ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXlX.—Number 9. Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt Is Named 'Woman Os Year' By Edenton's BPW Club Mayor Levin Culpep per Speaker at BPW Bosses’ Night Ban quet Thursday - Edenton’s Business and Pro fessional Women’s Club held: its annual Bosses’ Night banquet s’hursday night, February 22, in he Masonic Temple which was highlighted by the club naming Edenton’s 1961 Woman of the Year. This year’s selection was Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt. The principal speaker for the occasion was Mayor Levin Cul pepper of Elizabeth City, who was introduced by Joe Conger, Jr., a long time friend. Mrs. Anita Baker, president of the club, opened the meeting, and called upon Miss Beulah Perry to act as toastmistress. The 'group sang “America”, fol lowed by a prayer by the Rev. R. N. Carroll, pastor of the Bap tist Church. Following the dinner, which was served by members of the Eastern Star, Miss Perry ex tended a cordial welcome to those present, which was re sponded to by George Alma By rum. Special music was ren dered by Gail Perry, Gail Hare and Faye Cartwright, members of the Treble Clef Club. Mayor Culpepper, interspers ing his remarks with bits of hu mor, used as his subject “Some thing Tor Nothing.” He stated -that such an attitude is gradual ly increasing in America today, so that many people feel that they can get by without cost when they permit the govern ments to do the job for them, continued on Page 6—Section t Banking Considered At County Council Meeting On March 7 Banking will be the subject taught by personnel -of Peo ples Bank and Trust Company at the March County Council meeting Wednesday, March 7, at Chowan Community Build ing. 2:00 P. M. Items of business to be dis cussed at the County Council meeting include 251 h Federated District meeting, Hobbsville Baptist Church on Wednesday, April 4; National Home Dem onstration Club Week, May 6-12: Albemarle Craftsman’s Fair, Eliz abeth City,- April 18-19; State music workshop and workshops on tailoring and refinishing fur niture. All club members are urged to attend this County Council meeting. Ryland Home Demon stration 1 Club will be hostess. r " • * Ur "■! * nr 20 Years Ago j As Found In The Files Os 1 The Chowan Herald $ West Byrum, in charge of Edenton’s air raid, committee of the Civil Defense, reported that a blackout had been ordered, hut that the exact dale was a secret. Clerk of Court E. W. Spires was notified by R. R. Sayers director of the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, that he had been appointed ex plosive licenser far Chowan County. It was his duty to is sue a license to any person be fore explosives could be bought or sold. Mrs. W. A. Sexton received word .that her son, Sgt Calvin Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Science Fair At John A. Holmes High School Thursday, March 8 \ Eden ton’s second annual sci ence fair will be held at John A. Holmes High School on Thursday, March 8. Selected projects by students in grades seven through twelve will be en tered for competition Thursday afternoon. The public is invited to view tiie projects in the local fair on Tnuisday night, March 8, from 7 until 9 o’clock. THE CHOWAN HERALD \ Lions Guest | HUGHES JONES One of the special guests at the Edenion Lions Club's 251 h anniversary banquet Thursday night, March 15, at the Masonic Temple will be Hughes Jones of Ahoskie. Mr. Jones is gov ernor of District 31-J. Democratic Women Will Meet March 5 Luncheon Meeting Is Planned at Edenton Restaurant A luncheon meeting of Demo cratic women of Chowan Coun ty is scheduled to be held at the Edenton Restaurant Mon day, March 5, at 12 o’clock noon. Mrs. J. Henry Crqmartie, vice chairman of the State Executive Committee of the Democratic party, will be guest speaker for the occasion, she is a dynamic speaker, so that it is hoped many Democratic women will kttend. Reservations for the luncheon may be made by calling Mrs. C. Delmas Sawyer, phone 3532. : The meeting will be one of three in Northeastern North Carolina planned by Mrs. Cro martie. Arrangements for the tour are being made by Mrs. Ed Bond of Edenton. Mrs. A. O. Smith of Elizabeth City and Mrs. 1 C. W. Beasley of Colcrain. Mrs. Cromartie stated that this visit is just one of the many to j help organize women’s organiza tions in every county of the ■ state prior to the fall campaign, j She stated that to date there | are 42 active