ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXVlll.—Number 50.. Banquet Planned Friday Night To Honor Members Ibn And Half Peanut Club Awards to Be Pre sented to 28 at Colo nial Motor Court Res taurant Twenty-eight of Chowan CoLn ty’s top peanut growers will be feted at a special banquet meet ing in Edenton’s Colonial Motor Court’s new restaurant Friday night, December 15, at 7 o’clock, according to Wesley Chesson, chairman of the Edenton Cham ber of Commerce Agricultural Committee. The occasion, Ches son stated, is to present awards to those who qualified for the Ton and One Half Peanut Club contest sponsored by the Cham ber. Qualifiers were those farm ers whfj grew 3,000 pounds or more, dry weight, to the meas ured acre. Main speaker of the evening will be William Campbell, en tomology expert from N. C. State College in Raleigh. Mr. Campbell’s talk will embrace the important subject of the influ ence of insects on peanut yields with particular emphasis on the destructive Southern Corn Root Worm. Mr. Campbell will il lustrate upon his subject with colored slides. Also attending the banquet in addition to the Chamber’s Agricultural Commit tee will be Aster Perry, peanut specialist, N. C. State College Continued on Page 3, Section 1 Christmas Story In Song On Sunday At Methodist Church' The Christmas story in song' will be presented at the morn- 1 ing service at 11 o’clock Sunday/ December 17, at the Edenton Methodist Church. * There will be no sermon preached by the pa*tor, the Rev. Van Crawford, with the major portion of the service devoted to special Christmas music by the choir. j The public is cordially invit ed to attend this, which prom ises to be a very unique and impressive service. | | County Schools To Close Friday For | Holiday Season W. J. Taylor, superintendent | of county schools, has announc ed that schools in the county; administrative unit will close Friday, December 15, for the Christmas holidays. I f'-The holiday season for teach-, era and students will extend to .Monday, January 1, when the' schools will re-open. 20 Years Ago - As Found In The Files Os The Chowan Herald -.———■——— P Voters in the Edenton school administration unit cast their ballots just about 4 to 1 in favor of a local tax to support a ninth month of school. - Chowan Chib woman cleared off all of the indebtedness on their community building. The total cost of die building was $7,500, ‘of which the WPA paid $5,000. William Priyott was appointed chairman of the President's birthday celebration far the pur- Cantinued on Page 7. Section 1 Band Will Present Christmas Concert Sunday, December 17 • The John A. Holmes High r J|&ool Hand will present a pro-| gram of varied selections at its anhual Christmas concert Sun-j day afternoon, December 17. The music will begin at 5 o'clock with the paying of the U Star ' Spaftgled Banner, The t concert wUI • continue with the ■ March “El Capiten” by the fa- 1 1 mous American composer of . r _ t , n Philin y• - _ __ , , , THE CHOWAN HERALD Re-elected . - - - - ~ . Wf' m Wh H. FAHEY BYRUM Chowan County farmers last week re-elected H. Fahey Byrum for a three-year term as super visor of the Chowan Soil and Water Conservation District. H. Fahey Byrum Is Re-elected As Chowan District Supervisor December 4-9 was Soil and Water Conservation District election week in Chowan Coun 'ty,’ The voters in the county have re-elected H. Faney Byrum tot a three year term to begin January 1,1962. The response from the eligible voters in the county was quite gratifying to the supervisors, and /they wish to express appreciation to all who participated. J>oil and Water Conservation District supervisors occupy a position of public office and Special Masonic Rev. Ralph Harrell Meeting Tonight; Lions Club Speaker • i Lecture “Mystic Tie” By Claude Gatty Will Be Heard Dr. A. F. Downum, master ofj Unanimity Lodge No. 7. A. F. & | A. M., announces that an emer-I gent communication will be held 1 tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o’clock. The purpose of the meeting is to see a film which j records a lecture, “Mystic Tie,”, by Claud Galty, past vrand mas-| ter of Washington, D. C. Dr' Downum states that this film is especially interesting to I Masons, so that he urges all members to attend and extends a cordial invitation to visiting Masons to be present. EASTERN STAR MEETING Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star, will 1 meet Monday night, December. 