CHOWAN COUNTY ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN v Volume XXlX.—Number 18. \ Plans Now Shaping For Edenton's Water Carnival On Wednesday May 30th Seven Big Events Are Scheduled to Attract Many People In the Community Plans are rapidly shaping up in ' preparation for a gala gaenton ■' Water Carnival, r 'onsored joint- . ly by the Edenton chamber of Commerce and ihe Edenton Jay cees. This elaborate water car nival with seven big events will give thrills, excitement and en tertainment to the people of not oply this community but to many for miles around, Wednes day, May 30th, it is announced by the Recreation Committee’s co-chairmen, Scott Harrell and Bill Easterling. Harrell and Easterling further announced that Col. Cullin Capehart has kindly offered the old Fish Hatchery property which he recently purchased for the staging of this water carni val. A full program of events will begin, promptly at one o’clock and leading off will be a motorboat parade displaying the latest models of boats, en gines and equipment. Included in the events will be a mara-J thon race beginning at a barge in Pembroke Creek to the bell buoy and return six laps to ap proximate a 35-mile race. This race will be conducted on a! handicapped basis to give even j the slowest boat an opportunity 1 to win. For teen-aged partici pation only there will be joust ing contests from flat bottomed fishing boats. Contestants will joust with long poles padded on the ends. Contestants will en deavor to tumble one another Continued on Pan* 6. Section 1 jfckLifU’H Monday i For Brush Burning State Forester Fred Claridge | announced Monday that the brush burning ban had been lifted in 29 North Carolina coun ties. ! Among the counties was Chowan. The bar was lifted due to showers in th«" eastern section of the state. I 20 Years Ago ]l 7TA» Found In !<• File* Os : The Chowan Herald S. ?\ Ji An organisation in Chowan' County was effected under the leadership of J. G. Campen for | Chowan County citisens to join the nation in a huge drive to l purchase defense stamps and Bonds to aid materially in j America winning the war. Cho wan County's quota for the nwnth of May was $11,600. Eight hundred twenty-four Chowan County men between the ages of 45 65 answered the call of Unc.e Sam to regis ter for possible call' for service of one sort or another in the fourth registration. It was re- | ported that 123 men from Cho wan County were already serv-, ing in the armed forces, continued on Pmqe 2—-Section 1 1 j 2* m JMk. . _ Mr :_jgjfUm jm 1 ' m fiH j/ff JlJ^ as"president of Ih" Eden* on Junior° Chamber of Colh- STE Sjr^uTlSSdLM*rf d 't£i ,, Str£ Carolina Junior Chamber of Commerce, who installed the Jaycee pST “* J--*****" THE CHOWAN HERALD z . | Seeks Re-election- >\ ■ b : _ m~- BH j , $ Mrs. Lena M. Leary is seek ing re-election to the office of Clerk of Chowan Superior Court in the Demo-ralic primary elec tion Saturday. May 26. | —(Ricks Photo). Hiram Mayo Attends Science i Curricula At Arlington, Ya. The North Carolina State De partment of Education nominat ed Hiram J. Mayo, superintend ent of the Edenton City Schools, to attend a conference on new science curricula which was held at Arlington, Va„ April 30 and May 1. The purpose of the con ference is to inform school ad i ministrators about new resourc es for science curriculum devvl -1 opment that atV mow available to schools as a result of intense | national and local effort'. School administrators, science Officials Guests Os County Council | Chowan County Commission ers, town officials, other county .It, arl invited guests will ]Lj luncheon guests of the Cho | wan Hf ie Demonstration Club County Council Mondays May 7, jat 1:00 P. M., Advance Com ! munity Building, j The commissioners’ luncheon j is an annual event and part of . Chowan County’s observance of . National Home Demonstration i Club Week. I Drive Lagging J Mrs. Warren Twiddy. Chair man of the Chowan County Cancer Crusade, reported early this week that contributions ate badly lagging. Up to Tuesday morning only about SSOO had bean collected toward a goal of $1,500. , Mrs. Twiddy is anxious to, ' complete the drive surely not; , later than May 10. so that she | j urges any contributions to be : sent to her at once. Edenton, Chowan County, Month Carolina, Thursday, May 3,1962. Lindsay Warrjjp Bridge Dedicat i | Thursday, May % ! Over 5,000 Expec j To Go to River* Bridge to At | tend Celebration 1 . ■ Upwards to 5,000 people are i expected