organizations. j Herring Breakfast Saturday, March 3 Sponsored by the Methodist Men’s Club, another pickled and honing) roe breakfast will be held at the church Saturday morning, March 3, from 7 to 9 o’clock. George Lewis states 1 that he is almost certain the herring roe will be available for the breakfast. Member? of the Men’s Club are no\y selling tickets for the breakfast which has become quite popular. WOMAN'S CLUB WILL HOLD MEETING MARCH 7 Edenton Woman’s Club will meet on Wednesday afternoon, March 7, at 1 o’clock at the Edenton Restaurant. Mrs. Her bert Hollowell, Jr., president, states that slides will be shown lof last year’s tour of Edenton, Iso that she is anxious to have | a large attendance. thought, thoroughness, claritj and dramatic value by science teachers from the area. Awards will be made for the three best physical science and biological science . projects en tered in the fair’s junior divi sion (grades seven through njne) and senior division (grades ten through twelve). Students re ceiving awards will be eligible for competition in the North eastern District Science Fair in , Greenille on March 23. Edenton, C \« m County, Noi(th Carolina, Thursday, March 1,1962. Warren Elected 1 New President C. Library-Museum Committees of Custo dians and Public Re lations Appointed By Stockholders David M. Warren was elected [ to serve as president of the Cu | pola House Library and Mu seum, Incorporated, at a special j stockholders meeting on Friday [ afternoon, February 23, at the Cupola House. Mr. Warren succeeds the late E. W. Spires, who for several years served the organization so faithfully and efficiently. At the same meeting, Miss Lena M. Jones was elected to serve on the board of trustees lof the Shepard-Pruden Memor j ial Library, to finish the unex | pired term of service recently made vacant by the death of 1 Mrs. S. M. McMullan. John W. Graham and Miss : Margaret Pruden were elected to draw up resolutions of re spect for the late E. W. Spires and Mrs. S. M. McMullan, as a tribute from the organization to show appreciation and deep gratitude for services rendered by these members during their active years. A committee to serve as cus todians and checks on neces sary repairs on the Cupola House were named as follows: Mrs. George Mack, Miss Harriet Leary and David M. Warren. A public relations committee for the Cupola House was also named, which includes Frank M. Holmes, Mrs. Ed Bond, Mrs. Granbery Tucker and Mrs. El ton Forehand, Jr. Bishop Guest At St. Paul’s Sunday Tho Rt. Rev. Thomas H. Wright, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina, will be in Edenton Sunday for his annual visitation. A full congregation is request ed by the Rev. George Holmes, j rector of Saint Paul’s Episcopal i Church, for the Bishop. Special music has been ar- I ranged by the organist, Roger Lamb, and both the Senior and ! Junior Choirs will perform. I Candidates for Confirmation [ will be presented during morn ing prayer by the rector and a ■ coffee hour will be held in the Parish House following services 1 in their honor. Week Os Prayer J Planned Mareli 5-9 i J The Coleman YWA’s of Eden : ton Baptist Church will observe I Week of Prayer for Home Mis ' sions March 5-9. Those in charge are: Monday night at 7 o'clock, Barbara Layton; Tues day at 4:30, Anita Sexton; Wed nesday at 4 o’clock, Marian | Bunch; Thursday at 4 o’clock, I 1 Jean Goodwin; Friday at 4! o’clock, Irene Spencer. They j ! will meet, with their director,} j Mrs. Jessie Goodwin, at 907 Ca barrus Street, assisted by Mrs. j Lucy Bailey, counselor. The theme will be “Help Us, O God . . . for the Glory of Thy Name”. Cotton Ginning In Chowan The tabulation of individual reports from ginners of cotton ' shows there were 288,751 bales ' o} cotton ginned in North Caro lina through January 16, 1962, from the crop of 1961. The same report shows there were 14,006,- 066 bales ginned to the same I date in the United States. The report revealed that Cho , County ginned 1,566 bales in 1961 as compared with 1,649 in 1960. Enterprise Group Will Meet Tonight ~— Enterprise Community will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock at the* Zell Ward cabin. Sid White, chairman, urges everyone in die community to • attend as this is a very import ant meeting to decide where to locate the proposed community building. , o Edenton’s 1961 Woman Os The Year ]| g p « h a* . <■. / ? i ■; §«£? " C Pictured in center is Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt, who was named Edenton's "Woman of the Year" for 1961 at a Bosses' Night ban quet of the Edenton Business and Professional Women's Ciub held Thursday night at the Masonic Temple. At left is Mayor Levin Culpepper of Elizabeth City, who was the nrincipal speaker for the occasion and at right is Miss Catherine Aman, who recognized past "Women of the Year" and announced Mrs. Earnhardt as the 1961 winner of the honor.