18; at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Anita Tarkington, worthy matron, is very anxious to' have a large attendance. De Rose compositions, Deep i Purple, Autumn Serenade, Royal j 'Blue and White Orchils, in an ( arrangement entitled jColofama. | ■ Seasonal music win include "Three . Songs For .dhristmas”, by Grundman and : '“Vuletide Festival”, an by John Warren ton. o©f of the highlights of the Chrislfirias pro-1 •gram will be the .paHormancej : of the traditional carets with 1 audience participation!- Each Edenton, Chowan County, iNorth Carolina, Thursday, December 14, Eta Is Gue. |t leaker Pi dial! ’.uncheon - Inspiri 3 a eeting Is Held a ' 1. tford Sat i urday With 40 Mem bers Present Mrs. Phoebe Emmons, presi dent of Eta State Delta Gamma Society, was guest speaker at Saturday’s luncheon meeting in Hertford, at which time chapter members from Hertford were hostesses to the group of ap proximately 40 members from 12 Albemarle counties of north eastern North Carolina. , Tne speaker was introduced by Pi Chapter President Ruth Hoyle of Elizabeth City. Mrs. Emmons spoke inspiring -3y and effectively on the poli cies, standards, and require ments of work and accomplish ments of the Delta Kappa Gam ma Society, with emphasis on the vital importance of personal growth, of expanding personal cultural horizons, and of deep ening within oneself an appre ciation of the values by which free people live. She urged each member to be more fully aware of individual -roles in re lation to each other, in pro gress in education, and to a better world. Prior to the luncheon, which’ was served by g committee froni| the Hertford Methodist Church,! a brief business session was held with the president in Continued on Page s—Section 1 I public trust. As a member of the local board, Mr. Byrum will assist in program planning, poli cy making an d ' t'h e " earrytng out of a soil and water conservation program for Chowan County and Albemarle Soil Conservation District. Members of the coun ty and district boards will meet regularly with agricultural agen cy representatives and others interested in this important Dro-| gram. District supervisors are non-salaried officials, serving vjonlinued on Paoc 5. Section i Presents An Interest ing Program Deal ing With Africa Members of the Edenton Lions! Club were treated to an un-! usually interesting and inform ative program at their meeting Monday night at the Edenton! Restaurant, when the program [ was presented by the Rev. Ralph Harrell. Mr. Harrell is the son of Mrs.' W. W. Harrell and has served i three years as a foreign Baptist, missionary in East Africa. He plans to return as a missionary for four more years. Mr. Hafrell very interestingly, told of conditions and experi ences in Africa and to add to 1 the interest of his remarks he presented a film portraying life, customs and scenery in areas which he has Visited while on ! his missionary duties. j The club will hold its Christ- 1 mas party next Monday night, December 18, at 7:15 o’clock at the Edenton Restaurant, after which the next meeting will be held Monday night, January 8. j Christmas Story, Hour At library • Shepard-Pruden Meirtorlal Li brary will have a story hour on Friday, December 15, from 4 to 5 o’clock. Mrs. Tony Shepard, assisted by Mrs. "George Byrum I will conduct the Story Hour. Children between five and ten are cordially invited- It is sug gested that mothers who are bringing the younger group ar rive a few minutes early so that children will not miss the be fgining of the program which is a very enjoyable part of the i nouru ■► i, * ' [ BPW Club “Woman Os The Year” lj I iMu fJO |j jfjii MliLrl j y* ■ - Iff W\ ' *SO|. f* m mjjk. 1 * 'Zi % / In above picture Miss Mildred taunaen, ie.i, is-u ora o.wj Woman of the Year," is presenting a rotating silver bowl to Miss Beulah Perry, who was named "Club Woman of the Year for 1961." 