to attend the Lindsay ‘ |C. Warren Bridge dedication on J ; Thursday, May 10. The bridge ! which crosses the Alligator! River and connects Tyrrell i | County and Dare County in j ' Eastern North. Carolina com- 1 ■ pletes the final continuous link i in the shortest route in North! ' America from the Atlantic to' the Pacific. The dedication is being spon-1 sored by the Southern Albe marle Association, an organiza i tion formed by citizens of Beau fort, Dare, H.vde, Martin, Tyr rell and Washington counties. At 10:30 A. M-. the ceremonies ' will begin with the unveiling of the bronze plaque erected on ' the western terminus of the p bridge guardrail. portion l of the day-long will be conducted byCom : mission the veil will be of State i Senator Warren, in i whose honor the bridge has Continued rn Pag* 7—Section I ■ educators, and scientist meeting - together as colleagues in a com • mon effort discussed science cur , riculum development. The re 1, gional conference that Mr. Mayo I attended was one of nine region-. I I al conferences to be held ■ p throughout the United States! - during 1962. They are sponsor- j • ed by the American Associa-, - Uon of the Advancement of Sci s enctf wlthn-ti‘*» cooperation of, : j the U. S. Office of Education, | under a grant from the Nation-' :I al Science Foundation. Green Light Given i Boat Access Area | At Chowan Bridge Bids For Construction Are Scheduled to Be Opened In Raleigh Friday, May 11 * i A long distance telephone call; was received by the Edenton' I 1 Chamber of Commerce Wednes- 1 day morning making it official' that the State Department of Administration in Raleigh has, notified the State Wildlife Re-! sources Commission that bids | are now open for construction of a new fishing access area at the Northeast comer of the ' Chowan. River bridge on U. S- Jl7 south. Sealed bi' 1 1 will be opened' on ; Friday, May 11, and should be, ; addressed to Floyd Williamson, I engineer. Wildlife Resources I Commission at Raleigh. I Shortly following ' pening of ! bids construction on the pro ject is expected to begin. 4-H Dress Revue Thursday, May 10 The, annual Chowan County 4-H dress ' revue will be held Thursday night. May 10, at the Rocky Hock Community Center at 8 o’clock. There will be three divisions, including -an apron 1 revue, junior dress revue and , .senior dress revue. BANK CLOSED MAY 10 Peoples Bank & Trust Coni: ©any. will be closed all day on, Thursday, May 10. Reason for [the holiday is observance of. j Confederate Memorial Day. Im- ‘ jportant bankig matters should, | j therefore, be transacted accord-j TOWN COUNCIL MEETING , Edenton's .Town Council will {held its May meeting Tuesday. The meeting wUI be held in the | Municipal Building beginning at » mt ihWlm§Me> ■ .. ■ Chowan County Typewriting Wins District Honor l , • -jSI lEc - I B Top honors in East Carolina College's 1962 typewriting contest, conducted for high schools in 27 Eastern North Carolina counties, were announced Thursday night. A district contest held on the cam-us during the morning and afternoon followed preliminary competition in high schools in the eastern section of the slate March 13-17. Recognized as the highest scorers among teams repre senting the 27 participating counties were Judie Ann Leake, pictured at left, of Chowan Hgh School and Pat Lee Perry of John A. Holmes High School, who composed the Chowan Countv team. Both girls went to the district with tied first place county honors. Judith broke the lied score at the district and came out first. This is the second time a Chowan County team has won first place at the district contest and the second time a Chowan High student scored the highest on the district winning team. This honor was achieved by Janet Chappell in 1960. Chowan High's typing teacher, Mrs. Marvis H. Hendrix, and Holmes High's typing teacher. Mrs. Hiram Mayo, ac companied their students to the district contest. Pam Owens Winner Os First Prize In Local Baby Contest Winners Announced Wednesday of Last i Week at the Taylor Theater 1 Sponsored by the Edenton Wo- 1 ( man's Ciub, the ErWfTtnn baby | contest came to a very success ] fuj close Wednesday afternoon | of last wetit when the winners i i were am i"ced al 4 o’clock in | i the Tavloi Theatre. A goodly 1 ' number of people were on hand j jto learn the results. Frank j Roberts was master of cere- 1 j t I monies. | i Members of the club express 1 j their thanks and -appreciation to I ! the merchants who cooperated, so splendidly in the contest as' well as the large number of chil-1 dren who participated. Continued on Page 8, Section 1 ’ i Musical Festival | | Sunday Afternoon Annual Event Will Be j * Held at Chowan High School A county-wide music festival will be held Sunday afternoon, May 6. at . 