I mtY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXlX.—Number 5. Richard Atkinson, Graham White AndJ.W.DavisGet ' ■ £ ' >-. * y - * Promotions At Local Bank —— • '* President W. W. Shaw Reports New High In People’s Bartk Re ■ sources W. W. Shaw, president of the, Peoples Bank and Trust Com- j pany, - reported on the bank’s j for• the past year at the thirty-first annual meeting of the stockholders held January 17 at the Ricks Hotel in Rocky | Mount. ‘ The president’s report showed during the year 1961 the bank’s resources reached an all time high of $50,000,000 as deposits, climbed to more than $545,000,-' 000 and trust assets were at a j new high of $18,500,000 at the close of the year. 2rhe stockholders relected the following directors: W. W. Shaw, Dallas L. Alford, Jr., Ray Bundy, D. O. Bulluck, J. C. Carlton, Joel | T. Cheatham, John T. Church, i W. R. Coleman, D. W. Daven port, H. C. Durham, M. L. Gay, John.W. Graham, P. K. Gravely, W. S. Johnson, S. B. Kittrell, John A: Kramer, J. H. Little, j Rufus M. Riddick, Jr., Dr. C. T. | Smith, Frank P. Spruill, Jr., R. | E. Stevens, H. H. Strandberg, | Junius W. Tillery, S. S. Toler, I Jr., C. V. Whitley and John G. Wood, Jr. At the directors meeting, j which was held immediately' Continued on Pago s—Section 1 J Differential In Peanut Price Support Given Consideration Congressman Herbert C. Bon-, aer.lasf weefc stated that he had received a from' Under Secretary of Agriculture, Charles Murphy advising that the peanut price support dif ferential is receiving careful* and , immediate consideration by his j office in the Department of Ag- 1 ricultufe and that his office has' under advisement recommenda- j tions to the Department on the Florida Caravan Stops In Edenton A group of motorists forming a caravan from St. Augustine, ] Florida,' stopped at the' Colonial j Motor Court Friday near the ■ noon hour and were thoroughly j impressed ' with the hospitality | they received during their brief j sojourn here. The caravan was i ■isnoute to St. Augustine. from I Wf' York, where St. Augustine j was featured in the Florida' Continued on Pag* 4 —Section I | 20 Years Ago] . As Found In The FUes Os 1 > > The Chowan Herald i ~ - -l I. -I —— -- Herbert Leary, who had an-1 nounced he would become a candidate for representative in, Congress from the First Con- 1 gresshinal District announced; he bad withdrawn his candidacy and instead would be a candi date for re-election as State Senator. .In a trial in Recorder's Court testing an entire day. J. C. Nix are held in the nurses’ home the third Friday of every month, ! with the exception of June, Juiy and August. It is the hope that Continued on Page *—Section « Rev. Hebert Harrell Accepts Chowan Association Position — ■ *vT 4 , Edefiton and Chowan County friends will be interested • to Jfcaow' that the Rev. Robert S. Harrell h|p-*qcepted -the posi tion 6f promotional secretary of file Raptist Association. Mr. Harrell, a native of Cho wan County, is at present pastor of Brookside Baptist - Church at Nashville, Tenn. ft* is the hus THE CHOWAN HERALD Running Again s. ) Albert G. Byrum announced early this week that he will seek re-election as Chowan 1 County's in the ! State House of Representatives l in the May Primary election. Mr. Byrum has served two terms as Representative and says it i has been a pleasure and a privi lege to serve the county in that capgciiy. Mr. Byrum is very well and favorably known among the state's lawmakers.