3he ceiemony look place at the BPW Club's Christmas parly held Thursday night ol iasl week at the Edenton Restaurant. —(Ricks Photo). Acting Secretary Os Agriculture Replies To Misinterpretation Os Administration’s Farm Policies In the last several weeks the public has been exposed to a continuous stream of misinfor mation and misinteipretation re garding the farm policies and programs of this administration, according to Charles S. Murphy, acting Secretary of Agriculture. The result, he says, has been to give wide currency to distor tions so completely -at variance with the facts that this depart ment, as the agency responsible for administration of the pro grams in question, is impelled to set the record straight. That is the purpose of this statement. The misinformation in the main relates to the effectiveness and the cost of the emergency LC. Pate-Eleeted-Rans Made For Master By Masons Christmas Dance Officers Elected For Year at Meeting Thursday Officers for Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M., for thej 1 year 1962 were elected at a ( meeting held Thursday night, j ’ The officers elected were: 1 Master, J. C. Parks, who sue- 1 ceeds Dr. A. F. Downum; senior ■ warden, J. A. Bunch; junior warden, Rodney Harrell, Jr.; treasurer. R. E. Leary, and sec-' ; retary, W. P. Goodwin. J. Ed- 1 win Bufflap was also re-eletced : as a trustee for a three-year , term. , 1 The new officers will be in- 1 stalled at the stated communi- 1 cation to be held Thursday « night, January 4. Red Men Turkey j Shoot On Friday j Chowan Tribe No. 12, Improv- . ed Order of Red Men, will spon- . sor a turkey shoot Friday, De cember 15. The shoot will be held at the American Legion grounds from 4 to 10 P. M. It is hoped many will turn out for the shoot. Print By Betsy Ross Shown On Television i Miss Betsy Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ross, exhibit ed a printing from a wood cut in an art show held last week at East Carolina College, where I she is a sophomore. So well received was her piece i of work that it was exhibited on a television program Sunday. Bloodmobile Scheduled To Be In Edenton Thursday, Jan. 4 * / i Attention is called to the fact that the Red Cross tbloodmobile will make another visit to Edentoh Thursday, January 4. The blood mobile will be located at the Edenton armory from 10 'A. M„ to 4P. M. v I Rudolph Dale, Chowan County blood program chairman, reports that the county’s guota will be 100 pints and that he hopes this amount will be donated this ~ -x . ' ... feed grain program adopted by 1 Congress and initiated by the department in March, 1961. Here’s how the feed grain j program stacks up as far as, meeting or having met the stat- ! ed objectives at the time the legislation was passed: Farm Income Net farm in-i come in 1961 is estimated to be j up by SI billion—or 9% above | 1960. A substantial part of this j increase is a result of the feed grain program. The value of the 1960 corn and grain sorghum crop was $4.4 bil lion. The value of the 1961 crop, together with payments for acreage reductions, is estimated Continued on Paae 3— Section 1 Music Furnished By Ray Abernethy and His Orchestra Plans are rapidly moving for ward for the annual Christmas dance sponsored by the Edenton Varsity Club. The dance will be held Christmas night, Decem ber 25, from 9 P. M., to 1 A. M., in the Edenton armory. Music for the dance will be furnished by Ray Abernethy and his orchestra from Rocky Mount, who have provided mu sic for a number of previous i dances. A large crowd is ex-j pected to attend. Table reservations can be made by phoning 2105, 4107 or 3440. ’ Rotary Christmas Partv Cn Dec. 21 Edenton’s Rotary Club will | hold its annual Christmas party j Thursday night, December 21. | The party will be held at the American Legion building, be ginning at 7 o’clock. President Richard Atkinson has appointed a committee to make all the necessary arrange-, ments and this group reports' that a very enjoyable party is 1 l in prospect. I Turkey Shoot At J Oak Grove Dec. 22 t Oak Grove Hunting Club will sponsor a turkey shoot Friday, afterndon, December 22. The: I shoot will be held at the Oak| Grove Community Building, be-, ginning at 5 o’clock and continu-1 ' ing until 10 o’clock. time. Mr. Dale says that since September 10 the Chowan Hos pital has used 118 pints of blood. “This fact,” says Mr. Dale, “clearly shows that citizens of j Chowan County have to make lan all-out effort to meet the quota and even exceed it.” At the last visit of the blood mobile the county fell short of its quota when 75 pints were donated. 