PAGE TWO hwflFa i |.hHT Elliott Candidate For Education Board I Continued from Page 1. Section 1 affiliations with the FTA, the Band Parents Asso ciation, and the training pro st gram of the Baptist Church. He > is currently a Sunday School f. teacher and for a period of years rrrved as the director of the I Baptist Training Program from j three levels—local, associational,' !’regional. He is the immediate! past vice moderator of the Cho- 1 wan Baptist Association and is, a past trustee of Chowan Col- 1 lege and a past trustee of the I N. C. Baptist Orphanage. In’ - the local Baptist Church he .; serves as chairman of the schol-1 arship committee, as a member jof the church education commit ’ tee, and as chairman of the Dea ' eons. Elliott is a graduate of Eden ■ ton High School and holds the 1 R.S. degree as a graduate of V/ako Forest College, where hej ‘Ei?o completed the requirements' . for entering the medical college. | 'He is the father of two daugh-' ters who graduated from Eden ! ton High School and having re ceived college degrees became 1 In The Chowan Herald IPhone222l For Aa^utUker certified therapists—Hazel now practicing occupational therapy i dnd Mary Ann having practiced physical therapy prior to her marriage. His wife is the for mer Audrey Martin of Rich Square, N. C. For 27 years Elliott was as- * filiated with Byrum Hardware | Company. in an executive capa ' city and is now the owner and , I operator of Elliott Oil Company,! j designated as marketer of Sin ’ clair Petroleum Products for | tome, farm and industry. He [ is a life-long Democrat—ss years i of age—and states he has no • axe to grind; is not obligated to any group or faction other than. j the school children of Chowan- County. He says “I sincerely j I feel that our boys and girls are entitled to the very best edu -1 cation the county can provide and, if re-elected, I will con scientiously place the education and welfare of the individual child above every other consid- j era t ion”. ! I I ROTARIANS MEET TODAY ! Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. President Richard Atkinson urges a 100 per cent attendance. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, WORTK CAROLINA, THTTRSDAT, APRIL 19. 1992. H:u ■ iii.l,. il ' nnl. nu ll ' /***«»» HAMS 39% f A shank II sBl-Xl a LEG 0' LAMB ~ lb. 45c 1 11 59 SMALL LEAN 4-8 LB. AVERAGE FRESH PICNIC / J center slices PORHOISh^fe F.F.V., HARRELL, GWALI !\EY - 8-12 lb. avrrajjr I Richmond Brand^^V)i)fQua]lity 88-,ll>^, "2S|^^ Bi^2s^^l[ i (P M _ m. I - HALF OR WHOLE l«■ .. MWBk ll Country Style SUCED lb - “JIB HAMScbS iBACONjj mMH GUARANTEED HARDWOOD 1 -lb. harrell s NEW! MARCAL 5 Lbs. Purina EGGS FRESH BRIQUETS PURE LARD 10 PAC * DOG CHOW b/TR larger CHARCOAI «*«.... «* *_. cq, fr* ' DOZEN L a^ al Tlssue • •'' 23c J • m . i white for dyeing "Mb. hag ThTTiSTwhStT J 7 CO. I# sish 2 “cans CORN MEAL U AJc 5Vc mIL ROE 33c M “>Qc GIANT 2y 2 CAN SWISS MISS - PURE NONE FINER! . 1/2 GALLON PEN ROSE PEACHES |ICECREAM49i 'l’m,! *> f B®||Km K.s.I.IcOtS'SS 2 cansl »■*»«- I 5,,11„, . «-,.l can L K PICKLES 49tlBEANS 23c| 2 catis23c | Grapeadc 35c j MIY AD MATHJ Down Produce Lane Quarters Defight Armour’s Mild—cut in store JTIIA UK fflAlUl f^sh tender 2 L BS «■ f a American Lb. BUSH'S WHITE HOMINY A Aft - ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ BUSHS BLACKEYE PEAS OR NAVY BEANS £1 C|lfflf fflflftlS ll Tff L L M ■■ 11-OZ. GIBBS PORK & BEANS I NO. 1 TALL SUNSHINE SKIM MILK M■■ M ||4A 4A «M NO. 1 TALL BONELLI'S SPAGHETTI LARGE ICEBERG 2 HDS. II 1W 41 M ■ ■■JIAIWIJi |g ssksjsssss?* i cTTiirr t*;# «*• I3C v« 8-CZ WHITE HOUSE APPLE SAUCE Aiiv «! !!!,.» Ea*s. Baskets 59c-$1.29 I rAMILY size morton ©a. MIX OK MAfUS Premium Saltines, lb. 31c 16-oz. Jelly Beans 29c HERE I OO# . . I7q Easter Egg Dye to AM) | X WH* ##» Th-Mot r:»«k< IK37C SUE | ♦ SPECIALS dip Out for Future Reference! /*! r ACTED Tuesday, April 24, 1962 Wednesday, April 25, IWm f| VLVilil/ WliK Peach Pies 27c Butter lb - 69c l®iJ|_ II MM MM Ml |% M MM GIANT IO2OZ. INSTANT COFFEE . , FIRST CHOICE NONE BETTER ’ I ‘ SlSi SM. MoNll A V Nescafe.... jar $1.19 Biscuits can 7r | I I MM* ™ M 1 P;Xch^r..a.39el