^ Honor Students At Local School Cecil Fry, principal of John A. Holmes High School, this week released the honor roll for the third six weeks period of school as well as for the first semester. Those 6n the third six weeks honor roll were as follows: Grade 7—Wesley Ches so n, Donna Billings, Clara Blanch ard, Anne Graham, Ann Harrell, Linda Hollowell, Sylvia Jordan, Kay Kramer and Ivy Lowe. Grade B—Joe8 —Joe Conger 111, Bob-; by Francis, Bill Mitchener, Nor- | fleet Pruden, Barbara Adams,, Suzanne George, Becky Hamp- j Continued on Page 3, Section 1 differentials for the 1962 crop. Mr. Murphy stated that he ex pdets in the near future an an-' nouncement will be made which he believes will be satisfactory to the growers in the peanut areas throughout the United States. Congressman Bonner stated that he had been in con tact with Mr. Murphy for several months with respect to this mat ter. Valentine Dance Scheduled Feb. 17 Affair Sponsored By Local Junior Cham ber of Commerce Sponsored by the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce, a Valentine dance will be held in Edenton Saturday night, Feb ruary 17. The dance will be held in the Edenton armory be ginning at 9 o’clock and con tinuing until midnight. Music for ‘ the dance will be furnished by the Bill James Combo of Elizabeth City, which is rapidly gaining an enviable reputation in the Albemarle area. The twist will be one of the features of the dance. Table reservations may be se cured by contacting David Otto way, phone 2501. LEGION MEETS FEB. 6 Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion will hold a | dinner meeting at the Triangle i Restaurant Tuesday night, Feb ruary 6, at 7 o'clock. Com- Imander Robert Powell urges a ! large attendance. , N versity of Richmond and South eastern Baptist Theological Sem inary. He also studied at N. C. State College. He was a com-j missioned pilot in the U. 3. Ai,r < Corps daring World War 11. His church pastorate* include , the Tabernacle Church, Richmond; Va., where he was studeht associate pastor; Thanks- j giving Baptist Chuych, Selma; Baptist Church* Lexing ton; C reset Baptist Church, Cro- | set, Va., and his present pastor- 1 Ate He has held various as-| Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, February 1,1962. EDi >N BANK OFFICIALS PROMOTED m *- X j 7; '■ f Ml IICHARD S. ATKINSON, JR. A* a meeting of stockholders of Peoples Bank & Trust Company held at Rockv Mount last week three officials of the Edenton branch received p.omotions. Those promoted were Richard S. Atkin son, Jr., from vice president to vice p-esident and cashier; R. Graham White was promoted * o*n cashier and trust officer to vice president and trust officer and J. W. Davis, public relations officer, was promoted to vice president.—(Photos ky Ricks). Congressman Herbert Bonner Pressing Pollution Abatement Activities For Chowan River Congressman Herbert C. Bon ner last week further pursued his interest in elimination of the pollution in the Chowan River.. He said that the Surgeon Gen eral of the United States has re sponsibility for taking the initia tive under the Water Pollution Control Act in matters involving the pollution of interstate waters 1 which endangers the health or welfare of persons in a state. other than that in which the pol- j lution originates. Accordingly, the First District i Congressman has requested the 1 |U. S. Lumber Company Expects Be Operating In Four Months At a meeting of stockholder's !of the United States Lumber j Company held in Edenton last : I week. Jack B. Smith of Thom | son, Ga., president, informed i those present that the concern I v/ill most likely be in. operation I in about four months. J Mr. Smith stated that plans 1 are’ to install a complete mill i operation, including construction cross circulating kilns for dry ing lumber, installing a com plete line of equipment for the j manufacture of the lumber pro- ; duced into studs, truss lumber ENTERPRISE MEETING i . I Enterprise Community will i hold its February meeting to | night (Thursday) at the Zell Ward Cabin at 7:30 o’clock. All I families in the community are ■ urged to attend as this is the j start of a new year. Eight Edenton Band Members Entered In Northeastern Band Clinic w B< ■ Bgt P - <■ ft v ■ : ANITA SEXTON JIMMY JONES RONNIE ROUNTREE CHARLES WOOD. JR. JOHN BUNCH MAC PRIVOTT RONNIE SAWYER JERRY YARBOROUGH Pictured «fieri are eight members of John A. Holmes High Sch 00l Bend