1 Demonstrations Feature Meeting Os Woman’s Club Group of Pembroke Playmakers Enact Nativity; Gub Con siders Book Club I Highlights of the December meeting of the Edenton Woman’s Club were Christmas decorations by the Chowan County Home Demonstration Clubs and an en actment of the nativity by the Pembroke Playmakers. The luncheon meeting was held Wednesday, December 6, at the Edenton Restauran.t The club members voted to purchase a Rol-A-Round, play equipment, and several picnic tables for the playground, pro vided there are sufficient funds for the tables. It was also decided that the club would sponsor and organize a book club, as much interest has been indicated in a book club. The transfer of Mrs. James Cozart from the Mount Airy Junior Woman’s Club was ac cepted and she was welcomed to the club. Representatives of the various Home Demonstration Clubs dis playing and explaining Christ ina sdecorations were Advance, Mrs. Carlton Perry, a feather 1 Christmas tree; Beech Fork Club. Mrs. W. H. Saunders, : candy wreath; Center Hill, Mrs. ' E. L. Belch, styrofoam violin; Chowan, Mrs. M. M. Nixon, i mantel arrangement of ever greens: Colonial, Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt, magnolia door ar- : rangement: Enterprise, Mrs. Oi- Conlinued on Page 6, Section 1 ! Firemen’s Christmas ! Party Slated Tonight Edenton firemen will hold; then annual Christmas party to night (Thursday) at 7 o’clock. The party will be held at the fire station with firemen’s wives as special guests. Fire Chief W. J. Yates urges all members of the department and their wives to be present. , Post Office Open Saturday, Dec. 16th From 8:30 To 5 P. M. Postmaster J. L. Chestnutt this week makes an appeal, "that all of us make a point to mail now. A delay at this critical time may mean disap pointing your friends and your loved ones on Christmas Day.” j Mr. Chestnutt reports that the Edenton Post Office is several thousand pieces of mail ahead of this same date last year. “Please get that mail in the Post Office this week,” he pleads. For the benefit of patrons, the Edenton Post Office will be open Saturday, December 16, from 8:30 A. M., until 5 P. M. I Lions Christmas Partv Dec. 18th ■ el Edenton’s Lions Club will hold its annual Christmas party Monday night, December 18. at the Edenton Restaurant. The party will begin at 7:15 o’clock and wives of the mem bers will be special guests for the occasion. President John Mitchener urges every member to be present. Red Men Will Elect Officers Dec. 18th Chowan Tribe No. 12, Improv-I ed Order of Red Men, will meet! Monday night, December 18, at j 7:30 o’clock. At this meeting tribal officers will be elected, so that W. M. .Rhoades, outgoing sachem, especially requests a i large attendance. Final Tetanus Shot Clinic Held Tonight; The final tetanus shot clinic will be held at St. John’s : ‘j/'hrwii tonight (Thursday) at 8| o’clock. All those who have not re ceived their second tetanus shot! are urgently requested to go to the school tonight. 1 I $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina Miss Beulah Perry Named 'Club Woman Os Year' By Local BPW Club Members e | •••••••••••••••••••«•• : SHOPPING : DAYS LEFT [iVrf : USE CHRISTMAS SEALS E AND HELP FIGHT TB!; Full Agenda Faces Town Councilmen Changing Traffic on Court Street Is Be ing Considered Town Councilmen faced a full agenda at their meeting Tuesday night, which kept them in ses sion until .near the midnight hour. One delegation appeared at the meeting, including the Revs. F. H. LaGarde and J. E. Tiilett. The former was spokesman, who sought information relative to integrating the Shepard-Pruden Memorial Library. Mayor John Continued on Page s—secllon J Legion Christmas Party On Dee. 18 Members of Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion will hold a Christmas party and dance at the Legion building Monday night, December 18. at 8 o’clock. Special guests will be wives of Legionnaires and all members of the American Legion Auxili ary are also especially invited to attend. City Schools Will Close Two Weeks During Christmas According to Hiram Mayo, superintendent of Edenton city schools, teachers and students will have 9 two-weeks holiday over the Christmas' season. The schools will close Tues day of next week, December 