ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXlX.—Number 10. May sth 'Red Letter' Day For Democratic Women Says Mrs. J. H. Cromartie State Vice Chairman Os Democratic Wo men Speaks at Eden ton Meeting May 5 will be a “red letter” day lor the Democratic women of North Carolina, according to Mrs. J. Henry Cromartie of Charlotte, vice chairman of the State Democratic Executive Com mittee. Mrs. Cromartie in an address at a luncheon meeting Monday at the Edenton Restaurant of the Chowan Democratic Women explained that on Saturday; May 5, precinct meetings will be held. At these meetings for the first time the chairmaA and vice chairman elected will be come members of the County Executive Committee. The Cho wan County Executive Commit tee will meet May 12. In urging greater support of the Democratic party, she ask ed that the precinct chairmen see to it that all Democrats are registered and vote. Starting an “Operation Support” program in the chapter was requested by Mrs. Cromartie. Chowan County is to raise S4OO for 'the Jcfferson-Jackson Day dinner to be held in Ra leigh, she announced. Chowan County will be allowed 8 repre sentatives for the dinner. Mrs. Leo Katkaveck was elect ed corresponding secretary to succeed Mrs. West Byrum, Jr., who had resigned. Present membership is 50 and new mem bers are being accepted. There are now 42 Democratic women’s organizations in North Caro lina. Members of the chapter were invited,:.•» partir:junto in tm* “Ac tion Course in Practical Poli tics” to be sponsored by the Edenton Chamber of Commerce. Mayor John A. Mitchener was a guest at the meeting. Red Cross Holds Up 1962 Campaign The Board of Directors of the Chowan County Chapter of the American Red Cross has decided to postpone their 1962 campaign for funds from March to Octo ber. It has been suggested many times in the past that the campaign be postponed, but it was not possible in prior years because the local chapter lacked ( funds to keep the work going until a later date. This year 1 the Red Cross has received ad vance contributions which are sufficient to meet expenses un til a later date. The reasons given for the change were the numerous con flicts at this time of the year, and because the economy of the area is greatly improved during the month of October. 20 Years Ago ] As Found In The Files Os j The Chowan Herald i V y What- was supposed to be the last obstacle in the way of building a new road in the Rocky Hock section was removed when the* County Commission ers passed a resolution guaran teeing a right-of-way through the W. E. Bunch farm at a cost not to exceed SSOO. Tax Attorney J. N. N Pruden was authorised by the County Continued on Page 3, Section 1 National Girl Scout Week Will Be Observed Week March 11-16 , Next week Girl Scouts all over the United States will be celebrating their Golden Jubi lee When National Girl Scout Week will be observed from March 11th through March 16th. Sunday, March 11, is Girl Scout Sunday, and the Girl Scouts and Brownies of Eden ton wjll assembly in groups at their respective churches* in ob servance and rededication. On March 12th, the annual Girl Scout Cookie Sale will be gin. . and Giri Scouts and Erodes will be ***** on THE CHOWAN HERALD [TimeToComplainj | Chowan Coun’y Commission- I ers will meet as a board of ' equalisation and review Mon day, March 19. They will meet, at 9 o'clock in the office of the tax supervisor in *he Hotel Jo -1 seph Hewes building, at which time they will hear and consider any cc-.-rplaints relative to prop- 1 erty valuation. The Commissioners point out j that at this meeting is the only time they can legally alter prop -! j erty valuations, so that any complaints should be registered j !at this meeting. The Commis- 1 sioners will continue in session! until all complaints have been heard and will adjourn to meet again if it is found necessary to do so. , I C. Os C. Director 1 1 > - ■ ' | I 1 wp# & mßm/j * m ? ' Jr - A. B. HAFJJESSLSR. v At a meeting ot the* board