who have been selected to participate in the Northeastern Band Clinic to be held at r «-t Caroline College February t and 3. Five, Ronnie Sawyer, Mac Privott. Charles Wood. Jr~ Jerry Yarborough and John P-i-'-h are included in the symphonic hand 'and three, Anita Saxton, Jimmy Jones and Ronnie Rountree wiH 1: R. Gr»AHA*vi W til I E Surgeon General to immediate ly commence investigation of the situation in the Chowan River and take appropriate action to alleviate the pollution. Mr. Bonner also said that he had taken the matter up with Assistant Secretary Frank P. Briggs of the Department of the Interior, which has jurisdiction over fish and wildlife. He ask ed the Interior official to aid in the investigation of the prob lem. In his letters to Dr. Luther Continued on Paat 3 —Section 1 and other framing lumber for building homes. Mi'. Smith also said consider able machinery has already been purchased and more will be obtained within a few weeks. Directors elected Smith presi- f 1 dent; Warren Twiddy of Eden ton, vice president, and Mrs. L. M. Bowen of Martinsville, Va„ secretary-treasurer. | Directors elected in addition' to the officers were L. L. Lester, Jr., of Martinsville, Va.; Pete Knox of Thomson, Ga., and Richard Atkinson of Edenton. WSCS MEETS FEBRUARY 6 ! The Women’s Society of Chris tian Service of the Methodist Church will meet Tuesday night, February 6. at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Jesse Harrell on East Queen Street. All mem ! bers are urged to attend. ■-> '-ir .' v ' ,r ~" % 4 . T> J. JJAViS Hospital Auxiliary Drive For Members Is Now In Progress Mrs. Frank Holmes, Chairman Is Urging More Women to Help In Worthy Activities i According to Mrs. Frank Holmes, membership chairman of the Chowan Hospital Auxiliary, a membership drive is now in progress. Membership drive chairmen will be appointed from all Home Demonstration Clubs and representatives will soon call on prospective members. i Mrs. Holmes points out that | the Chowan Hospital Auxiliary ! does a tremendous job through ! the efforts of a small active j membership. Auxiliary meetings '-.onlinuea on Page 4—Section ’ I I | Physical Fitness j Classes Planned j Program Begins at St.! Paul’s Parish House Wednesday, Feb. 7 Physical fitness classes jre • scheduled to be held every Wed- 1 ! nesday morning at 10 o’clock at j ! St. Paul's Parish House. The j classes will be held once a week at 10 o’clock, beginning Wed-1 nesday, February 7 and are for anyone interested in learning the best exercise for any particular problem or may join the class Continued on Page 4. Section 1 Lloyd Wayne Evans Is Awarded Short Course At College Honored By Peoples j Bank & Trust Com j* pany for Outstand ! ing Farming Efforts 1 George Lewis of Peoples Bank \ & Trust Company announces’ that the bank has awarded a two-weeks short course scholar ship to Lloyd Wayne Evans. 20- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. i Edward Evans of the Rocky i Hock section. Young Evans loft: Monday for classes at State Col lege which will terminate Sat urday, February 10. Evans is a 1959 graduate of! Chowan High School and was very active in 4-H and FFA| activities. while in school. He received the State Farmer de-j gree in FFA and has an appli cation pending for the American | Fanner degree. He and his fa ther attend 48 acres of cleared land and carry on a varied type I full schedule in the study of I modern technioues and various j farming enterprises. The short course is conducted by the School of Agriculture at 1 State College in conjunction with I the North Carolina Bankers As sociation. Over 100 are partici pating, coming from all of the 100 counties in the state. Annual Bible Study Week At 1 y j Ballard's Bridge February 5-9 j The Ballard's Bridge Baptist Church will have its annual Bi- 1 ble Study Week February 5 through the 9th. .The study will j begin each night at 7 o'clock : and will close promptly at 8:30 j o'clock. J The