—(Ricks Photo). 12 People Employed As Initial Steps To Operate United States Lumber Co. Employment Is Being Secured Through Lo cal N. C. Employ ment Office , Warren Twiddy, vice presi dent of the United States Lum ber Company, has announced that late last week 12 men be gan work at the company’s prop erty on the former Edenton Na val Air Station. The initial work is devoted to renovating some of the buildings on the ( property in preparation for ar rival of machinery which is ex pected today (Thursday). Mr. Twiddy also announced j that construction of dry kilns! will begin next week, and that 1 machinery is expected to ar-j rive daily for installation to be gin operation as soon as possi ble. Edenton’s Electric & Water Continued on Page 3—Section 1 j Annie Ruth Nixon | Will Compete For $750 Scholarship Sponsored By Eden ton Woman’s dub; Contest Will Be Held March 6 The North Carolina Federa-1 tion of Women’s Club will of- I fer a $750 scholarship to a sen ior girl in a state contest. Each ! club in the 16 districts may; sponsor one student, and the Edenton Woman’s Club is spon soring Miss Annie Rulh Nixon, : daughter of Mrs. Louis Nixon., Continued on Page 3. Section 1 MASONS MEET TONIGHT A stated communication of Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M., will be held tonight j (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. J. C. Parks, master of the lodge, urg-j es ,a large turnout of members. I Bonner Seeking Congressional Group As Representatives At Lost Colony 375th Anniversary Congressman Herbert C. Bon-! ner has announced that on Mon-' day, February 26, he introduced! in the House of Representatives a resolution creating a joint con gressional committee to repre sent Congress at the ceremonies commemorating the 375th anni j versary of the landing of Sir I Walter Raleigh’s colony on Roa-. I noke Island, N. C., and the birth, of the first English child in America, Virginia Dare. The ceremonies will be conducted on Roanoke Island during the week of August 12-18, 1962. The Congressional /group will Covered Dish Supper At Baptist Church Plans are under way at the Edenton Baptist Church for the ) regular monthly meeting of Dea- I cons. Trustees and the Finance Committee with members’ wives as special guests. The meeting will be in the form of a covered dish supper on Wednesday night, j March 7, at 6 o’clock and will be held in the Beginner Depart ment of the church. Bread and beverages will be furnished, l The evening’s activities will culminate with alt attending the mid-week prayer service. Fur j ther information will appear in | next Sunday’s church bulletin. FIREMEN MEET TONIGHT i Edenton firemen will hold their monthly dinner meeting tonight (Thursday) at 7 o’clock at the fire station. Fire Chief I W. J. Yates requests all fire men to be present. | Bert Willis Given Promotion With Franklin Concern Recently Named Field Procurement Repre sentative For Eden ton Area Friends of Bert C. Willis will j be interested to know that he : was recently named field and procurement representative in I the ICdenton area for Union Bag- Camp Corporation of Franklin, Va. In this position he contacts I private landowners and procures j pulpwood for Camp Division. Continued on Page 4. Section 1 I ! LIBRARIES CLOSED MARCH 7 Shepard-Pruden Memorial and Brown-Carver Libraries will be I closed on Wednesday, March 7, | so that the librarians can attend i a regional staff meeting in Ply- I mouth. be composed of six members of the House of Representatives, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House, and six members of the Senate, to be appointed by the President of the Senate. The resolution provides that the members of the joint committee will select a chairman from among their number. The ceremonies will be con ducted jointly by the Congress ional Committee and the Gov ernor’s Commission for the cele bration of the 375th Anniversary of the birth of Virginia Dare. Continued on rago B—section I Chowan Sale Os Savings Bonds In January $5,432 Richard