl, this “Wed* the honor roll for tiie second six-weeks’ period, j i Jfcrty-two were placed on the ! minor roll; who were as fol- j lowsl Grade 7 —Sanfra Ange, Donna | Billings, Joanne Covington, Anne Graham, Ann Harrell, Linda Hollowell, Ann Jordan, Sylvia Jordan, Kay Kramer, Ivy Lowe, Wesley Chesson, (Danny Hassell i and Joe Stokely. Grade B—Barbara Adams, Suz anne George, Becky Hampton, Dianttoia Sexton, Yvonne Still man, ; Martha Vaughan, Barbara Rev. Hugh Evans Speaker For DAR Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR will have a luncheon meeting at the Edenton Restau rant Wednesday afternoon, De-1 cember 13, at 1 o’clock. -Guest speaker will be the Rev ! Hugh S. Evans, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. George Hoskins, regent of the chapter, urges all mem 'hers (to attend. 20 Years Ago As Found In Th* Files Os The Chowan Herald Interest was aroused in a proposed special election to vole on a nine months school term, with 512 registering in order to cast a vote. W. D. Pruden was instructed by the .County Commissioners to Copl'd. from P*«e 6—Section 2 CivP Defense Planning Key T o Survival By MURRAY D. ASHLEY - 1 Chewmn-Kdenton Civil Defense Director v : . \ Twenty years ago this Sunday. December % 1941, the thoughts of most American people were far from war. It's true that a lot of our young men had been catted to serve our country but this didn’t mean that we would have to go to war. A lot of the young men who had been* called to active duty, had al ready started to talking about their return to civilian life. Aj well known tune in those days could be heard nightly on most & every juke box in the iand-I’U || Be Back In A Year Little Darl- Jtivg— but boom, Peer! Harbor.’ Mbr a lot of Us it wasn’t a year. * THE CHOWAN HERALD Gets Federal Job | M ' . wpr. flvW WELDON HOLLOWELL A distinct honor was con ferred upon Weldon Hollowell, who last week was aopointed assistant U. S. District Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina. He began his new du ties Monday in his offices in the Post Office Building at Ra leigh. Wallace, Vivian Whiteman, Joe 1 Conger 111 and Norfleet Pruden. j Grade 9—Linda Basnight, Jan- j lice Bryant; Cdajre**fielch“ l Nancy | O’Neal, Elaine Parks'” Lula j Stroud. Hiram Mayo, Jr., Charles! i Overton and George Wilkins. ! Grade 10—Jean Goodwin, Neal I Hobbs and Douglas Twiddy. | Grade 11—Gail Hare, Jo Ann Leary, Ann Welis, Laurie White- i man, John Marshall and Jim Partin. Grade 12 Jeanette Ashley, Carolyn Bass, Eleanor Boyce, I Ida Campen, Carolyn Harrell, I Herb Adams, Jimmy Dail, Cecil Fry, Joe Muchener, Roland Tol ley and Mac Wright. Tax Listers For 1962 Appointed Chowan County Commission ers at their meeting Monday ap pointed the county’s tax listers j for the year 1962. Those appointed, who were i recommended by W. P. Jones, | tax supervisor, were as follows: I First Township Mrs. Pattie Byrum and Mrs. Legion O. Brit ton. Second Township Henry Bunch. Third Township T. O. Ber ryman. Fourth Township—‘Ward Hos kins. MEETING CHANGED Due to the first Monday in January falling on the fihst, Chowan County Commissioners will hold their January meeting on Wednesday morning, Janu ary 3. The meeting will begin, ’ : as usual, at 9 o’clock. casualties later the shooting war wag, over, the cold war was on. i Look back on the history of Communism since the days of World War II; they have creat ed crisis after crisis, Dienbien phu,_ Greece, Lebanon, Laos, Berlin, Korea and many other 1 places that to many of. us were ‘just strange sounding names j twenty years ago. t None Os us alive has ever seen a large scale attack on the United States. A lot of us has seen the mass confusion, tur moil and heartbreak caused by ; the old-fashion obsolete weapons ’ that were used m World War sections of tbdenton d owan bounty, i\onh Carolina, Thursday, December 7, I9bi. Signing Os Lease For Property At Base For Lumber Concern mmm « w9m • In the presence of members of the Industrial Committee of the Edenton Chamber ox Commerce and Town Council. Mayor John Miichener and Jack B. Smith of Thomson. Ga.. president of the U. S. Lumber Company, sign a lease for a 153-acre site on town property at the former Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station. The concern plans to manufacture specification lumber for the hous ing market in North Carolina. Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New Yo:k and Washington, D. C. Seated in picture, left to right, is Mr. Smith, Mayor John Miichener and Warren Twiddy, vice president of the U. S. Lumber Company. Standing, le f t to right, J. M. Rob inson, Richard S. Atkinson, Jr., W. P. (Spec) Jones, Bruce F. Jones, chairman o£ lhe Industrial Development Committee, J. H. Conger, Jr., president of the Chamber of Commerce and George Twiddy. Committee members not in the picture are George A. Byrum, J. R. DuLaney and West Byrum, Jr.—(Ricks Photo). Edenton Woman’s Club Will Sponsor Decoration Contest Prizes of sls and $lO Will Be Awarded For Best Two Home Out door Decorations Edenton Woman’s Club will this year sponsor a Christmas outdoor home decoration contest. The decorations will be judged Friday, December 22. Two cash" prizes will he awarded for the best outdoor decoration, sls for first prize and $lO for second prize. It is hoped that many Eden ton people will decorate their homes to help make the contest more interesting and at the some time make Edenton more attractive during the Christmas season. Hunt Speaker At Rotary Meeting Speaker of House of Representatives To Be Club’s Guest Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House.. The program will be in charge I of John W. Graham, who hasj announced that Joseph M. Hunt, Jr.,, of Greensboro, speaker of 1 ' the North Carolina House of Representatives, will be the! speaker. President Richard Atkinson especially urges every Rotarian to be present. Bloodmobile Will Be j I In Edenton Jan. 4th t ■ Rudolph Dale, Chairman of the Chowan County Red Cross blood program, announces that the bloodmobile will be at the Eden-1 tory armory Thursday, January 4. The bloodmobile will be in operation from 10 A. M., to 4 P. M. 1 Chowan County’s quota for this visit of the bloodmobile will be 100 pints. On the pre vious visit 75 pints of blood were donated and Mr. Dale is : appealing to all the citizens of the county to volunteer to do nate a pint of blood, so that the quota will not only be i reached but exceeded. j I William Privott, New Judge Os | Recorder’s Court, Presents Due Notice Os Sentences To Roads William Privott, presiding for the first time over a session of OhdW:tif-Recorder's Court Tues day morning, gave due notice that violators of the law, especi ally those called up for fight ing, cutting, carrying concealed weapons and writing worthless checks need not expect to get off easy. In brief remarks following opening of court by Sheriff Earl Goodwin, Mr. Pritott said he was proud and humble in his new capacity. “I follow in the footsteps of two outstanding judges, Marvin Wilson and Wel Party At Enterprise Scheduled Tonight Enterprise community will hold a Christmas party tonight (Thursday)- at 7:30 o’clock at Zell Ward’s cabin. The party will feature enter tainment and refreshments and every family in the Enterprise community is especially invited to be present. , Highway 17 Travel Promotion Officials I * > tupii & j> lOfticers and directors for the newly chartered Highway 17 travel promotion body met at Wilmington November 21 and agreed, on official name as History land Highway Association. Over 10.000 copies of- a monthly historical magazine will be distributed initi ally to travel agencies and auto associations north of the Mason- Dixon line to promote historical attractions from Virginia to Florida. Main purpose is to increase tourism on U. S. 17 which declined last year. Bottom row. left to right. Pete Hicks, secre tary-treasurer, Wilmington, president of S. T. N. C. Beach Asso ciation; Diana Dietse, secretarial staff, Wilmiiigton.. Ben McDonald., president of the new association, news director, WECT Television, Wilmington; Paul Ward, vice president. City Councilman. New port News. Va. Top row. left to right. George Clanton, newspaper publisher of Tapnahanock. Va., director; George Burroughs, execu tive secretary and field representative. Wilmington; Joe H. Conger, Jr. president of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce, director; J. i M. Robinson, Edenton. director; Harold Sniffen, executive director of Mariners Museum. Newport News, director, and Gilliam Bur nett Wilmington attorney, director. 