Rev. Thurman Allred, ! pastor of the Rocky Hock Bap i list Church, will teach the book jof Jeremiah to the adults and j young people. Mrs. W. J. Privott, a youth j leader at the Center Hill Baptist l j Church, will teach the inter mediates the book entitled "Ex-, ploring The New Testament.” Heart Council Is Formed In Chowan I Billy Bond Chairman Os Fund Raising Campaign i Completion of a Heart Coun cil for Chowan is announced by Dr. Edward G. Bond, president ! of the Council. It is part of the North Carolina Hea?t Asso -1 r.onlmuea an rtae —Section • $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina George A. Byrum Winner Os Jaycee Distinguished Service Award For 1961 i , I)SA Winner | i; * -y ' & mL- m GECRGE A. BYRUM Edenton Jaycees at a banquet , held a* the Masonic Temole on | Thursday night, awarded George | A. Byrum *he Jaycee Distin- 1 I guishad Service Award for the. ' year 1961. The award was pre- ; senled by Mayor John A. Mitch- i ener and is in recognition of Mr. Byrum's distinguished service I during the year in many ave- | nues. The Rev. Warren Rollins, pas- i tor of the Warwick Baptist | Church, will teach the juniors' the book entitled "Men Who Told His Story”. Mrs. Norman Hollowell, Mrs. j T. O. Asbell. Mrs. W. H. Win-' i borne and the Rev. Carl Hart will work with the primaries and their book entitled "The Worlds We Live In”. Mrs. Celia Rae Copeland, Mrs. Everett White and Mrs. Cari Hart will direct the beginners in 1 their study of the book entitled ■ "Sounds That Sing”, The nursery will be open each ! night. Baptists Plan ! Family Nighll Sponsored by the Training) Union of the Edenton Baptist! Church, family night will be ob- j served at the church Wednesday evening, February 14. beginning at 5:45 o’clock. The affair will take on the form of a covered dish supper, with each one at tending asked to bring food. I Bread and beverages will be furnished. Family night is be-, , ing observed primarily to pro mote fellowship among members Continued on Page s—section 1 j -Chowan High PTA Meets February 5 Chowan High School Parent- Teacher Association will meet at the school Monday night. Febru ary 5, at 7:30 o’clock. Jennings j Bunch. PTA president, announc es thgt a very interesting pro gram has been arranged and for that reason he urges all mem bers to be present. FIREMEN MEET TONIGHT Edenton firemen will hold 1 their monthly dinner meeting to night (Thursday) at 7 o’clock at the fire station. Fire Chief W. J. Yates urges every fireman to attend. Eight Edenton Band Members In ECC Band Clinic Feb. 2 - 3 Eight members of the John A. Holmes High School Band were selected to perform in the North eastern Band Clinic to be held at East Carolina College on Feb ruary 2 and 3. Five of the Holmes High School bandsmen were chosen by auditions held in Williamston in December. They will perform with the Symphonic Band. The other band members Were chosen by their director on the basis of their performing ability, and will be members of the Concert Band. Ronnie Sawyer, Mac FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK ’ West Byrum, Jr., Sub stitutes as Principal speaker For Annual Occasion At the eighth annual Junior Chamber of Commerce DSA, Bosses’ and Ladies’ Night ban quet held Thursday night in the Masonic Temple George Alma Byrum was chosen to receive the Distinguished Service Award for the year 1961. The award was presented by Mayor John A. Mitchener, who paid glowing tribute to Mr. Byrum as he briefly rehearsed some of the activities which were a major factor in the selection. Mr. Byrum. unaware of the honor to be bestowed upon him, j said he felt very humble but | exceedingly grateful for the hon- I or. His wife was requested to stand beside him while Mayor ! Mitchener complimented him for ‘his past achievements and pre | senled him the Distinguished Service Award. J The principal speaker for the occasion was West. Byrum, Jr.. . who was selected when it was ! i uoijaag —f aoe