Atkinson Re- Ports Sales Were 5.6 Per Cent of $113,520, County’s 1962 Quota Richard S. Atkinson, Jr., Cho wan County volunteer chairman! for U. S. Savings bonds sales,! reports that sales in Chowan County for January were $5,432. This is 5.6% of the county’s 1962 ! quota of $113,520. During January there were : new purchases of Series E and 1 H Bonds amounting to 5 million J 100 thousand dollars in North [Carolina. Sales were up 7% ( above: January a year ago. Se | l ies E Bonds showed an increase of over 1%, while Series H Bonds showed an increase of 1 more lhan 38%. The 1962 annual quota assign ed to North Carolina is 51 mil lion 600 thousand dollars. Sales! in January amounted to nearly j 10% of this quota. Thirty-six counties in North Carolina achieved over 10% of t their 1962 quotas in the first month of this year. Edenton Places Four On All - Conference The Edenton Acelets, who! went through the regular sea-, son undefeated with a 13-0 rec ord, placed high scoring Beverly) Morgan and defensive aee Ida j Campon on the all-conference girls’ learn. The Aces, whose j record was not quite as im pressive, but had a good sea- I son with a record of 9-5. also| placed two on the all-conference team. Playmaker and defensive aee Jimmy Dail and the tough rebounding Wayne Griffin. The Albemarle Conference Tournament opened in Hertford Wednesday, February 28. The Acelets do not play until 7 I o’clock Friday when they meet the winner of the Wil liamston-Scot land Neck game. The Aces play at 9 o’clock on Thursday night against Ply mouth with the winner facing Ahoskie on Friday. Both Edenton teams have been hit hard by the flu the past two weeks but they hope to be at full strength for the tourna ment. Easier Dance Is Planned April 20 Sponsored by Chowan Tribe of Red Men and Chowanokc Council, Degree of Pocahontas, an Easter dance will be held on Friday night. April 20. The dance will be held in the Eden ton armory. Red Men at their meeting on Monday night appointed various committees to make the neces sary arrangements. These com mittees are as follow's: Armory and band. Leroy Har rell. Advertising and decorations, Ivey Meadow's and Clyde Hol lowell. Advance sales, Robert Brooks. Concession stand, Guy Wil liams and Oscar Peeples. Tables and chairs, Caswell Ed mundson. PTA At Chowan Will Meet Monday Chowan High School’s Parent- I Teacher Association will meet !in the school auditorium Mon day night, March 5, at 7:30 o’clock. This will be an im portant meeting, so that Jen nings Bunch, president, urges all members to be present. LEGION MEETS TUESDAY Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion will meet for a dinner meeting at the Triangle j Restaurant Tuesday night, March 6, at 7:30 o’clock. Commander' Robert Powell requests a large attendance. EASTERN STAR MEETING Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, March 5, at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Anita Tar kington. worthy matron, urges a large attendance $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina Edenton Schedules Trade Fair To Be Held Thursday And Friday, April 5-6 Entered In Contest | , I §f \ \ ANNIE RUTH NIXON Representing *he Edenton Wo man's Club in a s*ale contest for a S7SO scholarship Will be Miss Annie Ruth Nixon, a senior at Chowan High School, and daughter of Mrs. Louis Nixon. The 16th District contest will be held at John A. Holmes High School Tuesday, March 6. Hospital Auxiliary Dance Postponed Affair Now Schedul ed To Be held Fri day, April 27 Announcement was made early this week that the hoe-down sponsored by the Chowan Hos pital Auxiliary has been post poned. The square dance was originally scheduled to be held . Friday night. March 16. but plans are now' to have it Fri day night. April 27. The, dance will be held in the Edenton armory from 8 o'rlock , until midnight. It is also an nounced that an auction and en-1 tertainment by the hospital I trustees and staff will highlight | the. evening’s program. Square dance callers will bei Charlie Swanner, Joe Sw.anner | and Harry Venters. Tickets will j be sold at SI.OO per couple with i all proceeds to be used to pur-; chase equipment for the hos pital. 