1 don Hollowell, which is no re flection on judges who preceded them,” he said. .‘‘l have a long road to travel before I attain the efficiency and ability of these two judges. I “I have strong thoughts and j ideas on certain subjects, This j i court has been plagued with an I epidemic of cutting, shooting and j carrying concealend weapons j charges. I take a .dim view on j such offenders, so that a word jto the wise should be sufficient. I am here and now serving no j tice that those offenders com 'ontinuPQ on Page 4—Section R. Graham White On Hospital Board Chowan County Commission ers on Monday appointed R. Graham White as a member of the board of directors of Cho-| wan Hospital. I Mr, White will succeed Gilliam Wood, who resigned after bein appointed as a member of the Highway Commission. J M. Rudolph Dale Named Chairman For March Dimes [ Need For Funds to Continue Work In Research Is Empha sized By Chairmnn j I “Moving forward from the successful fight against polio, the 1962 New March of Dimes will support one of the most potent medical programs ever launched against chronic cripp ling disease,” Rudolph Dale says. Mr. Dale’s statement was made as he accepted appoint ment to direct the March of Dimes campaign in Chowen County from January 2 through January 31. The appointment was an counced by J. Scott Harrell, I chairman of the local chapter of The National Foundation. Mr. Dale, who is an insurance representative, pointed out that the March of Dimes organiza tion. while continuing its 24-year successful fight against polio, is also attacking crippling birth i defects and arthritis. “Funds are needed to support research which offers real hope Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Cantata Will Be i Presented Dec. 10 Glee Club . Treble Clef And Bass Clef Clubs Will Participate i »>' , John A. Holmes High School I I Glee Club will present a Christ- I mas cantata, “The Babe of I ! t Wh'ehem,” Sunday afternoon, I December 10, at 5 o’clock in the I senuol auditorium. The program I will be in charge of Miss Suz- I ; anne Hardison, public music I | teacher and there will bg no I admission charge. I Also participating in the pro- I gram will be the Treble Clef I Club and the Bass Clef Club. I Considerable time is being de- I voted to the program, so that it I is hoped that the auditorium I will he filled to capacity. I Christmas Dance Planned Dec. 25 Annual Affair Spon ! sored By Edenton ; Varsity Club Edenton’s Varsity Club will again sponsor its annual Christ mas dance, which is scheduled to be held Christmas night, De cember 25, from 9 P. M. to 1 A M. The dance will be held in the Edenton armory and is expected to attract an unusually large i crowd due to so many returning home to spend the Christmas holidays. i Music for the dance will be provided by Ray Abernathy and his orchestra. This group of musicians are no strangers in I Edenton, having furnished music j for a number of previous dances : held in Edenton. Table reservations can be i nade by phoning 2105 or 4107. Ballard’s Bridge Church Reduces Debt To $2,500 The Harvest Day offering at ' Ballard’s Bridge Baptist Church j reached $2,502.10 last Sunday ! morning. For the past three years the ' church has been receiving a Harvest Day offering for the purpose; of paying the indebted ness on the three-year-old edu cational building, j The offering last Sunday will, , bring the indebtedness down to $2,500. ‘ '■ ■r>z.f)U ret > eai in i\orth L.aroliM Deal Consummated After 18 Months Os Negotiating On Part Edenton Groups Concern Acquires 150 Acres With Operations Scheduled to Begin In About Six Weeks Ar.d Prospects of Employing Up to 150 Edenton’s Municipal Building was the setting of the official signing of a 10-year lease with options to renew for four ad ditional 10-year periods which gains for Edenton and Chowan County a new industry; The new operation is scheduled to begin in about six weeks. The announcement was made joint ly by the Twiddy Insurance and Real Estate Co.. Inc., t _ Edenton and John A. Mitchener, Jr., Mayor. Town of Eden lon. 1 lie final details lor establishing the new industry and signing of the lease culminated after long months of effort on the part oi the real estate firm, the Town Council and New Court Officials ;S K. , f®-!