19 and will re-open Tuesday, January 2. Prizes Offered For Outdoor Decorations It is hoped many people in Edenton will participate in the Christmas outdoor home decor ation contest which is sponsored by the Edenton Woman’s Club. The various decorations will be judged Friday, December 22. Two cash prizes will be awarded the two best outdoor decorations, sls for first prize and SlO for second prize. * Civil Defense Planning Key To Survival By MURRAY D. ASHLEY Chowan-Kdenton Civil Defense Director We here in Chowan County ; might prefer to look the other ; | way when they talk of the next 1 | war. In away we aren’t much ] i different from many people i j elsewhere in America. It’s hard 1 to realize that suddenly, modern i warfare has caught up with us i 1 and the next round may be for ; keeps. We hate to accept the fact: no longer can we depend j the oceans to give us the < | time needed to prepare. We < I still think of war as something j which we can put in the back-'i ground of our everyday thinking ! j —take a wait and see attitude i | and if worse comes to worse 1 ! we’ll prepare for it the best we : can. This type of thinking can 1 i place the people of America in 1 I I great danger. We are only mi-'i ! nutes from their launching pads '/ FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK \ , I honored at Christmas Party Held By Club Thursday Night of Last Week Miss Beulah Perry was named “Clubwoman of the Year for . •»■>* oy tne Edenton Business and Professional Women’s Club at its annual Christmas party t eld Thursday night, December 7. at the Edenton Restaurant. Miss Mildred Munden, 1960 Clubwoman cf the year, presen!- ed Miss Perry with a rotating .Tver bowl and a bouquet of red roses. This award is given to the club woman who has shown outstanding qualities as a Business and Professional Club member. She is judged bv the following qualifications: Versa tility. love for others, business or professional merit, communi ty service, character and club service Miss Perry has been an out standing BFW member for many years. She has served as art officer or chairman of many committees and particularly has done exceptional work with fi nances and annual Christmas parade. No activity of the club has found her too busy to serve when needed. Her interests ar:' wide and varied. She has a great love for her fellowmen. She always finds time to visit the sick, her thoughtfulness brings cheer to manv. She is a dedicated member of the Edenton Baptist Church and has served in Sundav school, missionary and Training Union work. The honoree has also found time to give to her com munity for its beautification and improvement. Miss Perry is employed tyv Rose's Store in Edenton as as sistant manager. Through her untiring efforts, her willingness to help others without looking for or expect ing reward, she has endeared herself to all Who know her. Firemen's Turkey Shoot Saturday Center Hill-Cross Roads fire men will sponsor another'turkey shoot, which - will be held Sat urday afternoon. December 16. The shoot will be held at the fire station grounds from 1 to 9:30 P. M. The firemen hope many will attend the shoot and enjoy the fun. [ civic calendar] Fdenlon Woman's Club is sponsoring a Christmas outdoor home decora'ion con*esl which i will be judged Friday, Decem ber 22. A story hour will be held at the Shepard-Pruden Memorial Library Friday afternoon, De i cember 15. from 4to 5 o'clock. A banquet will be held Friday ■ night, December 15. a* the Co lonial Motrr Court Restaurant > to honor 28 members of Cho • wan County's Ton and A Half ■ Peanut Club. Continued from Page 7—Section 1 across the sea. A thermonuclear attack could come any day—any hour—and if we have not made prior preparations, thousands who would have survived will lose their lives. The idea which received much attention in Nevil Shute’s best seller and the movie “On The Beach” that H-bombs would en gulf the world and wipe out everybody is incorrect. Some of the best brains in the coun try tell us that even with an all out attack millions of our popu lation would survive if some thought had been given to sur vival beforehand. It’s true that your best chance of survival would be an underground shel ter, but even With a bask under standing of nuclear radiation, Continued on P«9o I. Section 2