'Mrs. Edward C Bond is serv ing as general chairman, assist ed by the following: Mrs. C. A Phillips, chairman; Mrs. J. M. Thorud. auction: Mrs. W. H. Hollowell. Jr., concessions: Mrs. Gilliam Wood, decorations: Mrs. R. Elton Forehand. Jr., and Mrs George A. Byrum, tickets, and Mrs. J. \V. Davis, publicity and programs. Ryland l-H Club Elects New Officers The Ryland 4 H Club meet ing was held at the home of Bernard and Hubert L. Byrum Monday night. The meeting was called to order by singing America and Carole Copeland : read the Scripture lesson. Mr. Leake led in prayer. The roll was called with 10 members an swering to their name, after which the minutes of the last meeting were read. Officers for the year were elected as follows: President, Judy Leake; vice president, Hu- Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Farmers In Chowan Urged To Release Unused Cotton Acreage Farmers who do not plan to plant all or part of their cotton allotment in 1962 can protect their cotton acreage history by releasing the allotment to the ASC County Committee. Such acreage must be released before the deadline which is Friday, March 23. 1962. A farmer who plans to plant at least 75 per cent of his cot ton allotment this year need take no action to release any acreage in order to preserve the allotment base for his farm. But a farmer who fails to plant at least 75 per cent of his 1962 allotment will find his cotton FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK Chairman Jim Earn hardt Promises Out standing Affair In cluding Features While all details have not been resolved, there are now no lingering doubts. Edenton will have a Trade Fair come Spring. All credit is due the business men of Edenton, according to the general chairman of the Trade Fair. Jim Earnhardt and his co-chairmen John Ricks and Johnny Goodwin. With the am bitious plan of providing an un usual event featuring personali ties in the national entertain-, ment world, with free admission to all, supplemented with free refreshments, it was necessary to be assured of enough local exhibitors at the fair to meet the large expense chit for put ting on this event. This assur ance has been received by the enthusiastic response of Edenton merchants who will purchase display space. The Edenton Trade Fail- is sponsored by the Merchants Committee of the Edenton Cham ber of Commerce. It will be held Thursday and Friday, April 5-6 at the Edenton armory. Saturday, April 7. merchant.' will continue the Trade Fail downtown until 6:00 P. M„ with special sales promotions in all the stores. General Chairman Earnhardt is pleased with the fine assist ance he is receiving from his chairman and numerous com mitteemen. With a bout show, an auto show, fashion show, glee club sing contests, etc., the Edenton Trade Fair looms as being one of the major attrac tions for this area in some time. The following committee chair men have a challenging respon sibility: Henry Quinn. Finance Committee; Dick Schuman and Hector Lupton, Publicity Com mitter H. A. Campen. Entertain ment Committee; John Woolard. Staging Committee. Contract for the nationally known entertainment group i, now in the mail. Who will they I be'.’ See next week’s Herald. Auxiliary Os Legion Will Meet March 2 Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt. president of the American Legion Auxili ary, announces that the Au i xiliary will meet Friday night, j March 2, at 8 o'clock, instead ;of Monday night, March 1. The | meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Paul Holoman. ; Several important items of busi | ness are scheduled to be consid ered, so that Mrs. Chestnutt j urges every member to be pres j ent. i^ciyiccalendar] jV— —S Democratic women of Chowan County will meet a* a luncheon meeting Monday. March 5. a* 12 o'clock at the Edenton Restau rant. The Methodist Men's Club will sponsor a pickled and her ring roe breakfast a* *he church Saturday morning. March 3, from 7 to 9 o'clock. The Rt. Rev. Thomas H. Wright, bishop of +he .Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina, will be a guest at St. Paul's Episco pal Church Sunday, March 4. Continued on Page 3. Section 1 ! allotment will be reduced in ! 1963 if he fails to release the : unused part of his 1962 allot ment to the County Committee. By releasing the unused part lof the cotton allotment to the County Committee, the individ ual farmer’s 1962 planting his tory will be preserved and also the planting history of the coun ty and state. The released al lotment will be apportioned by the County Committee for use by other farmers. Here are the requirements which cotton farmers must meet in 1962 in order to fully pro- Continued on Pag* s—Section 1

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