- jafl ~ WILLIAM PRIVOTT JOHN SHACKELFORD With *be resignation of Wel don Hollowell as judge of Cho wan County Recorder's Court, Chowan Coun*y Commissioners on Mondav appointed William Privott to succeed Mr. Hollo well as judge and John Shackel i ford as prosecuting attorney. Mr. Privott has been serving as prosecutor. \cmc calendar] A cantata, "The Babe of Beth lehem," will be presented in the John A. Holmes High School auditor’um Sunday afternoon, December 10, at 5 o'clock. Fdenton Woman's Clue is, sponsoring a Chris*mas outdoor home decoration contest which will be judged Friday. Decem ber 22. The Red Cross bloodmobile Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Election Being Held This Week To Choose District Supervisor For Soil Conservation Group This week, December -4-9, is district supervisors election week in Chowan County and the oth er Soil and Water Districts in North Carolina. Chowan Coun-i ty nominations are incumbent H.j Fahey Byrum. Lester Copeland and Carlton Goodwin. One of ihese three will be elected for a three year term of the Albe marle district supervisors from Chowan County to the Albe marle .Soil and Water Conserva tion District Board. Any reg istered voter can vote in this election. FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK ’the Edenton Chamber of Com merce, which resulted in bring mg the new industry to this historic community on Albe marle Sound. the new industrial concern is lie United States Lumber Com pany. Inc., of Edenton. Its plant will be located on a 150-acre site .on the newly acquired Eden : ion airport property that was received as a grant from the Federal government in February of this year. The airport is the j b.eart of the former Marine Air I * ; ‘ s e that was deactivated in ! October. 1958. The U. S. Lumber Company’s , immediate plans are to install a complete twin gang lumber 1 mill to manufacture specification Continued on Page S—Section I New Industry Needing Help Warren Twiddy, vice presi dent in charge of public rela tions. employment and logging of U. S. Lumber Co., the new industry recently locating in Edenton. has requested that all people desiring employment with the U. S. Lumber Co., to please contact the Edenton Of fice of the N. C. State Employ ment Security Commission lo cated at 204 Citizens Bank Building. Mr. Twiddy is especially in terested at this time in appli cants experienced in working in lumber, veneer and wood chip ping plants. Red Men Turkey Shoot December 9 Chowan Tribe No. 12. Improv ed Order of Red Men. will spon i sor a turkey shoot Saturday, De cember 9. The shoot will be held at the American Legion • grounds, beginning at 4 P. M., and continuing until 10 P. M. Turkeys awarded the winners will be 10-12 pound Butterball turkeys. Elliott Named On County School Board j At their meeting Monday. ! members of the Countv Board of Education appointed John M 1 Elliott as a new member. Mr. : lilliott was anDointed to fill oul , tile unexplrcd term of Dr. L. F. Ferguson, who has moved to Florida. Ballot boxes are placed at the following places: ASCS Office, Goodwin’s Store, M&R Service Center, Troy Toppin’s Store, Ry land Post Office, H. A. Perty, i Q. T. Bass, W. E. Smith, L. C. [ Briggs. Hughes-Parker Hard -1 ware Company, H. R. Peele and Byrum Hardware Company, Inc. i L. C. Bunch, chairman of the . Albemarle Soil and Water Con servation District, urges all eli gible voters to vote in this elec tion. George Lewis of Peoples Bank & Trust Company ts chair man of the Chowan County Dis trict Supervisors Election.

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