2:30 o’clock at Cho wan High School. Each home | I demonstration club will be re-: , sponsible for securing a person, I or persons, for solo, duet, quar tet or choir to represent them at the festival. Mrs. John Privott, county mu sic chairman, will play for the group singing. The music festival is an an nual event and is a part of Chowan County's observance of National Home Demonstration Club Weok. The public is in i vited to attend. Carlton Jackson New President Junior Chamber Os Commerce At a meeting held in the American Legion Building on Thursday night new officers for the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce were installed. • | Installed as new president was ' Carlton Jackson, who succeeds | William Easterling. Other offi ! cers installed were: Tony Mi j ley| first vice president; Nathan Owens, second vice president; Bob Waller, secretary; Leonard Small, corresponding secretary; j Britten Byrum. treasurer; James Perry, state director and, Allen Harless, Jr., Caswell Edmund- ’ son, John p. Bass, Billy Boyce, I Winners In Edenton Baby Contest , >„* -j*- . a*.' • , I I | Pictured above are the winner and runners-up in the baby con -1 test which was sponsored by the Edenlon Woman's Club. Sland | ing in front is the winner, Pam Owens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j Johnny Owens. Next is Ronda Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ■ James O. Perry, first runner-up; Terry Ann Elliott, daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. Warren Elliott, second runner-up; Joseph Goodwin. I son of Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Goodwin, Jr., ihird runner-up and : Allen Dean Perry, son of Mrs. Kay Perry, fourth runner-up.— I Ricks Photo. Jack Habit Wins | Cruise To Nassau i Qualifies For Jeffer | son Standard Star Performers Jack Habit, special represen tative for the Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company in Edenton, has qualified for the company’s “Star Performance Cruise” to Nassau in May aboard the Italian liner M !• Victoria. Mr. Habit’s qualification for the cruise was am unced by ! Byron Donaldson, Goldsboro ) branch manager, following no tification from the company's .lome otfice in Greensboro, N. C- Mr. Habit will be accompanied by his wife, Dorothy. EASTERN STAR MEETING Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night. May 7, at 8 o’clock. Mrs. W. P. Goodwin, worthy matron, urges all mem bers to be present. Jack Habit and Paul Stanton, di rectors.. The Key Man award went to Rudolph Dale, Spoke of the I Year award, was presented to Jack Habit and Spark Plug awards were presented to Brit tejn Byrum, Rudolph Da'e and : Caswell Edmundson. Presidential citations were presented by President Bill Eas terling to Caswell Edmundson, J Mrs- Leo Lavoie and Miss Bet ty Byrum for their services to the club during the year. Mr. 'Eastepling also presented certifi- Comieued m Pag* «, Section 1 -Guest Speaker At i i Next BAR Meeting New Chapter Officers j Will Be Installed May 9th ! ' Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR will meet Wednesday afternoon, May 0, at 3:30 o'clock at the liedhll house. A feature of the meeting wli be an address by Mrs. Free | Stolenberg of Rocky Mount, im mediate past district director of J the DAR. I Mrs. George Hoskins, regent of the chapter, emphasizes the fact, that this will be the last meeting of the chapter until af ter the summer vacation. For that reason she urges every j member to make a special es- I fort to attend. I BPW Card Party Scheduled Tonight 1 1 A card party, sponsored by i the Edenton Business and Pro , fessional Women's Club, will be |. held tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 l o’clock at the Barker house. Persons interested in playing or ; getting a table to play may do . so by contacting Mrs. I. E. Hal ! sey or any member of the BPW Club. An admission of 75 cents per person or $3.00 per table will be charged. Refreshments will ' be served and prizes awarded ’ to winners in the various cate gories. MASONS MEET TONIGHT A staged communication of Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A- F. & A. M-, will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock J, C- Parks, master of the louge. is very anxious to have a large at-' tendance. $2.50 Per year In North Carolina High School Athletes And Coach Billings Honored At Varsity Club Banquet Seeks Clerk’s Job j Hr mm JOHN F. WHITE ,■ In me Democratic primary e ect’on Saturday, May 26, John | F. While will be a candidate for : Clerk of Chowan Superior Court, j 1 Dr. Richard Hardin; V ■ I Makes Comment On ! Local Cancer Drive! Urges More Contri butions to Help Save More Lives From the Dread Disease j Dr. Ri hard Hardin, a mem | her of the board of directors of j I the local Cancer Society, early' I this week made a few slate- j I merits regarding the current j ! cancer drive in Chowan County. | Dr. Hardin’s remarks follow: j ‘The American Cancer Society j ’ and the. National Cancer Insti-1 I lute have designate l 1962 a Cancer Progress Year in an ef fort to point up the advances made against cancer duiing the past 25 years. “While they cannot offer- any thing as spectacular as the man] in space science has given us. Continued on Page 2—Section > jeme CALENDAR Democratic orecinct meetings will be held Saturday after noon. May 5, a* 3 o'clock. New offic rs fer the Edentoi Business and Professional Wo men's Clubs will be installed at a meeting at the Edenton Res taurant Wednesday night. May 9. at 7 o'clock. Gala Edenron Waier Carnival scheduled to be held Wednesday. May 30. I Annual Chowan Cc tnly 4-H - dress revue will be held at the Rocky Hock Community Center t nntinued or. Pace 6 Section Entered In National Typing - * A& * \\ Miss Barbara Alexander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Alex ander, and Miss Patsy Twiddy. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Twiddy, seniors of the John A. Holmes High School, have teen in vited to attend the regional tournament of the third National Facit Accuracy Typing Contest *o be held at Richmond, Va,, on Saturday. May 5. These two students have received medals as the class champions and have been selected to compete in the reg onal typ ing contest as two of the 500 top typists in the nation. This select group of regional contestants had perfect typing papers and were among the best among 10.500 class winners. Over 310.000 high school students participated in this contest. The teacher. Mrs. Hiram J. Mayo, has been awarded a contest achievement certifi cate which stresses accuracy and a very realistic approach of typ ing proficiency. Mrs. Mayo will accompany these two students to Richmond for the regional contest. The winner in the regional contest will receive an all-expense paid trip to New York City to compete in the finals. Grand prise is an all-expense paid trip to Sweden for the winning students as well as the teacher.—Ricks Photo. ’* ■ ■ »' • r f \ FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK Coach Bones McKin ney Stresses Import ance of Athletics For Students The dining room at the Ma sonic Temple was filled to ca pacity Monday night when the Edenton Varsity Club held its annual spots awards banquet. John A- Holmes High School athletes were honored. but Coach William Billings, who has resigned, also came in for a goodly share of honors. Boy and girl athletes were awarded trophies, certificates and gold balls, while a trophy was also presented Coach Bill ings, together with a large sil ver tray, the gift of citizens of Edenton. The trophy was pre sented by Bill Cozart and the tray by Mayor John Mitchener. The inscription on the tray read “William D. Billings, in appre ciation for community service to our youth—l9s4-1962. Citizens of Edenton.” In presenting the trophy Mr. Cozart said Coach Billings is the winningest coach in the history of the local high school and in the mind s of many the best high school coach in North Carolina. A standing ovation was given Coach Bill ings. The principal speaker for the occasion was Coach Bones Mc- Kinney of Wake Forest College. He was introduced by Leo Kat kaveck, a warm personal friend. McKinney captivated those pres it by his humor, but in a more erious mood emphasized the importance of athletics in the schools. He said athletics are ot on the same level as euu- I ation but that sports are vcy j 'important among young people Continued on Page 7. Section 1 Seeks Re-election „ V J t DALLAS JETHRO, JR. In the Democratic primary election on May 26, Dallas Jeth ro, Jr., will be a candidate for re-election as Fourth Township Commissioner.

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